Best In-Game Pun

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I submit that it is scientifically impossible for gamers to resist a pun-off. What is your all-time groan-worthiest in-game pun?

Comic for illustrative purposes.

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Corrected link.

This example isn't PF, but I had a hard time taking the Tunnels & Trolls spell list seriously when the two must-have spells were named Take That, You Fiend (magic blast) and Oh Poor Baby (healing).

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Well, I don't know why the Mage Guild was wanting me to lay you, dragon. But...a contract's a contract. So, how are we going to do this?
Dragon: Are you actually being serious, human?

There is no way I can pick one pun from the literally thousands we've uttered in 30 plus years as a group.

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im runing a game for my players. big castle, full of door. party rogue check each door for traps. when asked why does he bother even though some are obviusly not trapped he rreplay:
"becuase one does not simply step into more doors' (last one sounded like step into Mordor - lord of the rings) was not long after the movie was out so.. ;)

4th ed, wizard that liked using fire. The dwarf(?) once cast a major fire area spell, and he was in the AoE on purpose. So i said: "Sombody call 911 'cause shorty's burning".


Necromancers are dead sexy because they have wight privilege.

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Ryze Kuja wrote:
Necromancers are dead sexy because they have wight privilege.

you can't spell 'Necromancer' without 'Romance'

zza ni wrote:
Ryze Kuja wrote:
Necromancers are dead sexy because they have wight privilege.
you can't spell 'Necromancer' without 'Romance'

All vampires are neck romancers.

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CloudCobra wrote:

Well, I don't know why the Mage Guild was wanting me to lay you, dragon. But...a contract's a contract. So, how are we going to do this?

Dragon: Are you actually being serious, human?

Mages have notoriously poor handwriting. I mean for crap's sake, they have to make Spellcraft checks just to decipher one another's spellbooks!

This isn't technically 'In-game' but... While the group I'm in was playing CC, we somehow got into an off-topic discussion about inhalers:

"Why, does [Inquisitor] need an inhaler to fight undead?

Because its Phar-asma!"

The DM had to leave the room after that one.

zza ni wrote:
Ryze Kuja wrote:
Necromancers are dead sexy because they have wight privilege.
you can't spell 'Necromancer' without 'Romance'

You can't spell 'slaughter' without 'laughter'.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

This one comes from PFS and is still the best pun I have heard playing this game for almost 10 years.

PFS Season 7 Spoiler:

For those that don't know, PFS S7 revolves around the fact that one of our Venture-Captains and (at the time) Master of Spells had been assassinated, and his soul trapped so that he cannot be resurrected.

That VC's name was Aram Zey

So here I am, running PFS #7-23. The goal of this scenario is to track down the holder of his soul into a market place that exists on the Astral Plane. In the course of asking around the market, the party is pointed to a Xill and a Phase Spider with competing stalls across the street. Off course, their species being ancient enemies means the PC's need to careful decide who they talk to first.

After some discussion, neither side has convinced the other, until of my players drops this bomb...

Awesome Player wrote:
You know that they say. Where there's a Xill, there's a Zey

Our party battled its way to a torture chamber and encountered a prisoner that had been poisoned (incurably) and was dying a slow, agonizing death. After confirming that we had no way to save him, the bard decided to do a mercy-kill coup de grace with his shortbow.

"Wait, can you do a coup de grace with a ranged weapon?"
(checking rules)
"Hmm... looks like you can. OK, put him out of his misery."

"Got it. I deliver a Mercy Bow Coup."

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