2E Character Sheet (Google Sheets)

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Finally finished with updating and upgrading my surprisingly popular Playtest Character Sheet to be fully ready for PF2 Characters and the final rules. Thank you to everyone who supported my previous sheet and apologies for taking longer than expected to finish this one.

Sheet can be viewed here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-9Nr0Qi5CMQxj3Z3tAHXR8UmSisuFOOp9Os gIxh0sMs/edit?usp=sharing
Please do not request to edit the sheet, as it is a template meant for everyone to use. Instead, you can save a copy of the sheet to edit by clicking the link just below the Pathfinder logo on the upper right of the main tab. Alternatively, you can make a copy by clicking here.

Sheet Features:

Ability Scores: Completely moved to the Feats & Proficiencies tab, with an easy checkbox table to calculate your ability scores step-by-step. Includes conditional formatting to warn you when applying too many boosts at any one stage, room to apply boosts/flaws from the Voluntary Flaws optional rule, ability to properly handle apex items, and a miscellaneous row for any boosts gained outside of the normal rules.

Automatic Calculations: Like any good google sheet, many basic calculations for things like AC, saves, skills, etc. are all done for you. Any calculation that uses an ability score also includes a dropdown box to change which ability score is used in the calculation, allowing the sheet to easily adapt to any feats, class features, or house rules which change what ability score would normally apply.

Background: An expanded tab records a wealth of background information for your character. Includes room for artwork, polytheistic deity worship, relationships, frequently used tactics, campaign session notes, and more!

Companion Creatures: A tab is included to record an animal companion or familiar. By selecting either "Animal Companion" or "Familiar" from the drop down list near the top of the tab, all relevant modifiers (HP, AC, Saves, Skills, Perception, etc.) on the tab will adjust to the rules for that type of companion creature. Also has a mini equipment section to record any items your companion is carrying.

Conditions: Most of the conditions from the rulebook are included with a toggleable checkbox, a place to put the condition's value if applicable, and a box to measure the rounds remaining. Any stat changes of the condition are then automatically applied to the relevant categories, while being sure to only apply the highest value from non-stacking status penalties and circumstantial penalties. Conditions which also give other conditions as part of their effects will automatically apply those sub-conditions without needing to check the sub-condition's box.

Display: The entire sheet is done in a letter-sized format to make it easier to display on smaller screens without needing side-scrolling. The sheet can also be printed easily, though not all tabs will have clean breaks.

Equipment: Multiple categories for equipment to be placed with a total bulk calculation that automatically multiplies the entered bulk by the quantity of that item held (and assuming said quantity is 1 if nothing is entered). Bulk calculation also includes the bulk of currency carried and automatically applies the encumbered condition to relevant areas when reached.

Formulas: An entire tab is dedicated to tracking all crafting formulas you know, with reference tables for income earned, formula prices, and standard DCs. There is also room to track progress during crafting – such as days remaining, price remaining, and how large of a batch you are currently crafting.

Planner: An extra tab is dedicated to tracking future plans you might have for your character. Includes areas to record options you want to select during level up, items you want to purchase, and other plans for your character and/or campaign.

Proficiencies: Upgraded from the Playtest sheet, Armor and Weapon Proficiencies can be checked once and then will be automatically pulled from their tab to calculate bonuses. There is room to enter additional types of proficiencies which will then be displayed in the appropriate drop down boxes under the individual armor and weapon entries.

Rules Reference: Notes throughout the sheet have been completely updated to display relevant rules text taken from the 2E Core Rulebook. Other notes inform how the background calculations of the sheet work and give suggestions on how to use the sheet. For example, hovering over any of the Conditions will display their full rule text.

Temporary and Miscellaneous Bonuses: Throughout the sheet are areas to enter extra bonuses and penalties without needing to worry about accidentally altering the underlying formulas.


Feedback: If you enjoy the sheet, have suggestions on how it could be improved, or find any errors, then be sure to comment! I love feedback and will make updates whenever I can to constantly improve this sheet. In particular, I am interested to know how people react to the new dual-row weapon section and how useful people find the background and planner areas when making a character.

Finally, I want to give a special shout-out to Draco18s for showing me how generating ability scores could be done in a table format, Captain Morgan for offering early rules details and sharing one of their player’s edits of my previous playtest sheet, and Doodpants for a post on unicode symbols that could be used to represent 2E action, reaction, and free action symbols.

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This blows mine out of the water, as expected! Way more polished and extensive!

My feedback though:

1. I think it's a mistake to tie Feat/Features to level by default. I can think of several instances where some boxes would be unused unless the user redoes the level boxes. Level should be entered by the user, in my opinion.
2. There's no way to use rolled Ability Scores instead of the boost system. I prefer the boost system, but still.
3. The spellcasting tab could use some work. As far as I know, only spontaneous spellcasters need "Spells Known," and even then, Spells Known=Spell Slots. And not sure if the preparation works well, since a single spell can be prepared many times in many spell levels. Maybe there should also be a place to add where the spell comes from, to note if it's a class spell that would benefit from a higher proficiency.
4. I can see a Wizard or Alchemist needing extra room for languages.

Things I REALLY like:

1. Multiple class proficiencies. Lots of 'em. Gonna make me a Wizard/Barbarian/Fighter/Ranger/Bard! (not really)
2. Probably enough room for weapon profs if one adds their class weapons as "Class" and add a note for what weapons the class has.
3. Lots of bonus feat slots. Still worry there not being enough for a Rogue that also gets a lot of bonuses feats.
4. The Background tab looks FANTASTIC!

Thanks a whole bunch for this!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Looking pretty dang good. Glad there's actually enough bonus feat slots for homebrew stuff.

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Looks really good, I used it to record my first PFS character for PF2e.

I'm not entirely sure if the weapons I entered on the Main tab need to be entered again on the Equipment tab to have them be calculeted for Bulk, but I did. Maybe that can be automated in a way?

Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for the comments! Also noticed this thread has been moved to Third-Party Products. While I never really thought of it that way, I can see how it makes sense.

Franz Lunzer wrote:
I'm not entirely sure if the weapons I entered on the Main tab need to be entered again on the Equipment tab to have them be calculeted for Bulk, but I did. Maybe that can be automated in a way?

This is probably an oversight of mine. I'll look into adding a bulk entry into the weapon lines this weekend. Originally bulk wasn't there due to space limitations in the Playtest Sheet and it was expected to enter the weapon again in Equipment, but the double row format has increased overall space - so I should be able to squeeze it in with just a bit of reformatting. Looks like I just forgot to do that while worried about all the other useful things I could include now that there was more space to do so.

Knight of Whispers wrote:
1. I think it's a mistake to tie Feat/Features to level by default. I can think of several instances where some boxes would be unused unless the user redoes the level boxes. Level should be entered by the user, in my opinion.

While I understand your point - it is an easy thing to alter for players using it and keeping it provides a rough guideline for many characters + keeps similarities with the official sheet. So I might look into changing it if others express similar concerns, but for now I'll probably leave it.

Knight of Whispers wrote:
2. There's no way to use rolled Ability Scores instead of the boost system. I prefer the boost system, but still.

Hmmm... That could easily be entered by overriding the ability score in the table at top (which just pulls the final number of the generation table) - but I'll have to think about the best way to clarify that to players without some people accidentally removing the connection to the generation table when they don't intend to. For now, I'll probably add a comment about that in the note above the table - but I'm certainly open to suggestions about better ways to display this.

Knight of Whispers wrote:
3. The spellcasting tab could use some work. As far as I know, only spontaneous spellcasters need "Spells Known," and even then, Spells Known=Spell Slots. And not sure if the preparation works well, since a single spell can be prepared many times in many spell levels. Maybe there should also be a place to add where the spell comes from, to note if it's a class spell that would benefit from a higher proficiency.

Will make a note to look into / think about the preparation/heightening format some more. While I have a column for heightening - I'm not sure if there is a good way to expand that for many levels without impacting space meant for other spell details.

Knight of Whispers wrote:
4. I can see a Wizard or Alchemist needing extra room for languages.

For this, I will happily note that the languages cell is formatted for text-wrapping by default. So if you have more languages than would normally fit, the row height will automatically extend to add another line and make more room.

Knight of Whispers wrote:

2. Probably enough room for weapon profs if one adds their class weapons as "Class" and add a note for what weapons the class has.

3. Lots of bonus feat slots. Still worry there not being enough for a Rogue that also gets a lot of bonuses feats.

Looking at my current spacing on that page, extending these categories to give them a few more lines would be trivial to do. If you're worried about not having enough space there, I'll add some more in when I work on things this weekend.

Knight of Whispers wrote:
4. The Background tab looks FANTASTIC!

Many thanks for this :)

To be honest, the Background tab was actually one of my favorites when working on this version of the sheet. I added a lot to it since the Playtest ended and really like how it came out. I ended up getting an unexpected reminder to add more room for additional deities when I saw a comment about how someone always disliked how D&D/Pathfinder didn't really have rules for polytheistic belief despite having numerous deities. I also stole/modified the tactics sections from a level planner tab in the first PF1 sheet I made (since a player had brought up wanting a level planner during the Playtest, but I never got the time to add it in before the Playtest ended). So overall, I'm really hopeful that the current version of the Background (+Planner) tabs will be something that players will enjoy and can easily record a large amount of details/reminders for their characters.

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Update v1.0.1
Made a few changes as mentioned in my previous post.

Unsure about the current placement/formatting for weapon bulk and the new Feats & Proficiencies tab layout, so I'd love to hear any feedback on those.

Also found a few small errors on the sheet that I fixed (enfeebled checking the wrong weapon when applying to weapon damage & some bulk calculation areas).

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Bulk - space for Weapons fits the page formatting pretty nice, IMHO.
But one of my players appearently didn't get how to enter it and overwrote the ability bonus damage calc (grey cell) right above it.

Maybe putting in a crossbow-example (like the fist attack) in the weapons might help? (Everyone is at least trained in crossbows [a simple weapon] at level 1)

Feats&Proficiency tab: other than the switching around of things and getting some more lines, it is pretty much the same, I don't think I would notice a difference. So it was pretty good before, and it's not worse now, for me.

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Charon Onozuka,

This is fantastic! I'm greatly impressed by the quality and attention to detail. I have one major request, though...

After the GM Mastery Guide comes out would you please consider making one of these for NPCs and Monsters?


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Update v1.0.2 (from Sunday 9/1/2019)
After doing a quick test making a character/animal companion - I found/fixed some small errors with damage calculations (propulsive trait, temp ranged vs temp melee dmg, companion ability mod to damage) and the drained condition causing an error when checked. Also made a few formatting adjustments & fixes (hopefully solving a disappearing background issue in the Conditions area). Full details in the changelog.

Franz Lunzer wrote:

Bulk - space for Weapons fits the page formatting pretty nice, IMHO.

But one of my players appearently didn't get how to enter it and overwrote the ability bonus damage calc (grey cell) right above it.

Thanks for the reply & happy to hear that bulk for weapons seems to be working well. Your player's mistake was probably due to part of the reason I was initially hesitant to switch to a double row format for weapon entries - since it can make things a bit more confusing to read/interpret.

For the moment, I don't want to add a weapon entry with bulk since players would have to remove the option if they didn't want to buy one to avoid it messing up their current bulk calculation. Hopefully just reminding people about the color coding and giving them time to get used to the formatting will be enough for now - but if not, I'd certainly want to hear if players keep making this mistake so I can try something more invasive to help.

Singularity wrote:

I have one major request, though...

After the GM Mastery Guide comes out would you please consider making one of these for NPCs and Monsters?

Hmm... One of the things I'm currently looking to recreate/update is my GM Sheet which can automatically pull stats from these character sheets by entering a link (Along with providing rules notes/tables and areas to record campaign notes). As part of that sheet, I was planning to upgrade my NPC recording area from being just a section on the main page to being an independent tab that can fit some more details for easily referencing.

I wonder if this would be similar enough to what you're looking for? Are you more interested in an area for a GM to record details of NPCs/Monsters to reference in play, or something that helps with the creation of NPC/Monster stats? I'll probably try to include any NPC/Monster creation rules into the GM Sheet where I can, but if it'd be helpful to also have an independent mini-creation sheet to build/record these, then I could look into doing that after having time to review the new rules once they're out.

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Charon Onozuka wrote:
Franz Lunzer wrote:

Bulk - space for Weapons fits the page formatting pretty nice, IMHO.

But one of my players appearently didn't get how to enter it and overwrote the ability bonus damage calc (grey cell) right above it.

Thanks for the reply & happy to hear that bulk for weapons seems to be working well. Your player's mistake was probably due to part of the reason I was initially hesitant to switch to a double row format for weapon entries - since it can make things a bit more confusing to read/interpret.

For the moment, I don't want to add a weapon entry with bulk since players would have to remove the option if they didn't want to buy one to avoid it messing up their current bulk calculation. Hopefully just reminding people about the color coding and giving them time to get used to the formatting will be enough for now - but if not, I'd certainly want to hear if players keep making this mistake so I can try something more invasive to help.

Understood and very reasonable.

I thought of something: switch around the placement of the Bulk cell, so it isn't under the ability cells?
I think if Bulk is moved left between Traits and Group (so directly under the "Damage"-label), it would be more obvious to find the right cell.

Anyway, thanks again for your work!

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Charon Onozuka wrote:


Singularity wrote:

I have one major request, though...

After the GM Mastery Guide comes out would you please consider making one of these for NPCs and Monsters?

Hmm... One of the things I'm currently looking to recreate/update is my GM Sheet which can automatically pull stats from these character sheets by entering a link (Along with providing rules notes/tables and areas to record campaign notes). As part of that sheet, I was planning to upgrade my NPC recording area from being just a section on the main page to being an independent tab that can fit some more details for easily referencing.

I wonder if this would be similar enough to what you're looking for? Are you more interested in an area for a GM to record details of NPCs/Monsters to reference in play, or something that helps with the creation of NPC/Monster stats? I'll probably try to include any NPC/Monster creation rules into the GM Sheet where I can, but if it'd be helpful to also have an independent mini-creation sheet to build/record these, then I could look into doing that after having time to review the new rules once they're out.

I mostly would like a tool where I can create the stat blocks that you see in the PF2e Bestiary. Roll20 has an NPC version of their PF2e sheet that works fairly well, but I really love your PC sheet, and would like to be able to fill out NPC/Monster stat blocks with something like it.

I guess you wouldn't need the GM Mastery Guide for that. The Bestiary has everything I need, for now.

In the future, having a tool that implements the NPC/Monster creation process, as promised by Jason Bulmahn, would be icing on the cake.

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Franz Lunzer wrote:

I thought of something: switch around the placement of the Bulk cell, so it isn't under the ability cells?

I think if Bulk is moved left between Traits and Group (so directly under the "Damage"-label), it would be more obvious to find the right cell.

I'll see if I can get time this weekend to play around with arraignment and try to find a better place for bulk. Personally, I like how weapon group neatly fits under the damage-label at the moment, but perhaps swapping it with Bulk may be better. I still want weapon group to remain near damage, since it affects critical specializations and thus is best group with other damage related categories.

Singularity wrote:
I mostly would like a tool where I can create the stat blocks that you see in the PF2e Bestiary. Roll20 has an NPC version of their PF2e sheet that works fairly well, but I really love your PC sheet, and would like to be able to fill out NPC/Monster stat blocks with something like it.

Hmm... if you're looking for a stat block style... in my original PF1 sheet, I actually had a "rough stat block" area in the background tab for the character sheet. It was rather janky and worked best as a rough entry that could be copied to a text doc and edited - but I wonder if creating a new tab on the 2E Character Sheet which did something like this would be the best way to work towards what you're looking for?

It probably wouldn't be perfect, but it would pull from entries in the character sheet and arrange all the information into a stat-block format. I could potentially add some text entry areas next to it for things that are difficult to pull correctly - though spells & equipment might still pose some issues.

Alternatively, if I tried to make something like that as a stand-alone sheet, I'd probably use the Roll20 NPC entry as inspiration and mix in a bit of my own style from the character sheet with things like simple auto-calculations. It probably wouldn't be as complex as my Character Sheet, but might be easier to enter information if creating a stat block exclusively for an NPC or Monster.

Either way, it may take a while before I could have it ready, but let me know which you think would be closer to what you are looking for.

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Charon Onozuka wrote:


Alternatively, if I tried to make something like that as a stand-alone sheet, I'd probably use the Roll20 NPC entry as inspiration and mix in a bit of my own style from the character sheet with things like simple auto-calculations. It probably wouldn't be as complex as my Character Sheet, but might be easier to enter information if creating a stat block exclusively for an NPC or Monster.

Either way, it may take a while before I could have it ready, but let me know which you think would be closer to what you are looking for.

That would be exactly what I'd be hoping for. Thank you for even considering doing this.

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Update v1.0.3
Mostly small formatting adjustments. Added extra notes into lore skills. Temporarily swapped Bulk in the weapon section with the weapon group category. Still unsure about the exact placement for bulk here (feels a bit awkward in the middle of everything) - so would appreciate any feedback regarding the current weapon section formatting.

Singularity wrote:
Charon Onozuka wrote:


Alternatively, if I tried to make something like that as a stand-alone sheet, I'd probably use the Roll20 NPC entry as inspiration and mix in a bit of my own style from the character sheet with things like simple auto-calculations. It probably wouldn't be as complex as my Character Sheet, but might be easier to enter information if creating a stat block exclusively for an NPC or Monster.

Either way, it may take a while before I could have it ready, but let me know which you think would be closer to what you are looking for.

That would be exactly what I'd be hoping for. Thank you for even considering doing this.

You're welcome! :)

Honestly, I think it's an interesting idea and can see how it'd be useful, so I don't mind adding it into my planned sheet creations.

To give a (very) rough estimate on time, I may wait until the GM Mastery guide to start work on this - just so I can mix in any new rules for the NPC/Monster creation process as fluidly as possible. Depending on how long that is, I'll also be giving priority to getting my GM Sheet up and ready before starting work on this. Next few months are going to be a bit hectic for me schedule-wise, so I'm currently unsure how much time I'll be able to spend on these - but I will be making plans to do so and will drop updates here when they're ready/presentable.

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Charon Onozuka wrote:

Update v1.0.3

Mostly small formatting adjustments. Added extra notes into lore skills. Temporarily swapped Bulk in the weapon section with the weapon group category. Still unsure about the exact placement for bulk here (feels a bit awkward in the middle of everything) - so would appreciate any feedback regarding the current weapon section formatting.

I think the place of bulk there works, though I agree it might not be the best place it can be.

Singularity wrote:
Charon Onozuka wrote:


Alternatively, if I tried to make something like that as a stand-alone sheet, I'd probably use the Roll20 NPC entry as inspiration and mix in a bit of my own style from the character sheet with things like simple auto-calculations. It probably wouldn't be as complex as my Character Sheet, but might be easier to enter information if creating a stat block exclusively for an NPC or Monster.

Either way, it may take a while before I could have it ready, but let me know which you think would be closer to what you are looking for.

That would be exactly what I'd be hoping for. Thank you for even considering doing this.

That would be an awesome tool for GM's. But yeah, waiting for the GMG to drop is probably wise.

Again, thanks for providing this!

I do like this.

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Update 1.1.0
Updated the sheet to account for changes in Errata 1.0.
Mostly added/adjusted notes, but more notably adjusted skill formulas to properly apply the altered Noisy armor trait and added a checkbox for wearing a backpack on the Equipment tab to account for some of the bulk within a backpack not being counted against the character's bulk limit. This is a first draft of how to account for this rule, so I am open to suggestions if there may be a better way to handle it.

GM Sheet: Still have to work more on this as it is taking far longer than expected to have it prepared (sorry, still stuck in horribly busy period for at least another month). As compensation, I want to release a Standalone Party Tracker that people can use in the meantime. This is the first draft of an update for just the Party tab on the GM Sheet, which is designed to pull info from any linked character sheets. It has been updated to work with my PF2 Char Sheet and now includes the ability to automatically list character conditions for GM reference along with other minor formatting changes and new additions.

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Many thanks for your work on this Charon!

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Thank you Charon! These are great.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This is my favorite sheet. Slowly migrating all my characters to it. Thanks so much.

Wish there was some way to signal boost it. (I had to try like 5 or 10 before I found this one)

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Love your sheet! One of the best ones I've found. Do you foresee adding automated spell information where typing the spell name would autofill the other information? A couple other sheets have that feature and its handy to give new players to fill out their sheets a little easier, but I still prefer your sheet. :)

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First, thanks again for producing such a great tool.

I really like that I can access it on my laptop for character setup and on my tablet during a game (without uploading, downloading, saving, etc).
But maybe more than that, I like that the Feat sections remind me exactly when each item was taken. Keeping track of ancestry vs class vs skill and so on is such a pain in the plain column-of-blank-lines world. :)

Charon Onozuka wrote:

Update 1.1.0

Updated the sheet to account for changes in Errata 1.0.
Mostly added/adjusted notes, but more notably adjusted skill formulas to properly apply the altered Noisy armor trait and added a checkbox for wearing a backpack on the Equipment tab to account for some of the bulk within a backpack not being counted against the character's bulk limit. This is a first draft of how to account for this rule, so I am open to suggestions if there may be a better way to handle it.

I don't mind the checkbox - does it merely subtract 2 bulk from the Stowed equipment's bulk total?

Would it be excessive to put that checkbox on each line of the Stowed section? This would be similar to hero lab's approach, where you can designate what contain each item is in.
That would allow you to flag when the backpack has more than 4 bulk and account precisely for the 2-bulk discount.

As far as other thoughts or notes...
Bulk under Weapons. I missed it the first time, since it was on the second line. Since then, that hasn't been a problem, but I wonder how it would look next to Reload, since it is the same size as that column. Very minor.

How tough would it be to add an option somewhere in Feats & Proficiencies to indicate Untrained Improvisation was taken? Putting half-level as a conditional bonus on all untrained skills (and then changing it each level) is doable but a bit of a pain.


Ionic wrote:
Love your sheet! One of the best ones I've found. Do you foresee adding automated spell information where typing the spell name would autofill the other information? A couple other sheets have that feature and its handy to give new players to fill out their sheets a little easier, but I still prefer your sheet. :)

For the moment I probably won't do anything like that partially due to the large time commitment to create/update all the autofill details. Additionally, I want to make sure the sheet is as flexible as possible to homebrew content, and I find that too much autofill can sometimes interfere with that.

Regrettably, my free time recently has been mostly nonexistant and is expected to continue that way for a few months. Which is part of the reason I only have the Standalone Party Tracker out instead of having the full digital GM Sheet ready (which I was hoping to have updated/improved months ago >.>...).

Iceman wrote:
I don't mind the checkbox - does it merely subtract 2 bulk from the Stowed equipment's bulk total?

Current backpack checkbox doesn't alter the total in the Stowed Equipment section since that could create confusion about having more room left over in your stored equipment than you actually do. Right now, it just deducts the lesser of 2 or your total stowed equipment from the current bulk section.

Iceman wrote:
Would it be excessive to put that checkbox on each line of the Stowed section? This would be similar to hero lab's approach, where you can designate what contain each item is in.

I could try to add an area to better track specific equipment in the stored equipment section - but I'd likely replace the Hardness & HP sections to do so (& possibly add a small section just above). Would this be a potential solution? I've yet to be able to gauge how useful the Hardness/HP sections are in general - so I've gone back and forth on deciding if I wanted to remove/replace them with anything.

Iceman wrote:
How tough would it be to add an option somewhere in Feats & Proficiencies to indicate Untrained Improvisation was taken? Putting half-level as a conditional bonus on all untrained skills (and then changing it each level) is doable but a bit of a pain.

I actually didn't even realize this feat existed. Thanks for bringing it up! I can certainly see how trying to automate the effects of that feat could be very useful, so I've made a note to look into options to make this easier to manage the next time I make updates to the sheet. Can't guarantee exactly when that'll be at the moment, but it's been added to my plan list.

And if I remember correctly, the GM Guide might include some optional rules for skills - so I might try to incorporate this when I try to incorporate a toggle for whatever those rules end up being.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Charon Onozuka wrote:
Additionally, I want to make sure the sheet is as flexible as possible to homebrew content, and I find that too much autofill can sometimes interfere with that.

I can attest to that! Thanks and cheers!

Vigilant Seal

Charon Onozuka wrote:
Iceman wrote:
I don't mind the checkbox - does it merely subtract 2 bulk from the Stowed equipment's bulk total?

Current backpack checkbox doesn't alter the total in the Stowed Equipment section since that could create confusion about having more room left over in your stored equipment than you actually do. Right now, it just deducts the lesser of 2 or your total stowed equipment from the current bulk section.

Gotcha. Makes sense.

Charon Onozuka wrote:
Iceman wrote:
Would it be excessive to put that checkbox on each line of the Stowed section? This would be similar to hero lab's approach, where you can designate what contain each item is in.
I could try to add an area to better track specific equipment in the stored equipment section - but I'd likely replace the Hardness & HP sections to do so (& possibly add a small section just above). Would this be a potential solution? I've yet to be able to gauge how useful the Hardness/HP sections are in general - so I've gone back and forth on deciding...

Personally, I only worry about (or even enter) those values for armor and shield. If the crowbar gets damaged when I use it, I'll just look up the value in the book and make a note. :)

So yeah, I would not object to swapping those for a Container column.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hey Charon, just wanted to say that I'm a huge fan of this sheet. I've switched all my characters on to it over the past few weeks and it's a big improvement over paper.

One question I had was if you'd considered including a tab for stuff like your character's commonly used wild shape forms. It'd be awesome to be able to fill in a few of the base numbers and have it give you the final modifiers.

rooneg wrote:
One question I had was if you'd considered including a tab for stuff like your character's commonly used wild shape forms. It'd be awesome to be able to fill in a few of the base numbers and have it give you the final modifiers.

I've made a note to look into how to best incorporate something like this for the next time I do a big update to the sheet. Thanks for the idea! I'm sure anyone that likes polymorph spells would find something like that useful.

Disclaimer: Until mid-April, my schedule doesn't allow much free time (2nd job during tax season). So right now I'm planning to gather up suggestions like this and then try to do a big update along with any options from the Gamemastery Guide around late April/May. (+finally getting to finish the GM Sheet)

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While I still don't have time for a big update until mid-April at earliest... I accidentally managed to complete a small update after testing some things while taking a sick day.

Update v1.1.1
Equipment tab Updates!

Moved the Worn Items section to the top-right side of the page to give more room for details on these items. Felt that the left side was too narrow for a number of magical and/or invested items to record appropriate details. Not sure if this is the best spot for these, so I appreciate any feedback on this section's placement.

Created 3 separate sections for containers along the left side where worn items used to be. These sections come pre-filled with a number of containers from the CRB with a default quantity of 0 and room to add custom containers as needed. Items now have a drop down menu which allows them to select what container they are held in (sheet auto adds any custom containers to the drop down list).

Removed the Backpack checkbox. Instead, Current Capacity now automatically checks if there is bulk held in a backpack and will subtract the lesser of the backpack's held bulk or 2.

Out of curiosity, do many people who use this sheet also play over Roll20? I'm currently considering adding a tab that would pull data from the character sheet to generate some basic Roll20 macros that could easily be copied over. For example, a macro which created a drop down of all skills and allowed the player to roll the selected skill with the appropriate bonus filled in.

I thought of this while thinking of useful things to add the GM Sheet (& NPC sheet) when they are created and wanted to know if people would be interested for something like this to get added to the character sheet.

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Update v1.1.2
Added a minor update that makes it easier to tell when the current sheet you're using is behind the current sheet updates & allows you to link to the Changelog of the fully updated sheet. Changelog now also has links to this forum to make it easier to keep track of anything that goes on here.


Gamemastery Guide
I have my copy of the GMG and have started glancing through it and thinking about what updates to perform on the character sheet. I'll absolutely be adding an Automatic Bonus Progression checkbox somewhere in the future, but if there are any particular variant rules or other systems that people want to see included in the sheet, feel free to give them a shout out in this thread so I work on it sooner. [April-May still current expectation for most non-minor updates]

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

With the crazy amount of quarantining going on... I want to say thank you so much for doing this work! It will allow me to move 5 different in person games into remote play very easily.

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Update v1.2.0
First major update for adding GMG Variant Rules into the character sheet! (Sorry for the wait) Below are the variant rules systems applied:

Automatic Bonus Progression: My favorite variant rule from PF1, now found on the Feats & Proficiencies tab underneath the Ability Generation Table. Includes room to select which skills receive the skill potency bonus at various levels, with conditional formatting and selective drop-downs to help make sure players don't accidentally select a skill they can't at that level. While the Devastating Attacks bonus and Apex Ability have to be manually added, everything else will automatically apply to relevant sections based on the character's level as long as the checkbox is marked.

Deep Backgrounds: On the Background tab, the categories under Background / History have been altered to include room for the Deep Backgrounds variant rule process with rules notes and tables from the GMG included.

Moral Intentions: One of the Alignment variant rules now added into the Personality section on the Background tab with notes from the GMG. Seems to be something that could benefit any game, even if not adhering to this variant rule as a means to replace alignment.

Proficiency Without Level: Added as a checkbox on the Feats & Proficiencies tab. Will apply the recommendation of Untrained Proficiency being a -2 modifier instead of a +0 modifier. Otherwise, can easily remove level from proficiency throughout the entire character sheet with just a single checkbox.


Additional Update: Applied Iceman's suggestion regarding the Untrained Improvisation feat. Now there is a checkbox on the Main tab within the Skills section to apply the effects of this feat for all untrained skills. Note: This does not work when Proficiency Without Level is being used.


Future Considerations:
Currently considering how/if I'd want to incorporate the Incremental Alignment, Point Buy (Ability Score), Skill Points, and/or Stamina variant rules into the character sheet. All of these suffer from the issue of not knowing where to squeeze them into the sheet without compromising usability for tables not using these subsystems. If anyone is really looking forward to these variant rules, please let me know since it is possible I may not include them otherwise.

Considering how best to incorporate an area/tab for characters to list polymorph effects/shapes and have a small block of adjusted stats ready for whenever they transform via wildshape, a spell, etc.

Still considering a tab to create Roll20 macros based off of the character sheet's statistics which can just be copy/pasted into Roll20.


Finally, as always, I appreciate any feedback on these changes, suggestions about what features people would like to see, and/or just a signal boost to say you like this.

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Definitely interested in Stamina if that's at all possible.

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Update v2.0.0
Second update for adding GMG Variant Rules. Version# increased due to a change creating a minor breaking of the Standalone Party Tracker. Because boxes got swapped around on the Character Sheet, the Party Tracker won't be able to properly find/pull information for a Character's senses. Considering this is a fairly minor break, I probably will not create a fix that can check character sheet version# and instead focus on finally getting the full GM Sheet ready and having that reference the correct area (currently figuring out how to incorporate some GMG things & working on improvements to Time Tracker).

Alternative Scores: Added a checkbox toggle to swap Constitution for Agility in the Ability Score tables/generation and alter default scores throughout the sheet to follow these rules. (Such as Fort being based off STR, Will off CHA, etc.)

Gradual Ability Boosts: Added a note into the Ability Generation table with these rules. Simple to add as Players just apply boosts in the same area at a slower rate.

Stamina: Moved around a few sections on the Main tab to make room and set the Max HP row under defenses to convert to a Stamina row when the variant rule's checkbox is applied. Players will just enter their Class HP like normal, and the formulas will split it appropriately between HP & Stamina.

Hopefully this section turned out well for those planning to use this system. Be sure to let me know if any issues come up & I'll make sure to fix them as soon as I can. While Hero Points ended up in a bit of an awkward position next to Perception - otherwise I think I managed to make things (mostly) fit neatly. Biggest issue at the moment is that Max HP loses an area to put misc bonuses (i.e. Toughness) due to several boxes getting re-purposed to make enough room to run Stamina.

Roll20: Added an initial tab for Roll20 Macro Templates. Left room to apply checkboxes to selectively alter attack macros - but this section is still mostly a draft that I will improve later if there is interest / my group finds it more useful when we start up again.

Future: Wildshape/Polymorph tab is likely to get pushed off a bit while try to focus on GM Sheet first. I'll still be checking this thread and making any fixes to the Character sheet if someone points out an issue - but I'm currently hoping next big update with be GM Sheet with integration.

I love using this sheet, and I'm really glad to see that it's still being worked on / upgraded / improved. I'm working on small improvements on mine. For instance, adding a few "actions" to the sheet for "Take damage", "start turn", and "end turn". I'm interested in helping and contributing, is that something you're open to?

Charon Onozuka wrote:

Update v2.0.0

Second update for adding GMG Variant Rules. Version# increased due to a change creating a minor breaking of the Standalone Party Tracker. [rest deleted]

Charon Onozuka, would you please provide a latest (or sticky, if you can) post with links to all of the [fantastic] sheets you've been working on?


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Dave Palay wrote:
I love using this sheet, and I'm really glad to see that it's still being worked on / upgraded / improved. I'm working on small improvements on mine. For instance, adding a few "actions" to the sheet for "Take damage", "start turn", and "end turn". I'm interested in helping and contributing, is that something you're open to?

While I'm always open to hearing suggestions or taking a look at what someone else has done and trying to use that to improve the sheet, I am not currently comfortable granting edit permissions for the template to someone online.

Singularity wrote:

Charon Onozuka, would you please provide a latest (or sticky, if you can) post with links to all of the [fantastic] sheets you've been working on?


I don't think I can make a sticky post on these forums, especially with how editing a post only works for an hour or so after creation. That said, I have been making an area for "Additional Resources" with links to all my sheets (+additional online tools I find helpful) as part of the GM Sheet and could add a tab to the Character Sheet/other sheets as well to make it easier for people to find them if that would be helpful.

Current Status of Sheets:

Character Sheet [this sheet]: Hopefully shouldn't need to provide a link to this one, as it is the first post of this thread. Currently very happy with its status and how much it's improved since the Playtest. Next big things I plan to look into are a tab to help people with tracking Wildshape/Polymorph & improving the Roll20 Macro templates, but those will probably be after focusing on the other sheets for a bit.

Standalone Party Tracker: Released as sort of an apology for the GM Sheet taking so long due to a hectic work/life period significantly delaying my ability to work on it, this is basically a beta version of just the updated Party Tracker tab from that sheet. Unlikely to be updated further, as it will become redundant once the full GM Sheet has been posted.

GM Sheet [in progress]: Currently working on updating this sheet from the Playtest to full rules, incorporating elements from the GMG, and providing significant updates to tabs/trackers that would be difficult to implement between versions. For example, I recently updated the time tracker to allow you to enter month names + total days in the month (up to 15 months atm) and enter a start date for the campaign. Then if you enter how many days the campaign has gone on for - it will correctly output the current date within the campaign world according to whatever fantasy calendar you created.

Hoping to have this sheet ready/posted soon (next 2 weeks?), if only so I can use it myself while getting my group back together to play again. Will make sure to post in this thread with a link once it is released.

NPC/Monster Sheet [planning]: Yet to start, but planning to work on this once the GM Sheet is up/released. Idea is that while GM Sheet will have a tab for NPC notes & social stats, this would be a sheet meant to help guide through the GMG Process of creating a Monster/NPC and being able to easily view the stats when trying to use it. Additionally thinking to add a tab to output the created creature as a simple Roll20 Macro that could be used by a GM in a game.

Outdated Playtest Sheets:

Playtest Character Sheet: Character Sheet made for the Playtest version of the rules. Used as a base for this Character Sheet, but no longer being updated.

Playtest GM Sheet: GM Sheet made for made for the Playtest version of the rules. Currently using as a base for the updated GM Sheet, but no longer updating the Playtest version.

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Thanks a ton for adding the Stamina option! Unfortunately my Fighter also has Toughness as a feat so I'm temporarily putting those into the Temp HP.

He also has the Barbarian Dedication so I have to add that on top when he Rages :)

Will be thrilled if you find space to add a misc bonus to HP but already great that there's the Stamina option.

Also a big fan of the Party Tracker and will start using that too.

Not sure if this is the place to point out bugs or if you have a dedicated mode of communication for that.

I'm working on an animal companion and the HP calculation is working out incorrectly because it's taking the character's Constitution score rather than the minion's.

EDIT: I'll also take the opportunity to ask if there's a simple way to update once you make alterations to your master sheet?

Charon Onozuka wrote:

While I'm always open to hearing suggestions or taking a look at what someone else has done and trying to use that to improve the sheet, I am not currently comfortable granting edit permissions for the template to someone online.

That's totally understandable, and I wouldn't be looking for edit permissions. I can do all of it on my own copy, and share the code with you. For example, I have added a menu/macro to my own sheet that helps with taking / tracking damage. It just asks the user for "how many wounds did you take" and adjusts the values in the "Damage" box. It also handles healing and will never reduce the damage to below 0. Let me know if this is something you'd like to work with me on, I'm more than happy to contribute.

JerkyGunner wrote:

Not sure if this is the place to point out bugs or if you have a dedicated mode of communication for that.

I'm working on an animal companion and the HP calculation is working out incorrectly because it's taking the character's Constitution score rather than the minion's.

EDIT: I'll also take the opportunity to ask if there's a simple way to update once you make alterations to your master sheet?

Currently, posting here is the best way to point out bugs & I'll try to get to them once I see them, especially for small fixes like this that don't take long to figure out what's wrong. Thank you very much for pointing this out!

Here, looks like a small error happened while updating the cells to work with Stamina and Alternative Ability Scores - in that I missed a small change to update a formula from the main tab version to the companion creature version. I did a quick fix on the sheet to make it work again and if you already have a sheet made, you can just input the formula below into Cell O27 on that tab to fix it:


[Explanation: in order to make this part work with variant ability scores, it references the above cell to see if you currently are applying STR or CON as a bonus to health. It then does a lookup to get that value, but I missed changing the named range to reference the companion when copying it over from the Main tab (along with changing lookup reference from 4 to 5 due to different table sizes).]

Unfortunately, I don't know of any way you could do some type of automatic update to an existing filled out sheet to a new version. For a small change like this, you can just manually copy over new cell formulas like I recommended above, but that's the best I currently know of.

Dave Palay wrote:
That's totally understandable, and I wouldn't be looking for edit permissions. I can do all of it on my own copy, and share the code with you. For example, I have added a menu/macro to my own sheet that helps with taking / tracking damage. It just asks the user for "how many wounds did you take" and adjusts the values in the "Damage" box. It also handles healing and will never reduce the damage to below 0. Let me know if this is something you'd like to work with me on, I'm more than happy to contribute.

Oh? I admit I haven't done much with macros in google sheets yet, so I wouldn't mind taking a look at what you made if you'd like to share it.

Charon Onozuka wrote:
Oh? I admit I haven't done much with macros in google sheets yet, so I wouldn't mind taking a look at what you made if you'd like to share it.

More than happy to. You can reach out to me at my gmail account: lordthanda.

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Update v2.1.0
Small-ish update while getting things ready for the GM Sheet's release. Added new notes for traits along with some new tabs.

New tab includes links to all of my sheets & their forum threads and will be updated as new sheets are released. Also includes links to several sites I have found helpful for Pathfinder and includes room to add in any more sites that a user finds helpful.

Spell 2:
Added a new tab to make it easier for dual-class characters to keep track of multiple spell lists & allow the GM Sheet to properly handle such. Many values at the top are grayed out to help prevent accidentally double recording certain features & have their values pulled directly from the main spellcasting tab.

Version# Note:
Added a note to the version# box helping to explain how I am using the version# and what it means when it changes. Current note text is in the spoiler below.

Hot to Read Version Number:
Version# is presented in a format of X.Y.Z

X = Main version number. Updates when there is a major revision on the sheet or an update causes something to break in compatibility between the Character sheet and the GM Sheet. Versions of the Character & GM Sheets with the same main version number should always be compatible.

Y = Notable update number. Updates since last main update which alter sections, add tabs, or do other easily notable things to the sheet. May be worth updating your sheet for these changes.

Z = Minor update number. Updates since last notable update which are minor fixes, change small formatting and/or notes, or are otherwise less important to an average user's experience of the sheet. Generally should not need to update your sheet for these changes or can manually update by copying a few cells from the updated sheet to your existing sheet.

That's all for this update. Currently cramming more new features and upgrades into my GM Sheet and hoping to get it posted sometime next week.

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Update v2.1.1
Somewhat minor update to go along with the release of the GM Sheet! (thread)

Corrected for errata I missed regarding the bulk of a waterskin (always L Bulk) and adjusted Bulk calculations to easily handle the weight of gems by entering a bulk of 'G'.

Added room to track charges when using a staff.

Updated to link to the GM Sheet & forum thread.

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Small problem I've come across when using the Stamina system. There doesn't seem to be a field to add additional sources of HP (for example, from feats).

I'm currently doing it by editing the Ancestry HP field but wondering if there's a solution.

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Don't seem to be able to edit my previous post so I'll mention something else.

It doesn't seem possible to assign more than one trait to armour. However, something like a Chain Shirt is both flexible and noisy, so ideally more than one can be chosen.

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Update v2.1.2
Made some quick fixes to address what you brought up. Stamina is still a bit awkward in that it'll now create a field for Misc HP, but you'll have to overwrite the formula that was originally in that field. (Formulas will still work since I removed other references to that cell, its just awkward due to how that field is getting repurposed & it won't display CON again if you remove the Stamina variant after deleting the formula).

As for armor, I think I originally didn't bother to do this after realizing that flexible & noisy can't apply simultaneously (one triggers when STR isn't high enough to remove a penalty while the other triggers when STR would normally be removing a penalty), but I can understand how this would be confusing while making a character / during play - so I swapped around fields to make room for a second trait to be entered and adjusted the skill formula to recognize it.

Something else I've noticed: there doesn't seem to be somewhere for alchemists to keep track of their infused reagents. I might be missing it but if not it would be good to have a field to put that as it's their equivalent of their daily spell slots.

Hmm... In the Playtest I encouraged players to record these in the Equipment section since they were physical items that had Bulk and had to be carried somewhere. But considering this isn't the first time this has come up - I'll look into making a section for it (probably on the Formula tab) the next time I update the character sheet.

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Update v2.2.0
A bit more substantial update this time along with a bunch of minor changes. The most notable aspects of this update are as follows:

Has been relocated to the Main tab near weapons for easier reference/adjustment of quantity during combat. The Persistent Damage section was removed to help make room, but the rules notes for persistent damage have been relocated to the Notes section for reference.

Split the Containers section into Containers (Ready) and Containers (Stowed) along with having the capacity of the Ready and Stowed sections auto-calculate based on the new sections.

Added a section for Infused Reagents for the Alchemist class to keep track of more easily along with Bulk tracking. Also adjusted the default formula entries to have room for 100 formulas, the same amount contained in a basic formula book.

Modes of Play:
Added a new tab for players to reference all the basic actions and rules of different modes of play. This tab was taken from my GM Sheet and modified slightly for Player reference.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that you can copy this tab into an existing character sheet without having to recreate your character. To do so, go to the main character sheet template and click the down arrow next to “Modes of Play” on the selection of tabs at the bottom of the screen. Then click “Copy to” and “Existing Spreadsheet” to select your current character sheet within your Google Drive. The Modes of Play tab will then appear at the very rightmost of all tabs in your current character sheet. This same process can also be done with the updated Roll20 tab (delete original after copying), but the other tabs have references that will break if you attempt this with any of them.

Roll 20:
Updated and added macros for use in Roll 20 games. In particular are general formulas for all alchemical bombs in the CRB and various healing options - both set up as a series of drop-down menus and entries to allow them to function in any situation.

For full details, please check the change-log. As always, I am open to hearing suggestions for improvement. Many of the changes in this update are from my players making suggestions after starting a new campaign using the previous version of the character sheet.

Awesome resource, thank you! I play on my phone and this is by far the best way to do so.
This might be a stupid question, but did I overlook a way to roll directly in the sheet with modifiers?

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