sadie |
19 people marked this as a favorite. |

I've started compiling a list of all the different character sheets that are out there. It's not complete yet, but it's a good start.
It divides the character sheets into three styles: Original ones with their own layout, Classic with a retro D&D 3e / Pathfinder 1e style layout, and Variant based on the official Paizo character sheet.
It notes whether the character sheet is fillable, what format it uses, and whether it's actually ready. I've also tried to include a discussion link where possible.
If you spot an error or would like to suggest an addition, either comment directly on the spreadsheet directly, post below, or PM me.

John Lynch 106 |

Here's one I've made. It doesn't include spells at this time as I think Paizo actually did a pretty good job with their spell sheet and would recommend using that instead.

Knight of Whispers |

You're using an old version of mine! Thank you, either way.
Here is the newer one.
Note that I'm still tinkering a lot with it. And I'm always looking for any and all feedback!
EDIT: Also, it's missing the name? "Knight of Whispers' Character Sheet" would be just fine.

Wheldrake |

Here is the link to the word file of my modmod version of BlueJay64's retro character sheet. I would have prefered seeing him make the alterations himself, since I don't have access to the same tools, but here is what I changed:
- The right collumn of the second page has a space for focus spells/powers and more space (ten lines) for 1st to 4th-level spells. My experience is that by the time a character gets higher than 4th-level spells, he's going to have separate sheets for them, or be using some other clever system like spell cards. A low-level character needs space for ten cantrips and often more than five low-level spells as he expands his spellbook.
- On the left collumn of the first page I added two extra weapon slots and blocked out the word "miscellaneous" leaving a blank space to write in a power or whatever the character needs. I also left some blank space at the end of the skills list, for additional lore skills or other information.
- Lastly, I replaced the Pathfinder logo with a box where players can insert an image for their character portrait. I've always enjoyed having my character portrait on the front page of the character sheet, and I think it helps other players identify who the character is.
I really prefer the retro PF1 look of this sheet.

Wheldrake |

Added Wheldrake's entry to the Classic section.
I recommend creating a thread for it.
I would, but it's really BlueJay64's sheet, just with a few minor tweaks. I suspect he will get round to tweaking his own sheet, then my modmod will become superfluous.
FWIW we used this sheet in a game last Friday, and the 2 players, both veteran DD3.5 and PF1 players, really prefered it to the standard PF2 sheet they saw in the CRB.

Tiene |
"Printable Single Calculation Sheet"
List skills you have with their proficiency rank in the skills box, refer to the corresponding proficiency calculation listed in the ability score section. (If untrained is different from raw modifier, there's enough room in the modifier box to list both.)
non-fillable pdf version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1N8ng-yTDHXPfu0LX1QZGpmY-AJz9AHCg

Charon Onozuka |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Happy to see a thread like this! [Even if only to steal ideas/inspiration from seeing how others work on their sheets.]
For my sheet, I'm currently estimating an initial release this weekend (maybe saving Companion Creatures & Formula tabs for later update depending on how much time I get to work on it, been busy recently). I'll make a thread and post new links here once I've got it in a presentable state. Note that my new sheet will be a different link from the Playtest one.
Also, if I could make a suggestion? The current sheet is extremely wide to the point it doesn't even fit on my screen, and it would be easier to read/use if it was narrower. I'd personally resize many of the columns to be just enough for the text they contain (Design, Fillable, & Status all have consistent entry lengths and unused space), make the Name column have text wrapping so it can be less wide while still displaying all info with no cut-off, and either replacing the URLs with text that just says "Link" while being clickable with a hyperlink or making the columns have text wrapping set to "clip" instead of the default "overflow" and making the columns shorter that way.
EDIT: Also, once my GM Sheet is finished (probably not for a while), mind if I get that linked into the "Notes" area?

sadie |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Somebody else had the same idea, and has been compiling a list of resources here:
Resources Guide on r/Pathfinder2e.
I'll incorporate those into this list either tonight, or soon.

sadie |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Also, if I could make a suggestion? The current sheet is extremely wide to the point it doesn't even fit on my screen, and it would be easier to read/use if it was narrower. I'd personally resize many of the columns to be just enough for the text they contain (Design, Fillable, & Status all have consistent entry lengths and unused space), make the Name column have text wrapping so it can be less wide while still displaying all info with no cut-off, and either replacing the URLs with text that just says "Link" while being clickable with a hyperlink or making the columns have text wrapping set to "clip" instead of the default "overflow" and making the columns shorter that way.
Good point. I've made some of these changes, and I'll do more later.

Captain Morgan |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Happy to see a thread like this! [Even if only to steal ideas/inspiration from seeing how others work on their sheets.]
For my sheet, I'm currently estimating an initial release this weekend (maybe saving Companion Creatures & Formula tabs for later update depending on how much time I get to work on it, been busy recently). I'll make a thread and post new links here once I've got it in a presentable state. Note that my new sheet will be a different link from the Playtest one.
Also, if I could make a suggestion? The current sheet is extremely wide to the point it doesn't even fit on my screen, and it would be easier to read/use if it was narrower. I'd personally resize many of the columns to be just enough for the text they contain (Design, Fillable, & Status all have consistent entry lengths and unused space), make the Name column have text wrapping so it can be less wide while still displaying all info with no cut-off, and either replacing the URLs with text that just says "Link" while being clickable with a hyperlink or making the columns have text wrapping set to "clip" instead of the default "overflow" and making the columns shorter that way.
EDIT: Also, once my GM Sheet is finished (probably not for a while), mind if I get that linked into the "Notes" area?
One of my players has actually updated your playtest sheet to the game's final version if you're interested.

Draco18s |

I made this one during the playtest. I haven't had a chance to figure out what's changed with final release and update it. I imagine it isn't a whole lot (likely the TEML numbers are the biggest change).
Its based on my Pathfinder sheet which was itself based on my 3.5 sheet which was itself a modification on a 3.5 sheet I found years and years and years ago that didn't do everything, rather it did just enough that anything else I needed for this specific character was something I could add myself. No giant tables of precalculated data full of macro-drive dropdowns, just simple cell reference calculations that would accept whatever you wanted to set things to. Meant that it wasn't immediately out of date when new material got published.

Charon Onozuka |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Here's a link to my Forum Post and a link to my character sheet.
GM Sheet will probably take longer to get up (more work + getting even busier irl starting in September), but I'll post a link to that as well once I get it up so that can be added into my entry.

Charon Onozuka |

My GM Sheet is taking longer than expected, so I'm putting out a Standalone Party Tracker in the meantime. If possible, it'd be great to have this tossed into the "Notes" area next to my sheet or something as it is meant to integrate with the Character Sheet (at least until my full GM Sheet replaces it).

![]() |

Added the Wanderer's Guide. It's still in alpha, but looks very promising as website/app approach.
Here is a good walk-through of Wanderer’s Guide: https://youtu.be/p3TJt1WrK70
I am truly puzzled by the lack of buzz about it on these Paizo boards. For me it’s a “game changer” for my PF2E play.
mrPaljas |

I've added johnnyjester's updated version of the PF2 AutoSheet, and mrPaljas's A5 character sheet.
Hey I saw that you added mine as well which is awesome! But it's not completely correct. The format is actually a PDF which you can't fill in. I'm maybe going to add the form fields to the pdf, but that's something for later.

VestOfHolding |

The link for dyslexic character sheets seems to lead to one particular sample instead of the whole site. Probably worth changing it to this.

Shrink Laureate |

Hey I saw that you added mine as well which is awesome! But it's not completely correct. The format is actually a PDF which you can't fill in. I'm maybe going to add the form fields to the pdf, but that's something for later.
Oops. Fixed.
The link for dyslexic character sheets seems to lead to one particular sample instead of the whole site. Probably worth changing it to this.
I got the link for my own website wrong.