Hell's Rebels, Book 2, Looking for 1 replacement player


Hello there! I'm looking for a replacement player for my Hell's Rebels campaign. We're about 1/3rd of the way through book 2, Turn of the Torrent. The game is story focused, and none of the characters present are particularly optimized. I rewrite a fair bit of the game, but the story is still the same. You're still trying to save Kintargo from Barzillai Thrune and his dastardly plans.

My team has asked that the character submitted be a Strength based Frontline character. They don't mind being in melee, but are not suited to surviving long or dealing large amounts of consistent damage. Please feel free to downplay skills (especially knowledge), because we have more than we know what to do with.

I should mention that the rebellion is being played out in the background. The leaders put in place will ask you for your advice and do what you command, but ultimately I'm taking care of it. You are a special task force for the rebellion, mostly independent, who take care of the big threats and fancy meetings.

Current Characters:

- A CG Gnomish rogue (melee flanker, tons of skills, trapfinding, social capability, alchemist bombs) comes from an engineer background

- A CG Human/Wererat oracle (melee tank, social and knowledge skills, healing/buff spells) comes from a merchant background

- A CG Elf investigator (melee dex, knowledge skills, languages) comes from an academic background

- A NG Tiefling witch (healing/buff/debuff spells, some knowledge skills) comes from an acolyte/slum background

Character Creation:

- 20 point buy

- Level 5

- Classes: Anything from Core, Base, and Hybrid. Please do not use archetypes that use occult rules.

- Occult, Path of War, Psionics, and 3PP are NOT permitted.

- Barbarians, Monks, Rogues, and Summoners must use the Unchained version of their class, although archetypes are allowed if they replace abilities seamlessly and without level discrepancies.

- Core Races, Tiefling (No Fiendish Heritage), Ratfolk, Tengu

- Max hp for the first three levels, then half+1 for the rest

- 10,500 gold for all classes. Please do not spend more than half your gold on a single item.

- No final ability scores above 18 or below 8 (magic items notwithstanding)

- Alternative racial traits are allowed, but do not pick something that increases the RP.

- No Evil alignments, all characters must be willing to work in a group. Lawful alignments are discouraged unless they can function well with a large group of chaotic alignments.

- 2 Traits. No Drawbacks. You may choose a Hell's Rebels campaign trait if you'd like, but are not required to.

If you don't want to build the entire character, please tell me their Race, Alignment, Classes and Archetypes, and their Attributes (Str, Dex,...)

Please include in your application:

- You must provide a reason why you would risk your life to protect the city of Kintargo and overthrow the new Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune.

- For party introduction reasons, please provide a situation where you were near the coast of the city. You could have been on a ship, working on the docks, or just standing on the shore. More information will be provided after the character has been picked.

- A brief summary about your character's history, recent life, goals, interests, etc. I'd appreciate it if you include how they became a 5th level character. This can be in point form if you wish.


Why do you have a Wererat in your game, and can I play as a lycanthrope?
The player in question is someone that I've been playing with for roughly 4 years now and I trust them immensely. Their stats were less than optimal and they are only a 4th level Oracle rather than 5th. This was a 1 time deal, and I'm not interested in extending it for anyone else. Thanks for understanding.

What is the posting rate for this game?
I aim for 1/day, but life gets the best of us all. The more realistic posting rate is 1 per 2 days. If you expect to be absent for 2+ days, please give me a heads up. It lets me bot you in order to keep the game moving. I don't kick until it's clear that the player will never show up again.

Can I use the variant multiclassing from Unchained?
Yes, feel free to do so. Just let me know beforehand in your application.

Will characters that specialize in crafting be viable to play?
Although the adventure path does not give time for crafting or professions, I will try to accommodate a character that plans to use these skills.

What about Stamina and Skill Unlocks from Unchained?
Fighters get Stamina for free, while other classes can gain it from the feat.
Rogues have Skill Unlocks as part of their class, but other classes can pick it up as a feat.

How many characters can I submit?
Please submit only 1 character for recruitment. If you would like to change your character before recruitment ends, please let me know either on the recruitment thread, or in a personal message.

I've read/DMed this adventure path, can I still join?
Absolutely. Just keep your player knowledge separate from your character knowledge.

What is the likelihood of character death?
I won't say it's impossible, but I do try to keep characters alive. At least until resurrection magic is accessible.

What system will you be using for maps?
When possible, I try to stick to theater of the mind. In particularly complex battles I use Google Docs.

Thanks for reading through this. Recruitment will end on the 12th of January. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below or send me a private message. Thank you and happy gaming!

Woo! Hell's Rebels!

I've played Tasha in a couple of Hell's Rebels so far, that unfortunately met their end all too soon. If you're feeling like it, you could give a brief glimpse of Tasha's former posts in the games!

Not quite sure whether you're using background skills or not, but I'll find a way to make it work even without them.

Main reason she'd be interested in taking part of the rebellion would that she is a sedicious pamphletist. IC Presentation and the Assorted Kintargo Crier spoilers would cover the initial reason.

A Figure on the beach:

Heavy chausses jingling with every step, Tasha continued her way towards the coast, heavy bag slumped over her shoulder. Glancing around the unusually quiet and sullen docks, the woman rubbed an ink-stained hand on her forehead with a sigh, continuing down the coast.

Finding a her favourite copse, pleasantly private behind a rock, she unfurled her worn bedroll, sitting in the sun to glance at the ships travelling in the distance. Now, I'm not an expert in maritime trade, but I sure think there used to be a lot more ships here. Maybe, just maybe, the punishment for captains might've had something to do with it., she let out a grim chuckle, reaching into her bag to pull out a beautiful, yet worn quill the colour of the sun, a couple of ink vials and a journal bound in black leather.

Three hours and countless pages devoted to the flames later, Tasha grunted, leaning back and taking a wine bottle from her bag. Taking a sip, and staring at the setting sun, she glanced at the parchment, the words The Kintargo Crier woven in thick letters sitting atop an empty page, almost taunting her to grab the quill once more.

About the 'Author':

An accidental daughter of a second-rate (if we're being polite) diva in the Kintargan Opera, Tasha spent most of her time traipsing around the building, reading stories of heroes, dragons and devils, harassing the boys and annoying the playwrights and porters.

Her utter inability to sing, perform, or act to any reasonable capacity was noticed early and nipped in the bud, and her affinity to the low-browed art of comedy, rather than the noble tales of dramas discouraged her to become an apprentice of a playwright. And since writing rarely, if ever, pays, she took it upon herself to join the many caravans travelling inland towards Cheliax as a guard.

Calling herself 'a writer by calling, a guard by profession' often, a few years of experience on the road, and multiple engagements with bandits, drunks and other unsavoury characters has shown her aptitude for the art of war.

A Kintargan born and bred, with the city running in her blood, the recent events have struck hard in Tasha's heart, as she sees all the things inflicted upon the people by Barzillai as nothing more than an attack on the city's very soul. Using her suprisingly sharp(on occasion) tongue, she's taken to roam the streets at nights, pinning humouristic mockery of the regime to walls, official boards, and on one particular occasion, the rear of a Dottari's horse.

The shutting down of the opera has struck Tasha hard. Despite not being in contact with her mother for months at a time, the actress' disappearance has had Tasha worried, 'even though I think they only took the good ones'. Her goals are to silently keep Kintargo laughing and disobeying the Thrune power, though in later times she can't help but doubt that she's had any impact at all.

Her biggest dream now is one day for "The Rise, and Multiple Subsequent and Humiliating Falls of Barzillai Thrune" (Working Title) by The Kintargo Crier to be performed in operas all around Avistan. Even if it isn't even written yet.

Will stat up a Drunken Rager barbarian who will try to become the Cool Aid Man by busting through doors and walls

Lily is the daughter of a priest of Asmodeus and the infernal taint followed her in her blood. She was prone to fits of rage as a child and has always been fascinated with fire.

At a young age she was to be sacrificed to the Dark Prince but the ritual was disrupted by her mother who at the last minute had a change of heart and couldn't give up her daughter. Lily and her mother escaped into the Shackles.

Lily grew up on various ships and after her mother passed due to illness, she couldn't contain her anger and slaughtered her current ship's crew with sword and fire. In the aftermath, racked with guilt she vowed to atone for her sins. If she could not rid herself of the infernal rages that lurked in her mind she would at least learn to control it, to channel it, and make it serve some good purpose.

She figured a good first step would be to travel to Cheliax, find her father, and confront him. She arrives at the docks when she joins the adventure. As soon as she learns about the new Lord-Mayor she would want to stop his plans and see if he knows anything about her father.

Full stat line in progress. But she is a human bloodrager with the infernal bloodline, Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 14, her alignment is chaotic good. I like the idea of making her a crossblooded rager but I'm not certain about what other bloodline would fit the game.

As far as to how she gained 5th level, living and working on a ship in the shackles would provide ample opportunity to gain experience, fighting off pirate attacks and the like.

Silver Crusade

I have a paladin of Shelyn for this AP.

lives within the temple of Shelyn. It was they who took her in after she was discovered as a child on the outskirts of town.

2. She guards and helps with the temple of Shelyn, aids in their gatherings and proceedings, and frequently sings when possible. She also paints when she finds the time, however due to the martial law and utter oppression she has been unable to do either for awhile. She also has tried her hand at smithing, or, more aptly, etching and embroidering of armor.

3. She is closely tied to the church of Shelyn, and is well acquainted with many folk of the Opera and enjoyed their shows.

4. Aria often can become lost in her thoughts, even walking around town, many times she has wandered past her destination due to becoming so lost in her own thoughts that she all but stops paying attention to things.

5. No family, at least not blood family. She considers many in the church close to her, and while she loves the idea of love, she has never truly taken with a suitor, be it male or female. Though she often will at least accept and spend time with those that pursue her. She hasn't yet found one she feels "right" for her.

6. Well, they would gain closer ties to the church of Shelyn for one. Aria also has a level-headed mind, usually, has proven to be a natural leader of others, and is well respected by many of the cultured folk in town. She is a great mediator and diplomat, as proven when she managed to convince a couple of hellknights to not torture, or possibly kill, a poor man in the streets. She brings a kind perspective to things, and is defiantly no slouch with her Glaive or blade.

Aria was found on the outskirts of town near the hinterlands when she was but a young child hardly able to walk. By a cleric of Shelyn who had been wandering the countryside for inspiration. When she was found, she amazingly wasn't malnourished, and already had raven black hair to her shoulders. Her piercing red eyes were seen for the wonder they were. The cleric sought about her family, but found none, and so decided to take her in at the church. What other reason would he have found her for, for surely the child was blessed by Shelyn due to such beauty at a young age. The cleric, by name of Daren, would care for her like a father would his own child. Teaching her the values of Shelyn, and, against the will of some of the clergy, taught her the art of combat, particularly that of the glaive, his deity's favored weapon. As of now, Aria still believes herself to be a human, completely unaware yet of her divine heritage

As the years past, it became obvious that the child had indeed been blessed by Shelyn, for when she was a teenager, her beauty was unmatched by any within the church, and possibly within the city (though this was quite debatable depending on who did the talking). Not only was she beautiful however, but she had been blessed with a wondrous singing voice and she grew into a very humble attitude that has been tempered lately by a growing pride.

She loves all art, and is a prominent promoter of the idea that anything can be made an art, even the dreadful business of war and battle. And that should times demand such horrible actions, to do them as elegantly as possible. Though, her personal taste is favored more towards that of music and practical art. She finds the greatest joy in both hearing, and making music. To her, music is the most powerful form of art, able to evoke a plethora of emotions in people, even ones they try to hide or do away with, and even can affect some animals. She also sees music as the truest, if perhaps, simplest form of expression of ones soul. At least, when ones creates music that is influenced by their feelings at the moment. Even bad music can move a persons heart, as she has seen with many couples. Her second preferred art is making the mundane and practical beautiful. Such as embroidery on armor and weapons. It does not lessen the quality of the item, but gives it even more value for beauty it adds to it. Though, she does understand the beauty of simplicity as well.

She also goes to great lengths to master combat, treating it as both an art, and a way to defend the ideals and beautiful things shes holds dear in the world. Her favored weapon is the glaive, though she easily make use of a sword and shield as well. Every morning she spends time practicing with her glaive in a ritualistic way, more to ingrain the movements in her muscles, and to help her clear her head for the day, than anything else. Much how a monk may meditate while practicing their movements.

While Aria was deemed blessed by Shelyn, she is still young and even by her admission has much to learn in some respects. She holds some sway in the decisions of the church of Shelyn in Kintargo, particularly those involving her adoptive father Daren, but holds no real place power as of yet within its clergy.

Recently, her few feats have been that of deflating a dangerous situation involving two hellknights and a civilian, managing to convince the knights to spare the man death and torture. She also created a painting of minor renown within the art community depicting a beautiful rose that bled blood, symbolizing the beautiful city of Kintargo that is being drained of its life and beauty by the oppressive rule of Thrune. She has also, away from prying eyes, urged the church of Shelyn to consider doing something, making points that, at the present state hardly any true art could be created, and even less could seek to create. She even made the outrageous claim that the rule of this Barzillia was suspect, if not outright unjust in so doing. The clergy of Shelyn were not even allowed to express themselves with their clothes due to all fine clothing being outlawed for any save a select few, or those that pay exorbitant sums of gold. The clergy, particularly Daren, have warned her to keep such thoughts to herself and close members of the clergy. However she is finding it ever harder to do so, not only in respect for the arts, but for the people of the town. She feels a rebellion may be close, their is a stiffness to the air and a hanging sense of dread. The thought of so many lives lost troubles her, she hopes a peaceful solution can be found before that happens that both keeps blood from being shed, and brings life and beauty back into the city. Though, if there is nothing that can be done to stop bloodshed, Aria has already made up her mind which side of that battle she would stand on.

Personality: Aria is contemplative most of the time, however this doesn't stop her bubbly nature from overflowing often. She is kind and caring to most everyone, always trying to bring cheer to folk. She has a tendency to easily get lost in thought, even at very inappropriate times. She can come off cold at first due to this and her piercing red eyes, however, any conversation with her quickly removes any thoughts of that sort as her friendly nature comes out quickly. She always looks for the best in people, sometimes to her own detriment (often times overlooking obvious flaws, particularly in those that seek her affections). Though, she does sometimes indulge in a bit of fun due to the cool demeanor that many seem to get from her. Acting the part of a cold, if almost abrasive, woman. Over time, this too, has turned into a sort of Art for her.

Appearance: Aria is of athletic build, and much more muscled and toned than an average woman. She isn't particularly tall, but she is mildly taller than the average human female. She has pitch black hair, a soft, pale complexion, and the only thing that would even hint at an angelic ancestry would be her red eyes, and sheer beauty.

Would a Hellknight from the Order of the Torrent work? Probably straight Fighter(Armiger) into the Hellknight prestige class.

Quick write up as an application

Class Drunken Brute Barbarian
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Stats: Str 16 Dex 10 Con 17 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 10

Reason for defending Kintargo: Today a ban on tea. Tomorrow....A BAN ON ALE!

Introduction: A huge form, made up of fat and muscle pushes itself up from a pile of blankets in the hold of a ship. Fumbling around, a meaty hand grasps a jug and drinking sounds fill the air followed by a burp. After seemingly giving himself a morning pick me up, Torgue totters out of the hold and down the ramp to the city.

Background: Torgue hails from the area south of Cheliax, or so he says. He has been on the mainland of Thrune's kingdom and really disliked it before heading back south and working as a bodyguard, pit fighter, amataur beer brewer and monster slayer before attempting to retire and starta brewery.

However, he seems to have ended up back on a ship to Cheliax so he'll have to figure out what exactly happened during his farewell party.

Hi everyone, I’m one of the players in the game - I’m curious to know how you envision your characters in a group. How do you think they will act and interact with others (PCs and NPCs) in and out of combat and stuff like that. Why would it be cool if he/she would join the team, what they bring to the table so to speak, etc.

Hey there!


I see Tasha as a big idealist on the inside, with a heavy coating of sarcasm. The idealism is what makes her Lawful side, in that she aims to avoid hypocrisy and bending of the moral grounds. However, she is not a paladin, and fully understands that chanting and talking isn't going to be everything needed to get Thrune out of the Opera.

In combat, she's used to serving as the first line of defense, trying to be between herself and her enemies. Unless the situation calls for it, she attempts to incapacitate and disable her opponents, and focus the attacks on her, be it by being a large threat, or simply by aggressively bantering at the enemies.

Out of character, she is an unrepentant chattermouth, sometimes to the point of showing why she has her 8 Cha. Speaking prevents her from editing her words, after all.

And as to what she brings to the table, well, a strong shield and a big mouth (that is used to protecting sources, so no leaks there). In addition, I understand that's an character goal, and not a team goal, but I would love to develop the idea of the Kintargo Crier a little more. I did get the memo from the GM that I shouldn't focus on skills, but still.

A big beefy dude who will stand in front to protect his brave but kinda squishy friends. Not really the type for fancy parties since he'll drink everything but a good drinking buddy and maybe even make some fine brews for everyone. Perhaps he would think that smuggling in tea for the tea deprived would be a fantastic plan.

Keep em coming! I'm quite impressed by the variety, as well as some of these intricate backstories.

@Tasha Yes we are using background skills. I completely forgot about that. And btw I'm not saying you can't have skills. It's just that we've already got everything covered.

@Ouachitonian A hellknight from the Order of the Torrent has plenty of story value. Just be aware that Hellknights have the ability to detect and smite chaos, and three-quarters of your party would light up like a beacon.

@Rorek55 I'm very impressed with your well-thoughtout character, but I'm not allowing Aasimars in this game. Everything else looks good, though I'd still like to see some attributes like Torgue did. Thanks

Dotting for interest - not ever played Hell’s Rebels, so am hoping my pitch will fit the flavour of the AP.

Am considering a Vigilante (Masked Maiden): Vittoria - A daughter from a minor noble house (House Rasdovain) allied to the whose acceptance into Queen Ileosa’s elite martial order was seen as a politically savvy, if desperate move by the forlorn house.

Vittoria was dutiful and resilient, but the harsh regime of the Grey Maidens tested her mind and body to its limit. When the Queen was finally overthrown, the neophyte recruit fled with her sisters-in-arms, and aided by the Scarlet Rose offshoot of the Maidens, was encouraged to seek a new life and purpose.

It was during her time with the Scarlet Rose that Vittoria became aware of the teachings of Milani from a fellow sister, and began to follow the faith - as much to give herself hope and an ability to cope with the harsh doctrines she had experienced.

Knowing her family had been economically and politically brought to their knees by House Thrune, the wayward warrior took note of Thrune’s rise in power in Kintargo. As the teachings of the Everbloom overlapped with those of the Scarlet Rose, she began to focus more and more on the social injustice and opportunity to use her formidable training as a force for good, and as personal restitution for the actions committed as a Grey Maiden.

However the journey of healing was not one without cost. Physically Vittoria healed, and if anything grew stronger. Mentally it was a different story - with her idealistic outlook being attributed to the young noble Vittoria, but the cold, efficient warrior that was the Grey Maiden becoming a persona which she coined “The Thorn of the Everbloom”. (Her vigilante identity)

Why you would risk your life to protect the city of Kintargo and overthrow the new Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune?: For Vittoria it represents an opportunity at redemption - for her family name and for acts carried out as a Gray Maiden. For The Thorn - to show the Thrune tyrants that oppressors of freedom they are on borrowed time. Justice will draw blood...

Provide a situation where you were near the coast of the city. You could have been on a ship, working on the docks, or just standing on the shore. More information will be provided after the character has been picked.: Vittoria recently arrived from Korvosa onboard a trade vessel carrying a hefty grain shipment from Varisia. She hired on as a guard and stevedore, perhaps with a name of a mutual contact of the parties (or one of the group?)

Brief summary about your character's history, recent life, goals, interests, etc. I'd appreciate it if you include how they became a 5th level character.: Much of this is covered above, her 5 Levels are reflective of her the training/regime of the Grey Maidens, but I'll go into far more depth if selected.

On her interactions with others: The doctrines of the Grey Maidens means she is well versed fighting and operating within a group. She takes orders well and while the girl is no longer a "soldier" per say - that is very much part of her psyche. Out of combat she sometimes come across as naive and inexperienced - particularly in affairs of the heart. As Thorn she is much more cold and pragmatic - her speech even changes, becoming more clipped and blunt (to the point of rudeness). However like "Vittoria" she values camaraderie and the value of allies in all situations (both combat and in life).

Appreciate that above is an abridged version of my pitch - I try to reflect fluff/story with corresponding crunch (I love traits and flavour skill picks).

Let me know if there's anything else I need add at this point :)

Wee question DM Hell's Fox - do you allow the Additional Traits feat? As I said I'm a big fan of traits and love to feature them into my builds - above feat gives me more scope on that front.

I'll get a profile for both up and running for your collective review...



I've got an idea for a fighter (martial master) with history working as a Druman Blackjacket. I'm not sure of all the character arcs just yet, though - it might be that he tired of the mercenary lifestyle and found something to believe in, or it could be a revenge story, or something else entirely. I'll cook it up and post a submission on or before the 12th.

Silver Crusade

No aasimars? That is sad for me, but not a real problem, she fits just as much as a human or half elf as not since she had the scion of humanity trait anyway.

I'm on my way back from a family trip/vacation so I haven't had a lot of time, but I'll write up some answers for the players. And fill out a rough statline tonight/tomorrow.

Silver Crusade

I'll change her background a little bit, mostly to accommodate race changes.

The base attributes will look something like this
Class: Paladin
Archetype: (likely, but undecided, will have it finalized when I submit full crunch)
Race: Half elf (dual minded alt. Racial trait)
Alignment: LG(cuz paladin)
Str: 18 (+1 at 4) dex: 12 con: 12 Int: 12 wis: 08, cha: 16

1- fey foundling
3- power attack
5- undecided, greater mercy is likely.

Alright, this is Ouachitonian, presenting Chalkou, Armiger of the Order of the Torrent.

Chalkou is a Fighter (Armiger/Mutation Warrior). Pretty straightforward. See enemy, drink mutagen*, chop enemy into tiny pieces with halberd. He's intimidating, reasonably well-read on several subjects (thank you background skills!) and especially good at fighting evil outsiders (been studying hard for his Hellknight Test, you see).

*(he was raised by an alchemist and picked up some tricks before he left home to join the Torrent)

I do see him as being a bit conflicted about rebellion. He has long wanted to reform the system from within, and only lately (post-Barzillai) begun to consider that the Thrunes actions mark their reign as illegitimate, and that setting up a new government may be the only viable option. He'll be conflicted about it, but h'll go along. Eventually. Expect him to act as a brake on the rebellion if things get too chaotic or destructive. A moral compass in plate armor, if you will. A moral compass with a firm (but virtuous) idea about which way North is.


- You must provide a reason why you would risk your life to protect the city of Kintargo and overthrow the new Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune.
Chalkou was raised Iomedaean, and always strove to work within the law. So much so that he joined the Order of the Torrent. But when Barzillai Thrune drove even Iomedae's church underground, and seized Citadel Vaull (an event the Armiger barely escaped himself), the young hellknight aspirant concluded that Thrune had grown too obviously corrupt and self-serving to be allowed to rule. By extension, this applies to the Thrunes as a whole, since they seem to be fine with his actions.

- For party introduction reasons, please provide a situation where you were near the coast of the city. You could have been on a ship, working on the docks, or just standing on the shore. More information will be provided after the character has been picked.
The Order of the Torrent sometimes takes jobs protecting ships from slaving pirates. It seems likely he'd have some contacts among the city's sailors an could have been hiding out in or near the docks, or working on a ship, whether as a common sailor or a marine.

- A brief summary about your character's history, recent life, goals, interests, etc. I'd appreciate it if you include how they became a 5th level character. This can be in point form if you wish.
He grew up working in his mom's alchymist shop, where he learned to help her brew mutagens. The family were Iomedaeans, and he grew up very law abiding, wanting to reform Cheliax from within. Having always admired the Hellknights of the Order of the Torrent, and their commitment not only to Law but also to Good, he joined them when he was old enough. He has spent most of the time since then training, going on missions, and training some more, though he's always found time for worshiping Iomedae and doing some charity work here and there. He greatly admires Lictor Octavio Sabinus, and strives to be more like him. His overall goal is to purify and reform Cheliax from within, though since the seizure of Citadel Vaull, he has begun to doubt this will be possible while the Thrunes are in power, and has begun to consider their reign illegitimate, opening the way for the possibility of overthrowing them, though that option still makes him uneasy.

Silver Crusade

reference image for Aria.

group interactions:

Aria is fairly chill for a paladin, she seeks to bring out the best in everything and everyone.
One of her sayings is

"other gods call us to defend the world as it is, Only shelyn calls us to make it as it should be, beautiful and wonderful."

Aria can get along well enough in a group, even one filled with chaotic, or even evil, people for shelyn teaches to see the potential of beauty in everyone, and to strive and bring it out. This can lead her to sound a little preachy, but she understands people have free will and doesn't push much at one time.

She can be stubborn, and often times dislikes being told what to do, though will often do it, particularly if it fulfills a better goal and the action itself is not inherently wrong.

She would likely function as a morale compass, and attempt to keep casualties on both sides to a minimum, whether that be a swift strike, or a drawn out guerrilla conflict.

She will be using the paladin tenants for Shelyn, which I can list if you desire. She also will be looking to purchase the merciful magic quality for her glaive. And as such, any who beg for mercy will receive it from Aria, save perhaps the most foul of people, even then it is likely she would spare them, and attempt to convince her allies to do the same. Though she would not forcibly stop them should they decide to finish a captured enemy.

I think I answered most of the questions regarding the additional stuff in my original background oddly enough, so, she was likely near the shore seeking inspiration, or working on a painting or something similiar.

Looks good everyone! We've still got a few more days, so feel free to keep working on your submissions. If you're reading this and haven't put forth a character, please do!

@Black Dow Yes you can take Additional Traits.

Silver Crusade

@DM how open are you to the idea of a flying mount? (particularly, for divine bond)

Finished with Lily's crunchy bits.

@ Rorek55 I think there's a lot of cool things that a flying mount would enable, but I have to warn you that there are a TON of places that we will travel to that are just unsuitable for animal companions.

Silver Crusade

That would be fine, I would see the mount as more of a friend to Aria, sent by Shelyn, then a servant, and I likely won't be focusing very much around being mounted, at least for several levels after this point if Aria is selected. Though I may purchase a lance just for the added damage when the chance arises, unless you'd be willing to let a glaive work like a lance in that regard.

That said, perhaps you would be OK with me taking the leadership feat for a Pegasus mount instead? (either way, treat it as a Horse animal companion, but give it a fly speed of the pegasus?)

Well, I've finished my crunch except for possibly 1 trait and some background skills. I should be creating an alias for it this evening.

In broad strokes, he's a dwarf fighter (martial master) as I said, with a primary focus on flexibility (being able to call upon different feats and combat tricks as needed), but in the general direction of shield-and-axe combat, debuffing with dazzling display/dazzling radiance weapon, and starting at lv6, self-"buffing" via the Dwarven Hatred style tree.

I decided early on that the martial flexibility would be a result of his having been a soldier in some Inner Sea militia or army. My first thought was going to be the Druman Blackjackets, but the story of how my character finds his way into a Chelish insurrection was going to be a little less direct and straightforward (though I do have most of such a story written up). It requires more of a hook to Kintargo, however - something like being contracted by one of the noble families in the Court of Coin. On the other hand, if I went with a more straightforward explanation, I was thinking he could be an officer of the Andoren Steel Falcons or Twilight Talons, sent at this moment of crisis in Cheliax to help push one of their cities over the edge into full-scale rebellion. Especially given that Andoran is (sort of) Revolutionary War-era America, he would be a bit like a reverse Lafayette. It also helps that in this case as well, one of the noble houses less loyal to Thrune might have connections to the Andorens.

Anyway, I have a few options to go with for the story, so I wanted to ask a couple of questions, for you to answer when you get a chance.
1. Do you have any issues with my character being a current officer of Andoran sent to support the rebel efforts in Kintargo, perhaps also in contact with members of a Court of Coin noble family (was thinking Jhaltero given their predilection for intelligence-gathering)?

2. Is it a problem for my character to have an aversion to the organized religions? I see that your party's divine classes are less overtly faithful than a cleric or paladin would be, so I think it wouldn't cause much friction there. However, I know there's some focus on Milani in this AP, and I don't really want to be the character that very obviously doesn't fit.

3. Would the "by the coast" situation in your Submissions section be somewhere in the city proper, or in the lands nearby, or elsewhere entirely?

Ederion wrote:
everyone, I’m one of the players in the game - I’m curious to know how you envision your characters in a group. How do you think they will act and interact with others (PCs and NPCs) in and out of combat and stuff like that. Why would it be cool if he/she would join the team, what they bring to the table so to speak, etc.

My dwarf is polite, though intense (he would readily admit this). He is a warrior first and foremost, carrying himself like a consummate professional - albeit one whose profession is the efficient execution of violence.

Yet, although he is certainly imposing, he is not entirely unapproachable. He loves puzzles and games, a habit which began with countless evenings spent dicing as soldiers often do. He soon became interested in games of chance of all kinds, then became aware of the predictability of such games, and ultimately found himself intrigued by visual and numerical patterns in general.
As far as what he brings to the team, he is dedicated, seasoned, capable, and although he is not a native of Kintargo, the fervor with which he works to see Barzillai's tyrannical power grab overturned is overshadowed only by that of single-minded Hellknights. Yet you can tell it doesn't come from anger, exactly - he pursues it so diligently because it's just the right thing to do.
With the GM's permission and cooperation, he also potentially brings a different set of NPCs and dynamics to the story as a new faction supporting Kintargo's rebellion presents itself.


1. No problem with Andoran pitching in. The rebellion in Kintargo has been very quiet (especially on the world stage with the Glorious Reclamation burning through the southern? part of Cheliax), but I'm sure Andoran would see Kintargo as a good place to start chipping away at Cheliax's power. Tying in with the Jhaltero is a smart choice.

2. The party is pretty low on the religious front, so I'm sure you'd fit in well. We have a few casual Milanites around and there is a current sub-plot involving Abadar, but that's it.

3. City, or nearby lands, or nearby seas. I just want you to be near the ocean. Anywhere a few miles from Kintargo is fine.

Silver Crusade

I had actually looked over the steel falcon prestige class, it seems like fun, if I hadn't already submitted aria, I'd likely have gone down that route.

@DM Hell Fox: Thanks for the feedback, unfortunately I'm not getting the time to devote to developing my vigilante pitch, so I'll graciously bow out as I'll not get her done by the 12th.

Some very interesting characters - don't envy your decision.

Thanks for the opp - hope to game with you down the line.



Grimtongue here. Please meet Carson Vannoch, guerilla warrior, foreign agitator, and Steel Falcon. Stats are established in my profile, and backstory is largely captured in this post answering Fox's questions.

I. Why would you risk your life to overthrow Barzillai and free Kintargo?
Carson was sent to Kintargo on behalf of the Eagle Knights to overthrow diabolical rule there, fan the flames of rebellion across Cheliax by example, and generally cause political damage to House Thrune. Part of the Eagle Knights' mandate is to overthrow dictators wherever and whenever they can, and to demonstrate to other peoples how they can obtained the same freedoms that Andoran has achieved, so as to accomplish something that will last long after they are gone, so long as they can do these things without dragging Andoran into open war with its neighbors.

II. Why would your character be found on or near the coast of the city?
Carson would be at the docks for a prearranged meeting with his fellow infiltrating Falcons. See IV below.

III. Give a brief summary of character history, life, goals, interests...
Carson has spent a little over a decade serving in the Andoren military, having volunteered in his mid-thirties in a fit of nationalistic pique after a Chelish noble attacked several Andoren ships and a village. The first five years or so consisted of combat training, field exercises, and glorified watch-standing across the breadth of the country. During which time Carson established himself as a disciplined and precise soldier, and was eventually recruited as a Steel Falcon.
As a prospective Steel Falcon, Carson returned to training. But the training this time was with a much wider variety of weapons and combat styles, the better to assimilate into - and prevail against the fighting styles of - the various nations he would be sent into. In contrast to the platoon-size tactics he was accustomed to, Carson was taught how to work in small squads, striking quickly to disrupt and dismantle larger operations. In this capacity, he has taken part in numerous clandestine missions to protect his homeland and spread Andoren ideals; before his current mission, the assignment he was most fond of is having rooted out a cell of Gray Gardeners operating near the edge of the Verduran Forest.

IV. (Current situation)

The team of Steel Falcons planned on arriving in the city via an false-flag ship crewed and manned by the Grey Corsairs, at which point segments of the team would split off to focus on various aspects of the mission. The two tiefling Falcons would work on leveraging tensions in the Redroof district; Carson and his elf partner would set up shop in Old Kintargo, spying on the movements of the Hellknights and Asmodean/Kuthite clergy and developing connections with the dockworkers and stevedores; the two human members of their team, including the commanding officer (Captain Bennett Rike), would attend to stirring the nobility to action. All teams would look for assassination opportunities for important targets. They would coordinate through a series of dead-drops and the rare prearranged meeting.

Enroute, however, they learned via a contact in Kintargo (in house Jhaltero, though Carson may not know that) that Barzillai had tightened the grip of his martial law, and imposed severe restrictions on port traffic that would make it prohibitively difficult for all of them to enter the city together. Instead they formulated an ad-hoc plan where two of the team would put ashore via the jolly boat two days' march away from the city, two more would put ashore one day's march away, and two would ride out the voyage in the ship, arriving in port as a captain and first mate overseeing a trading galleon. Each of the first two pairs would split up before they were in sight of the city, so as to arrive separately and thus avoid association with one another. Once everyone was in place, they would coordinate as planned. If for some reason no contact could be reestablished, each Falcon had orders to set up smaller cells of resistance and contribute in certain ways to the unrest in Kintargo.

Carson was one of the two placed one day's march away from the city. He reached the Rust Gate yesterday posing as an adventurer looking for work, and despite some scrutiny and a fee, was admitted in. In accordance with the plan, he found an inn near the port to stay at (the Tooth and Nail), and waited for the others to arrive. He has now been in the city two days, and has just headed to the port for a prearranged meeting with the rest of his team. (At this point, there are several options I can see as to how this plays out. It could be that every Falcon arrived safely and is at this prearranged meeting, kicking off their individual missions. It could be that some are not present, and perhaps one or more of the Falcons know what happened to their compatriots. It could also be that none of them show up at the meeting, leaving Carson in a bewildering and highly paranoid situation. It could also be that the meeting is ambushed by Dottari, Hellknights, undercover loyalists, or something else entirely. Any option the GM is comfortable with is fine by me.)

Hello All,

Today is the last day to submit a character, or make any wide-sweeping changes to one already submitted. I will close recruitment in roughly 12 hours, and will announce the pick the following morning. Good luck to you all!

Good luck everyone!

*scribbles furiously*

Good luck!

Silver Crusade

Here is the build for Aria.

I have a feat or two I am unsure of atm, but other than that shes fairly ready.

Okay recruitment is now closed! I'll announce the winner within the next 12 hours.

Good morning everyone (or afternoon depending on your time zone). I will announce the winner in just a moment, but first I wanted to say how impressed I was with the variety and flavour of everyone's characters. After consulting with my team, I received feedback that everyone liked a large variety of characters. In addition, it's no small feat to make a 5th level character with a detailed history just for the chance of entering a game, especially when everyone is putting forth the same kind of role. Thank you for your hard work, it's been a pleasure reading through everything.

Now for what you actually came here for: The winner is...
Tasha Valenti by Evgeni Genadiev
I will send you a PM and get you set up for the game.

Thank you to all who applied. I wish you the best in your current and future games.

Thanks for the opportunity! Congrats Tasha. :)


*Wakes up a galley slave bound for Shackles*

"Did I miss something?"

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