DungeonmasterCal's House of Respite

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Crap. Now I'm worried about leopards ambushing me from my sock drawer.


DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I don't like getting wet and I certainly don't like cold and wet (though winter is my favorite time of year. Go figure) so I'll just rely on Dr. Xanax to get me through it. And this chair. And this tv remote. And this paddle ball game. I don't need anything else. Oh, and this ashtray, and my dog $(*&head.

HA! Well played!

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*makes sympathetic facial expressions*

Hi everyone!

Hi John!

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Asmodeus' Advocate wrote:
*makes sympathetic facial expressions*

*looks at avatar next to post*


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There's a little grey and white kitty hanging around my carport. My son and his roommate have named her "Corporal Whiskers". I say "her" because of just my first impression. She could be a male. I didn't get that good a look. Regardless, my anxiety is lessened by getting to pet her.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Crap. Now I'm worried about leopards ambushing me from my sock drawer.

I shall supply thee with an ranseur, corseque or boar speare, whiche will keepe ye beastes at an beareable dystancce.

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Lay one of them there ran-sewers on me!

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
One of the FLGS' in my city bought out the other one and is now in a much larger and superior location. I thought they'd have some sort of New Year's thingy (they're always running some sort of card tourney) but they plan to be closed Monday and Tuesday. I had kind of hoped to get my group to play there for the holiday but that's not gonna happen.

Well I keep hoping since both Elder Beerman (which is a subsidiary of The Bonton) going under and the local Sears store, the mall MIGHT allow my FLGS to move into one of those places. But I doubt it...

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I posted this in the Homebrew Forum, but I'm hoping I can get some help here, too. That thread could take quite a while to be updated and I kinda need some input quickly.

Gonna run my players in the Land of the Lost. I've got a lot of the adventure worked out in my head, just need to write down the notes. I figure the Sleestak might have a +1 Natural AC Bonus, +2 STR, -2 DEX, -2 INT. Strong, slow, and degenerate descendants of a superior race called the Altrusians. Light Crossbows, Dark Vision 120', -4 to fighting in sunlight or spells that duplicate such, and fear of fire.

They worship the telepathic intellects of their ancient ancestors in the Library of Skulls. They have limited telepathy, able to communicate only with other Sleestak and only within 60'. Can you think of anything else?

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Sluggish in cold weather. Movement cut by half, can either move or attack, but not both. And so on.

Since the weather could be altered by manipulating the stones in certain Pylons (actually the ones called "Skylons") It would be interesting if the players actually caused a blizzard in the jungle. Good idea, John! Thanks!

No problem, Cal. Clocking out, soon. Good night,everyone.


Hello, housemates! How is everyone?

Doing well. You?

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Hello, housemates! How is everyone?

I think the more important question is, how are YOU today, Cal?

DungeonmasterCal wrote:

I posted this in the Homebrew Forum, but I'm hoping I can get some help here, too. That thread could take quite a while to be updated and I kinda need some input quickly.

Gonna run my players in the Land of the Lost. I've got a lot of the adventure worked out in my head, just need to write down the notes. I figure the Sleestak might have a +1 Natural AC Bonus, +2 STR, -2 DEX, -2 INT. Strong, slow, and degenerate descendants of a superior race called the Altrusians. Light Crossbows, Dark Vision 120', -4 to fighting in sunlight or spells that duplicate such, and fear of fire.

They worship the telepathic intellects of their ancient ancestors in the Library of Skulls. They have limited telepathy, able to communicate only with other Sleestak and only within 60'. Can you think of anything else?

Given the Strength bonus and Dexterity penalty, I'd actually go with Javelins instead of Crossbows. Take advantage of the extra Str for damage with a thrown weapon, and they can use them in melee like shortspears as well.

lisamarlene wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Hello, housemates! How is everyone?
I think the more important question is, how are YOU today, Cal?

I'm doing much better, thanks. That's at least the good thing about a panic attack; they don't last for more than 30 to 45 minutes usually.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Doing well. You?

Much better than yesterday!

Orthos wrote:
Given the Strength bonus and Dexterity penalty, I'd actually go with Javelins instead of Crossbows. Take advantage of the extra Str for damage with a thrown weapon, and they can use them in melee like shortspears as well.

Thanks, that's a good idea. The crossbow-like weapons are almost a necessity, though, because they appeared so often in the series. I don't think there is any reason I can't do all of the above.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Given the Strength bonus and Dexterity penalty, I'd actually go with Javelins instead of Crossbows. Take advantage of the extra Str for damage with a thrown weapon, and they can use them in melee like shortspears as well.
Thanks, that's a good idea. The crossbow-like weapons are almost a necessity, though, because they appeared so often in the series. I don't think there is any reason I can't do all of the above.

I will leave that to your judgement as I'm not familiar with the origin series ^_^

It was a Saturday morning kids' show by Sid and Marty Krofft Productions. Created by Star Trek writer David Gerrold, it featured episodes written by other Trek alumni as well as several prominent sci-fi writers of the day. It was surprisingly sophisticated for the time and Saturday morning fare. It was live action, with some blue screen shots of stop-motion dinosaurs and such and was often deep enough to be over my 11 year old head at the time. The third and final season kind was pretty weak compared to the other two, though.

Have to go to the store. See everyone later.

Ooo! An adventure!

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
It was a Saturday morning kids' show by Sid and Marty Krofft Productions. Created by Star Trek writer David Gerrold, it featured episodes written by other Trek alumni as well as several prominent sci-fi writers of the day. It was surprisingly sophisticated for the time and Saturday morning fare. It was live action, with some blue screen shots of stop-motion dinosaurs and such and was often deep enough to be over my 11 year old head at the time. The third and final season kind was pretty weak compared to the other two, though.

I never saw it, but it was one of Whingey Wizzard's faves.

For some reason, he perfected the art of singing the theme song in Bob Dylan's voice.

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He should sing the "Flintstones" theme in Dylan's voice, too. My brother does it and it's hilarious.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
He should sing the "Flintstones" theme in Dylan's voice, too. My brother does it and it's hilarious.

Jimmy Fallon does Charles In Charge.

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Right now I keep telling myself I CAN make these 20 pre-gens before January 12th...but I keep stopping so who know!

Mostly I just am glad I'm not going ape-crap over sports after I realized nothing I do matters to make the team(s) I want play better.

Thus my goal of the Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity Gems/Stones

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lisamarlene wrote:

I never saw it, but it was one of Whingey Wizzard's faves.
For some reason, he perfected the art of singing the theme song in Bob Dylan's voice.

All songs are better when done with circa 1966 Bob Dylan's voice.

Wind Beneath My Wings by Bette Midler. Definitely better with Bob.

Jump by Van Halen.

Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana.

Instant 1966 Bob Dylan classics.

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Now I'm mumblin'
And I'm screamin'
And I don't know
What I'm singin'...

Smells Like Nirvana by Weird Al...with Bob Dylan's voice...


It's better.

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Presuming of course you're a Dylan fan.

Good afternoon, everyone! How has your weekend treated ya?

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Okay, so far.

Orthos wrote:
Presuming of course you're a Dylan fan.

I fail to see that as a prerequisite.

You don't have to be a Dylan fan to mock his voice...lol

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Wait, are we mocking his voice or are we legitimately liking it? Internet, text, tone, etc.

I was under the impression it was the latter but I could be totally wrong. I personally can't stand Dylan, so I definitely don't want anything else done in his voice (especially tarnishing the gold standard national treasure that is Weird Al), but if we're making fun of it, that's a completely different ball game.

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I think Dylan, like Springsteen, are amazing songwriters but I like their music better when performed by other artists.

Marijuanaville by Mark Eddie. Dylan parody at end.

It's really annoying that people who write their music assume they should be the ones to sing it when they sound like s@~~ and they know it.

I'm looking at you, Billy Corgan. You sound like Urkel when you hit high notes. Listen to "Tonight, Tonight" and I defy you to ever un-hear that again.

There are bands where the singer didn't write all the songs. You know...ones who value actual esthetics instead of stroking the ego of the douche who wrote it. Freddie Mercury didn't write all of Queen's songs, but none of those people were dumb enough to try and sing when Freddie f!&@ing Mercury was in their band.

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One of my daughter's favorite singers is Matt Freeman, the bassist for Rancid, the third best singer for Rancid. For Rancid!

It doesn't matter if the singer sucks if the song rocks.

Just saying.

Technically, Dylan isn't a great singer, but he is very good at delivering a song, and he's also one of those vocalists you recognise instantly once he starts singing, which is why he's so easy to parody.

Personally, I am not at all fond of Bruce Springsteen, but I get why the people who do like him like him.

Snow Wight. When an exiled princess freezes to death...

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Dude, the Snow Wight is pure gold.

Seconded. Totally using that for something.

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I adore Springsteen. Have since I was a kid. First crush.

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For me, it's still Freddie Mercury as the best. Followed by James Hetfield.

Also my weekend was alright.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:

For me, it's still Freddie Mercury as the best. Followed by James Hetfield.

Also my weekend was alright.

That's like saying "For me, it's still prime rib as the best. Followed by hot dogs."

I mean, I like hot dogs, but they're not even in the same league as prime rib. Freddie was a singer. James Hetfield happens to sing.

It's like comparing Tom Morello's guitar playing to...I dunno, Kurt Cobain. Not to say Nirvana wasn't enjoyable, but on a technically proficient level, they're not even in the same league.

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