Late Night Forum with Vidmaster7

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I tend not to have a ton of relics because I try to avoid fighting elites if I can. Although sometimes I get a long run of question spaces, like 5 or 6 in a row, with several of them becoming treasure chests, so that gets me a few.

While that is certainly a treasure, I better put it away.

If I get the picture frame that drops them by 25% I specifically go after elites. getting a ton of relics will let you bulldozer everything.

As with so many things, it depends on the relics. Some of them kinda suck. Like the Spirit Poop one (or whatever it's called).

Well that one is suppose to suck.

Ugh almost made a new alias "highly annoyed vidmaster7* just for this one.

Just checked in a top tier guest they went to their room and found someone in it. I'm sold out so I have to send them to another hotel and pay for their stay refund their stay here and figure out WHO TF is in that room because the room is under the name of the guy I just walked which makes no sense. Me and 2nd shift are gonna have it out.


On the other hand, I just had an interesting set of rooms in Slay the Spire.
Question mark room, it's a shop.
Rest site.
Rest site.
Treasure room.

Followed by:
Question mark, it's a treasure chest.

The next two rooms were fights. I died.

Lol that is similar to avoiding all the fights in a dungeon for several levels and then being finally forced into one but you don't have the xp from all the fights you missed so your level one and the encounter is for level 5.

This was about halfway up the second level, so I made it decently far. But, yeah, my deck wasn't very good. I was surprised I made it to the first boss, let alone beat it.

First boss is really just about timing those attacks right.

So in addition to the other thing someone's vehicle got broken into.

Sovereign Court

Firstly, I'm sorry that you're having a bit of a tough time Vidmaster7. Hopefully, your most recent issue will be resolved soon. :-) Secondly, while I don't know much about the videogames that you often play, I would none the less like to hear your thoughts on a game that I play.

It's a boardgame called Disney Villainous and basically, you take on the role of a Disney villain (no duh, lol) and you have to complete a specific objective unique to the character you have picked with the other players (who also are playing as Disney villains) trying to complete their own objectives whilst stopping you from completing yours.

Here's the line up so far:

1. The Worst Takes it All (base game), with Ursula, Maleficent, Jafar, Captain Hook, Prince John and the Queen of Hearts.

2. Wicked To The Core (1st expansion), with Dr. Facilier, The Evil Queen and Hades.

3. Evil Comes Prepared (2nd expansion), with Ratigan, Scar and Yzma.

4. Perfectly Wretched (3rd expansion), with Pete (Steamboat Willie), Cruelle De Vil and Mother Gothel.

5. Despicable Plots (newest expansion), with Gaston, Lady Tremaine and the Horned King.

Sorry for the slight information overload, but what I'm trying to get at (and failing miserably) is who do you think is likely to be in the game with any/all future expansions (as one will be coming next year). Please note that Marvel Villainous is a separate entity.

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I have heard of it and i really want to play it. i need to pick it up.

Sovereign Court

I highly recommend it! :-)

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mildly annoyed Vidmaster7 wrote:

Ugh almost made a new alias "highly annoyed vidmaster7* just for this one.

Just checked in a top tier guest they went to their room and found someone in it. I'm sold out so I have to send them to another hotel and pay for their stay refund their stay here and figure out WHO TF is in that room because the room is under the name of the guy I just walked which makes no sense. Me and 2nd shift are gonna have it out.

Heh heh heh... the old “check into someone else’s room” scam. I’m always amazed how no one ever says “But you’re a monkey!”

Ok figured it out the person in the room had tricked 2nd shift into thinking it was the person on the reservation they were a regular and 2nd shift didn't check ID which is on them.

Sovereign Court

Good grief, that's just terrible. I hope 2nd shift has learnt their lesson.

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I gotta tell you, there is shit people do that would never even occur to me. Like, I can't conceive of a multiverse reality where I'd think "Hey, I'm going to pretend to be someone else to steal their reservation because I'm that selfish of an ass."


As the Refertron would say: "Stealing someone else's reservation? Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin."

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Who doesn't walk into random hotels and say "Hello, I'm Mike Smith, I believe I have a room reserved?".

I bet that works a quarter of the time.

Sovereign Court

Actually, I can think of a similar situation. It was a few years ago and my dad and I were picking up a takeaway that the whole family had ordered, but when we got there, apparently it had already been given over! Naturally, my dad was able to correct the situation (with the takeaway staff feeling very embarrassed) and we were able to grab our order and go.

Yeah that is a thing people do which is why we are suppose to check IDs. TBF the guy who stole the room had stayed with us before and enough times that 2nd shift recognized him just didn't remember his actual name.
Like Captain said I am sure that the old "I am John smith" does work a fair amount of time. Heck at that late of night their was a good chance the right person wasn't coming in at all. That happens so thy guy almost got a free room on the correct guest.

On the plus side we figured out who it was and charged him for it!

I know I've had it happen a couple of times where we had reservations for two guests with similar names, and second shift checked in the wrong one. Like checking "Michael Jones" into the reservation for "Michael Jonas". It's a pain, and shouldn't happen, but occasionally does.

Yeah we have had that before.
Actually my favorite mix-up was on check out

Lady comes to the desk to check out (so unnecessary most of the time.)
She says checking out for room X and I want to pay cash. Say ok Room X for (a name) She says yelp! I cash her out. She leaves. Fine nothing to note. Turns out she payed for the wrong room. She both told me the wrong room number and confirmed the wrong room number and name when I asked her. So she paid fore someone else's stay and was still charged for her own.
We got it fixed although she deserved to pay for that after being that oblivious.

When my friend Mark Smith and his wife Trina got married, they checked into a hotel without making a reservation. Trina is about six years younger than Mark is, so she was 20 when they got married but still looked exactly as she did in her high school yearbooks. The hotel clerk refused to believe that "Mark and Trina SMITH" was their real last name and tried to accuse them of using an alias in order to just have sex. They had to drag out their marriage license from their luggage right there in the lobby in front of a line of people to prove they were in fact married.

Well that is ridiculous.

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And also none of that person's business. Has to be at least three before it's a room party.

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To play devil's advocate, in some/most/possibly all states hotels (and sometimes the clerks) can be held criminally accountable if they suspect some kind of sex crime is being done on the property and they don't do anything to stop it. So maybe the clerk was concerned about some kind of statutory and/or trafficking situation.

On the other hand, some people are just a%!$#~&s.

Hmm if they have a lot of that in the area i suppose it could be a concern.

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UGh Dude buying stuff from our sweet shop.
him: charge it to my room!
ME: what room?
Him: Charge it to my room
Me: what's your room number?
Him: looks at me like I'm dumb.

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But, if I tell you me room number, I'll get charged for it...

.. Doom will get the satellite into positioning...

If you want to incinerate me, I wouldn't mind.

DOOM was going to aim the laser for the annoying gusts room but if you would like I can set it up to move your direction next.

♫Doom doom doom doom doom,
doom doom do DOOM,
DOOOM doom do-doom,
DOOM do-doom doom doooom,
doom doom dooom, do-do-DOOOM!

(6 months later)

Doom doom doo doom doom,
doom do do DOOM,
Do do DOOM,
Doom doom doom...♫

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Honestly its a true testament to Zim's patience that it took 6 months to finally snap and tell him to shut up.

Invader Zim? Never saw it.

Watch the first 2 or 3. If you don't like those don't watch anymore.

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Nah. I've gone this long without seeing it, I can keep going.

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This is my theory on pretty much everything.

It's a big time saver.

I like to try a little bit of everything myself.

I have so much stuff in my queues, I don't want to add more.

Yeah I feel like I have less and less free time so I need to be more selective but I try to make time.

Super bored at work time. oh yeah I have a new book! to the bookmobile!
(oh so aparently bookmobile is already in use..) Bookhopter!

So how are people doing tonight? Me I am happy it is almost time for my days off.

Ugh no one saw fit to tell me the elevator was out of order. feel like that was important information to share...

It's only important if you need to go between floors.

So its turned on and I feel if it was out of order it would be turned off additionally someone just rode it down so no sign for higher floors my thought is they forgot to take the sign down for the first floor. I just am real hesitant to test the theory and the elevator kill someone. including me which is why I haven't tested it myself yet.

Text 2nd shift?

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