Illustration by Christopher Burdett

Golarion Day: Death to the Iconics!

Thursday, February 24, 2010

So we have this book coming out soon called Undead Revisited. A 64-page book that's sort of a spiritual sequel to Classic Horrors Revisited, I suppose, in that it's got ten six-page articles that explore all sorts of scary monsters. But whereas Classic Horrors Revisited focused on frights that come from myth and legend, Undead Revisited focuses more on undead who were mostly created whole cloth for the game. A few in here, like the wight, are certainly from mythology, but most of the undead in this book are things like bodaks, devourers, graveknights, nightshades, and raveners—creatures made up for the game and only very loosely (if at all) inspired by overall stories featuring undead and threats from beyond the grave.

Anyway, when I was ordering art for the book, I decided to have a little fun. Each chapter opens with a half-page illustration, so why not show these horrible undead doing what they were born to do—kill player characters? So for each chapter opener, you get to see some violent undead monster killing off one of our iconics—pictured here, the iconic alchemist Damiel meets his end at the shadowy hands of a shadow.

Of course, there's only ten chapters, and when you count the three most recent additions to the party (the samurai, the ninja, and the gunslinger), we've got over double that in iconics. That DOES mean that only ten of the iconics get offed in this book. So make sure to check out Undead Revisited when it comes out to discover if YOUR favorite iconic bit the dust!

James Jacobs
Creative Director

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Tags: Alchemists Christopher Burdett Damiel Elves Golarion Thursdays Iconics Monsters Undead Wallpapers
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Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Graveknights YAY!

Prays his favorite iconics live through the book...

Dark Archive


On every possible level and sense of the word!

Will there be a group illustration of the all the dead iconics' familiars and animal companions in tears with signs of "Will Adventutre for Food?"

ninja'ed by good Lazaro because I was too dumbstruck in awe of Paizo greatness

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Can I request the death of the summoner iconic, Balazar?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Can I request the death of the summoner iconic, Balazar?

Request all you want. We ordered the art months ago, so unless you have time travel powers... it'll only be coincidence if I decided to kill him off.

Does that mean they'll be replaced with newer, stronger iconics? :P

In another note I really look forward to this book as I love using all sorts of undead

Dark Archive

Hmm let me have a guess at which other Iconics die

(Witch) Cant remember her name
(Cavilear)Again cant remember the name

(Also Im assuming none of the Iconics are being permanently killed since I'm fairly certain all the origonal ones have been killed at least once.)

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

If you harmed Seoni I'm coming after you, Jacobs! ;-)

Sovereign Court

If James Jacobs made the art orders then it might mean that Merisiel is safe.

Surely he wouldn't want to kill his favourite iconic?

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Kill zem, James. Kill zem all.

Lazaro wrote:
Prays his favorite iconics live through the book...

Well, it's hard to have favorites from the full line-up, since we're still missing a good chunk of iconic biographies, hint hint.

I am inordinately pleased to see the alchemist iconic slain first. Death to the alchemist!

That's a very neat twist to the book. I'm not particularly interested in buying it but that definitely makes me want to flip through the book.

*prays Alain's a goner*

I know the art's already ordered and all done with, so it's just wishful thinking here...

But, I think a full page picture at the end of the book depicting all the iconics in their new, improved undead state would be awesome.

After all, what happens to the characters after being slain by the undead? Rise again!

prays Alains a goner too

thats the calvalier right??

hopes the elf girl lives and seoni too......

the rest can all die....

looks over at rod of resurrection just in case

*munches on popcorn whilst watching iconics die in horrible, awesome ways*

My Vegas bookie says it's likely a safe bet that Harsk will bite the dust hard if left to Jacobs' devices.

Is it his fault he's a dwarf?

Heh...after KAM's excellent poetry, people are nervous about head-counts.

Ha, ha...kewl!

I remember seeing this done with the 3.0/3.5 iconics in a past issue of Dragon. Can't remember the issue's number though...was it under you guys?

Tom Qadim wrote:
If you harmed Seoni I'm coming after you, Jacobs! ;-)


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The late-3.5 WotC book DUNGEONSCAPE (by Buhlman and Burlew, natch) had art showing many of the iconics falling victim to various dungeon hazards. Lidda was the only one who made it out alive, IIRC.

James Jacobs wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Can I request the death of the summoner iconic, Balazar?
Request all you want. We ordered the art months ago, so unless you have time travel powers... it'll only be coincidence if I decided to kill him off.

So there's still time! Must get to my T.A.R.D.I.S. ;)

On a more serious note, I love what Paizo did with Classic Horrors Revisited and am looking forward Undead Revisited. Using the iconics as victims is great, and I think it'd be a hoot to have seen one die, get raised and attack another throughout the pics ;) Has Paizo ever considered making something like a Classic Horrors Revisited II?

If I used a time machine concerning this book, I'd use it to travel to the release dates and bring it back along with the new undead adventure path.

This is definitely on my MUST buy list!

GeraintElberion wrote:

If James Jacobs made the art orders then it might mean that Merisiel is safe.

Surely he wouldn't want to kill his favourite iconic?

you got to be kidding

if he did the orders than Merisal might get the most brutal death scene too.......

of course then there is his rod of resurrection in his back pocket....with Merisal's name on it

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Michael Wadden wrote:

Does that mean they'll be replaced with newer, stronger iconics? :P

In another note I really look forward to this book as I love using all sorts of undead

Nah, just means they get to get resurrected. They're PCs, after all. Death only slows them down for a short time.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

GeraintElberion wrote:

If James Jacobs made the art orders then it might mean that Merisiel is safe.

Surely he wouldn't want to kill his favourite iconic?

I did indeed do the art order. And Merisiel is easily my favorite iconic. She's safe, in other words.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

mempter wrote:

Ha, ha...kewl!

I remember seeing this done with the 3.0/3.5 iconics in a past issue of Dragon. Can't remember the issue's number though...was it under you guys?


But it being on the Dragon side of the fence, I don't remember what issue it was. Only that the Dragon editors seemed to be having a really good time with it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sketchpad wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Can I request the death of the summoner iconic, Balazar?
Request all you want. We ordered the art months ago, so unless you have time travel powers... it'll only be coincidence if I decided to kill him off.

So there's still time! Must get to my T.A.R.D.I.S. ;)

On a more serious note, I love what Paizo did with Classic Horrors Revisited and am looking forward Undead Revisited. Using the iconics as victims is great, and I think it'd be a hoot to have seen one die, get raised and attack another throughout the pics ;) Has Paizo ever considered making something like a Classic Horrors Revisited II?

Absolutely. We're calling it "Undead Revisited." ;-P

That's only partially snark. When we first came up with the idea for Classic Horrors Revisited, we were going to just have it be undead, but there was WAY too many undead to cover in one book. But there's not enough really to do TWO books. So we decided to call the first one "Classic Horrors" and added in some non-undead creeps to round things out.

Sovereign Court

James Jacobs wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:

If James Jacobs made the art orders then it might mean that Merisiel is safe.

Surely he wouldn't want to kill his favourite iconic?

I did indeed do the art order. And Merisiel is easily my favorite iconic. She's safe, in other words.

Safe until Pathfinder #46, at least. <whistles innocently>

Silver Crusade

But I don't want to see anyone get et by devourers! :(

...unless another iconic is standing right there with a holy crowbar to get them out right quick that is.

Graveknight? It's gotta be Seelah. Alain would be too satisfying to actually happen. :P

Back to the art in the blog, I'm really interested to see what's done with shadows.

Wipe them out. All of them.

Damiel! I... I never loved you!

KaeYoss wrote:
Damiel! I... I never loved you!



Damiel! why lie, I like you better dead!

Rob McCreary wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:

If James Jacobs made the art orders then it might mean that Merisiel is safe.

Surely he wouldn't want to kill his favourite iconic?

I did indeed do the art order. And Merisiel is easily my favorite iconic. She's safe, in other words.
Safe until Pathfinder #46, at least. <whistles innocently>

When someone whistles innocently, they are guilty as hell of something........

its as bas as saying how can it get any worst.......

so you plan on killing her in 46, she'll be back for Pathfinder #47

The Exchange

Urizen wrote:

My Vegas bookie says it's likely a safe bet that Harsk will bite the dust hard if left to Jacobs' devices.

Is it his fault he's a dwarf?

Yes, it is. And he deserves what he gets.

Liberty's Edge

<hopes Seltyiel is safe>

... isn't he too man-pretty to die?

Frank James wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Damiel! I... I never loved you!



Damiel! why lie, I like you better dead!


Scarab Sages

Kill them.

As long as Seoni, Lini, and Merisiel are not among them I will be fine. Also death to Alain Bhaa ha ha ha.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I say we take off an nuke all iconics from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Ok with nuking all iconics, but can we have a hentai show starring Seoni and Merisiel instead? With all of their adventuring don't tell me they have never been captured by orcs after all

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Gandal wrote:
Ok with nuking all iconics, but can we have a hentai show starring Seoni and Merisiel instead? With all of their adventuring don't tell me they have never been captured by orcs after all

Orcs? You surely mean Chaos Beasts, Gibbering Mouthers, Otyughs and Tendriculouses?

Gorbacz wrote:
Gandal wrote:
Ok with nuking all iconics, but can we have a hentai show starring Seoni and Merisiel instead? With all of their adventuring don't tell me they have never been captured by orcs after all
Orcs? You surely mean Chaos Beasts, Gibbering Mouthers, Otyughs and Tendriculouses?

Hemmm!!!! Something like those maybe, but why Chaos beasts, Gibbering mouthers, Otyughs and Tendriculouses should ever be interested in human and elven females ?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Gandal wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Gandal wrote:
Ok with nuking all iconics, but can we have a hentai show starring Seoni and Merisiel instead? With all of their adventuring don't tell me they have never been captured by orcs after all
Orcs? You surely mean Chaos Beasts, Gibbering Mouthers, Otyughs and Tendriculouses?
Hemmm!!!! Something like those maybe, but why Chaos beasts, Gibbering mouthers, Otyughs and Tendriculouses should ever be interested in human and elven females ?

BECAUSE/ (SFW, kids friendly, you won't need a bucket after clicking that link HONEST!!!)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Can I request the death of the summoner iconic, Balazar?
Request all you want. We ordered the art months ago, so unless you have time travel powers... it'll only be coincidence if I decided to kill him off.

Fortunately I'm traveling back in time to bribe the architect AND buy him a good dinner..... :)


Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Heh...after KAM's excellent poetry, people are nervous about head-counts.

"The Golarion Tinies"

A's for Alain who was gnawed by a ghoul,
Also Alhazra who makes zombies drool.

B is for Balazar, by bodak slayed.

D is for Damiel, snuffed by a shade.

E is for Ezren, eyes pecked by lich-raven.

F is for Feiya craven graveknights were cravin'....

*snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap* *snap*


I'm wondering if Damiel had died in his Mr. Hyde persona, would the shadow on the wall be looking handsome and debonair?

If you harmed Seoni I'm coming after you, Jacobs! ;-)

Wait. What if Seoni *is* the Lich?!?

I'd still ask her out to dinner(while wearing my ring of freedom of movement).

Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:
I'm wondering if Damiel had died in his Mr. Hyde persona, would the shadow on the wall be looking handsome and debonair?

This is closer to what I was thinking when I looked at the illo w/o reading the blog the first time. "Oh, Damiel, what trouble have your elixirs gotten you into this time?" My internal Jung was bouncing up and down.

Here's hoping Imrijka bites it. By far the coolest iconic. She'll get more publicity, and die trying!

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