Getting wing attacks as a pc


Smae as title. Is it possible? Struggling to find a way to get them as an attack.

this work?

Unfortunately not as I planned to be a Skinwalker

There are two ways.
Either be an aasimar

Get wings somehow and the following feat

Powerful wings seems to be a Strix thing is that not correct?

There is no race restrictions in the site.
Nor in the description.

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Yeah I'm pretty sure you're supposed to already have wings to take that feat.

Does anyone actually have the book on hand?

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"While the following feats are primarily taken by strix, other creatures with natural wings can also take them at the GM’s discretion (including ignoring the racial prerequisite of Cloak of Feathers)." ISMC pg. 53

4 levels in weretouched shifter can get you a wing as a claw maybe?

Would getting wings through say the Bloodrager bloodline be "Natural" Wings?

Wings of Darkness (Fleshcraft graft) [Horror Adventures, p. 169]
Cost: 36,000 gp
The subject gains leathery, batlike wings on its back, granting it a fly speed of 60 feet (with an average maneuverability) as well as a +5 competence bonus on Fly checks.
Penalty: –2 penalty on all Dexterity-based skill checks and ability checks except Fly checks.


Wicked Wings (Demonic Implant) [Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 74]
Cost: 55,000 gp
The recipient gains a fly speed equal to its normal land speed with average maneuverability. In addition, when not flying a creature with wicked wings is considered to have Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat.
Caveat: The recipient’s shoulder blades and collarbones must be broken in order to attach the wicked wings resulting in 2d4 points of Strength and Dexterity damage, which renders two arms useless until the ability damage is healed.

Otherwise get the Dread Wing armor enhancement (Armor Master's Handbook, p.28). Either way, you're not going to come out of this cheaply.

Darc1396 wrote:
Would getting wings through say the Bloodrager bloodline be "Natural" Wings?

Natural wings are those you're born with, those that are normal for your species. In other words, those granted by your race. Not that if it's for the Skinwalker, transforming would remove those, likewise for fleshcrafts or demonic implants.

Cornebre wrote:

There are two ways.

Either be an aasimar

Get wings somehow and the following feat

So, 6 levels in Alchemist and get the Wings Discovery, then take Powerful Wings.

Or be a Tengu and start off with Claws and a Bite. Get the Tengu Wings Feat, Take Powerful Wings. Maybe be a Unchained Barbarian and get a Gore Attack as a Rage Power. Take Powerful Stance so your Damage keeps going up, and your Rounds of Rage/day keeps going up.

Sounds like a character build.

Wings Hex gives you...a wing attack. Be an Unsworn Shaman so you can take multiple Witch hexes, focus on STR, and get claws, wings, and prehensile hair to beat people with.

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Also forgot to mention that you need to take 2 levels of Mutated Defender vigilante if you get the fleshcraft or demonic implant. That way you can choose wing buffet (it's a 1-point evolution).

Sovereign Court

Dread Wing enchantment on armor. Cheap to stick on Hell Knight leather. Gives you wings you can both fly and attack with.

JiaYou wrote:
Wings Hex gives you...a wing attack. Be an Unsworn Shaman so you can take multiple Witch hexes, focus on STR, and get claws, wings, and prehensile hair to beat people with.

I've been making a natural attack character myself and I don't see a hex that gives wing attacks on either Archives or d20.

It's a shaman hex, not witch.

Ah, ok.

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