DungeonmasterCal's House of Respite

Off-Topic Discussions

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Aiymi has a separate section of her Amazon wish list devoted to stuff I want. It's almost exclusively Pathfinder books that I'm still hunting for or music.

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Wah wah wah waaaaaaah....

Shadow Lodge

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TOZ is eternal. You don't like it, fight me.

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TOZ wrote:
TOZ wrote:
fight me.

Seems counterproductive.

Shadow Lodge

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Or you could surrender.

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Let me at 'em. I can do anything!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Speaking of Christmas presents, may I just say that this is the first year ever (EVER!) that I have wrapped Christmas presents and they DON'T look like Charlie Brown did the job after a botched carpal tunnel surgery half-amputated his right hand*.


*Hey, if you pay 10 cents to a "doctor" you can't even trust to hold a football, well... caveat f*%+ing emptor, my blockheaded friend.

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I only poked three holes in one of mine trying to wrap it.

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*Knock Knock*'

Hey... mind if I come in?

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Hey... mind if I come in who?

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quibblemuch wrote:
Hey... mind if I come in who?

Interrupting cow.

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Not at all! Welcome!

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*sighs* So while I have FINALLY cleaned the house after kind of putting it off (along with trying to do some other things like go to the grocery store to get vanilla extract in case we needed it and sugar (which I KNEW we would need)...but what REALLY put a kink in my crawl was having two dogs who thought "Hey we should TOTALLY run off while everyone is kind of distracted!" Which they kind of did with bumbling assist from me. See I was trying to get them to stay out while I was trying to wood polish our butcher block island counter so that when we start making cookies, we have a good surface to work on. But as that happened, they started barking and whining...and then I tried to herd them outside..and Galway backed away from me...allowing Rory to run off...and then Galway went after him...

So now on top of having to clean stuff in the house, I have to wash my mom's sheets AGAIN along with my dirty clothes from sliding all around in the mud while it was drizzling.

So yeah. Christmas.

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quibblemuch wrote:
Hey... mind if I come in who?


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Haladir wrote:

*Knock Knock*'

Hey... mind if I come in?

Come on in! There's a cool beverage waiting on ya!

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It's a musically odd day for me. I keep going back and forth between Judas Priest and Blackmore's Night. Kinda opposites of each other.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
It's a musically odd day for me. I keep going back and forth between Judas Priest and Blackmore's Night. Kinda opposites of each other.

It's a musically odd day for me. I'm watching Trolls Holiday Special and also Darling in the Franxx: Kiss of Death covers*. Kinda opposites of each other.

* Look, we can all agree that my musical tastes are... odd. At best.

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Say eclectic.

That sounds more...

*checks thesaurus*


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I know what I want to be! I want to be a Lumberjack!

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So I got a nice treat to end the day. My brother and his wife took me to our local and longest existing Mediterranean place, Ali Baba's, for dinner. It was a nice way to end a rather stressful few hours.

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That sounds wonderful.

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Good morning, Housemates!

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Xmas presents mailed to Ebon (and family) and Scint, and the last gift for younger family - my step-nephew - purchased: he's getting the first three Pern books and the Crystal Singer trilogy. Gifts for parents, sister, and BIL will probably happen in early January; money is kinda tight this time of year for me.

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Does that make this a rent type scenario or?...

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LOL! Nope. All you pay is your time!

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Orthos wrote:
Xmas presents mailed to Ebon (and family) and Scint, and the last gift for younger family - my step-nephew - purchased: he's getting the first three Pern books and the Crystal Singer trilogy. Gifts for parents, sister, and BIL will probably happen in early January; money is kinda tight this time of year for me.

Yeah, it is for lots of folks. We used to have Christmas for the family on the traditional day but my ex-wife and I would exchange gifts on New Year's Day.

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As long as it's not Rent. God, I hate Rent.

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Oh, I've hated the play long before that. The music's meh, and I hate every character.

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Scintillae wrote:
As long as it's not Rent. God, I hate Rent.

Look pretty and do as little as possible.

(Politics warning for the first ~10 minutes. After that the review starts in earnest.)

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Woo, good ol' forum shuffle~

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Scintillae wrote:
Oh, I've hated the play long before that. The music's meh, and I hate every character.

Oh I know you did. The link is for everyone else.

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I've never seen it nor heard even a single song from it. This is NOT a request for examples, lol.

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I really liked Rent. I saw it twice on Broadway, and two other local performances. Didn't much care for the movie.

That said, the show is 20 years old, is very much of its time, and isn't necessarily aging well.

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I've only been to one musical, and that was "Spamelot". And it was a free ticket, so double win!

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In another thread, I was reminded about Levi's denim bell bottom jeans. I miss those.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

What color would you like your unicorn to be again?

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I can't speak for John, but I want my unicorn to be coal black and shooting fire from its horn!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

That’s...not a unicorn.

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*sighs* FINALLY! The tree is decorated, the house is MOSTLY clean (dogs man...) and Mom will be home in about *checks the time* 3 and half hours. So yeah. I'm beat. And I STILL haven't bought anyone any presents! (Though to be fair, I'm just getting everyone Amazon Gift Cards...so...) (Though my youngest brother will get a book too, but only because that's his Birthday present...)

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Scintillae wrote:
Oh, I've hated the play long before that. The music's meh, and I hate every character.

To be fair, the characters weren't very likable in La Boheme, either.

I almost posted a defense of Tom Collins, but then I realized that I didn't actually like the character, I just liked Jesse L. Martin's voice.

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I'm trying not to be quite as stalky here as I was on Treefort (i.e. read most of the posts but almost never posted myself, which was felt weird).
Also, (a) it's a slow day in FaWtL-land, and (b) I'm trying to avoid packing.
So... hi!

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
So what's on everyone's Christmas wish lists?s?

More books about swordfighting.


Cookery books.

I don't know what my other half is getting me - I asked her to crochet me a sort of Battle Yarmulke, but she couldn't get the yarn in time. I got her some gin.

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What if there was a book that was about drinking beer while cooking while swordfighting? Because if there were, it'd be awesome. And if not, I'll get right on that.

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Me too.

There's our project for next year.

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quibblemuch wrote:
What if there was a book that was about drinking beer while cooking while swordfighting? Because if there were, it'd be awesome. And if not, I'll get right on that.

I'd buy that for a dollar!

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lisamarlene wrote:


I'm trying not to be quite as stalky here as I was on Treefort (i.e. read most of the posts but almost never posted myself, which was felt weird).
Also, (a) it's a slow day in FaWtL-land, and (b) I'm trying to avoid packing.
So... hi!

*waves back*

Come in and sit a spell!

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In a mushy '70s music mood tonight.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
In a mushy '70s music mood tonight.

Sound like someone should play a session of Spirit of '77.

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<peeks head into thread>

Hello? Any room for an aged wizard to sit in here?

I just spent a day 'Christmas shopping and lunch date with wife' and old wizzie is tired!

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*pulls out a comfy chair* There's always room! *puts another log on the fire*.

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