DungeonmasterCal's House of Respite

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh man that is a biter of an ending. Well done.

I made significant changes to the end of Kingmaker myself.

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Fantasy Monster: Grimwitch Gremlin. Inspired by Fae Tactics from this month's Humble Choice. More gremlins might show up in the future.

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Orthos wrote:
Oh man that is a biter of an ending. Well done.

I may have to attempt the steal combat maneuver on this one...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Fantasy Monster: Grimwitch Gremlin. Inspired by Fae Tactics from this month's Humble Choice. More gremlins might show up in the future.

YAY! Shock troops to take down those arrogant wizards! Huzzah!

Silver Crusade

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Master Pugwampi wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Fantasy Monster: Grimwitch Gremlin. Inspired by Fae Tactics from this month's Humble Choice. More gremlins might show up in the future.
YAY! Shock troops to take down those arrogant wizards! Huzzah!

I'm surprised you haven't teamed up with these fine wyrms, Wumpums.

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Rysky wrote:
Master Pugwampi wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Fantasy Monster: Grimwitch Gremlin. Inspired by Fae Tactics from this month's Humble Choice. More gremlins might show up in the future.
YAY! Shock troops to take down those arrogant wizards! Huzzah!
I'm surprised you haven't teamed up with these fine wyrms, Wumpums.

Nah, Chaos is like a fine spice: you put too much in and the rest of the meal is spoiled.

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(He's just salty because a vexgit hexxed the pen door latches and they all got loose before we could rig up a proper harness for Hunt to take on a test ride.)

Scarab Sages

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My husband has had some serious health issues over the past couple of years, to the point that I was afraid he’d become bedridden and we’d lose what little social life we have when we’re not on pandemic distancing. But his doctor had suggested a temporary stay in a skilled nursing care facility to try to get a handle on his problems, and he decided to take the initiative and do that. He spent a week there and with the targeted treatment he made great improvement. Unfortunately he had a bit of a setback the day before he was scheduled to be released and landed in the hospital instead. He’s home now, though, and we’re experiencing what it’s like to be hospitalized but not in the hospital - paramedics or nurses come to the house thrice a day to take his vitals and administer IV meds, and we have a dedicated phone and iPad for a nursing contact center. He lost some of his progress, but I think he’ll be able to recover it in time, and he’s still much better than he was a month ago. I’m so lucky I have a job that provides good healthcare benefits.
But it sure is cutting into our gaming. He can’t play when we’ll be interrupted for an hour by the medical treatments.

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Sableye wrote:
(He's just salty because a vexgit hexxed the pen door latches and they all got loose before we could rig up a proper harness for Hunt to take on a test ride.)

Am not!

Dire Elf wrote:

My husband has had some serious health issues over the past couple of years, to the point that I was afraid he’d become bedridden and we’d lose what little social life we have when we’re not on pandemic distancing. But his doctor had suggested a temporary stay in a skilled nursing care facility to try to get a handle on his problems, and he decided to take the initiative and do that. He spent a week there and with the targeted treatment he made great improvement. Unfortunately he had a bit of a setback the day before he was scheduled to be released and landed in the hospital instead. He’s home now, though, and we’re experiencing what it’s like to be hospitalized but not in the hospital - paramedics or nurses come to the house thrice a day to take his vitals and administer IV meds, and we have a dedicated phone and iPad for a nursing contact center. He lost some of his progress, but I think he’ll be able to recover it in time, and he’s still much better than he was a month ago. I’m so lucky I have a job that provides good healthcare benefits.

But it sure is cutting into our gaming. He can’t play when we’ll be interrupted for an hour by the medical treatments.

Oh my goodness, I hope he regains the progress he'd lost and that your lives can get back to some semblance of normalcy!

Eddie Van Halen died today, losing a battle with throat cancer.

R.I.P. EVH, 1955-2020

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dire Elf wrote:

My husband has had some serious health issues over the past couple of years, to the point that I was afraid he’d become bedridden and we’d lose what little social life we have when we’re not on pandemic distancing. But his doctor had suggested a temporary stay in a skilled nursing care facility to try to get a handle on his problems, and he decided to take the initiative and do that. He spent a week there and with the targeted treatment he made great improvement. Unfortunately he had a bit of a setback the day before he was scheduled to be released and landed in the hospital instead. He’s home now, though, and we’re experiencing what it’s like to be hospitalized but not in the hospital - paramedics or nurses come to the house thrice a day to take his vitals and administer IV meds, and we have a dedicated phone and iPad for a nursing contact center. He lost some of his progress, but I think he’ll be able to recover it in time, and he’s still much better than he was a month ago. I’m so lucky I have a job that provides good healthcare benefits.

But it sure is cutting into our gaming. He can’t play when we’ll be interrupted for an hour by the medical treatments.

I pray he recovers.

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2020... sigh... enough, ok?

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This goes out to everyone who's been in a funk lately. Woooo!

Situation: It is 6:56 am.

Assessment: I have been unable to sleep any tonight.

Suggested Solution: Slam forehead into a door frame until a state of forced unconsciousness occurs.

Results: Pending

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Have you tried drinking lots of Red Bull? You can trust my advice because I sometimes wear smart glasses and a stethoscope.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Monkey Santa wrote:
Have you tried drinking lots of Red Bull? You can trust my advice because I sometimes wear smart glasses and a stethoscope.

And make sure to mix it with daytime cold medicine. That will do the trick!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You guys are geniuses! I'm gonna unsafely drive to Walgreens and buy some of that stuff right now!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Monkey Santa wrote:
Have you tried drinking lots of Red Bull? You can trust my advice because I sometimes wear smart glasses and a stethoscope.

Yes, you do, but it's not commonly draped over that...

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Master Pugwampi wrote:
Monkey Santa wrote:
Have you tried drinking lots of Red Bull? You can trust my advice because I sometimes wear smart glasses and a stethoscope.
And make sure to mix it with daytime cold medicine. That will do the trick!


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Been doing a little painting this weekend.

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Hey, everyone. I'm hoping beyond hope that my group can get together on Halloween for our annual spooky game night. It's on a Saturday, our normal game night, and there's a full moon, to boot. With any luck, it will be the relaunch of a regular, or at least semi-regular, game night for us. I've been digging through game notes and old adventures which I ran going back 20-25 years ago trying to find something that'll be fun and ookie.

Last year I tossed a bunch of cliches at them where they found themselves shipwrecked on a rocky beach in a storm with a castle high above them on a cliff. They went there to seek shelter and had a high old time fighting the free-willed flesh golems that were still there though their master had disappeared. The best part (and creepiest because some of the guys sorta squawked) was when a flesh golem about the size and shape of a ten year old girl, complete with a tattered doll, walked out of the darkness and asked if anyone would play with her.

The long and short of it is she was scared of "the monster" which was always looking for her. It turned out that it was another flesh golem with abilities heightened by necromancy and she was very scared of it. They defeated it, and they took the "little girl" (who they named Emily) with them. She actually became a sort of mascot for them and they all began to genuinely care for about her. When she was kidnaped and destroyed by a band of goblins one of my players actually teared up a little.

Anyway, that was last year. This year I want something they won't expect because with it being a full moon (the second one of the month) they're already thinking it will involve lycanthropes. While that would be fun and one of my players, the fourteen year old daughter of another, is really, really creeped out by werewolves. But I want to throw them a curveball and have the encounters be something else. Do any of you have any ideas about what I might use? It needs to be about CR 8 and dangerous, even deadly. I keep coming back to something about fey, trying to link it to the full moon or at least to Autumn, but I can't seem to get anything solid to appear. I'm going to start going through the list of fey creatures, including the wonderful ones that our very own Drejk creates as if he was some kinda freaking monster making machine!

I'd love to hear your ideas along these lines. I'll keep going through my stacks of unplayed game notes and old, old adventures that they have likely forgotten about but I'm open to suggestions!

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Hekate, or servants of Hekate, I'd say. Corrupted moondogs.

That's very interesting. I'll go and look 'em up! Thanks!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Fantasy Monster: Gargyle Gremlin.

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Drejk wrote:
Fantasy Monster: Gargyle Gremlin.

Ohhhhhh, no wonder Gary was so mad at me. Gargyle gremlin. I misheard him and kept calling him an argyle gremlin.

Shadow Lodge

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I keep coming back to something about fey, trying to link it to the full moon or at least to Autumn, but I can't seem to get anything solid to appear.

Wild Hunt Hound (Fey, CR 10)

Devil Dog (Magical Beast, CR 5)
Foo Dog (Magical Beast/Outsider, CR 5)
Moon Dog (Outsider, CR 9) (Has good subtype; may need to slap the Broken Soul or similar template to it)
3pp version of Moon Dog (still Good)
Wolf-Spider (Magical Beast, CR 4)
Bad Wolf (Mythic Magical Beast, CR 6/MR 2)
Abyssal Wolf (Magical Beast, CR 7)
Fey Animal Template (+1 CR) - Slap this onto any animal or magical beast of your choice to make it more fey-ish.
Greater Barghest (Outsider, CR 7)
Cayhound (Outsider, CR 5) (Also Good)
Cerberi (Outsider, CR 6)
Dahzagan (Outsider, CR 6) (Wolf-taur demon!)
Nerizo/Hound Demon (Outsider, CR 9)
Nessian Warhound (Outsider, CR 9)
Hound of Tindalos (Outsider, CR 7)
Shadow Mastiff (Outsider, CR 5) (Also includes two CR 6 variants)
Sceazir (Outsider, CR 9)
Shadow Animal Template (CR varies) - More template fun!
Yeth Hound (Outsider, CR 3) - low CR means more room for templates!
Zentragt (Outsider, CR 4)

GM Umbral Ultimatum wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I keep coming back to something about fey, trying to link it to the full moon or at least to Autumn, but I can't seem to get anything solid to appear.
Wild Hunt Hound (Fey, CR 10)...

Thanks! I was planning on digging around in the Fey listing today after I get some other things done but you did the legwork for me! Much appreciated!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Fantasy Monster: Gargyle Gremlin.
Ohhhhhh, no wonder Gary was so mad at me. Gargyle gremlin. I misheard him and kept calling him an argyle gremlin.

Delayed Ah-Ha! to self: Marinate on mechanics for a new gremlin that would weaponize plaid.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
GM Umbral Ultimatum wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I keep coming back to something about fey, trying to link it to the full moon or at least to Autumn, but I can't seem to get anything solid to appear.
Wild Hunt Hound (Fey, CR 10)...
Thanks! I was planning on digging around in the Fey listing today after I get some other things done but you did the legwork for me! Much appreciated!

One thing I forgot to note in the prior post: The Bad Wolf has a special property that treats it as both Magical Beast and Fey for the purposes of stuff that is based on type.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gotcha. I meant to mention this earlier, but your helpful hints next to some of the creatures made my day...lol

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
GM Umbral Ultimatum wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I keep coming back to something about fey, trying to link it to the full moon or at least to Autumn, but I can't seem to get anything solid to appear.
Wild Hunt Hound (Fey, CR 10)...
Thanks! I was planning on digging around in the Fey listing today after I get some other things done but you did the legwork for me! Much appreciated!
One thing I forgot to note in the prior post: The Bad Wolf has a special property that treats it as both Magical Beast and Fey for the purposes of stuff that is based on type.

Bad Wolf?!


Awwww, that's one of mine!

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Things that aren't werewolves associated with the full moon on Halloween: the festival of Samhain, witches, ghosts/spirits, the Fey, druids, Magick, particularly certain necromantic rites, evils of the sea the rise with the tides, generic curses and the breaking of them

Possible plots: a group of druids are using the power of the full moon to enact a protean rite; the Fey of both the Seelie and Unseelie court are holding a once-in-a-century moot on the Prime b/c it is the second full moon on the night of Samhain - this revel will enslave an entire city of mortals in the Eternal Masquerade, stealing their souls forever to the Fey Lands unless the Eldest can be dealt with; the town of Innsmouth is the only port avail to the party, and they're rumored to have lots of gold in that church...; a Grand Coven (9 x 9 witches) has met for one night of total chaos, with the PCs being the only ones between The 81 Curses and the doom of all mortals

Also, more silly associations with the moon: Blue Moon - either weird luck, hexes, witches, gremlins, or a detective agency from an 80's TV comedy; alternatively relating to a variety of popular songs.

Full Moon - colloquial reference to completely exposing the posterior of a person in public, especially when such displays are socially frowned upon.

Moonstruck - a fated love brought about only by the light of the full moon, as portrayed by Nick Cage and Cher

Mooncrazed - a common superstition holding that sleeping while directly exposed to the light of the full moon can bring mental illness; see Lunatic


It sounds like what got your players last was a sort of intimacy with the horror. Whatever you decide to do, I'd say find some way to personalize it. Not necessarily to the PCs, but to the players. Loss of innocence and horror that robs its victims of agency works well here.

Could be that the antagonist of the piece is compelled by forces beyond their control into evil. Alternatively, the evil threatens something very close to the players, like with Emily. Even worse still...

What if the evil is specifically after the PCs? "It's a small thing, almost trivial; deliver this philter to the Lady Ashcombe, just before she is to meet her stable boy. Ensure she drinks it all, and before you know it your darling Emily will be back with you, made whole and what's more... she'll be a REAL girl. Such little thing after all..."

Of course the elixir, when drunk and then the imbiber exposed to the light of the full moon forces the drinker to lose all inhibitions and act on their basest desires. By the morning Lord Ashcombe will be found murdered by his adulterous wife who will be found in the stable boy's arms. Unfortunately, this small act causes a vacuum of power in the feudal structure of the kingdom, which in turn will plunge the country into a civil war that will pit kin against kin...

(the grinning devil, standing there with Emily staring wide-eyed in horror with her new "family") "… and all of this death, this utter destruction, could not have been possible without YOU."

I don't know, I'm just throwin' stuff out there. Don't know where your campaign or players are at these days. Hopefully there's something here you can use.

Thanks, Mark. There are a lot of things I could take and run with there!

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All this talk reminds me of story from Old Country.

There was man. Big hairy man who turn into wolf a few nights a month. Only he wasn't arrested for that. He was arrested for indecent exposure after many times he drop his pants and wave his buttocks at locals.

You see, in Soviet Russia, werewolf full moons you!

Anyone wanna buy a used pitbull mix? He's very sweet mannered, even a little timid at times. But we've had two walks already where he didn't pee or poop or do anything at all, really, and my knees and my back are killing me. He's giving me "the look" again and enthusiastically wagging his tail. This dog is trying to kill me.

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Pit bulls are really strong. Get roller skates/blades.

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I have never worn skates in my entire 56 (soon to be 57) years of life. Putting me in shoes with wheels attached to them would have the same result as if I'd thrown myself down a steep embankment into an oncoming train. And during this exercise, my dogs would just calmly observe, then Rosie would saunter over, put her paw on my chest, and stare dramatically into the distance. She's actually done this when I've fallen. She's no help at all.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I have never worn skates in my entire 56 (soon to be 57) years of life. Putting me in shoes with wheels attached to them would have the same result as if I'd thrown myself down a steep embankment into an oncoming train. And during this exercise, my dogs would just calmly observe, then Rosie would saunter over, put her paw on my chest, and stare dramatically into the distance. She's actually done this when I've fallen. She's no help at all.

She's just pointing, you know, so you know where you are.

So if skates are out, I'll suggest a skateboard. Completely different. You'll be fine.

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What Cal wants is a bulldog chariot.

Maybe that's what we all want, really.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
And during this exercise, my dogs would just calmly observe, then Rosie would saunter over, put her paw on my chest, and stare dramatically into the distance.


"I am the shield that guards the realm of men."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Anyone wanna buy a used pitbull mix? He's very sweet mannered, even a little timid at times. But we've had two walks already where he didn't pee or poop or do anything at all, really, and my knees and my back are killing me. He's giving me "the look" again and enthusiastically wagging his tail. This dog is trying to kill me.

We JUST got a bull/boxer puppy a couple weeks back, and she alone is almost too much for Scint. I don't think she could take having two.

So I'm thinking I'm going to start up a new pbp game, some time this weekend probably. It'll be based on the CastleVania video games (and the animated show on Netflix, which likewise was based on the games), though familiarity with them isnt necessarily required to play along.

Anyone here interested? Want to give you guys and people in FAWTL first crack at participation before I open it to the general public.

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Orthos wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Anyone wanna buy a used pitbull mix? He's very sweet mannered, even a little timid at times. But we've had two walks already where he didn't pee or poop or do anything at all, really, and my knees and my back are killing me. He's giving me "the look" again and enthusiastically wagging his tail. This dog is trying to kill me.
We JUST got a bull/boxer puppy a couple weeks back, and she alone is almost too much for Scint. I don't think she could take having two.

Tala's dog is an 8 year or boxer pitt mix. Beware yours headbutting her way out of cages. Our boy has knocked doors off hinges before!

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Hi, everyone!

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Orthos wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Anyone wanna buy a used pitbull mix? He's very sweet mannered, even a little timid at times. But we've had two walks already where he didn't pee or poop or do anything at all, really, and my knees and my back are killing me. He's giving me "the look" again and enthusiastically wagging his tail. This dog is trying to kill me.
We JUST got a bull/boxer puppy a couple weeks back, and she alone is almost too much for Scint. I don't think she could take having two.
Tala's dog is an 8 year or boxer pitt mix. Beware yours headbutting her way out of cages. Our boy has knocked doors off hinges before!

She's definitely tried to thrash her way out. She's not quite big enough yet. Hopefully it'll hold until we can afford a higher quality one for when she gets bigger.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, everyone!

Hey, John! How goes it?

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Tala's dog is an 8 year or boxer pitt mix. Beware yours headbutting her way out of cages. Our boy has knocked doors off hinges before!

My dogs have rarely slept in kennels or cage-type enclosures. We used one when we drove to pick up Buster from his rescue, but that's been it for him. Also, when I first got Rosie, she developed a prolapsed uterus and had to be confined to a kennel for a few days until that healed. But that's really been it. It's not that I'm opposed to them, I've just never needed to use them beyond the times I mentioned.

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