artjuice |
I’ve been a GM for my friends for a few years now, starting with 5E and then moving from that to Starfinder, and from that to Pathfinder 2E. Unfortunately, most of my friends don’t have the time or interest in sci-fi to maintain both a 2E campaign and a Starfinder campaign. I’ve been missing the system, so I was wondering if people would be interested in a PbP Attack of the Swarm campaign?
I’ve played in a couple of PbP society games, but DMing a PbP game would be a new experience for me. I’m based in the UK so my posts will be between 8am BST and 11pm BST (but most likely in the later hours of my day), but any time zone is welcome.
I work full-time, so I’ll usually post once a day, more on days when I have more time. As for players, once a day would be good, but I don’t mind that much as long as no one is really holding things up.
This game would be open to everyone, regardless of how new they are to PbP games (or to Starfinder). I’ve seen how difficult it can get to get a place in a PbP campaign. However, I would probably limit the number of players to five, if I even managed to get that much interest. If I got more than five people interested, I’d choose the group based on their backstory ideas, although I wouldn’t expect too much depth at the start of a campaign.
If there’s enough interest for this to be feasible, I’ll post with more details about the campaign background and information for character creation.
Joynt Jezebel |
I really like Starfinder. Don't know the Attack of the Swarm path, but I don't think that is much of a problem, or could even be an advantage, for a player.
I am in Australia, so will be posting at a different time. But I have not had a problem posting in my online campaigns most days. And those campaigns have shrunk to one, so I need more.
artjuice |
Hell yeah! I’ve skimmed through the first book of the AP, if that’s a problem. Otherwise, I’m completely down.
I don't mind at all that you've skimmed through the book as long as any character you make doesn't also seem like they've seen the book!
I'm going to leave it until 12pm (GMT) tomorrow to open an actual recruitment thread, but with four people interested so far, I'm going to go ahead and run it. I'll provide more information for character creation etc tomorrow, but if you have any questions before then, I'm happy to answer!
artjuice |
I don't think we'll start the AP until the start of November, so that there's time for submissions and then for the player's to adjust characters a bit once they know the party make up. I looked at the playtest very briefly when it came out, so I'm not super familiar with the new classes, but I'm happy with people choosing one of those with plans to convert once the book is out.