Redelia's Mists of Mwangi


I am recruiting 6 players for a game of PFS scenario 0-5 Mists of Mwangi as part of Gameday VIII, beginning August 26, 2019. This is the first scenario about the infamous Blakros Museum. Players new to PFS are welcome, and I'd be glad to help you get a PFS number and find the rules for your character.

I will have recruitment open for the next 48 hours, or until 12 players have applied, whichever comes first. I will then choose 6 characters, and announce who is accepted promptly.

If you are interested, please give me your character's name and a brief description.

Grand Lodge

i can't this an evergreen? don't think it is...

Dark Archive

Drelluandast Webek, conjurer of all sorts of fantastical flora and fauna, at your service! Since graduating from the famed Academae of Korvosa, it’s been my life’s goal to summon each and every creature possible at least once.

Gnome Wizard 2 - profile can be found here!

No, not an evergreen.

Grand Lodge

didn't think so...

Liberty's Edge

Just a simple 3rd level elven scholar.

I have played this one previously in CORE mode a few years ago.

Dark Archive

Jurmo is interested is adventure, anywhere but the riverlands

Hi everyone, and thank you for your interest. I'm still waiting to see if there are enough interested players to run this game.

Grand Lodge

I am interested, I have never played pathfinder Society but have been doing some research and I think I generated my own number thing and started plugging some numbers in to the Character sheet thing on the page.

I have a Halfling Whirling Dervish (1, swashbuckler) started Dag Gautama.

Liberty's Edge

Great start! (The whole Class/Levels, Race, Gender bar thing is about the most confusing part of editing that page--I have a small advice link all about it here). The Society number thing too can be a bit weird. I would suggests downloading a copy of the most recent Pathfinder Society Guild Guide if you haven't.

Before any game begins, you'll wanna fill out the rest of Dag's character page. If you have access to the Hero Lab program you can create a character with it and it can output the statblock into BBC code that you can just paste into the page's big edit space, if not you can just put that stuff in manually using the information in the "How to format your text" spoiler below at the bottom of the page to see how to bold, italicize, and boldly italicize things you want to, in case you didn't already know.

Or you can reply to this post to see the code in action.

You might want to try to keep to a more-or-less standard Paizo character statblock layout if only for the mental health of all of your future GMs. ;)

Other than that, welcome!

Grand Lodge

ok, cool that stat format is more or less what I'm used to. I'll look into herolab, I've made my other characters manually.

I'll peruse the guild guide as well.

The Exchange

Dotting in here now, as I am definitely interested. Will figure out which character best fits this and post a description later, when on computer instead of phone.

I'm still new to the PFS and have just finished Master of the Fallen Fortress with a Cleric of Cayden. He is a CORE pc. Can I submit him? Otherwise I may roll up something new.

Liberty's Edge

Nephits wrote:


I'm still new to the PFS and have just finished Master of the Fallen Fortress with a Cleric of Cayden. He is a CORE pc. Can I submit him? Otherwise I may roll up something new.

You can play CORE characters in non-CORE games, but that character becomes non-CORE forever after, and you can't play them in CORE games anymore. The rules for this and other topics can be found in the Pathfinder Society Guild Guide... somewhere. ;)

Dag Gautama wrote:

ok, cool that stat format is more or less what I'm used to. I'll look into herolab, I've made my other characters manually.

I'll peruse the guild guide as well.

Note: You don't need Hero Lab. I just mentioned it because it has some useful functionality that not everyone thinks of, including the ability to put out web text character sheets in a number of different formats.

Scarab Sages

Dotting. I have never played a PFS game, but have my PFS number and have even rolled up a few characters in PFS style. Will return here with the details, as I forget which are Core and which are PFS.

Scarab Sages

Can you tell me a bit about the setting of this campaign? I'm assuming we'll be in the Mwangi Expanse, but will we be outdoors or in the Blackros Museum for most of the campaign? I like Rangers and Druids due to their connection to nature, but I find both of them more fun to play when outdoors.

Also, what's your position on evil characters in the party? I am also considering creating a Paladin for something different, but they do not travel with evil characters except if they can advance the greater good somehow. I'll bow to your position, whatever it is - if you are okay with evil characters, I'll create something else.

Finally - are we using background skills? I couldn't find anything about that in the PFS rules.

Liberty's Edge

Kere wrote:
Can you tell me a bit about the setting of this campaign? I'm assuming we'll be in the Mwangi Expanse, but will we be outdoors or in the Blackros Museum for most of the campaign? I like Rangers and Druids due to their connection to nature, but I find both of them more fun to play when outdoors.

It's not my place to give stuff away, but the adventure begins in Absalom (the New York/Waterdeep of Golarion) and home to the Pathfinder Society's Grand Lodge.

Kere wrote:

Also, what's your position on evil characters in the party? I am also considering creating a Paladin for something different, but they do not travel with evil characters except if they can advance the greater good somehow. I'll bow to your position, whatever it is - if you are okay with evil characters, I'll create something else.

Finally - are we using background skills? I couldn't find anything about that in the PFS rules.

No background skills, and no evil characters (though I suppose being a violent CG vigilante, or an intolerant LG paladin, or a coldy clinical LN alchemist/wizard, or an overly-rowdy CN barbarian is technically allowed--aside from the "Don't be a Jerk" Rule mentioned in the Pathfinder Society Guild Guide). That second one is definitely in the Guide. The former though (no Background Skills) is a rule by intentional omission. You see there is a miles-long online list on the Paizo site that gets added to every time a new book or set of rules is released that tells you what you can and cannot use from said source in an official Pathfinder Society Game™. It's called Additional Resources. Until an item, spell, race, or rule is added to the list of Additional Resources, it is not legal.

As a side note, there are "urban" archetypes/versions of the more outdoorsy classes like druids and rangers in the Pathfinder RPG.

Scarab Sages

Ok, I'm not trying to be difficult here, honest! I'm just trying to come up with an effective character concept, and I find that easiest to do when I have a high-level sense of what the campaign setting is. It doesn't need to be more specific than "You'll be spending a lot of time at sea" or "You're going to be in the cold." I'd be inclined to guess that this campaign is jungle-based, but that's a BIG guess.

For a sea-based campaign, I'd put some skill ranks into Profession (Sailor) and maybe Craft (Ships) for doing repairs. For a cold-based campaign, I'd want a way to get Endure Elements and maybe some equipment for handling the cold. I don't even know what I'd need for a jungle campaign, though I could research that.

My concern in this case is that if I have a character with an animal - either a mount or an animal companion - I don't want to be told, "Hey, you need to leave your animal outside" if we're going to be spending all of our time in the Blakros Museum. I know animals are PFS legal, but I don't know if they are a good fit for this campaign.

My character will be 1st level, for whatever that's worth. If I go with a Paladin, the character will be small so she can ride a medium sized mount. The druid or bard would be medium sized.

Sooo....can you please help this poor PFS newbie out here? Thanks.

Kere, it's not uncommon for Pathfinder Society characters to play in some adventures that are less fitting for the character. The adventure should take 6-8 weeks. Then you can take your character to another game, and so you build your own campaign from the adventures that you choose. Your character will be a good fit for some of the adventures, and less so for others, and that's OK.

This adventure does take place in a city, but there are elements that make it a bit more fitting for a nature themed character than many city adventures. You would also be fine with a paladin character. I have several paladins as Society characters, and have found that as long as they are OK with other party members telling lies in a good cause, most adventures are fine. This is not one of the few that might be a problem.

Liberty's Edge

GM Redelia wrote:
....You would also be fine with a paladin character. I have several paladins as Society characters, and have found that as long as they are OK with other party members telling lies in a good cause, most adventures are fine....

But stay the heck away from Race for the Runecarved Key unless you are one of those paladins that engages in literal highway robbery. Because Pathfinder Society play (online in particular) often means you are sitting down to a table with a rotating cast of GMs, scenario writers, players and characters, there will come times when the group of 6 barbarous dwarves with median Intelligence and Charisma scores of 7 come together to attend (or even worse are hand chosen by a venture-captain in the otherwise boring opening meeting) to deal with a diplomatic crisis at the palace cotillion in those times it sorta of falls to the GM to decide whether or not the adventure is feasible with the cast or if perhaps they might suggest that the party needs one or two specific things to allow them even the chance of success. It could even be a story thing. The venture-captain looks up from his desk in the meeting room sees all the blank stares and says "Next!" At other times though it is fun to see adventures revolving around fish-out-of-water scenarios. The problem with that is that they usually take more time than is allowed by sanctioned PFS rules (at least in face-to-face games). Every now and then though situations will conspire to put your character in the worst possible predicament and you and your group will have to decide how to handle it. I suggest using the discussion thread. In Race for the Runecarved key one of my paladins slugged the offending venture-captain for coming up with the offending plan that resulted in the deaths of innocents, and then nearly quit the (in-game) Society right then and there.

I had a paladin in the party when I GMed Runecaeved Key, and I'll admit I steered the party to more paladin-friendly quests when there was a choice.

The Concordance

This is Kere. I'm submitting a female Oread combat-focused Druid Merya Toka with her Roc companion Qalo. I'm not using any archetypes because I don't like any of the Druid archetypes for a combat-focused druid. I'm still working on her history and backstory, but the crunch is done.

Dark Archive

GM Redelia wrote:
Kere, it's not uncommon for Pathfinder Society characters to play in some adventures that are less fitting for the character. The adventure should take 6-8 weeks. Then you can take your character to another game, and so you build your own campaign from the adventures that you choose. Your character will be a good fit for some of the adventures, and less so for others, and that's OK.

True that! One of my more memorable scenarios was an infiltration / "bring back the McGuffin" mission where we had an oracle, a sorcerer, and three wizards. Optimal? Definitely not. More fun than you could shake a stick at? Certainly!

And for PFS, make the character you want to play. Scenarios can be almost anything, so there's no way to always be optimal for everything. But if you enjoy playing the character, you'll have fun no matter what you're thrown into.

Drelluandast, Merya Toka, Solemnia Orikrana, Jurmo Zanti, and Akaash Truthspeaker, you may dot in! (I think those are the only applicants still interested, if I missed you, please let me know!)

Is there room for one more? I have spent all this time in Society and have yet to play the infamous Mists of Mwangi.

Mage of the Wyrmkin wrote:
Is there room for one more? I have spent all this time in Society and have yet to play the infamous Mists of Mwangi.

Yep, that makes a full table! Go ahead and Dot into Gameplay.

Silver Crusade

GM Redelia wrote:
I had a paladin in the party when I GMed Runecaeved Key, and I'll admit I steered the party to more paladin-friendly quests when there was a choice.

Sigh... My party was half paladins dedicated to Shelyn, and one homicidal elf archer....

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