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Paizo Employee Design Manager

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keftiu wrote:

Massive congrats!! Super excited to see what you and Luis put together; you know I'm a big cheerleader for Arcadia stuff, but I'm all over whatever you can put out :>

I think people will be pleasantly surprised by what Luis and I are cooking up for 2024/2025 right now, but I'm afraid that's all I'll be able to say on the subject for quite awhile.

Doing anything to celebrate the good news?

Paizo Employee Design Manager

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keftiu wrote:
Doing anything to celebrate the good news?

Taking an extra long Veteran's Day weekend, hopefully grabbing some flaming queso with Luis to celebrate, playing some of the immense swath of games that are dropping right now (Tactics Ogre Reborn, Pokemon, Sonic Frontiers, I just got this Tide Breaker RPG, Eleanor's been telling me I have to play Potionomics....), and charging the mental batteries for the very frantic but exciting work ahead, I expect.

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Will we ever see the Shaman and Inquisitor come to 2e surely the demand is there?

Paizo Employee Design Manager

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T0kume1 wrote:
Will we ever see the Shaman and Inquisitor come to 2e surely the demand is there?

The edition is only three years old so far, there's still a ton of content we haven't gotten to.

Michael Sayre wrote:
the xiao wrote:
Michael, are there any special rules for multiclassing Akashic classes? I looked at my Akashic Mysteries book and Akashic Trinity, and couldn't find anything. I guess essence just stacks, and you choose your veil ability modifier when you multiclass, like manifesters, but what about veilweaver level? What about veil lists? Veils shaped? Maximum essence capacity increments? Chakra binds?

Essence, veilweaver level, veils shaped, maximum essence capacity increments, etc. give exactly what they say they give when you pick them up from each class. That means a multiclassed guru/vizier will have a broad range of essence and veils to pull from and the same veilweaver level as a single-classed character of the same level, but that will then be balanced out by the fact that they've delayed their bind progression. If you get the Hands bind from two sources, the second source is just "dead" as it provides no further benefit.

Dead Binds is such a shame for such otherwise interesting classes that are so much fun to blend.

Surely it would be appropriate to give a multiclassed Veilweaver who receives a bind they already have something in return, right? Perhaps an additional Veil [considering they aren't progressing veils in two classes at the same time, just progressing a separate chart depending on which class they took a level in] or at least a point of Essence?

Honestly I was stunned I didn't find a multiclassing feat to support bind progression, but that's not a decision I would claim to understand the system enough to debate lol.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

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Been processing the fact that Aka5hic MystEries, a port of Akashic Mysteries for 5E that I and some other authors worked on, dropped this week.

I did work on the book years ago and Christen had hoped to add more of his City of 7 Seraphs lore to flesh things out for the final release, but the recent kerfuffle around the OGL has left him uncertain about the future of things under that license and reticent to publish his lore using the OGL, so instead it's non-setting-specific akasha book for 5E.

If you're still playing 5E and would like to support a publisher who's given opportunities to many Pathfinder writers (including myself, Jessica Redekop, Kate Baker, Ron Lundeen, and many more), consider grabbing a copy of Aka5hic MystEries for you and your game table. Christen Sowards has long since paid me and the other writers for the work we did and I am not using my affiliate tag in the link above, so all the proceeds go to Christen and DriveThruRPG. Thank you Christen, and thank you DriveThruRPG for everything you both have done to help foster an open gaming community and give people opportunities to break into the industry.

Michael Sayre wrote:
Been processing the fact that Aka5hic MystEries, a port of Akashic Mysteries for 5E that I and some other authors worked on, dropped this week.

Enjoying the read through of it and very glad to see that the Akashic system is moving forward. Thank you for the writing and the work you do for the hobby.

Two questions!
Any chance of the Zodiac getting the same treatment, and where would the best place to send in things like a typo report?

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Halaku wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:
Been processing the fact that Aka5hic MystEries, a port of Akashic Mysteries for 5E that I and some other authors worked on, dropped this week.

Enjoying the read through of it and very glad to see that the Akashic system is moving forward. Thank you for the writing and the work you do for the hobby.

Two questions!
Any chance of the Zodiac getting the same treatment, and where would the best place to send in things like a typo report?

Hello! We would love to do Zodiac and the rest of the Akashic Classes from City of 7 Seraphs. A lot will depend on Wizards of the Coast and the OGL Licensing issues facing the community. Hopefully they will come to their senses and we can continue or provide another option.

Send error correction to:


Michael Sayre wrote:

Been processing the fact that Aka5hic MystEries, a port of Akashic Mysteries for 5E that I and some other authors worked on, dropped this week.

I know someone that would be really glad to write a review of the book ;)

Hope you had great holidays!

Michael Sayre wrote:
If you're still playing 5E

Some of us are still playing PF1 :P

I hope I'm not being annoying by repeating my question once, but I would love to get a developer opinion on this.

What would be the most appropriate benefit to give a multi-classed Veilweaver who receives dead binds? A bonus Akashic Feat for which they qualify [considering that Access * Chakra Slot are feats] or +1 point of Essence?

Paizo Employee Design Manager

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kyrt-ryder wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:
If you're still playing 5E

Some of us are still playing PF1 :P

I hope I'm not being annoying by repeating my question once, but I would love to get a developer opinion on this.

What would be the most appropriate benefit to give a multi-classed Veilweaver who receives dead binds? A bonus Akashic Feat for which they qualify [considering that Access * Chakra Slot are feats] or +1 point of Essence?

I wouldn't give them anything, in the same way that multiclassing fighter when you're a paladin doesn't let you go in and swap all your redundant proficiencies, or in the same way that you don't stack wizard spellcasting levels with sorcerer spellcasting levels. Multiclassing from one akashic class into another generally already means you're getting a spike in essence, access to a unique chakra receptacle, etc.

Giving them an additional goodie for having overlapping binds is just not a necessary thing to do and it makes multiclassing arguably too appealing from a raw power perspective compared to mastering a single class.

That being said, if you're going to do it anyways-

Not essence; you'll bloat out things that key on the size of your essence pool and those aren't really equivalent resources anyways.

If you're going to make the change, I'd go all the way to the root and replace the non-unique binds of every class with the corresponding Access Chakra feats, kinda like how the zodiac does it base. It'll still make multiclassing a little too optimal compared to sticking with a single class, but it'll at least work consistently and predictably across all builds and have you trading like for like, so the overall foundation stays firm.

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Michael Sayre wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:
If you're still playing 5E

Some of us are still playing PF1 :P

I hope I'm not being annoying by repeating my question once, but I would love to get a developer opinion on this.

What would be the most appropriate benefit to give a multi-classed Veilweaver who receives dead binds? A bonus Akashic Feat for which they qualify [considering that Access * Chakra Slot are feats] or +1 point of Essence?

I wouldn't give them anything, in the same way that multiclassing fighter when you're a paladin doesn't let you go in and swap all your redundant proficiencies, or in the same way that you don't stack wizard spellcasting levels with sorcerer spellcasting levels.

Giving them an additional goodie for having overlapping binds is just not a necessary thing to do and it makes multiclassing arguably too appealing from a raw power perspective compared to mastering a single class.

Thank you very much for the insight, I really appreciate it.

I also don't understand it lol.

Pathfinder 1e in general goes so far to discourage multiclassing that it's frustrating as a GM who loves to see characters branch and grow in creative and interesting ways regarding the mechanical framework.

Giving them nothing in place of dead binds is like not giving a character who happens to have levels in sorcerer any new spells per day when they take a level in wizard, just because they have sorcerer levels.


That being said, if you're going to do it anyways-

Not essence; you'll bloat out things that key on the size of your essence pool and those aren't really equivalent resources anyways.

If you're going to make the change, I'd go all the way to the root and replace the non-unique binds of every class with the corresponding Access Chakra feats, kinda like how the zodiac does it base.

This works perfectly. Especially in concert with my houserule where a character who receives a redundant feat can take any other feat for which he qualifies. Thank you Michael.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:
If you're still playing 5E

Some of us are still playing PF1 :P

I hope I'm not being annoying by repeating my question once, but I would love to get a developer opinion on this.

What would be the most appropriate benefit to give a multi-classed Veilweaver who receives dead binds? A bonus Akashic Feat for which they qualify [considering that Access * Chakra Slot are feats] or +1 point of Essence?

Multiclassing has ALWAYS been a problem in most editions of D&D, and that extends to PF1e. The thing is, the fighter and paladin in the example would not get anything for the redundant proficiencies, but the BAB increase would still stack for extra attacks, making multiclassing warriors a better option than spellcasters.

One option is to have a kind of "mystic" level that stacks, for the purposes of caster level, manifested level and what have you. However, that is normally fixed through a prestige class.

I made fanart of someone who turned into Glabrezu!

Real question: If Glabrezu was asked for punish someone(name given), what's Glabrezu's answer?

Spark of Inspiration gives you a stamina pool, but does it count as Combat Stamina for the purpose of taking feats that use it as a prerequisite, like Extra Stamina?

This would seem to be the case, especially since the Voltaic's Path of Echoing Thunder gives them the Extra Stamina feat, but doesn't say that they ignore prerequisites.

However, the sparking rules never officially come out and say that Spark of Inspiration counts as Combat Stamina. At most, it just says that if you use both, then you get a single pool of stamina, and not two separate pools.

How is life treating you, Michael? Any projects in the oven?

Once the thing that you've been cooking up for a while has been revealed at GenCon, could you tell us how you felt during its development and how you feel now that it will be public?

Hi, I've got a couple of doubts about zodiac champions:
1.- You can have more than one champion with class levels summoned at the same time, right?
2.- The Zodiac champions with caster level get to have their spells?
3.- Where can i find the capricorn stat block for the Sea goat champion constellation?

Paizo Employee Design Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.
the xiao wrote:
How is life treating you, Michael? Any projects in the oven?

LOL, been incredibly busy with the Remaster project and War of Immortals for pretty much all of the last year, except for the times I was assisting on Tian Xia and Howl of the Wild. Haven't had much time for anything else, including sleep...

Ezekieru wrote:
Once the thing that you've been cooking up for a while has been revealed at GenCon, could you tell us how you felt during its development and how you feel now that it will be public?

I'm pretty sure this is re: War of Immortals, and that's a project that, as of now, I've been working on for around two years (with some breaks to focus-fire development on the remaster, the Tian Xia project, and Howl of the Wild).

The animist and the exemplar were classes that we had really clear visions for from early on in the book's planning. War of Immortals actually centers around those iconics, following them from the start of their journey on one side of the Inner Sea and following them through trials and tribulations all the way to the other. (This also speaks to other themes and structures of the book.)

I'm really just excited about this book and the way that it's ended up spurring an entire initiative across multiple product lines, becoming a big and encompassing story and event. I'm also pretty sure that people are going to appreciate a lot of the tech we've put in here, not just the mythic rules but doing some of the biggest expansions we've done so far of material like class archetypes.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

AlexBih45 wrote:

Hi, I've got a couple of doubts about zodiac champions:

1.- You can have more than one champion with class levels summoned at the same time, right?

As many as you can take the essence burn to manifest.


2.- The Zodiac champions with caster level get to have their spells?

Yes, though as with all limited use abilities from veils, you can't refresh these by dismissing the champion, recovering your essence burn, and remanifesting it; you'll manifest the same version of the champion you had previously and any expended spells will still be expended.


3.- Where can i find the capricorn stat block for the Sea goat champion constellation?

It's on page 33 of the PDF

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