Interest Check -- High-Powered Gestalt and Mythic Historical Game about the Mongol Conquest of Persia


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Sebecloki wrote:
I we can try that for this game. I don't want to make any more changes to the others right now. I think everyone is burned out on rules tinkering.

That's fair. I just know both Aleister and Hamza are likely to take the feat, and I think Slade took it as well.

I also know several of us were planning to take it that are in the Umbral Kobolds game.

It's a great feat for what it does and isn't all that powerful, especially if you limit the races one can take. Though obviously in a game like the Umbral Kobold one, you can allow for a lot more powerful races to the inherent power of that game.

I think we'll do the free hopf instead of Diablo for the additional racial abilities. That will save me the trouble of adjudication gray areas about 'extreme abilities.' Thematically it still needs to make some kind of sense like hybrid ogres orcs etc. are Neanderthal hybrids. I still don't want drow nobles for giggles.

Sebecloki wrote:
I think we'll do the free hopf instead of Diablo for the additional racial abilities. That will save me the trouble of adjudication gray areas about 'extreme abilities.' Thematically it still needs to make some kind of sense like hybrid ogres orcs etc. are Neanderthal hybrids. I still don't want drow nobles for giggles.

My suggestion would be to limit it races of 25 Race Points or lower. This allows for a large variety of races, but excludes many of the more powerful ones.

Obviously, you probably want to also include a few races even in the 25 point range that may not be allowed, like the android.

Seb, apologies if this has already been answered elsewhere, but how supernatural is the overall setting going to be?

Are things like fiends and celestials present? Are they common enough for their to be characters that are tieflings, or celestial blooded sorcerers?

What about things like fey and elementals? and similar 'out there' stuff that is present in many character classes, races, feats, etc?

The cosmology is like Glorantha in that there are multiple mutually contradictory divine and infernal beings and realms. There is a Christian heaven and Buddhist sukhavati, and a Islamic city of the jinn in the middle of the desert. It all coexist and no one understands how. There are Mongol gods who talk directly to their shamen, and they told Ghengis to bring all lands under one swords as it is recounted in the hidden history of the mongols.

I'm only going to include supernatural elements that are based in real world mythology of the area. So no owlbears or beholders. There will be Neanderthals on wolly rhinos instead of orcs. I want some kind of explanation for the proposal. Like maybe a half elemental is an alchemists that has perfected his control over his constituent parts. A half genie could work as a jinn half breed. Same for trifling but the concept needs to be based on Christian Islamic etc.demonology, not the pathfinder outer realms and their inhabitants.

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OK - I think I've gotten everything written up on the campaign page here for build rules: Link.

Why doesn't everyone have a gander at that and I'll do any last organization and/or editing before I start a recruitment thread.

Sebecloki wrote:

OK - I think I've gotten everything written up on the campaign page here for build rules: Link.

Why doesn't everyone have a gander at that and I'll do any last organization and/or editing before I start a recruitment thread.

In the case where an archetype changes your main attribute (e.g. Scaled Fist changes monks to use Charisma instead of Wisdom), do we apply that rule across all the archetypes we take for that class? So if I went normal Monk with the Scaled Fist and Tetori archetypes, do they all get to use Charisma?

Coinshot wrote:
Sebecloki wrote:

OK - I think I've gotten everything written up on the campaign page here for build rules: Link.

Why doesn't everyone have a gander at that and I'll do any last organization and/or editing before I start a recruitment thread.

In the case where an archetype changes your main attribute (e.g. Scaled Fist changes monks to use Charisma instead of Wisdom), do we apply that rule across all the archetypes we take for that class? So if I went normal Monk with the Scaled Fist and Tetori archetypes, do they all get to use Charisma?

I'd say yes -- I don't think there's anyway to separate out the tetori archetype features that would be affected from the scaled fist ones anyway.

Wow... I read more of the rule details and the horrifically overpowered feats and I can't decide whether to rub my hands in glee, quake with fear, or develop a headache at what the book-keeping will be like. But I'm game to try this!

1. Would you be willing to give us the stat block of a monster we could reasonably expect to face at the starting level? It's very difficult for me to fathom what we should expect to face. Will monsters never/often/always have horrifically overpower feats, such as denied or go first?
2. When you were talking about Horrifically Overpowered feats, I thought that was just a descriptor of Rogue Genius Games feats. Are the Rogue Genius Games feats on the table or no? I don't want to be the one pressing for more 3rd party material so it's 100% fine with me if they're not allowed. I just want to make sure I know.
3. If I have an ability, e.g. the undead template, that deletes my con score, can I still accept penalties to my con score, e.g. point buy of 1 and templates that penalize con? Now my charisma functions as my con so do I use my charisma for combat stamina as well?

Altani the Smoke wrote:


2. When you were talking about Horrifically Overpowered feats, I thought that was just a descriptor of Rogue Genius Games feats. Are the Rogue Genius Games feats on the table or no? I don't want to be the one pressing for more 3rd party material so it's 100% fine with me if they're not allowed. I just want to make sure I know.

I can answer this for ya. Yes, the actual Horrifically Overpowered feats are on the table, and it's almost expected you'll take some.

My PC, Hamza, for Seb's Dark Sun game has several, including the gestalt feat twice, and Skill God twice(so far, lol).

This is my PC that I've made using Seb's rules, though he needs to be updated to take into account an increase in level, the gestalted archetypes, mythic paths and PrCs as well as some other stuff.

I was asking about these feats, which I originally assumed were what the GM was talking about. Now I see he was talking about even more overpowered feats than those I linked to.

In the Numenera campaign page feats section, Seb links to this review of the Horribly Overpowered Feats (HOPF) books. The feats vary from effectively useless to ludicrously overpowered. So caveat emptor and all that.

Altani the Smoke wrote:

Wow... I read more of the rule details and the horrifically overpowered feats and I can't decide whether to rub my hands in glee, quake with fear, or develop a headache at what the book-keeping will be like. But I'm game to try this!

1. Would you be willing to give us the stat block of a monster we could reasonably expect to face at the starting level? It's very difficult for me to fathom what we should expect to face. Will monsters never/often/always have horrifically overpower feats, such as denied or go first?
2. When you were talking about Horrifically Overpowered feats, I thought that was just a descriptor of Rogue Genius Games feats. Are the Rogue Genius Games feats on the table or no? I don't want to be the one pressing for more 3rd party material so it's 100% fine with me if they're not allowed. I just want to make sure I know.
3. If I have an ability, e.g. the undead template, that deletes my con score, can I still accept penalties to my con score, e.g. point buy of 1 and templates that penalize con? Now my charisma functions as my con so do I use my charisma for combat stamina as well?

1. This would be rough based on my experience with the other games with the these rules; it'd depend how many foes there were:

Woolly Rhinoceros
N Large animal
Init +0; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +22


AC 59
Wounds 492; Vigor 2,000
Fort +16 Ref +18, Will +15


Speed 30 ft.
Melee gore +60 (12d20 +60/19–20)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks powerful charge (gore, 18d20+24), trample (11d20+15, DC 26)


Str 131, Dex 110, Con 123, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 2
Base Atk +60;
Feats Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (gore), Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness, Weapon Focus (gore)
Skills Perception +22

3. If you use an undead template (which I'm not insta-approving, I need to see how that makes sense for the setting), then you get 18 less points for point buy.

Regarding the CR, are the examples below correct? Just making sure I understood the mythic exchange properly.

Class 6//Class 6
Mythic 3//Mythic 3
+6 CR templates

Class 12//Class 12
Mythic 3//Mythic 3
+0 CR templates

Class 6//Class 6
Mythic 4//Mythic 4
+2 CR templates

Class 6//Class 6
Mythic 6//Mythic 3
+0 CR templates

They're all correct except the last one -- I don't know what's going on with the mythic section on that one. For once, there's no such thing as a gestalt where you're different levels on different sides of the gestalt. Is there an error what you've typed here:

Class 6//Class 6
Mythic 6//Mythic 3
+0 CR templates

For monsters, I should clarify that I don't even try to build them like PCs -- I'm doing it like in Starfinder where I just assign them whatever stats they need for the encounter. I tend to kitbash different creatures together.

For this rhino, the question would partly be its roll and how many PCs its facing. It's probably supposed to carry around a warrior or witchdoctor and stay alive to give them mobility on the battlefield, so they don't have to use move actions to get in range. It needs to be able to soak up a ton of damage. The PCs could easily be dealing 500 damage a round or more. I want it to last at least 3 rounds.

I also should emphasize what I already put in the campaign page -- if you make a character, you'll get to play. I've been doing recruitments with crazy rules like this for a couple of years, and there's only a subset of players who have interest and energy to play like this. We're not going to have too many people. I'll look into a second table if it's an issue, but I'm 100% certain it's not going to be an issue. There will be no selection process at the end of this, everyone will be at the table.

Sebecloki wrote:

They're all correct except the last one -- I don't know what's going on with the mythic section on that one. For once, there's no such thing as a gestalt where you're different levels on different sides of the gestalt. Is there an error what you've typed here:

Class 6//Class 6
Mythic 6//Mythic 3
+0 CR templates

Okay, so the reason I included that weird example was because the exchange for CR and Mythic was confusing me (2 CR = 1 gestalt mythic tier). If all the other examples I gave was correct, that means that the exchange for 1 gestalt tier is actually 4 CR and not 2 CR as listed, right?

One of the example I gave used up 4 CR in exchange for a single level of Mythic tier:
Class 6//Class 6
Mythic 4//Mythic 4
+2 CR templates

I'm still unclear what you're doing; 1 gestalt mythic tier = 2 CR. So you can have +4 CR and 4//4 MR.

That build would look like this:

6//6 (Base class)
4//4 (MR)
+4 CR

You're making calculations on each side of the gestalt so far as I can figure. All these exchanges are for an entire gestalt level(s) or gestalt mythic tier, not either side of the gestalt.

If it would help, I can try to put together every possible combination in a table on the recruitment page, then you can just pick the one you want.

Liberty's Edge

Looking through the rules that you have put up, I am pretty interested in this. I love doing highly complex things, I would just need to look things over fairly extensively. However, I would probably be unable to really get very much done before the end of next week.

Also, two questions regarding 'Buddies' as you refer to them (Animal Companions, Followers, Eidolons, etc...).
1) How many companion beings would you allow each character to potentially have?
2) Could you provide an example of a buddy? (The basics of them, not precise details.)

So to make sure, I could do:

class 10 | class 10
mythic 4 | mythic 4
+0 templates


class 6 | class 6
mythic 6 | mythic 6
+0 templates

Art Burd wrote:

Looking through the rules that you have put up, I am pretty interested in this. I love doing highly complex things, I would just need to look things over fairly extensively. However, I would probably be unable to really get very much done before the end of next week.

Also, two questions regarding 'Buddies' as you refer to them (Animal Companions, Followers, Eidolons, etc...).
1) How many companion beings would you allow each character to potentially have?
2) Could you provide an example of a buddy? (The basics of them, not precise details.)

I think we're probably beginning mid January. I'm not setting a recruitment end time, I'm going to wait within reason for everyone wants to play to finish characters. Holidays are busy and I think it makes more sense for this type of recruitment to take a leisurely pace.

I won't wait an additional 3 months if 4 people are done and 1 isn't finished, but the last can finish up when they're able and join later.

1. I mean 2 (one on each side of the base class gestalt) would seem pretty much as many as would be reasonable. I guess it depends on your patience. We're going to do a group assessment before we start to make sure everyone has an interesting niche and no one is dramatically underpowered compared to everyone else. I assume everyone else will have issues if you have a dozen buddies following you around.

2. In what sense? They're made exactly like PCs. Let's say you were playing a Ranger//Druid with a wolf animal companion. So you'd take a wolf or awakened wolf, and use the same point buy etc. to make its stats. Clearly, the lack of opposable thumbs would create some issues for a lot of animal companions, in terms of wielding certain weapons. However, familiars, eidolons, phantoms, and some other classes of buddies might basically be a PC with an unusual race like pixie or quasit. Remember though, I want all of this to fit fluff wise with the setting.

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:

So to make sure, I could do:

class 10 | class 10
mythic 4 | mythic 4
+0 templates


class 6 | class 6
mythic 6 | mythic 6
+0 templates

That's how the exchange would work, but you can't have over 4 mythic tiers.

Sebecloki wrote:

I'm still unclear what you're doing; 1 gestalt mythic tier = 2 CR. So you can have +4 CR and 4//4 MR.

That build would look like this:

6//6 (Base class)
4//4 (MR)
+4 CR

You're making calculations on each side of the gestalt so far as I can figure. All these exchanges are for an entire gestalt level(s) or gestalt mythic tier, not either side of the gestalt.

If it would help, I can try to put together every possible combination in a table on the recruitment page, then you can just pick the one you want.

Aaah, okay, I got it now!!! No more samples needed, lol. Cheers!

cool beans. I'll go with the first option then. I just really dislike adding templates to characters.

Also, I haven't done any combinations with prestige classes, you can give up template CR or mythic tiers for gestalt prestige class levels -- so you could do 5//5 (base class) 5//5 (prestige class) 2//2 (MR) + 5 CR (template)

The idea is to basically make a point buy system that's completely modular but still use the base PF chassis. Between the large number of feats, the archetype packages, and the gestalting, including VMC multiclassing and the gestalt HOPF, you should be able to get any combination of abilities you could possibly imagine.

Sebecloki wrote:
We're going to do a group assessment before we start to make sure everyone has an interesting niche and no one is dramatically underpowered compared to everyone else.

Awesome. For anyone curious, I'm going for an assassin-like build, using that Undetectable ability from the Legendary Item. He'll be an extremely capable scout, skill-monkey, and trap disarmer (if needed...? Not sure Mongols/Persians really utilized traps like in RPGs). In combat his main shtick is a single-round coup de grace, but given the amount of things that'll be immune to that, not to mention all the ways it can be negated with all the options we have available, he'll need to contribute in some other ways in combat. I haven't figured that part out yet. Was thinking of doing monk for one side of the gestalt

Liberty's Edge

Sebecloki wrote:

I think we're probably beginning mid January. I'm not setting a recruitment end time, I'm going to wait within reason for everyone wants to play to finish characters. Holidays are busy and I think it makes more sense for this type of recruitment to take a leisurely pace.

I won't wait an additional 3 months if 4 people are done and 1 isn't finished, but the last can finish up when they're able and join later.

1. I mean 2 (one on each side of the base class gestalt) would seem pretty much as many as would be reasonable. I guess it depends on your patience. We're going to do a group assessment before we start to make sure everyone has an interesting niche and no one is dramatically underpowered compared to everyone else. I assume everyone else will have issues if you have a dozen buddies following you around.

2. In what sense? They're made exactly like PCs. Let's say you were playing a Ranger//Druid with a wolf animal companion. So you'd take a wolf or awakened wolf, and use the same point buy etc. to make its stats. Clearly, the lack of opposable thumbs would create some issues for a lot of animal companions, in terms of wielding certain weapons. However, familiars, eidolons, phantoms, and some other classes of buddies might basically be a PC with an unusual race like pixie or quasit. Remember though, I want all of this to fit fluff wise with the setting.

Alright, that all works for me. I was just wanting to be sure about the number of companions, and wasn't planning on doing anything with massive numbers of them, and was initially not planning on going with any more than two anyway.

As for the second point, it would just be treating the companions creature type as their base race, correct?

Also, just how fantastic or not fantastic would you want things to be to fit within the setting? This is tied more towards companions again, especially Eidolons and Phantoms.

Hey Seb, pair of things I would like to point out that's different rules wise here from what we've discussed elsewhere:

1) I notice this game doesn't automatically grant PrCs(like say Dark Sun). Was that intentional?

2) For the other games, we limited templates to +3, but I see you have it as +4 here. Should it be +3 here as well?

Race: Hybrid Human (with all Racial traits of other race).

Question: Okay, so allow me to construct an example. Human gets +2 to one ability score, Skilled (+1 skill point / level), and a Bonus Feat at 1st level. Elf (because easy example) gets +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, Low-Light Vision, Elven Immunities (+2 vs. enchantments), Elven Magic (+2 vs. spell resistance and to identify items), Elven Weapon Familiarity (a few things plus any weapon with 'elven' in the name), and Keen Senses (+2 Perception). An 'aristo human' (human/elf hybrid) would therefore get +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, and +2 to any one ability score (including the previous three), Skilled, Bonus Feat, Low-Light Vision, Elven Immunities, Magic, Weapon Familiarity, and Keen Senses -- correct?

Question: May we use a ARG-constructed race, such as the 'pyure humans' given above, instead? Or would we be able to combine an ARG-constructed race with human as well? (Which could result in 'Skilled x2, Extra Feat x2' if there was a human base to begin with.)
Ability Scores: 108 points at 1:1 purchase, base 0 (which averages to 18 across the board) -- but you must have what is required for you to exist. If a feat / archetype / template removes an attribute (such as undead removing Con), -18 points per attribute removed.

Starting ability scores are modified by race and templates, as appropriate.

Ability score increases come every 4 character levels, and every 2 mythic tiers; this puts the 6/6::3/3 character at +1 (levels), +2 (one score, tiers). The 'Chopping Down the Christmas Tree' (hereafter CDtCT) rules give a +2 to one score at each even level, as well as +1 to all attributes every 5 levels, cumulative, with the main restriction being you cannot apply the +2 to the same attribute twice in a row. As well, Automatic Bonus Progression (ABP) at the 'low magic' setting gives you Mental Prowess (+2 to one mental attribute) and Physical Prowess (+2 to one physical attribute) at the current 6/6 level.

Question: A clarification, really. Therefore, at 6/6::3/3, +6, a character would have +1 (standard), +2 (one score, tiers), +6 (in +2 increments, split between at least 2 attributes), +1 (all), +2 to one mental, +2 to one physical. Is this correct?
Templates: Templates by CR adjustment, up to +6 (with exchange possible into Class / Tier levels). Maximum for any particular CR is +4.

Question: You had previously indicated that you'd be providing a list; is the above link it, or is there another list?
Question: Some templates have different CR adjustments dependent on current HD. Would this apply to the starting (6) or post-exchange (e.g. 'sell off' the CR by a couple of points, bringing your HD to 10) HD, or would it apply the maximum CR adjustment (e.g. Half-Celestial is +1-3, therefore +3)? I presume the second, but it pays to be sure.
Feats: The standard 1 every odd level is replaced with 2 every odd level, 4 every even level, for an average of 3 per level. An additional 2 are given at 1st level (as per the Fighter bonus feats). As everyone is human, everyone will get an additional feat. 6 x 3 = 18 + 2 = 20 + 1 = 21. CDtCT rules grant additional feats -- one at first level, one at 3rd level, and one every 3 levels after that, for a total of +3 additional feats. In addition, CDtCT grants a Gift/Knack feat at 4th and every 4 levels (for 1 at the standard character level).

Question/Clarification: This sums to 6 x 3 = 18 + 2 = 20 +1 = 21 + 3 = 24, plus a gift/knack feat. Is this correct?
Explanation/Clarification Needed: Mythic Feats: I am extremely uncertain how this is meant to work. Normally you get a mythic feat every 2 levels; you state we get feats at a rate equivalent to fighter, including bonus feats, which is ... confusing me. (Your progression example has, I suspect, a typo.) Is this equivalent to the above (therefore 10 mythic feats, 4 / 4 / 2), half that perhaps (2 / 2/ 1), or something else?

Mythic Path Abilities is somewhat similar -- do we receive a total of 6 (3 for each of two paths)?
Skills: Standard Gestalt skills are 'the better rate at each level + Int'. Add in the Background Skills, and that's +2 per level (albeit with restrictions). Is this correct? Or are we receiving full skills for each side of the gestalt?

I think I'm looking at something along these lines:

Half-Celestial (+2) Star-Archon-Graced (+3) pyure human ranger (ilsurian archer, toxophilite) 8 / zen archer monk (master of many styles) 8 :: champion 3 / trickster 3.

нум ('Num', which means 'bow' in Mongolian), is the son of Jirquo'adai, better known as Зэв, Zev, or Jebe, a warrior and general who is, at the point at which we set our scene, one of, if not the, greatest commanders of cavalry in the Mongol army of Temujin (Genghis Khan). Even as Num's father crossed the Tien Shan mountains to threaten the fertile Ferghana Valley in a spoiling attack upon the Khwarezm forces, Num (already a well-known horseman utterly devoted to the Khan) rode with the Khan's army, scouting ahead and capturing native Transoxanian nomads to serve as guides across the Kyzylkum.

Num is a firm Tengrist, a shamanistic religion with a strong belief in one's own relationship with the Eternal Blue Sky (Tengri) above as well as the fertile mother-earth spirit (Eje), not to mention the spirits in the subterranean underworld, the heavenly world, and those in the perceptible world, all of which contain different types of souls. As some of the souls found in animals are identical to those found in humans, one must show respect to all of them.

How, specifically, Num is so blessed as to be half-celestial-spirit and graced with the power of a high-heavenly spirit is something that has to be figured out; Num and his father Zev are both of a skilled, knowledgeable, noble line (e.g. the racial traits) which has given rise to many a tribal leader.

Num will have a horse as his companion; just offhand, it's looking to be an advanced air-infused horse, probably a warrior/psychic or some such.

Monkeygod wrote:

Hey Seb, pair of things I would like to point out that's different rules wise here from what we've discussed elsewhere:

1) I notice this game doesn't automatically grant PrCs(like say Dark Sun). Was that intentional?

2) For the other games, we limited templates to +3, but I see you have it as +4 here. Should it be +3 here as well?

For Dark Sun, the exchange of 1 MR for 2 PrC levels was a choice at a level up. You can certainly spend some of your levels for PrC levels, but you don't have to do so. You could pick, for example, to be 6//6 2//2 (prestige) 2//2 MR +CR templates.

For the limit, I just forgot what it was -- I'll change it back to +3.

The Wyrm Ouroboros wrote:

Race: Hybrid Human (with all Racial traits of other race).

Question: Okay, so allow me to construct an example. Human gets +2 to one ability score, Skilled (+1 skill point / level), and a Bonus Feat at 1st level. Elf (because easy example) gets +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, Low-Light Vision, Elven Immunities (+2 vs. enchantments), Elven Magic (+2 vs. spell resistance and to identify items), Elven Weapon Familiarity (a few things plus any weapon with 'elven' in the name), and Keen Senses (+2 Perception). An 'aristo human' (human/elf hybrid) would therefore get +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, and +2 to any one ability score (including the previous three), Skilled, Bonus Feat, Low-Light Vision, Elven Immunities, Magic, Weapon Familiarity, and Keen Senses -- correct?

Question: May we use a ARG-constructed race, such as the 'pyure humans' given above, instead? Or would we be able to combine an ARG-constructed race with human as well? (Which could result in 'Skilled x2, Extra Feat x2' if there was a human base to begin with.)
Ability Scores: 108 points at 1:1 purchase, base 0 (which averages to 18 across the board) -- but you must have what is required for you to exist. If a feat / archetype / template removes an attribute (such as undead removing Con), -18 points per attribute removed.

Starting ability scores are modified by race and templates, as appropriate.

Ability score increases come every 4 character levels, and every 2 mythic tiers; this puts the 6/6::3/3 character at +1 (levels), +2 (one score, tiers). The 'Chopping Down the Christmas Tree' (hereafter CDtCT) rules give a +2 to one score at each even level, as well as +1 to all attributes every 5 levels, cumulative, with the main restriction being you cannot apply the +2 to the same attribute twice in a row. As well, Automatic Bonus Progression (ABP) at the 'low magic' setting gives you Mental Prowess (+2 to one mental attribute) and Physical Prowess (+2 to one physical...

I'm going to try to pull out your questions, but they're a bit hard to see since they're mixed in w/ your stat block so repose them if I miss something.

I think the elf and aristo human examples are correct. Where does the Pyure human come from -- is that homebrew? I couldn't find it by googling.

I think the attributes are correct.

List of what? I'm not sure what you're referring to.

For the templates -- 6 isn't really the assumption, I just have to give you a number to explain these 'bins' of levels. You should calculate based on what your actual HD is after you pick that.

For the base class feats, I think you're forgetting that fighters get a bonus feat at level 2, as well as level 1, so you're getting 4 feats at levels 1 and 2, which raises your number a bit.

I figures out the issue with the mythic feats -- I hadn't added in the gestalt numbers for the other side. It should be exactly the same as per the base class progression. I think it's fixed now.

Gestalt mythic tiers are like gestalt base class levels -- you get the abilities of both sides.

You get the better skill progression.

Also, check out this for inspiration for your mount.

Art Burd wrote:
Sebecloki wrote:

I think we're probably beginning mid January. I'm not setting a recruitment end time, I'm going to wait within reason for everyone wants to play to finish characters. Holidays are busy and I think it makes more sense for this type of recruitment to take a leisurely pace.

I won't wait an additional 3 months if 4 people are done and 1 isn't finished, but the last can finish up when they're able and join later.

1. I mean 2 (one on each side of the base class gestalt) would seem pretty much as many as would be reasonable. I guess it depends on your patience. We're going to do a group assessment before we start to make sure everyone has an interesting niche and no one is dramatically underpowered compared to everyone else. I assume everyone else will have issues if you have a dozen buddies following you around.

2. In what sense? They're made exactly like PCs. Let's say you were playing a Ranger//Druid with a wolf animal companion. So you'd take a wolf or awakened wolf, and use the same point buy etc. to make its stats. Clearly, the lack of opposable thumbs would create some issues for a lot of animal companions, in terms of wielding certain weapons. However, familiars, eidolons, phantoms, and some other classes of buddies might basically be a PC with an unusual race like pixie or quasit. Remember though, I want all of this to fit fluff wise with the setting.

Alright, that all works for me. I was just wanting to be sure about the number of companions, and wasn't planning on doing anything with massive numbers of them, and was initially not planning on going with any more than two anyway.

As for the second point, it would just be treating the companions creature type as their base race, correct?

Also, just how fantastic or not fantastic would you want things to be to fit within the setting? This is tied more towards companions again, especially Eidolons and Phantoms.

Its as fantastic as period chronicles and folklore. This kind of material wildly exaggerates the number of combatants, the numbers of the slain, and includes references to all kinds of mythical creatures. In this world, Tengri really did personally contact Genghis and tell him to 'bring the whole world under one sword' as it says in the Secret History of the Mongols. It's not a metaphor or a symbol, a booming voice from heaven told the khan to unite Mongolia and go start conquering.

There are demons and jinn in the desert and living alongside humans, yeti in the mountains, and angels and demons that appear to magic-users, just as happens in traditional folklore. Bodhisattva appear from the Bliss Worlds in halos of radiant light to perform miracles on behalf of Tibetan lamas.

The place where there's restriction is I don't want lots of pure DnD monsters like Mindflayers, Beholders, Owlbears, etc. You need to find stuff that makes sense for a Mongol shaman fluff wise (or a Persian Sha'ir or whatever). It can be utterly fantastic, it just has to be setting appropriate.

This version of Earth also has lots of surviving megafauna and dinosaurs in the tropical regions. Neanderthal tribes also survived a lot longer and live in the wilderness.

@Monkeygod and Decimus

You guys are both rules mavens and have used these rules -- can you also please look at Wyrm's questions and see if I'm missing something?

Some other setting notes -- I found these astounding maps of Ice Age earth:

I think to explain the surviving megafauna I'm going to assume at least parts of this earth stayed a bit colder than our time line.

I also like the land bridge between Indo China and Australasia so the Kingdom of Goryeo can have megalania, i.e., basically giant komodo dragons, as mounts for their knights when they fight the Mongols.

East Asia
Global Map

Another corollary of this is that the Mongolian Plain is even more awful and desolate than in real life, and the inhabitants that much hardier.

People can have multiple pets. Yikes. Triple the power level for triple the book-keeping. What a devil's bargain.

2. So you weren't talking about the rogue genius games feats, correct? So those feats aren't part of our options, correct? I'm 100% fine with that. Just trying to make sure I know.

Lesse Wyrm,

1) Yes, you get all the traits, good and bad, from two races with Hybrid. That does mean +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con, +2 any via human.

2) Seb will need to answer this question.

Are we allowed to use the race builder from the Advanced Race Guide to make a custom race??

3) I believe those attribute bonuses are correct, but I haven't checked figured them out just yet.

4) Seb, Wrym was wondering if you had a list of setting appropriate templates or not.

5) Seb answered this already

Mythic Questions Seb covered this as well.

Same with skills.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Monkeygod wrote:

Lesse Wyrm,

1) Yes, you get all the traits, good and bad, from two races with Hybrid. That does mean +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con, +2 any via human.

2) Seb will need to answer this question.

Are we allowed to use the race builder from the Advanced Race Guide to make a custom race??

3) I believe those attribute bonuses are correct, but I haven't checked figured them out just yet.

4) Seb, Wrym was wondering if you had a list of setting appropriate templates or not.

5) Seb answered this already

Mythic Questions Seb covered this as well.

Same with skills.

Thanks for your help monkeygod

(2) You can make a custom race for the hybrid. The issue is that we need to make sure everyone's basically on the same power level, so I'd propose everyone getting 31 pts. There's enough 'extra' variant abilities for the weaker core races that you can just stack on more of them to make a human more half-orky or half-elven like.

(4) I wasn't going to make a list -- if you're familiar with this period/culture, you should be able to make the fluff connections (like the wind horse to the mount you're proposing, which I really like). I just don't want half-kytons or slaad for giggles and bonus stacking and no fluff explanation.

Like, I want you to have an idea it's a creature created somehow in a Buddhist hell or something like that. No robots. I'm not sure about constructs -- if you're a rabbi alchemist, it could work for an eidolon based on traditions about the Golem of Prague, that sort of thing.

Altani the Smoke wrote:

People can have multiple pets. Yikes. Triple the power level for triple the book-keeping. What a devil's bargain.

2. So you weren't talking about the rogue genius games feats, correct? So those feats aren't part of our options, correct? I'm 100% fine with that. Just trying to make sure I know.

You can use either the horrifically overpowered feats or other feats from that company.

The main thing I'd like to avoid in 3pp. is alternative magic systems. I learn systems by using them, and I'd like to actually see how the spell point system works in play, which I won't if everyone does Spheres, Akashic mysteries or Psionics, etc. instead of using Paizo casting classes.

The stances/maneuvers in PoW are also a completely different subsystem -- which are cool, don't get me wrong, but the issue that people raised was not understanding what the other players' characters could even do -- the main issue there is going to be using 3pp. subsystems they've never played. Individual feats, spells, etc. aren't really an issue, it's additional sub systems/mini-games.

Altani the Smoke wrote:

People can have multiple pets. Yikes. Triple the power level for triple the book-keeping. What a devil's bargain.

2. So you weren't talking about the rogue genius games feats, correct? So those feats aren't part of our options, correct? I'm 100% fine with that. Just trying to make sure I know.

I'd like to allow for a Calvary mounted warrior/caster. So they could have a mount and a familiar, but I'd really like to avoid going beyond that -- that adds a lot to combat quickly.

Ok sounds good! I probably won't go for two pets as that will just be maddening to me and everyone. If that leaves me behind in the power gaming, I'll just make my peace with that.

Alright cool. I'll take some of rogue genius games' feats but certainly nothing that changes the spell-casting or combat system.

Okay, it took me a long while, but I got my submission completed. Given the nature of things I made annotations with bonuses, just to make sure I didn't forget anything. So without further ado, I present:

Daryun "The God of Destruction", "The Son of Erlik"

ability scores and basic combat information:

LN Human (Hobgoblin) Fighter 10 | Unchained Monk 10 (Champion 4 | Guardian 4)

Str 30
Dex 26/30
Con 22
Int 8
Wis 8/12
Cha 30

Wounds/Vigor 70/200
AC: 49; T: 38 (10 base +10 dex +12 cha +3 comp +1 dodge +8 defense +2 shield +1 natural armor +2 deflection)
BAB 10
Init +29 (10 dex +3 comp +12 amazing init x2 +4 improved init)

Fort +33 (7 base +3 comp +10 cha +10 cha +3 resist)
Ref +33 (7 base +3 comp +10 cha +10 dex +3 resist)
Will +23 (3 base +3 comp +10 cha +1 wis +3 resist +3 bravery)

Speed 220' (30 base +100 fleet +30 expeditious +30 fast movement +30 impossible speed)

Unarmed Strike (normal): +29/24 to hit; 2d8+24 damage; 20/x2 crit
Unarmed (flurry): +29/29/24 to hit

Bonus to Hit: 10 bab +10 str +3 comp +2 enh +2 GWF +2 close weapon tng

Bonus to Damage: 10 str +3 comp +2 enh +2 WS +4 close wpn tng +3 mythic IUS

Skills and Languages:

Acrobatics r10 +26/+112 to jump (10 ranks +3 trained +3 comp +10 dex/+76 from increased speed and +monk level from High Jump)
Intimidation r10 +26 (10 ranks +3 trained +3 comp +10 cha)
Perception r10 +19 (10 ranks +3 trained +3 comp -1 wis +4 alertness)
Sense Motive r10 +19 (10 ranks +3 trained +3 comp -1 wis +4 alertness)

Background Skills:
Linguistics r10 +12 (10 ranks +3 comp -1 int)
Perform (Sing) r10 +26 (10 ranks +3 trained +3 comp +10 dex)

Languages: Mandarin, Mongolian, Arabic, Occitan, English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Hindi, Egyptian


- Advanced Weapon Training (Armed Bravery, Defensive Weapon Training)

- Alertness (add +2 to perception and sense motive checks; at 10 ranks in either skill, raise corresponding bonus to +4)

- Combat Reflexes (gain a number of AoOs equal to my dex modifier; can make AoOs while flat-footed)

- Cut From the Air (can make an AoO to negate a ranged attack against me; does not apply to massive weapons or spells)

- Dazzling Display (can attempt an intimidate check against each enemy I can see within 30' as a full-round action)

- Deflect Arrows (can negate a single ranged weapon attack against me automatically)

- Dodge (+1 dodge bonus to ac; increases to +4 when provoking AoOs for movement)

- Endurance (gain a +4 bonus to resist elements and can go long periods without having to try to resist fatigue from things like overland marching)

- Enforcer (whenever I deal non-lethal damage to a target, I can attempt to intimidate it as a free action; if successful, target is shaken for a number of rounds equal to damage dealt)

- Fleet x20 (gain a 5' bonus to base land speed)

- Greater Weapon Focus (Close; gain an additional +1 to hit with chosen weapon group)

- Improved Initiative (add +4 to initiative)

- Intimidating Prowess (add str mod in addition to cha mod to intimidate checks)

- Shatter Defenses (when I hit a shaken, frightened, or panicked opponent, target is flat-footed against my attacks until the end of my next turn, including additional attacks I make this round)

- Smash from the air (can now use Cut from the Air against massive objects like balista rounds, as well as spells that require an attack roll to hit)

- Spring Attack (as long as I don't start my turn next to my target, can make an attack at any point during my movement)

- Stunning Fist (10/day; Stunned 1 rnd, fatigued, sickened 1 min)

- Toughness (add 1 wp/level)

- Weapon Focus (Close; gain a +1 to hit with chosen weapon group)

- Weapon Spec (Close; gain a +2 to damage with chosen weapon group)

- Whirlwind Attack (as a full-round action, can make a single attack against each target within reach)

*Horribly Overpower Feats:
- Greater Invulnerability (Immune to Fire and Cold; feat taken twice)

- Greater Super Speed (have constant expeditious retreat, phase door, and water walk abilities on me; can cast whirlwind at will but cyclone is centered on me and requires a move action to maintain every round. caster level: character level, DC 18 +dex mod)

- Healing Factor (gain fast healing equal to 1/3 HD)

- Heroic Grace (add cha mod to all saves)

- Invulnerability (gain DR equal to half my level that is bypassed by attacks with the Adamantine)

- Strong Back (increase all carrying capacities by x5)

- Super Speed (gain an additional move action each round; can forgoe move actions to take 2 standard actions in a round)

- Super Strength (add half level to all str checks and str-based skill checks; can't be encumbered by weight; max load is light load; as a full-round action, can break or burst any unattended object of my size or smaller as if I had made the check vs. break DC)

- Unstoppable Mind (gain immunity to charm and compulsion effects)

Total Number of Feats: Base: 32 + Fighter: 6 + Monk: 5 + "Chopping Down the Christmas Tree": 7; Grand Total: 50

Class Features:

Using Charisma Mod to calculate Wounds, Vigor, and Fort bonus
*Archetype: Brawler

*Bravery +3
*Close Control (+3 to CMD and CMB vs. Bull Rush, Drag, and Reposition)
*Close Combatant (+2 to hit/4 damage with weapons from close group)
*Menacing Stance (adj. enemies take a -1 to hit and -4 concentration checks)
*No Escape (stepping out of my threatened area or withdrawing provokes an AoO from me)

*Advanced Weapon Training:
- Armed Bravery: add bravery bonus to will saves; add double bonus to DC to intimidate me

- Defensive Weapon Training: gain a +1 shield bonus to AC; add half weapon enh to shield bonus. when wpn training bonus hits +4, shield bonus increases to +2; bonus is lost if immobilized or helpless

*Archetype: Scaled Fist

*Flurry of Blows
*Unarmed Strike 1d10
*Improved Evasion
*Fast Movement +30'
*Ki Pool (11)
*Ki Strike (Magic, Cold Iron/Silver, Lawful)
*Ki Powers (Elemental Fury: Acid, Sudden Speed, High Jump, Freedom of Movement)
*Purity of Body
*Style Strike (1/rnd; Flying Kick, Shattering Punch)
*Draconic Mettle

Mythic Abilities:

*Champion's Strike:
- Fleet Charge

*Path Ability:
- Always a chance (do not auto miss on a nat. 1)

- Impossible Speed (add 30' to my base land speed; can spend 1 mythic power to increase base land speed by 10' per tier)

- Fleet Warrior (when making a full attack action, can move before or after the attack)

- Enhanced Ability (+2 dex)

*Basic Abilities:
- Hard to Kill

- Mythic Power (15)

- Surge +1d8

- Amazing Initiative

- Recuperation

*Mythic Feats:
- Mythic Combat Reflexes (can take an unlimited number of AoOs a round)

- Mythic Paragon (increase my mythic tier by 2 for all effects I currently have; does not grant new effects)

*Guardian's Call:
- Sudden Block

*Path Ability:
- Mule's Strength (add 5 to my strength for carry cap)

- Extra Mythic Feat

- Enhanced Ability (dex)

- Extra Mythic Feat

*Basic Abilities:
- Hard to Kill

- Mythic Power (15)

- Surge +1d8

- Amazing Initiative

- Recuperation

*Mythic Feats:
- Mythic Improved Unarmed Strike (add half tier to damage rolls with unarmed strikes; can spend a point of mythic power to ignore hardness with unarmed strikes)

- Titan Strike (unarmed strike counts as 1 size larger for damage; gain a +1 bonus for each size cat. my opponent is larger than me to bullrush, drag, grapple overrun, sunder, and trip checks and Stunning Fist DC)

- Mythic Paragon (increase my mythic tier by 2 for all effects I currently have; does not grant new effects)

- Horribly Overpowered Mythic Combat Reflexes (creatures provoke AoOs from me for entering an area I threaten or starting their turn there)


"Chopping Down the Christmas Tree" Bonuses:
*Competence bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, Saving Throws, and init equal to 1/3rd class level, rnd. down
*Advanced Techniques:
- 50% chance to strike incorporeal or ethereal targets

Automatic Bonus Progression Bonuses:
*Resistance +3
*Armor Attunement +2
*Weapon Attunement +2
*Deflection +2
*Mental Prowess +4 (wis)
*Physical Prowess +4 (dex)
*Toughening +1

Actual possessions: Pants, sandals

Carrying Capacity: Light: (16,000 lbs.; NOTE: max load is a light load for me and I take no penalties for carrying any amount of weight); Lift Off Ground: 32,000 lbs; Push or Drag: 80,000 lbs.


Daryun introduces himself as the son of Erlik, Deity of the Underworld; by all accounts, he genuinely believes this to be the case.

What is known for sure is that Daryun is faster than all but the greatest of horses; so fast, in fact, that he can run through walls. He is so strong that it's said he can carry a mountain on his back; and he's so tough that he is more than equal to any army that stands against him.

As the Mongols were rallying at the fort in preparation to begin their war against the Persians, Daryun leapt the walls of the fort and landed in the courtyard, then laughed at the men who threatened him with weapons. He then called out that he had come to join the fight against the Persians, as they had murdered his dog Makmud. He also demanded that should the army refuse to allow him to join, they must stay out of his way of his quest for vengeance.

Ultimately Ghengis Khan was summoned and after a tense moment of the two men staring each other down, Daryun was allowed to join.

Any chance I can get this feat to be added to the list of Horrifically Overpowered feats? al-feats-3rd-party-louis-porter-jr/immediate-coup-de-grace/

Coinshot wrote:
Any chance I can get this feat to be added to the list of Horrifically Overpowered feats? al-feats-3rd-party-louis-porter-jr/immediate-coup-de-grace/

That's fine.

Keep the questions coming -- I'd like to get the final questions and editing sorted on the build rules on the campaign page so I can post a proper recruitment thread on Monday or Tuesday.

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:

Okay, it took me a long while, but I got my submission completed. Given the nature of things I made annotations with bonuses, just to make sure I didn't forget anything. So without further ado, I present:

Daryun "The God of Destruction", "The Son of Erlik"
** spoiler omitted **

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So this is basically John Wick as a Mongol?

Kinda. I thought it might be interesting for him to have a slightly nonsensical reason for him to start fighting the Persians, and I wasn't even thinking about John Wick, until you said something.

I just like dogs.

If I'm correct, Mongols actually don't have forts or walls.... They live in yurts and are nomadic in nature. You could just walk into camp, assuming the guards would allow that. Now they did leave cities that surrendered standing to pay tribute but they never took them as mongol city.

The recruitment doc specifically mentions a fort, which is what I based that part of his background off of.

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