Help Me Build A Wrecking Crew


I'm running Way of the Wicked

Mild Spoilers:

Book 2 has the PCs in charge of a dungeon that (predictably) gets assaulted by NPC adventuring parties.

The adventure path encourages the GM to design a few adventuring parties themselves to throw at the PCs, so I'm looking for advice on how to put together a party themed around breaking things. I want to turn their dungeon into a ruin.

I need a party of 5 characters, 7th level, Automatic Bonus Progression, 1/2 usual WBL.

No Race Builder, no Technological items. Other than that, anything goes.

Hit me with your ideas.

I would do a Nethys search for "sunder", and proceed accordingly.

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"See this stone block? This could be your head!"
Unchained monk. The important parts are the ki sunder (+level to sunder damage) and bare-handed block (immediate action sunder on attacking weapon) ki powers, the shattering punch (ignore all hardness 1/round) style strike, and a smashing amulet of mighty fists. And a bunch of feats of course; besides PA/improved & greater sunder, find the flaw will help with hardness on the rest of the attacks in a flurry.

"Mmm. Mithril, that's sweet."
Hunter. The allfood spell makes an object up to 35 pounds in weight edible. Burrow and acid maw are also relevant spells. I'm tempted to suggest a labrador retriever as an animal companion, but a polar bear could be almost as greedy and a better fighter.

"Can't hide from me."
Oracle, stone mystery. Crystal sight to see through stone and the rock whip spell to attack through stone, and rock throwing to throw things around. Plus general buffs of course.

"Batter up!"
Exploiter wizard specialising in the battering blast spell.

"Step back now."
Trap breaker alchemist. Does what it says on the tin. Probably the mad bomber type of alchemist rather than the Mr Hyde type.

Grand Lodge

Perhaps a siegebreaker fighter/brawler to throw the PC’s around.
Something like
1. Lev: Bloodconduit bloodrager (the bloodline you prefer): Improved Overrun, Power Attack, Improved Bullrush
2. Lev: Brawler: Improved Unarmed Strike, Martial Flexility (Vicious Stomp)
3. Lev: Siege Breaker Fighter: Breaker Rush, Bulette Charge Style
4. Lev: Brawler: Brawlers Flurry (two weapon fighting), Bulette Leap
5. Lev: Siege Breaker Fighter: Armored Vigor, Breaker Momentum, Bravery +1, Bulette Rampage
6. Lev: Siege Breaker Fighter: +1 Armor Training,
7. Lev: Siege Breaker Fighter: Disruptive, Shield Slam, improved Shield Bash

Ooooh, this is great stuff. I'm definitely including that monk build. Immediate action sunder against incoming attacks is fantastic.

I'm liking the seigebreaker a lot too. I'm thinking of working Stunning Irruption into it somehow and blowing through every door like the Juggernaut.

Keep them coming!

A druid or hunter with a sapling treant companion. Focus on spells like warp wood, stone shape and whatnot. And the sapling gets double dmg vs objects.

Dwarf FCB will go well with the monk suggested above.

A skald could increase a party's "wrecking quotient" in a few great ways.

What about a Wizard with Golem Constructor? They can make golems out of the rubble.

A kineticist with telekinetic haul could fling 700lbs worth of stuff all day long. Spend a point of burn and they can fling 7000lbs of something. If you just want to wreck stuff, it's pretty effective.

Grand Lodge

Doomed Hero wrote:

Ooooh, this is great stuff. I'm definitely including that monk build. Immediate action sunder against incoming attacks is fantastic.

I'm liking the seigebreaker a lot too. I'm thinking of working Stunning Irruption into it somehow and blowing through every door like the Juggernaut.

Keep them coming!

Well stunning Irruption is cool, but it doesn’t make it easier to break through walls. It “only” makes your entrance look great...

The siegebreaker is extremely feat intensive.
This is my feat wishlist for this build on later levels:
Greater Overrun, combat reflexes, extra rage, Spiked Destroyer, Greater Bullrush, Shield Master, Bashing Finish, Imposing Bearing, Poised Bearing,

Half-Orc with an Orc HornBow...
Level 1: Ranger (Toxophilite)
*full damage to objects
Levels 2-6: Fighter (Archer)
*ranged Sunder
Level 7: Barbarian (Primal Hunter)
*Exceptional Pull, and Rage

VoodistMonk wrote:

Half-Orc with an Orc HornBow...

Level 1: Ranger (Toxophilite)
*full damage to objects
Levels 2-6: Fighter (Archer)
*ranged Sunder
Level 7: Barbarian (Primal Hunter)
*Exceptional Pull, and Rage

Oh, this is hilarious. Definitely using it.

I have a habit of making my players really hate archer enemies, to the point where they will often target archers before wizards now.

Time to continue the tradition.

1st build for this crew-

Rand, dwarven monk wrote:

Unchained Monk 8, vow of cleanliness
Lawful Neutral Dwarven Male

Fastidiously clean
Only speaks Dwarven

HP: 104

Ki pool: 14/14
...Ki ring 2/2

AC 24 (+3 Dex, +5 Wis, +2 Monk, +1 armor attuned, +1 deflection, +1 natural, +1 dodge
…+4 dodge for 1 round (costs 1 Ki)
…+4 vs Giants
...not flat footed before acting in combat

TAC: 22
FFAC: 21
CMD: (+8 bab, +5 str, +4 dex, +1 deflect, +1 dodge)
…+4 dodge for 1 round (costs 1 Ki)
…+4 vs Bull Rush
…+4 vs Trip
…+2 vs Sunder
...not flat footed before acting in combat

Feint DC: 23

+11 Fort (+6 monk, +3 con, +2 resist)
…+2 vs poisons and diseases
…+2 vs spells

+12 Ref (+6 monk, +4 dex, +2 resist)
…+2 vs spells

+9 Will (+2 monk, +5 wis, +2 resist,
…+2 vs spells
…+3 vs enchantments

Str 20 Dex 16 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 20 Cha 8

Special Equipment
AoMighty Fists: Smashing weapon, ghost touch
Ring of Ki Mastery
Ki Mat
Potion of Cure Serious x2
Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath x2

Move 40
…+20 feet for 1 Ki (free action)
BaB +8/+3

Masterwork Longhammer, 2d6+7, x3 crit, reach
…-2 attack, +6 damage, power attack
…+1 attack vs elves

Unarmed Strike: 1d10+6 (+8 bab, +5 str, +1 enhancement
…-1 attack, +4 damage, power attack
…+1 attack vs elves
...counts as magic, cold iron, silver
...ignore DR once per round (fist only)
...ghost touch

Unarmed Sunder: 1d10+6+2d6 (+2 improved, +2 greater, +1 enhancement
…-1 attack, +4 damage, power attack
…+1 attack vs elves
…+8 damage, ki Sunder (dwarf)
…-8 hardness vs stone and metal with unarmed strike
...ignore hardness once per round (fist only, shattering punch)
...excess damage transferred to wielder (greater sunder)

Trait) Defensive Strategist
Trait) Fist of the Society
M1) Imp. Unarmed Strike
1) Power Attack
3) Improved Sunder
5) Extra Ki
7) Greater Sunder

Special abilities:

Ki Powers:
4th) Ki Sunder 1 ki
6th) Empty Body (etherealness, 1 minute) 2 ki
8th) Bare Handed Block 1 ki

Skills: (4 at max ranks)
+16 Perception (8 ranks, +5 wis, +3 class)
+15 Acrobatics (8 ranks, +4 dex, +3 class)
+16 Climb (8 ranks, +5 str, +3 class)
+15 Escape Artist (8 ranks, +4 dex, +3 class)

Rand needs to pick Monk feats.

Any suggestions or alternate build ideas for this guy?

For the Archer build...

The Half-Orc also has the racial feature that grants a bonus to Sunder, which is icing on the Wrecking Crew cake.

The actual order of class levels is irrelevant, honestly. And you technically only need 3 levels of the Fighter Archer to get ranged Sunder.

However, staying 5 levels of Fighter gets you a +1/+1 bonus, and combining that accuracy bonus with the attack bonus from Primal Hunter's "focused rage", and the bonus from the Toxophilite's abilities (assuming you are shooting objects smaller than yourself) should help with actually hitting your target... given the implied Strength requirements for Sunder with a composite bow to be effective.

I have this squirrelled away for a rainy day, just in case my table needs be calmed down.

Establish targeting priorities, like breaking other Bows, 2H-Weapons, Armor/Shields, Foci/Holy Symbols... then start killing Familiars and Animal Companions.

It only targets the actual PC's after literally destroying everything expensive they showed up with.

The ranged Sunder idea is something I thought of for gate keepers... if you survive the encounter, continuing into a dungeon without a bunch of your best gear, and/or without your Holy Symbols/Familiars/Animal Companions is risky business for any party.

For your Monk...

M1) Combat Reflexes
M2) Deflect Arrows
M6) Spring Attack (assuming that you can Sunder with this)

The monk above is built at 8th level, your original post asks for 7th level characters.

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If you have a Wizard, make them cast Obsidian Flow. The 40 foot diameter circle of obsidian it makes is instantaneous. That's an entire room of the Horn that's covered in sharp, slippery obsidian that needs to be painstakenly de-glassed before it can be used again. If you really want to have fun, give them a Widening Emerald to double that size. 80 feet is enough to get even the large rooms and corridors (Just a quick look shows E9, 3-5, 3-9, 2-16, 2-20, and 1-27 can make use of this) covered.

A Wizard build can also play Knowledge is Power/True Strike/+Sunder...

Look up Grappling Wizard builds. Lol...

*from somewhere else (too lazy to edit)*
**just build for Sunder, not Grapple**
***Wizards do whatever they want***
****it's a seventh level build***

Joined: 07 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:11 pm Post subject: Making a Grapple Wizard (Monks Suck) Reply with quote Add User to Ignore List
So as we all know, Monks suck. In part of my ongoing negative assessment of Monks, I'm going to produce a number of other characters that serve the purpose of a "Monk" without suffering from the painful reckoning of actually having any monk levels. Cause man, that would really suck!

So here it is: A grapple based wizard character. Not what you'd expect from a grapple build, but there you go.

Level 1: You are a human and have a single level of Wizard, and you get to select your feats and specialize and all that. You put your highest rolled stat in Intelligence because you aren't a moron, and your second highest goes into Strength. Rar! You take an Octopus as your familiar (It's Wet Outside), and you select Improved Unarmed Strike and Improved grapple as your feats. You specialize in Transmutation, and take Evocation and Enchantment as barred schools.

Combat: You grapple people! Having Improved Grapple means that you can initiate a grab without provoking an AoO. Assuming that you have a Strength of 14, you'll have a Grapple bonus of +9 at 1st level, which means that you expect to win. You're also going to cast babau slime on yourself, which means that you'll do 1d8 points of acid damage every round you stay in a grapple, which in turn is enough to make you totally lethal. You can take down enemies above your level no problem.

2nd level: Holy shiznit! You got a BAB bonus! Sweet. You now have Grapple onus of +10. But then you can have a spell left over for enlarge person that can jack your grapple bonus up to +16

3rd level: Now things go crazy. You learn fearsome grapple and bladeweave. You get a feat, and it's Aberration Blood. Your Grapple Bonus goes up to +12 and then you cast fearsome grapple, enlarge person, and bladeweave - driving your Grapple bonus up to +22 (comparison: this is better than a Giant Octopus at +15). Further, your victim has to make a Will save every round or be dazed - which means that they can't even attempt to break out. This is where you pin your opponent and the Rogue uses a coup de grace.

4th level: You get a BAB hot diggity! You now have +23 Grapple when it's important (the equal of a Dire Bear, for those keeping track). You also learn some new spells I suggest Balor Nimbus and web

5th level: You get a bonus Metamagic Feat. I suggest either Sudden Extend, or Extend Spell. You also get 3rd level spells. You're probably going to get haste as well as something good like stinking cloud...

6th level: You get a Feat, which will probably be Sudden Maximize. Also you get a +1 to BAB so your grapple bonus just shot past that of a Dire Bear. Also you get some more spells which are Shivering Touch (so once per day you can hand out 18 points of Dex damage as a touch attack in case you come across a Dragon or Purple Worm that can actually beat you in a grapple), and then either shrink item (for all around utility), or girallon's blessing (for ripping peoples' faces right off).

7th level: You may take a prestige class. Or not. I don't even care, because you just got polymorph and the cheese stands alone. Apply all your grapple bullshit as a Remorrhaz, or whatever. I don't even care at this point.

avr wrote:
The monk above is built at 8th level, your original post asks for 7th level characters.

Yup. Realized I'd done my encounter math wrong. The party will be 8th level by the time they face these guys, but it was too late to edit my original post.

I figured if anyone posted a full build I could just tack on an extra level.

Grand Lodge

You could exchange improved shield bash and shield slam for greater bullrush and greater overrun on the Siegebreaker and pick combat reflexes for the Monk.
Let the Monk (Bait) engage the PC first. Delay with the Siegebreaker until the Monk is surrounded. Then charge/move in and bullrush + overrun the bunch while granting AOO to both your self and the monk.
If you level them up to level 9, then it really takes off. Get back improved shield bash and shield slam.
Shield slam grants free Bullrush after a shield bash.
Breaker Momentum to give free overrun after bullrush.
Any AOO giving a new shield slam repeats the chain.
Vicious Stomp and Spiked Destroyer is just gravy, so pick combat reflexes with your Martial flexibility.

In case it's useful - not that there's been interest expressed, but I've got time. Here's a bit more detail on that hunter, anyway.

CG halfling primal companion hunter 8:

Str 9, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 9
Caretaker alternate racial trait
FCB: +2 luck bonus to companion's saves
Feats: weapon finesse, outflank, combat expertise, pack flanking, butterfly's sting, improved spell sharing, mounted combat
+1 keen kukri, steadfast gut-stone
Spells: (3: 3/day) Burrow, burst of speed, earth tremor (2: 5/day) Allfood, soften earth and stone, warp wood, wood shape (1: 5/day) Acid maw, feather step, longstrider, monkey fish, resist energy
Activate evolutions on grizzly bear as swift action (up to 8 min/day), also 1/day add any 1 evolution up to 4 points (e.g. tremorsense, another +2 Str or trample) to those as part of the same swift action for as long as the evolutions stay active.

Grizzly bear companion, wrecker archetype:

Str 24, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 6 (no APB assumed, caretaker +2 to Int, evolutions not included)
Feats: hefty brute (treat as size Huge for combat maneuvers), power attack, improved sunder, gate breaker (add Str again to sunder damage)
Evolutions (8 min/day): flight, improved ability (+2 Str)
Skirmisher tricks: Heel, vengeance strike

The master buffs the bear and makes sure it's able to get anywhere it's wanted, and outflank and butterfly's sting help her help the bear in melee. Various spells can mess up the surrounding area (including burrow) and delay enemies.

Hey Khan, I'm working out the details for your siegebreaker build, and I came across an issue.

*Khan* wrote:

7. Lev: Siege Breaker Fighter: Disruptive, Shield Slam, improved Shield Bash

How are you getting 3 feats at 7th level? What am I missing?

Also, how are you getting Vicious Stomp with Martial Flexibility without having Combat Reflexes first?

avr wrote:

In case it's useful - not that there's been interest expressed, but I've got time. Here's a bit more detail on that hunter, anyway.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

The master buffs the bear and makes sure it's able to get anywhere it's wanted, and outflank and butterfly's sting help her help the bear in melee. Various spells can mess up the surrounding area (including burrow) and delay enemies.

That's an interesting build. I like the synergy.

How does the halfling stay mounted while the bear is burrowing? I've never run into that situation in a game before. Seems like anything mounted on a burrowing creature would get scraped off or something. Are there any actual rules for how being mounted interacts with burrow?

Persistent Menace (Ex): At 4th level, a siegebreaker must choose either Step Up or Disruptive as his bonus feat, but need not meet the prerequisites.

Looks like a misunderstanding of this "ability". It's not an extra feat, but a forced choice for your regular 4th level bonus feat.

Melkiador wrote:
Persistent Menace (Ex): At 4th level, a siegebreaker must choose either Step Up or Disruptive as his bonus feat, but need not meet the prerequisites.
Looks like a misunderstanding of this "ability". It's not an extra feat, but a forced choice for your regular 4th level bonus feat.

I thought that might be the case too, but I wanted to check to be sure, Maybe Khan has a trick up his sleeve that I'm not aware of.

Doomed Hero wrote:
How does the halfling stay mounted while the bear is burrowing? I've never run into that situation in a game before. Seems like anything mounted on a burrowing creature would get scraped off or something. Are there any actual rules for how being mounted interacts with burrow?

With improved spell sharing they both have the burrow effect. I figure that should be enough, though there's no rules either way.

Grand Lodge

Doomed Hero wrote:
Melkiador wrote:
Persistent Menace (Ex): At 4th level, a siegebreaker must choose either Step Up or Disruptive as his bonus feat, but need not meet the prerequisites.
Looks like a misunderstanding of this "ability". It's not an extra feat, but a forced choice for your regular 4th level bonus feat.
I thought that might be the case too, but I wanted to check to be sure, Maybe Khan has a trick up his sleeve that I'm not aware of.

No I just misread the text.

The issue with vicious stomp, is simply that i have been rotating the different class levels around to figure out in which order to pick them. At some point combat reflexes was moved to later levels, but I forgot to change Vicious stomp accordingly.

Ah, ok.

I guess Martial Flexibility can be used to pick up something else. I'm still liking the build, but you're right. It doesn't fully come together until 9th level.

Ok, here's my rough draft of Khan's Siege Breaker.

Cannonball Carl wrote:

Chaotic Neutral Human Male
Blood Conduit Arcane Bloodrager 1, Brawler 2, Siegebreaker Fighter 4

HP: 84
Bloodrage HP: 14
Armored Vigor HP: 2

Armored Vigor 5/5

AC 26 (Masterwork Platemail +10 armor, +2 dex, +2 shield, +1 deflection, +1 natural
…-2 bloodrage

TAC 15 (+2 dex, +2 shield, +1 deflection)
FFAC 22 (10 armor, +1 deflection, +1 natural)

CMD 26 (8 bab, +5 str, +2 dex, +1 deflection)
…+2 bloodrage
…+4 vs Grapple (fcb)
…+4 vs Trip (fcb)

Feint DC

Fort (4 fighter, 3 brawler, 2 bloodrager, +2 resistance)
Ref (1 fighter, 3 brawler, +2 resistance)
Will (1 fighter, +2 resistance)
…+2 bloodrage

Str 20(24) Dex 14 Con 14(18) Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 16

Special Equipment 16k
Masterwork Platemail (attuned)
Masterwork Quickdraw Light Shield (attuned)

Move 20
BaB +8/+3

(Enemies threatened increase Concentration DCs by 6)

+14 Unarmed Strike 1d6+6 bludgeoning damage, (8 bab, +5 str, +1 enhancement)
…+2 attack, +2 damage (bloodrage)
…-3 attack, +6 damage (power attack)
…-2 attack, take extra attack during full attack (brawler’s flurry)

Bull Rush
…+2 improved bull rush armor spikes attack if successful overrun if successful

Overrun, 1d8+10 armor +7 str +9 power attack, +8 breaker rush (+5 if raging) (bulette rampage)
…+2 improved overrun
…+4 bulette style
...-2 for each successive enemy overran armor spike attack if successful

+14 MW Armor Spikes, 1d4+5, x2 crit

+10 Javelin, 1d8+5, 30’ range inc

H) Power Attack
BR1) Improved Bull Rush
1) Improved Overrun
Br1) Improved Unarmed Strike
Br1) (martial flexibility)
3) Bulette Charge Style
Br2) Two Weapon Fighting (brawler’s flurry)
Br2) Bulette Leap
5) Bulette Rampage
F4) Disruptive (+4 to concentration DCs)
7) Spiked Destroyer

Special abilities
Armor Training 1
Breaker Rush (deal str+3 damage w/ overrun or bull rush)
Breaker Momentum (successful bull rush triggers free overrun)
Armored Vigor (gain 2 temp HP as swift action)

Skills (21 ranks) -4 ACP
+11 Climb (8 ranks, +5 str, +3 class, -5 acp)
…+2 when raging
+14 Acrobatics (8 ranks, +1 dex, +3 class, +5 str, +2 rage, -5 ACP)
…+2 when raging
+7 Spellcraft (5 ranks, -1 int, +3 class)

He still needs equipment, two traits picked, and I'd love any suggestions for ways to make him better.

Gauntlets of the skilled maneuver, sandals of quick reaction and a sash of the war champion sound good.

avr wrote:
Gauntlets of the skilled maneuver, sandals of quick reaction and a sash of the war champion sound good.

Great suggestions, thank you.

Grand Lodge

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Remeber that Breaker Rush also deals damage when Bull Rushing.
Perhaps replace Spiked destroyer with combat reflexes and use Martial Flexibility to gain greater overrun (If there are enough enemies) or greater Bull rush (if only few enemies. Bull rush him past your allies)

Trait suggestions:
Race - Shoanti: Bred for War (+1 CMB)
Combat - Accelerated Drinker (for Enlarge Person potions or Aspect of the Bear potion)
Regional -Belkzen Line Breaker (+10ft. Base speed on charges)

Equipment suggestions:
Box of enlarge person potions
Box of Aspect of the bear potions (2nd lev. Potion)
Wands with bloodrager spells fx. Truestrike
Boots of the Mastodon.
Boots of Striding and Springing
Leveraging Weapon
Rhino Hide
Mammoth Hide
- I know these hide armors are not platemails... But check them out.
Silvery Thorny Ioun Stone: +2 to Overrun (competence)
- if you replace the 1st level bloodline power from the bloodrager with a familiar then consider a Ion Wyrd to carry some ioun stones and help with its blindsight.

Grand Lodge

And Thorny Crimson ioun stone: +2 competence bonus on bull rush attempts.

I'd had this idea as one of my first Pathfinder Character builds.

I was thinking about the Maul of the Titans, which does Triple Damage vs. inanimate objects.

I was thinking about the Shatterspike which is a +1 longsword that does an extra +3 Attack and Damage when used to Sunder by someone with Improved Sunder.

I was thinking that an Adamantine Weapon bypasses the first 20 points of any object's Hardness.

I was thinking of using the Cost of Magic Items Rules to combine these things into a customized Sundering magic weapon.

Take a Butchering Axe.

Get it in Adamantine.

Make if +1.

Put the Shatterspike Enchantment on it. A Shatterspike costs 4315gp. 15 for a longsword, 300 for masterwork, 2000 for +1. That means that +3 Attack and Damage for Sundering part must cost 2000gp.

Put the 'of the Titans Enchantment on it. The Maul of the Titans is a +3 Greatclub that does triple damage vs. inanimate objects. it costs 25,305gp. That's 5 for a Greatclub, 300 for Masterwork, and 18,000gp for +3, meaning that Triple Damage vs. Inanimate Objects thing costs 7000gp. But you'd be combining it with another enchantment (Shatterspike), so that makes it 10,350.

Worth it, though for a character with Greater Sunder.

Grand Lodge

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

I'd had this idea as one of my first Pathfinder Character builds.

I was thinking about the Maul of the Titans, which does Triple Damage vs. inanimate objects.

I was thinking about the Shatterspike which is a +1 longsword that does an extra +3 Attack and Damage when used to Sunder by someone with Improved Sunder.

I was thinking that an Adamantine Weapon bypasses the first 20 points of any object's Hardness.

I was thinking of using the Cost of Magic Items Rules to combine these things into a customized Sundering magic weapon.

Take a Butchering Axe.

Get it in Adamantine.

Make if +1.

Put the Shatterspike Enchantment on it. A Shatterspike costs 4315gp. 15 for a longsword, 300 for masterwork, 2000 for +1. That means that +3 Attack and Damage for Sundering part must cost 2000gp.

Put the 'of the Titans Enchantment on it. The Maul of the Titans is a +3 Greatclub that does triple damage vs. inanimate objects. it costs 25,305gp. That's 5 for a Greatclub, 300 for Masterwork, and 18,000gp for +3, meaning that Triple Damage vs. Inanimate Objects thing costs 7000gp. But you'd be combining it with another enchantment (Shatterspike), so that makes it 10,350.

Worth it, though for a character with Greater Sunder.

Sounds fun - but if I was the GM, I would be carefull to hand over that kind of loot....

Grand Lodge

I have improved my siegebreaker quite a bit. It still comes to together at level 9, but the Id bloodrager archtype gave power attack for free (along with skill focus) and works with blood conduit archtype. The loss of a bloodline removes the bloodline familiar posibility I mentioned earlier.
I moved greater overrun to pick up with martial flexibility and took extra rage instead.

Traits: Shoanti: Bred for War, Combat - Accelerated Drinker
1. Lev: Blood Conduit Id Blood Rager (Anger): Improved Bull Rush, Power attack, extra rage, Combat Reflexes, skill focus: Intimidate
2. Lev: Siege Breaker Fighter: Breaker Rush,
3. Lev: Siege Breaker Fighter: Armored Vigor, Breaker Momentum, Improved Overrun, Bravery +1
4. Lev: Brawler: Improved Unarmed Strike, Martial Flexility (Spiked Destroyer/Vicious Stomp/Greater Overrun)
5. Lev: Brawler: (Brawlers Flurry) Two Weapon Figthing, Bulette Charge Style, Bulette Leap
6. Lev: Siege Breaker Fighter: +1 Armor Training
7. Lev: Siege Breaker Fighter: Disruptive, Bulette Rampage
8. Lev: Siege Breaker Fighter: Weapon Training +1 (Close weapon group)
9. Lev: Siege Breaker Fighter: Improved Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Bravery +3

Total of 15 feats with only 9 levels... (I don’t know if I will be using skill focus intimidate for anything - but it feels appropiate.)

Some CMB examples:
Bull Rush CMB: BAB=9 Str.=9 (incl. rage+large size+2 belt) Trait=1, Size=1, im.bullrush=2 Bashing Shield=2 (+1 enchantment +1 closed weapon training)
Samlet= 24
Overrun CMB: BAB=9 Str.=9 (incl. rage+large size+2 belt) Trait=1, Size=1, im.overrun=2 Bashing Shield=2 (+1 enchantment +1 closed weapon training) Bulette style=4
Samlet= 28

*Khan* wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

I'd had this idea as one of my first Pathfinder Character builds.

I was thinking about the Maul of the Titans, which does Triple Damage vs. inanimate objects.

I was thinking about the Shatterspike which is a +1 longsword that does an extra +3 Attack and Damage when used to Sunder by someone with Improved Sunder.

I was thinking that an Adamantine Weapon bypasses the first 20 points of any object's Hardness.

I was thinking of using the Cost of Magic Items Rules to combine these things into a customized Sundering magic weapon.

Take a Butchering Axe.

Get it in Adamantine.

Make if +1.

Put the Shatterspike Enchantment on it. A Shatterspike costs 4315gp. 15 for a longsword, 300 for masterwork, 2000 for +1. That means that +3 Attack and Damage for Sundering part must cost 2000gp.

Put the 'of the Titans Enchantment on it. The Maul of the Titans is a +3 Greatclub that does triple damage vs. inanimate objects. it costs 25,305gp. That's 5 for a Greatclub, 300 for Masterwork, and 18,000gp for +3, meaning that Triple Damage vs. Inanimate Objects thing costs 7000gp. But you'd be combining it with another enchantment (Shatterspike), so that makes it 10,350.

Worth it, though for a character with Greater Sunder.

Sounds fun - but if I was the GM, I would be carefull to hand over that kind of loot....

It's a custom magic item. It would have to be made for the character, probably in stages: an Adamantine Butchering Axe when he can afford one; make it +1 when he can, get the Shatterspike enchantment when he can...

The PC might have to make it himself, taking Master Craftsman, then take the Craft Magic Arms and Armor, then craft the weapon himself in stages.

There was a 3.5 Feat called Ancestral Relic that would be perfect for that. A GM might allow a PC to take that Feat.

Grand Lodge

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
*Khan* wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

I'd had this idea as one of my first Pathfinder Character builds.

I was thinking about the Maul of the Titans, which does Triple Damage vs. inanimate objects.

I was thinking about the Shatterspike which is a +1 longsword that does an extra +3 Attack and Damage when used to Sunder by someone with Improved Sunder.

I was thinking that an Adamantine Weapon bypasses the first 20 points of any object's Hardness.

I was thinking of using the Cost of Magic Items Rules to combine these things into a customized Sundering magic weapon.

Take a Butchering Axe.

Get it in Adamantine.

Make if +1.

Put the Shatterspike Enchantment on it. A Shatterspike costs 4315gp. 15 for a longsword, 300 for masterwork, 2000 for +1. That means that +3 Attack and Damage for Sundering part must cost 2000gp.

Put the 'of the Titans Enchantment on it. The Maul of the Titans is a +3 Greatclub that does triple damage vs. inanimate objects. it costs 25,305gp. That's 5 for a Greatclub, 300 for Masterwork, and 18,000gp for +3, meaning that Triple Damage vs. Inanimate Objects thing costs 7000gp. But you'd be combining it with another enchantment (Shatterspike), so that makes it 10,350.

Worth it, though for a character with Greater Sunder.

Sounds fun - but if I was the GM, I would be carefull to hand over that kind of loot....

It's a custom magic item. It would have to be made for the character, probably in stages: an Adamantine Butchering Axe when he can afford one; make it +1 when he can, get the Shatterspike enchantment when he can...

The PC might have to make it himself, taking Master Craftsman, then take the Craft Magic Arms and Armor, then craft the weapon himself in stages.

There was a 3.5 Feat called Ancestral Relic that would be perfect for that. A GM might allow a PC to take that Feat.

Yeah, but the OP is the GM and is outfitting an competing party.

So their equipment will fall into the hands of the PC if they defeat them.

*Khan* wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
*Khan* wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

I'd had this idea as one of my first Pathfinder Character builds.

I was thinking about the Maul of the Titans, which does Triple Damage vs. inanimate objects.

I was thinking about the Shatterspike which is a +1 longsword that does an extra +3 Attack and Damage when used to Sunder by someone with Improved Sunder.

I was thinking that an Adamantine Weapon bypasses the first 20 points of any object's Hardness.

I was thinking of using the Cost of Magic Items Rules to combine these things into a customized Sundering magic weapon.

Take a Butchering Axe.

Get it in Adamantine.

Make if +1.

Put the Shatterspike Enchantment on it. A Shatterspike costs 4315gp. 15 for a longsword, 300 for masterwork, 2000 for +1. That means that +3 Attack and Damage for Sundering part must cost 2000gp.

Put the 'of the Titans Enchantment on it. The Maul of the Titans is a +3 Greatclub that does triple damage vs. inanimate objects. it costs 25,305gp. That's 5 for a Greatclub, 300 for Masterwork, and 18,000gp for +3, meaning that Triple Damage vs. Inanimate Objects thing costs 7000gp. But you'd be combining it with another enchantment (Shatterspike), so that makes it 10,350.

Worth it, though for a character with Greater Sunder.

Sounds fun - but if I was the GM, I would be carefull to hand over that kind of loot....

It's a custom magic item. It would have to be made for the character, probably in stages: an Adamantine Butchering Axe when he can afford one; make it +1 when he can, get the Shatterspike enchantment when he can...

The PC might have to make it himself, taking Master Craftsman, then take the Craft Magic Arms and Armor, then craft the weapon himself in stages.

There was a 3.5 Feat called Ancestral Relic that would be perfect for that. A GM might allow a PC to take that Feat.

Yeah, but the OP is the GM and is outfitting an competing party.

So their equipment will fall into the hands of...

It's not a very good weapon unless one of the party members just happens to have a Sundering build and uses a Butchering Axe.

I guess it is a good enough build that one of the other party members changes his mind and then decides to make his character into one.

Although, the NPC wielding this weapon is likely to be destroying a whole bunch of the characters' stuff any way. An expensive magic item like this to sell might be reasonable considering all the treasure the GM is about to take away.

My party just got an adamantine butcher's axe from defeating an enemy at the end of the last arc. It is now in the hands of their Ogre hireling.

I'm not going to allow the abilities of unique magic weapons on other weapons. This party is powerful enough already.

Khan, here's my second (and I think final) draft of your Siegebreaker.

After giving it some thought, I realized this character wasn't actually about breaking things, so he wasn't going to fit into my Wrecking Crew. I love the concept though, and found a fantastic spot for him in one of the other adventuring groups I'm designing to assault my PC's dungeon.

At some point, an Aquatic adventuring party is going to show up to try to clear out the caverns beneath the mountain fortress, where a cult of Deep Ones live. One of the aquatic adventurers is a Maleni Sahuagin, who's joined the adventure because he's pretending to be a sea elf, and because the Deep Ones are one of the Sahuagin's main competitors.

So I changed up the Siegebreaker to be loosely Shark themed, rushing past, bowling people over, and tearing out chunks as he goes. The Maleni Sahuagin stats and abilities add some very interesting flavor to the character.


Chaotic Evil Malenti Sahuagin Male
Id (anger) Blood Conduit Arcane Bloodrager 1, Brawler 2, Siegebreaker Fighter 5

HP: 104
Bloodrage HP: 16
Frenzy HP: 8
Armored Vigor HP: 4

Bloodrage: 10/10
Frenzy 1/1
Armored Vigor 5/5
Quickrun 1/1

AC 28 (Masterwork Platemail +10 armor, +2 dex, +2 shield, +1 deflection, +3 natural
…-2 bloodrage
…-1 frenzy

TAC 15 (+2 dex, +2 shield, +1 deflection)
FFAC 24 (10 armor, +1 deflection, +3 natural)

CMD 27 (8 bab, +6 str, +2 dex, +1 deflection)
…+2 bloodrage
…+1 frenzy
…+8 vs Grapple (fcb, advanced armor training)
…+4 vs Trip (fcb)
…+2 vs bull rush (imp bull rush)
…+4 vs overrun (imp overrun, gauntlets)
…+1 vs disarm (weapon training)
…+1 vs sunder (weapon training)

Feint DC 19

+14 Fort (4 fighter, 3 brawler, 2 bloodrager, +3 con, +2 resistance)
…+2 bloodrage
…+1 frenzy
+8 Ref (1 fighter, 3 brawler, +2 dex, +2 resistance)
+4 Will (1 fighter, +1 wis, +2 resistance)
…+2 bloodrage
...immune to sleep

Str 22
…+4 bloodrage
…+2 frenzy
Dex 14
Con 16
…+4 bloodrage
…+2 frenzy
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 16

Special Equipment 16k
Masterwork Spiked Platemail (attuned)
Masterwork Quickdraw Light Shield (attuned)
Gauntlets of the Skilled Maneuver (+2 overrun)
Sash of the War Champion (+4 levels for Armor Training and Bravery)
Boots of Striding and Springing
Quickrunner’s Shirt
Potions of Cure Serious Wounds x2
Potions of Enlarge Person x2
Potions of Expeditious Retreat x2
Potions of Featherstep x2

Move 40
Swim 60
BaB +8/+3

(Enemies threatened increase Concentration DCs by 6)

+16 Unarmed Strike 1d6+8 bludgeoning damage, attuned (8 bab, +6 str, +1 enhancement, +1 weapon training)
…+2 attack, +2 damage (bloodrage)
…+1 attack and damage (frenzy)
…-3 attack, +6 damage (power attack)
…-2 attack, take extra attack during full attack (brawler’s flurry)

+18 Bull Rush (8 bab, +6 str, +1 enhancement, +2 improved bull rush, +1 weapon training
…+2 cmb bloodrage
…+1 cmb frenzy overrun if successful
...+8 breaker rush [str +2, +1 enhancement]

+24 Overrun, (8 bab, +6 str, +1 weapon training, +1 enhancement, +2 improved overrun, +4 bulette style, +2 gauntlets)
…+2 cmb bloodrage
…+1 cmb frenzy
...-2 for each successive enemy overran
…-2 per extra set of legs target has 1d8+27 (+5 damage if raging) (+1 armor, +9 str [bulette rampage], +6 power attack, +8 breaker rush [str +2, +1 enhancement], +1 weapon training)

+15 MW Armor Spikes, 1d4+7, x2 crit, attuned
…+2 attack and damage (bloodrage)
…+1 attack and damage frenzy

+10 Javelin, 1d8+6, 30’ range inc
…+2 damage (bloodrage)
…+1 damage frenzy

Trait) Armor Expert (-1 ACP)
Trait) Accomplished Liar (bluff always class skill)
r.B) Deceitful
r.B) Skill Focus Bluff
1) Extra Rage
BR1) Power Attack
BR1) Improved Bull Rush
Br1) (martial flexibility) Greater Overrun, Greater Bull Rush, Step Up, or Spiked Destroyer
Br1) Improved Overrun
Br1) Two Weapon Fighting (brawler’s Flurry)
3) Combat Reflexes
Br2) Bulette Charge Style
5) Bulette Leap
F4) Disruptive (+4 to concentration DCs)
7) Bulette Rampage

Special abilities
Speak with Sharks
Armor Training 1 (-1 acp, +1 max dex, full speed in heavy armor)
Advanced Armor Training: Unmoving
Weapon Training: Close
Breaker Rush (deal str+3 damage w/ overrun or bull rush)
Breaker Momentum (successful bull rush triggers free overrun)
Armored Vigor (gain 4 temp HP as swift action)

Skills (13 ranks) -4 ACP
+12 Climb (3 ranks, +6 str, +3 class, -4 acp)
…+2 when raging
…+1 frenzy
+15 Acrobatics (8 ranks, +1 dex, +3 class, +5 str, +2 rage, -4 ACP)
…+5 jump
…+2 when raging
…+1 frenzy
+14 Swim (1 rank, +6 str, +3 class, +8 racial, -4 ACP)
…+2 bloodrage
…+1 frenzy
+12 Bluff (1 rank, +2 charisma, +3 class, +1 trait, +3 skill focus, +2 deceitful)

I decided against most of your equipment suggestions because I really do have to be careful about any gear my doomed adventurers carry ending up in my PCs hands. I'm a fan of single-ues magic items, and this party will have an Alchemist in it, so I'm loading Reeve here up with potions.

Have any suggestions or final thoughts before I move on to the next character in the roster?

avr wrote:
Doomed Hero wrote:
How does the halfling stay mounted while the bear is burrowing? I've never run into that situation in a game before. Seems like anything mounted on a burrowing creature would get scraped off or something. Are there any actual rules for how being mounted interacts with burrow?
With improved spell sharing they both have the burrow effect. I figure that should be enough, though there's no rules either way.

Avr, your Druid is next on my to-do list. I have the bones of the character done, I just need to fill in the math and decide on some details.

I'm going to re-flavor the bear as a giant badger (same stats, just a different appearance). There's already a bear as a recurring enemy, so I don't want to pile on even more bears.

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