Children of Mythic beings, are they mythic?

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

I was watching Good Omens and it got me wondering if a mythic being of rank X had a child such as say a mythic 3 chimera or a mythic 9 archmage giving birth or fathering a child would those children be mythic, normal or up to the mythic being to decide.

Similarly to this would it be in addition to, seperate too or in place of the mythic beings power e.g. a mythic 3 chimera fathers a child do you then have two mythic 3 chimera's, a mythic 3 chimera and a mythic 1 chimer or a mythic 2 and a mythic 1 chimera?


There are no mechanical rules covering this. It is 100% up to the game table to decide.

With our Wrath campaign, my mythic character entered into a relationship with another mythic creature, and it is canonical at our table that they have produced a set of twins. I have deliberately left the genders, races, and all other details of those children unstated. That lets future players and DMs (myself included) use those kids as wished. Maybe they're mythic. Maybe they're not. Maybe the have an inclination to become mythic. Maybe they're exceptionally bland.

You decide. But there's nothing like RAW to look at here.

I am of the opinion that mythic spawn should not consider their mere birth as ascension. Their upbringing might prime them or prepare them, or it might ruin them, but being born... not enough.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The only statted child of a mythic being I'm aware of is Rasputin. He doesn't have any of his mother's ten mythic ranks, but does have a supernatural ability that makes him harder to kill than most mortals.

Scarab Sages

I know there's now rules on it hence why this is in general not rules. Just wondering how different players/gms would treat it in their games and why.

I would say no, they aren't born mythic.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

They could be born mythic, but its not guaranteed, just because your parents had special destiny doesn't mean you will

I agree with CorvusMask. Or maybe if their parents are known heroes the child might have some higher social standing than its peers among some circles, but it's up the GM to decide whether or not it manifests Mythic abilities later in life. Granted, it might make an interesting story arc when old enemies of the parents got wind of the birth and came hunting for the baby.

Scarab Sages

So general sentiment is they may get a boost (special ability) and a propensity to become mythic later but otherwise they'd be normal. Interesting.

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Yo, I flagged this for wrong forum which is obvious, if only from reading the sticky post at the top of the forum saying this is for general discussion about Paizo AS A COMPANY, not about it's campaign setting/RPG rules which have dedicated sub-forums down the page.

Vic Wertz, Chief Technical Officer wrote:
This section of the messageboards is for general discussion about Paizo Inc. This is *not* the place to post rules questions, ask for advice on gaming topics, or discuss specific products—please look for a more appropriate forum before you post here.

Although in all honesty I never read that sticky until now, but never had a problem because a forum named distinctly for "Paizo" General Discussion is obviously about them as a company as opposed to Campaign Setting / RPG Rules discussion, which have sub-forums further down the main forum page.

And no, Vic Wertz having Mythic Ranks does not justify discussing this topic here :-)

In response to thread question (which I assume will soon be moved to appropriate sub-forum), I would say that in general there seems little to no focus on Gods having children. I am not aware of any, myself. And I would situate Mythic Tiers in realm of mortals approaching realm of gods and demi-gods. If Gods having god-children or demi-god children isn't really a thing, I don't see why Mythic Tier wannabe's would be.

Scarab Sages

Opps sorry, I google searched Paizo, forum, general and clicked on the result then posted there thinking it'd be the right one. Didn't realize there were multiple "General" sub forums my apologies.

No problem, I figured as much. I think alot of people won't bother to look for ideal specific sub-forum (nor read advisory "sticky posts") but will just default to General, so it's maybe something Paizo should look at re: layout and naming of sub-forums.

I realized I forgot a big one re: Gods with children, Zon-Kuthon and Desna are siblings with Z-K having tortured their father. So I might dial back that interpretation somewhat.

Overall, if you want to use it in your game, I think recognizing merely having the opportunity to gain Mythic Ranks is far beyond the norm. So I think a backstory of being tied to a parent with Mythic Ranks might be better expressed as personalized challenge encountered at low levels which starts ascension of Mythic ranks. Otherwise, it's just a power boost, IMHO better to entice players to establish how exactly they are worthy of Mythic Tier.

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Quandary wrote:

No problem, I figured as much. I think alot of people won't bother to look for ideal specific sub-forum (nor read advisory "sticky posts") but will just default to General, so it's maybe something Paizo should look at re: layout and naming of sub-forums.

I realized I forgot a big one re: Gods with children, Zon-Kuthon and Desna are siblings with Z-K having tortured their father. So I might dial back that interpretation somewhat.

Overall, if you want to use it in your game, I think recognizing merely having the opportunity to gain Mythic Ranks is far beyond the norm. So I think a backstory of being tied to a parent with Mythic Ranks might be better expressed as personalized challenge encountered at low levels which starts ascension of Mythic ranks. Otherwise, it's just a power boost, IMHO better to entice players to establish how exactly they are worthy of Mythic Tier.

Zon-Kuthon and Shelyn are siblings. Not Desna.

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Actually, in the unlikely event that I would use Mythic, somebody trying to engineer Mythic creatures and/or people to breed true Mythic sounds like an ominously awesome AP plot hook . . . speaking of which, what's going on Hermea?

Regarding deific children
1. Off the top of my head, Desna and Cayden Cailean are the parents of Kurgess.
2. One of the Wrath of the Righteous campaign traits is Touched by Divinity. I believe that in the third (?) module any characters with that trait find out the deity they are close to is the parent of the character. In this particular case, the character was not mythic before gaining power at the end of module one like the others.

both yes and no.
yes being born mythic would grant the offspring +1 mythic. that said said offspring would still have to discover that on their own.

no they are not mythic because said mythicdom might never awaken in said offspring.

Dunno why this is in the rules forum, belongs in advice or pathfinder general.

The rules for ascension list being the child of a god as a possible source of mythic power, but it only awakens later in life. And the lost inheritance mythic theme suggests that your mythic origins come from your mythic ancestors.

So, having mythic parents can be part of your mythic ascension, but it’s pretty much never the only part. Mythic characters are almost always born normal and ascend later in life. The trigger of that ascension can be nearly anything powerful though.

Scarab Sages

Interesting. Also yes I agree this shouldn't be in rules there's a reason I posted in what I thought was the general discussion about the game.

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