digital release time for 2e

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

is there a known time when pathfinder 2e will get released in a pdf format or maybe when it will get put on roll20? I would rather not have to get physical versions if I can avoid it.

Sovereign Court

Sometime today. As for the exact time, not sure.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

An hour and a half's time, from the time of this message, for the PDF release on Paizo. Opening time of Gen Con

About 1 and a half hours later as of writing this, I believe.

So today we can buy only PDF book right?Do you know how much will it cost?

I just bought and downloaded the core rules!

Bestiary isn't available yet.

@PochiPooom: $15

Sovereign Court

the price is listed on the books in the digital store.

14.99 for the Bestiary, 14.99 for the Corebook.

You probably don't need the Bestiary if you are just a player tho.

It’s also up on Hero Lab Online. The PDFs here are listed as in my downloads but are not actually available in my downloads yet.

Update: Someone on reddit pointed out that it shows up under “Paizo Inc.: Rulebooks”. I see the CRB now! :D

Got me Core Rules pdf. Now off to binge read :-)

does anyone know how much lost omens lore/character guide will be? I'm a GM with a lot of interest in the lost omens setting so it would be nice to pick it up

Got it all. Bst, Core, AP, and Plaguestone.
No lag. Downloaded fast.

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