What would you like to see on the Gen Con schedule?

Pathfinder Society

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Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Howdy all,
As we all know, PFS2 using the soon to be released 2E rules will launch at Gen Con. We also know that while Paizo won’t be releasing new scenarios for PFS1 after that, it will continue to be sanctioned. We also have Starfinder Society, Adventure Card Game and Pathfinder Academy. One of the biggest challenges each year is to build a schedule that appeals to the widest possible audience. We know that the PM slots are typically reserved for special events and I do not expect that to change. What those events will be is still a guarded secret by Paizo, but my educated guess would be that Thursday night will be some kind of Starfinder special, Friday will feature the launch of PFS2, and Saturday will be a finale event of sorts for PFS1. Though I could easily see Thursday and Saturday swapped. The overnight slot is on the schedule, but it has shown extremely low turnout. We are at a crossroads to decide whether or not we can use those resources better somewhere else and cancel overnights. PSA has shown consistent reduction in participation every year. It is also at risk of being canceled.

So, what do you want to play or GM? What do you want to see on the schedule? What would make you want to play overnight? Do you have youth players or know anyone who does? What can we do to encourage more PSA play? Throw out some ideas. The better informed Paizo is the better schedule they can offer. Let’s keep this constructive. If we start arguing over who’s ideas are better, it will lose any value and the powers that be will stop following.

Explore! Report! Cooperate!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta

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So, crazy idea - maybe consider scheduling small run of previous multi table specials during a daytime slot?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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Glen, what, you want GenCon to copy RetroCon? Insanity!


★--- ★ --- ★ --- ★

More seriously, I am sad to hear that PSA is on the verge of cancellation. I think it's a great program that needs better administrative support. Although I am a children's librarian who loves GMing for children, last year I requested an 'anything but PSA' slot because I felt - well, like we were the last priority of the Organized Play Leadership Team. Our scenarios came in later than other GMs. If you were doing PSA advanced, you were prepping something more difficult than a Pathfinder Special, but without the recognition. The amount of handouts that you had to prep was insane. Even worse, sometimes your tables fell through -- not a happy feeling if you want to GM.

I do think that the Academy programs -- Beginners and Advanced -- are a bit didactic. Focus less on teaching the rules and more on teaching teamwork, exploration and being a great Pathfinder. I'd like to see PSA focus more on family fun. Do adventures that are a riot. Everyone wanted to do We Be Goblins. I think that Phantom Phenomena and House of Harmonious Wisdom and Into the Unknown for Starfinder would be great PSA choices.

I'd like to see PSA open up to PF2 and Starfinder. Kids and their grownups want to try out what is new.

★--- ★ --- ★ --- ★

As for me... Well I'm going to be on the GM indentured servitude plan, so in all likelihood I am only going to play one slot in all of GenCon. Chances are quite good that slot will be Starfinder, my current favorite campaign.


Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Glen, what, you want GenCon to copy RetroCon? Insanity!


★--- ★ --- ★ --- ★

As for me... Well I'm going to be on the GM indentured servitude plan, so in all likelihood I am only going to play one slot in all of GenCon. Chances are quite good that slot will be Starfinder, my current favorite campaign.


I embraced my insanity long ago, and it has made me... able to be crazy and still function.

Also on the GM Indentured Servitude plan here.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

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Bob, has any thought been given to sanctioned module runs? Or is OPF concerned that the nature of convention play (meeting all sorts of new people, not necessarily the best group composition, heaven forbid two personality types clash at the table) make such an offering a hazardous proposition that isn't in the best interest of all involved?

I don't know what might help with PSA, I do not have the insight needed for that aspect of OP even though I think its pretty cool (although perhaps, and this is based on what observations I had two years ago, a wider offering of scenarios? Frostfur Captives is a lot of fun and a great scenario for that age group, but it seemed that apart from that one there weren't many others; is there an issue identifying scenarios that are good candidates?) What I can opine on is overnights. While I have not experienced them at Gen Con, I have played at one such table at Total Con a few years back. I don't believe that there was anything wrong with myself, the table or the GM, but by the time we were halfway through I was so tired I couldn't make sense of what the heck I was supposed to be doing, in a scenario that has a hefty infiltration portion that develops in a very singular timeline post-discovery by your opponents. I do not know if I am just a lightweight, but I believe that overnights, for those who do not care to sleep much during Gen Con, should be filled with demolition derby versions of King of the Storval Stairs. Plot and deception do not translate well at 4 AM and I am of the opinion that those who are still cranked at that point in time just want to pit their characters against a good old dungeon crawl, or a non-zero amount of vampiric seugathi just to see who's the most badass. Don't have any scenarios with that particular brand of opponent? I know a girl who can hook you up.

In short, perhaps overnight slots can be amped up by offering more mechanical challenges and less opportunities for the players to exercise their memories, or understanding complex socio-economic organisations. I hope that answered part of your question.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Columbia

I'm not sure if I'll be in the GM Indentured Servitude plan this year as my wife wants to come this year, but I plan on running five or six games anyway. I also am planning or hoping on GMing my 5-Star game for my VC there too.

I am wanting to run the PFS 1 special, the 5-Star session, the PFS 2.0 special and two more PFS 2.0 scenarios. Not sure if I will be able to get everything done for the 5th star by Quin Con yet or not. If I do get it done at Quin Con I'll be happy to do both PFS specials and 3 PFS 2.0 sessions.

One thing I would like to see happen for this Gen Con and I know it is out of your hands is for the PFS 2.0 GMs to have the actual 2e book at least two weeks before Gen Con. I know the confidentiality issues exist and all of that stuff and I understand completely. However, my experience with running the Playtest at Gen Con last year was an exercise in learning on the job. It was magnified by running Raiders of the Shrieking Peak, a L5 scenario.

One difference is we were running for players who didn't know it either and the characters were pregens. This year they may have their L1 characters up and running by the second block and we will be expected to perform at a higher level than running the Playtest.

Again, I know it's out of your hands, but it would really be helpful if we had the book. I was going to type in something about having a copy of the rules, but it needs to be better than the Playtest rules we got before Gen Con last year. Others may have different views on this and that's fine. I just want to deliver a quality session for players who want to play PFS 2.0. We've got too many people who are looking for any excuse to slam the second edition and I would like to deny them that chance.

Exo-Guardians 5/55/5

I really hope midnight madness doesn't get axed. With eight slots of GMing, that was my only real option to play last year. With the requirement for a spot on a bed going to seven, I was hoping to be able to play an extra alot during normal-people-time, and get my sleep during the Pathfinder specials again.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Midnight madness has been a huge success at both PaizoCon and GenCon, so I expect to see it continue.


hmmm... 2019 is going to be a real mix as PFS and SFS go from PF1 to PF2 engine.

Will Paizo put a book vendor outside the sagamore THR & FRI with the new CRB2? Likely they'll sell out but it helps create a shorter line.

This will probably have the most varied offerings going on at once of any Paizo GenCon. I suspect that table top colors and mustering points(doors) and signage could be used to separate the flows in a rough manner. Otherwise might I suggest added a table top color banner to the base of the iconic banners to help sort things out.

I hope there will be a PF2 Demo at Paizo booth, PF2 Quests AND a transitional PF2 Scenario or three for regular tables with 'new' tiering, credits per level, Prestige, and 4hr(?) timeslots. Will there be a PF2 special? The interactive special should be mechanically simple and RP heavy to smooth the transition. Will PF2 GMs have some experience shown via credits earned during the Playtest period?

I assume yall will split the tables in regular play as needed between PFS, SFS (be they PF1 or PF2).

I'll go by dedicated areas;

Quests had it's own area, muster line, and tables. I'd like to see a PF2 Quest that went quicker, say 30min per 6 sessions to complete with 6 sections on the Chronicle for items and gold. Then a simple statement for XP. Too many neophytes thought they earned 6XP.

PSAcademy used the general table area with their own GMs and materials. It did seem a lot of overhead for their play, could they share space and GMs with Quests? They both introduce players to PF and this year learning PF2/SFS2 will be a priority.


Overnight... generally I'm sleeping but I know people that love it and it's trying to utilize unused space. Planning is the hard part as GenCon loves their tickets. I don't know what the numbers are but could they do 3-4 tables of an interactive that ran earlier? That might be more appealing as the interactives tend to sell out.

new ideas -
can people play just for fun without reporting & no chronicle so long as the table is a legal one? There's no option for this unless it's a "replay for no credit" and if their character dies it's a loss of a number or possible character. Call it Auditing a class. If it's the whole table they can play outside of PFS and have fun.

while GenCon loves its tickets could 'at will' GMs pick up a scenario (offered at the con) and run an impromptu game at a unused table using generic tickets? The marshalls would have to pick up their tickets.

There are 'cruisers' out in the halls looking for things to do. Could a GM go out there and run a game on a table?

As the Sagamore isn't partitioned and has specials every evening, it doesn't lend itself to staggered start times.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Midnight madness has been a huge success at... GenCon

Actually, from a "take rate" or "allocation of resources" perspective it was only marginally effective the first year and was unsuccessful last year. At this time we intend to keep it again this year, but if the shrinkage trend continues, it will certainly be at risk of being cancelled.

One of the concerns we are having is that a growing number of players are not being responsible with their time. The original target audience for the overnight slots are shift/overnight workers who don't want to flip their sleep schedule for just a few days and then flip it back after Gen Con, but we are finding that is not who is signing up. Many are over-extending themselves trying to survive on only a couple of hours or even zero sleep for multiple consecutive days. It becomes a problem by Saturday when players are falling asleep at tables and an ever bigger problem when GMs are running a full schedule of events in addition to playing every available slot. The quality of their later GM tables is significantly impaired and leading to player complaints. Yes, we are identifying these people, but its a slow and painful process that results in unhappy players along the way. We STRONGLY ENCOURAGE players/GMs to make good decisions with their time. Yes, it is a significant investment to volunteer for 7+ blocks, but you are choosing to do so. We certainly appreciate it, but you need to remember we have a responsibility to the players we are running for to be as rested as possible. Its already a challenge to get some rest at Gen Con under the best of circumstances, please don't make it harder on you and the players at your table by over-extending yourself. HQ will do its part by never scheduling a GM for more than three consecutive slots. That is the standard we have followed since long before overnights became an option. Thx

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks for the correction!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

My Life Is In Ruins wrote:
PSAcademy...could they share space?

Not in its current format. PSA at Gen Con is focused on youth/minor players. We isolate it from standard games so the GM can focus on that audience. Running for youth players, especially pre-teen is a much different environment than playing with adults. It provides a place where the youth will not be intimidated by adult players and where youth GMs can run for their peers and develop their skills.

My Life Is In Ruins wrote:
can people play just for fun without reporting & no chronicle so long as the table is a legal one?

This doesn't sound like organized play, it sounds like casual "home" play. Obviously since the focus of the Sagamore and Paizo's efforts are to support organized play, I doubt there will be an effort to coordinate "open" play. Course there is always the option to submit such events with Gen Con and they can assign tables and add the events to the catalog. IIRC there is also at least one open play area at the convention center that may facilitate these types of events.

My Life Is In Ruins wrote:
while GenCon loves its tickets could 'at will' GMs pick up a scenario (offered at the con) and run an impromptu game at a unused table using generic tickets? The marshals would have to pick up their tickets.

We already do this by trying to seat all players, real or generic tickets, at available space. We always have a group of players working with the marshal team after primary mustering is complete to match up players and GMs who's table didn't make. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. Depends on the willingness of the GM to run something there were not assigned and the players willingness to play what is available.

My Life Is In Ruins wrote:
There are 'cruisers' out in the halls looking for things to do. Could a GM go out there and run a game on a table?

Not sure what you are suggesting here. Go out and recruit players from hallway passer-bys? Drafting an unprepared player to a 4+ hour table of RPG does not really sound effective, but maybe I misunderstand your intent. Besides, with the Quest tables that are free to play and walk-up we already have a mechanism for interested players to come in and play some PFS/SFS on a whim.

It is good that we have these discussions. It allows Paizo and the organizing committee to hear other ideas that may help us improve our process, and it allows us to answer questions and respond to why some ideas are not permitted or functionally positive for the experience.


Musical Chairs-
If a scenario is all generics then could half the players at a table change seats to other tables halfway through the scenario?
Yes it's crazy but it's like musical chairs or a dance where you change partners. All players would stand and then GMs send out 1-2 volunteers from each table that sit OR tap other standing players who then have to find a new table as the new players sit. Chaos will ensue but it shouldn't take more than 10min and you can play some music while it goes on. Player's should be advised not to bring too much *stuff*.
Ofcourse it would be easier to just switch around the generics at the table.
yes - it's more suited for the kids area... I was going to suggest Color my Adventure(book) and Name that Fey!

I understand some ideas are more difficult to implement in the current format. I'm just trying to get some different ideas out there. Not all are practical in the Sagamore or may not be what you want.

Ahhh, so quests don't require generic tickets? If true then that should be clearly posted near the entrance (or maybe it was and I missed it).

I do remember the after muster seating of last minute players at HQ and the volunteers that GM'd the game changes.
What I was referring to was non-volunteers(or volunteers) running a PFS game at an open table in Sagamore without Con credit. I believe Paizo is responsible for gaming that goes on in the room and would need to collect tickets for that table as per GenCon rules.
If the area(table) was not in the Sagamore then that's different. I believe there is an open gaming area down near the vendor area. It would be inappropriate to send volunteers there but volunteers could direct 'open gamers' there if the Sagamore can not host them.

The Exchange 1/5 5/5 ***

I'm probably going for 5-6 slots, going to try and limit it to SFS special and games as well as PFS2 Special(if they have one) and games.

Probably not going to run PFS1 games this year unless Bob REALLY needs me to. I would like to play the LAST PFS special at GenCon this year since it will be my last chance to play a PFS special at GenCon ever!

I also hope we will get early access to the PF2e rules before GenCon, at least earlier than SF or PF2PT rules, but if history is any indication we won't! I will still try and give my players the best possible experience that I can. I believe that by focusing on SFS and PFS2 I can do that.

I personally have never played or GM'd any overnight sessions as I usually run both specials both nights and need some rest.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Marc Waschle wrote:
unless Bob REALLY needs me

I’m flattered, but it it’s not about what I want. I’m merely a member of the organizing team that facilitates the volunteers. It’s the community that really needs people to give graciously of their time and it’s for them that people volunteer. People should only volunteer as much or as little as they are comfortable doing.

Explore! Report! Cooperate!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

I'd like to see slots for PFS open play like find 6 players for X scenario and HQ will provide a GM?

Or I know the campaign staff's time is limited, but maybe a special run of retired scenarios like Eye of the Crocodile King

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Mike McKeown wrote:
I'd like to see slots for PFS open play like find 6 players for X scenario and HQ will provide a GM?

We actually tried something like this a few years back. Called it classic tables. Players would decide at the table what they wanted to play and HQ would provide the materials. It is a great idea and I like it...in theory. In practice it wasn’t very effective for a number of reasons, of which some are harder to overcome than others. As anyone who has needed something printed on demand at HQ can contest, it takes time. There is usually a line waiting at the printer for things like lost chronicle sheets, forgotten handouts, etc. So simply getting the materials to run the event eats up slot time. We have found that few GMs are interested in waiting to find out what they will be running until the slot starts and running cold is almost never as good an experience as a prepared GM. So finding GMs willing to run these events is a challenge. You would think it a simple thing for six players to decide on what they want to play, but in reality, it’s not. It often took upwards of half an hour or more just to determine which scenario to play.

At Gen Con we focus as much as possible on scheduled events where the GM, players, and HQ can be thoroughly prepared to maximize our valuable resources not the least of which is time.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Mike McKeown wrote:
Or I know the campaign staff's time is limited, but maybe a special run of retired scenarios like Eye of the Crocodile King

This is something we’d love to do, and we have tried to get staff to run events for us for years. The simple truth is they are extremely busy at Gen Con. There are seminars to panel, industry meetings to attend, and most importantly the booth. It takes a lot of time to get through the booth with our purchases and that’s with virtually all staffers working all the time. Now think about what it’ll be like if we take staffers away from them? It’s also difficult to expect them to run a game for five hours after they have worked the booth all day. They use their free time much like we do; reconnecting with old friends, demo new games, shop the vendor hall, or maybe just catch some needed sleep. Remember Gen Con for us is a vacation. For Paizo staffers it’s work.


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I was one of the first Kid's Track GMs and I think it is a good program. That said, I think this year PSA needs to take a year off at GenCon for several reasons:
1) It is a Pathfinder 1.0 rules based on the Beginner Box. 1.0 support is ending so why are we getting kids hooked on it.
2) Based on 1) above, PSA should come back when Beginner Box 2.0 comes out (in the spring of 2020?).
3) Running and teaching games for kids requires good basic rules knowledge, patients, and a good re poor with little kids. Not many of us are going to have a good basic working knowledge of 2.0 when it launches. GMs are going to need to have a very good grasp on the rules in order to bring them down so an eight year old can understand them.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

What would I like to see offered at GenCon?

PFS 1.0 tables during every slot. Have some 1.0 tables during the StarFinder special. Some of us would like to use that time to GM or play some. If the PFS 2.0 special doesn't sell out quick, you could open up some 1.0 tables during that slot as well.

Yes these requests are hard. You need to know (or have a really good idea) before ticket sales open up what ticket demand is going to be like. I.E. I'm asking the impossible. Still ....

I'm planning on playing and GMing as much PFS 1.0 as I can at GenCon, hoping to get to 100 tables (after 9 years) before 1.0 fades away.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

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So my wish list:

1) I'd love to see a demo area for Roll20/Fantasy Grounds/PbP or at least an area promoting online play. The last two years I've run Quests and players were completely unaware of the official online community, and this would be a great way to spread the word. I know we've limited space in the hall... but its a dream *Disclaimer I'm an Online VO*

2) Overnight slots, why not offer older scenario's that vary from those run during the day, or even an older Multi table Special. A small multi-table wouldn't require the Multimedia setup or the large ones or a massive organizational system, and would help bolster ticket sales / participation.

3) I would love to see the inclusion of modules or a Sanctioned Adventure Path Books at GenCon, unlikely i know due to them being a two slot game. If time is the issue have tables of the shorter modules, like the Free RPG day ones, could be a work around.

4) I really think Kid's Track should be relocated to the same side of the room as the regular Demo tables, or vice versa, and have much better signage, for both Kid's Track and Demo's. I understand the thought process behind keeping it separate, but its often gets unnoticed by the younger crowd as its is too secluded.

5) GM materials sent out ASAP to provide as much prep time as possible.

6) The Help desk, having three facings, could be broken into SFS/PFS/2E.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

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Swiftbrook wrote:

What would I like to see offered at GenCon?

PFS 1.0 tables during every slot. Have some 1.0 tables during the StarFinder special. Some of us would like to use that time to GM or play some. If the PFS 2.0 special doesn't sell out quick, you could open up some 1.0 tables during that slot as well.

This, exactly.

Last year, at least 1/3 of the room was empty during the SFS special. We had GMs that would have been available to run during this time, if PFS 1 was offered.

For the PFS 2 special, perhaps it would be ok to also have SFS and/or PFS 1 running. There are a good number of folks that will not be comfortable running a new system with even a month's time to really get to learn it.

Last year's slack channel should be repeated. It was helpful in many ways.

Having some sort of GM meeting prior to the specials would also be helpful. I know that we can no longer use the hallway behind the Sagamore, and that mustering will be happening as we would be doing this, but what if we got some volunteers (myself included) to run quick briefings in room corners, or something?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Actually if we have the GM meetings for the special in their respective Slack channels before Gen Con it is much more effective. There is no time crunch. GMs can ask many more questions and see those of others more readily. The author and/or developers can answer questions more thoroughly and provide much more in-depth responses. I am 99% sure we will use this format again this year

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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That is excellent news. I ❤ the helpfulness of the slack channel crowd!


Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

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For Pathfinder Academy this Year I think it should be Switched to Starfinder Academy, we can get GMs to run and teach Starfinder we have a beginner box coming out which should be able to teach the Basics of Starfinder right from the Box. Combined with some of the Starfinder Scenarios and Quests. I think it would be the right direction to go. One of the complaints last year was the lack of Starfinder in the Academy Area.

I do think also for the Academy Area we should reduce the number of tables, being offered in the Sag and see if we can get a demo table in the kids area that is put on by GenCon. It would reach more exposure for the Academy and New people for Academy.

I do feel we could probably teach PS2 if we kept it simple with a basic quest line and a Quick Start Guide.

I think the Lesson plans need to be rewritten for the Academy with the both the New Systems in mind.

New Systems, New Academy :D

My 2 cents.

Never give Up, Never Surrender!!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

Bob Jonquet wrote:
Actually if we have the GM meetings for the special in their respective Slack channels before Gen Con it is much more effective. There is no time crunch. GMs can ask many more questions and see those of others more readily. The author and/or developers can answer questions more thoroughly and provide much more in-depth responses. I am 99% sure we will use this format again this year

I don't disagree with that, though there are a good number of folks that will never join. A quick meeting could be a good place to give out handouts as well. Also, a great place for reminders. Just saying that both could take place.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

First off, thanks for asking for feedback from the community. We appreciate the request.

The main thing I would like to see is more quantity/variety of high level PF1. Last year there were only a handful of scenarios being run for 5-9 and 7-11 and I'm not sure if any were run for 12+. I'd like to be able to spend multiple tables with my oldest characters before PF1 support ends and most people move to PF2.

And please, let us know as soon as possible which nights are running which system(s).

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta

From the call for volunteers thread:

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:
Will the individual convention listing also which night which "specials" will be running? Or at this point is the sign-up generic and we are simply stating how many blocks we are willing to run, not which specific blocks we are volunteering for?

We are still putting schedules together, but tentatively it looks like:

PaizoCon -
*Sun: PFS 10-00


Origins -
*Fri: PFS 10-00
*Sat: SFS 2-00

Gen Con -
*Thurs: PFS2 Pregen Special
*Fri: SFS 2-00
*Sat: PFS 10-00

Pax U -
*Sat: PFS2 Pregen Special

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Great Lakes

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Lucas Servideo wrote:

For Pathfinder Academy this Year I think it should be Switched to Starfinder Academy, we can get GMs to run and teach Starfinder we have a beginner box coming out which should be able to teach the Basics of Starfinder right from the Box. Combined with some of the Starfinder Scenarios and Quests. I think it would be the right direction to go. One of the complaints last year was the lack of Starfinder in the Academy Area.

I do think also for the Academy Area we should reduce the number of tables, being offered in the Sag and see if we can get a demo table in the kids area that is put on by GenCon. It would reach more exposure for the Academy and New people for Academy.

I do feel we could probably teach PS2 if we kept it simple with a basic quest line and a Quick Start Guide.

I think the Lesson plans need to be rewritten for the Academy with the both the New Systems in mind.

New Systems, New Academy :D

My 2 cents.

Never give Up, Never Surrender!!

I second everything Lucas said. We want to be teaching the kids the systems going forward, and since we’ve got a beginner box coming for Starfinder, and P2 development purposely looked at having an easier entry point, having kids jump into the systems is a great opportunity for growth. Also, looking at scenarios that could be used for this, for P1 the Goblins ones have been used, so could Skittershot be used for Starfinder? It definitely encourages working together and being “helpful”.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta

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(( Per Tonya on the other thread, the "10-00" above should be "10-99: The Finale" instead. I would edit but I can't, due to time))

1/5 5/5

My tables on the overnight last year had a 100% fill rate on all three nights.

Several other tables did not fire because there was zero interest (or next to zero interest) for what was being offered at those tables, among other reasons.

It was brought up above, and I'm once again putting my lowly 1-star hat into the ring to offer to Head GM overnight Specials if needed Legacy of the Stonelords, Sky Key Solution, Siege of Serpents, Assault on Absalom, Blood Under Absalom, Solstice Scar A, B, C,

Also, on the point of responsibility, I took my duties seriously and did not play *any* evening slots during the convention, instead using that as my 'sleep time'.

I have played... a significant number of PFS1 scenarios, and I even have a significant number of them on .pdf from various Humble Bundles and the like. If there was a call for a scenario that was a 'Golden Oldie', and I had it to prep well in advance I'd be willing to take that on, especially if I have played it.

It is easier in my prep process to run something I have played, and it is likewise easier in my prep process if the scenario is available no later than six weeks out. This is the suggestion for 'Golden Oldies', as they are already 'in the field'.

Sure, they're not the 'shiny new toy', but after this year there won't be the same level of PFS1 at Gen Con as far as it currently seems. There are people out there who have never had a chance to play many of the scenarios of the past ten seasons.

Let's get some opportunities to those who did not have the chance to play some of the older scenarios when they first got rolled out.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:
Mike McKeown wrote:
Or I know the campaign staff's time is limited, but maybe a special run of retired scenarios like Eye of the Crocodile King
This is something we’d love to do, and we have tried to get staff to run events for us for years. The simple truth is they are extremely busy at Gen Con. There are seminars to panel, industry meetings to attend, and most importantly the booth. It takes a lot of time to get through the booth with our purchases and that’s with virtually all staffers working all the time. Now think about what it’ll be like if we take staffers away from them? It’s also difficult to expect them to run a game for five hours after they have worked the booth all day. They use their free time much like we do; reconnecting with old friends, demo new games, shop the vendor hall, or maybe just catch some needed sleep. Remember Gen Con for us is a vacation. For Paizo staffers it’s work.

Alright, so then here's a followup to that: why are these scenarios gated specifically behind Paizo staff? What needs to happen so that they aren't gated to be only run by Paizo staff and instead by some tranche of OPF volunteers? What would the requirements be to be admitted as part of those who can run these scenarios? If out of the box thinking is what we need here, I think it would be interesting to explore these questions.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Those scenarios were retired by Paizo for specific reasons. A few of them have been reworked by the developers for special/featured use at select conventions they travel to, but not put through the full development pass to make them suitable for public release. The use of these scenarios is beyond the purview of the Gen Con organizing committee. It would require a policy change by the Paizo development team.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Upaynao wrote:
If out of the box thinking is what we need here, I think it would be interesting to explore these questions.

Nothing out of the box, just the actual time needed to develop the loose notes into a reworked scenario. Which Paizo needs to spend on developing 2E scenarios for launch at GenCon.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:
Those scenarios were retired by Paizo for specific reasons. A few of them have been reworked by the developers for special/featured use at select conventions they travel to, but not put through the full development pass to make them suitable for public release. The use of these scenarios is beyond the purview of the Gen Con organizing committee. It would require a policy change by the Paizo development team.

OK, so they cannot be released to the general public. And there would need to be a policy change by Paizo. So with that in mind, what assurances/conditions would OPF/the volunteers who wish to run these need to provide to get that policy change in effect and run these scenarios? I am certain, based on what I've heard of the past couple multi-table ACG specials, that qualified volunteers can run a scenario based on non-formatted notes. If this is a question that you cannot answer, we should be bringing in someone who can answer it.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Upaynao wrote:
If out of the box thinking is what we need here, I think it would be interesting to explore these questions.
Nothing out of the box, just the actual time needed to develop the loose notes into a reworked scenario. Which Paizo needs to spend on developing 2E scenarios for launch at GenCon.

I agree that the time does not exist with the focus on 2E, but I think that under certain conditions, and with the proper disclaimers and assurances a roughly reworked scenario can be run by a subset of volunteers. Does it mean it can only be run by VCs? VLs? 5 star critters? People who pass a certain test? Is it just impossible? If this conversation goes nowhere and Return to Dralkard Manor remains a pipe dream, I'm not going to lose sleep over it. But since we are being asked what we would like to see, I feel that we can just spitball ideas and see how they might pan out.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'd be overjoyed if they could give us back the scenarios I never got to run, but I don't expect it.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
I'd be overjoyed if they could give us back the scenarios I never got to run, but I don't expect it.

I don't think this thread is meant to foster any expectations. I think we're just throwing ideas up to see which ones are big enough to be speared by the eidolon's tail.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Bringing back retired scenarios and making them available for general play is likely way beyond anything that could happen this year. Given that the developers are still working on all the final scenarios for PFS1 and (hopefully) creating a finale that will be worthy of a ten year campaign, plus having to learn all the new 2E rules and implement them in short time so as to release the first few scenarios for season 11, on top of Starfinder, as well as all the other things they have to do, I can say with almost certainty it will not happen anytime soon. With what little I know of the schedule, they simply do not have any space in the schedule for additional projects like this one until after Gen Con.

Generally, Paizo has been resistant to updating season zero scenarios and re-releasing them, and that is mostly just stat block updates and a pass through the development system. Updating retired scenarios will require a range from some to quite a bit of rewriting to overcome the issues that caused them to be retired in the first place.

So, while I respect the intention, its simply not something that will be available to us for Gen Con. If you are passionate about this particular subject, I would recommend starting a fresh thread where the pros and cons can be weighed and where the developers can weigh in. Thx

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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To follow up on the schedule questions, I have spoken briefly with Tonya and we are planning to offer all three primary game systems (PFS1, PFS2, SFS) in all slots including when the specials are featured. How many tables and what exactly is offered is still being worked out and will likely be driven by ticket sales. Obviously the focus is on supporting PFS2 and SFS since those will be the current campaigns, but we expect to have enough options to satisfy the players who only want to play PFS1.

Remember, logistically we will likely only have three new PFS2 scenarios (if the historical release schedule is maintained) so we will have to offer a healthy amount of PFS1 in addition to SFS, PSA, and PACG.

4/5 ****

Bob Jonquet wrote:

Remember, logistically we will likely only have three new PFS2 scenarios (if the historical release schedule is maintained) so we will have to offer a healthy amount of PFS1 in addition to SFS, PSA, and PACG.

PFS launched with 4.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

Pirate Rob wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:

Remember, logistically we will likely only have three new PFS2 scenarios (if the historical release schedule is maintained) so we will have to offer a healthy amount of PFS1 in addition to SFS, PSA, and PACG.
PFS launched with 4.

And you can tell those were rushed.

2/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Disclaimer: I did not read all of the previous posts.

"What would make me play overnight?"

Largely, I don't because I want to be my best for my tables in the morning.

However, if you ran a bunch of quest tables in different orders each overnight (e.g. Q1, 2, 3, and 4 were each available the first mini-block each night), I'd be more interested in buying a ticket for the first mini-block each night.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

Pirate Rob wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:

Remember, logistically we will likely only have three new PFS2 scenarios (if the historical release schedule is maintained) so we will have to offer a healthy amount of PFS1 in addition to SFS, PSA, and PACG.
PFS launched with 4.

And SFS launched with 3 scenarios, a linked quest block, and a single-table special. I GMed a couple of groups in 2017 that played 5 SFS blocks at GenCon.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

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What I would like to see:

A lot of high level (7-11) PFS1 scenarios, especially from the early seasons. There’s a lot of people who have played for many years - but less than 10 - who have never gotten to play those. Including me.

Qualifier: I don’t know what the demand would be like. I’d be hesitant to schedule too many tables of those older scenarios because many of the players are going to want to spend a lot of time with the new scenarios as well.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5

I wonder if Paizo can pull scenario played numbers from the database to try and determine which older scenarios are likely underplayed?

4/5 **** RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

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It'd be fun to get scenarios that showcase the story lead up from past seasons into the new campaign that the staff want fresh in our minds as they unveil the first 2e season. Like having Silent Tide last year refreshed memories or clued in new players to upcoming events. I thought that was great. :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Kevin Willis wrote:
especially from the early seasons

We discuss adding classic season scenarios every year, but it never seems to fit the schedule. Once we account for all the new release scenarios, the last half of the closing season, cover PFS1, PFS2, SFS, and include any necessary evergreens we might have room for a few tables if we really forced them in, but then the question is of course which ones? The most popular are usually offered at local conventions and GameDays which reduces the demand. Plus we get a lot of complaints about lack of immersion due to changes in the campaign narrative. Things like Shadow Lodge, where are we with Torch, is it before the drop of faction missions, etc. just makes selecting older material very challenging. After considering our options, we almost always agree it is best to simply leave older season scenarios to the discretion of local organizers.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Matthew Duval wrote:
It'd be fun to get scenarios that showcase...

Agreed. Adding Silent Tide was a perfect fit for the schedule. With the launch of PFS2, our understanding is that the campaign will be closing up most/all open storylines in the latter half of this season, so I cannot say if there will be any meaningful connection to specific older material that would suggest offering any of them. This is where the devs and Tonya have to guide the schedule. This type of campaign information is simply not made available to the organizing committee.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

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Lucas Servideo wrote:

For Pathfinder Academy this Year I think it should be Switched to Starfinder Academy, we can get GMs to run and teach Starfinder we have a beginner box coming out which should be able to teach the Basics of Starfinder right from the Box. Combined with some of the Starfinder Scenarios and Quests. I think it would be the right direction to go. One of the complaints last year was the lack of Starfinder in the Academy Area.

I do think also for the Academy Area we should reduce the number of tables, being offered in the Sag and see if we can get a demo table in the kids area that is put on by GenCon. It would reach more exposure for the Academy and New people for Academy.

I do feel we could probably teach PS2 if we kept it simple with a basic quest line and a Quick Start Guide.

I think the Lesson plans need to be rewritten for the Academy with the both the New Systems in mind.

New Systems, New Academy :D

My 2 cents.

Never give Up, Never Surrender!!

This would, however, require Paizo support to produce a series of Quests to roll out with the introduction of the Starfinder Beginner's Box to the Academy tables. As busy as they are with PF2, I'm not sure this is on their radar... though it should be. The Pathfinder Beginners Box would never have seen as much acclaim if it hadn't been supported with the PSA program. As it is, one reason this product dropped in popularity was the lack of continued product support--understandable if you want to avoid dividing your customer base. It was because of this that the Transition Lesson plan was written, to move the PSA audience toward regular Core Rulebook play.

I think "taking a year off" with the PSA program would be a mistake. It is the first introduction some kids have to tabletop roleplaying games, and starting them young builds a foundation for the future. If we ignore this program, we risk losing all the momentum and goodwill this has garnered so far. Yes, last year's numbers were down... but no new content was added from the previous years to strike up "repeat business" either. Refocusing with the Starfinder Beginners Box is a great way to inject new blood into that program, an opportunity it would be a shame to miss. Without that support, this program is destined to fail. I, for one, would hate for that to happen.

My two cents. Your mileage may vary.

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