Earliest you can make a Perform (Sing) check of 43?


Trying to see how soon you could derail a campaign by controlling Mogaru. If he rolls a nat 20, he will auto succeed his will save, so we will ignore that, but if he rolls a nat 19, he will succeed his will save unless you get a 43 or higher on your Perform (Sing) check. So when is the earliest you could make that?

some quick math that may or may not be as right as it can be tells me that a level 3 halfling bard with the geisha archetype, driven and integrating alternate racial traits, skill focus and prodigy can get a +23 to their perform check.

Assuming my math is right I got it down to 2nd level but only if you roll a 10 or better and assuming an 18 cha. Otherwise you will need to be 8th level with this build. But you can probably drop it lower then 8th by taking feats like prodigy and noble scion and having a higher cha.


Key Stat: Charisma
Race: Human
Trait: Savant
Familiar: Butterfly
Familiar Archetype: Figment
Class: sorcerer or wizard (2)
Key Feats:
Suggested Feats: Skill Focus(1st), Evolved familiar(1st),
Suggested Gear: Bracers of the Glib Entertainer, Artistic Ale
Spell: True Skill
Key Features:
+8 skilled (racial) +3 Familiar(untyped) +4 (cha) +5 bracers (competence) +2 trait (trait) +2 alchemical, +3 prof bonus, +2 ranks, +3 skill focus
• The Figment Archetype +Evolved familiar will allow your familiar to gain the traits Shared Evolution and Skilled which grants you a +8 racial bonus.
• This gives you a +32 to your skill checks at 2nd level.
• Casting True Skill will give you another +1 insight bonus bringing it to +33.
• At 8th level between ranks and this spell you have a +42 to your skill check meaning you'll make it even on a 1.

+2 Alchemical: Lozenge of the songbird
+2 Circumstance: praying at an altar of Shelyn
+8 untyped: Inexplicable Luck (2 feats)

And the Basic Harmony teamwork feat can add crazy bonuses if you bring a whole choir to back you up.

You get one roll level with this set up and it requires moderate buffing (3 spells) [+41]. And yes they are all different bonuses so they stack.

Level 1 Geisha Bard/ Level 1 Oracle of Shelyn.


+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength: Halflings are nimble and strong-willed, but their small stature makes them weaker than other races.
Small: Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Slow Speed: Halflings have a base speed of 20 feet.
Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
Adaptable Luck: Some halflings have greater control over their innate luck. This ability gives them more options for how they can apply their good fortune from day to day, but also narrows its scope. Three times per day, a halfling can gain a +2 luck bonus on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. If halflings choose to use the ability before they make the roll or check, they gain the full +2 bonus; if they choose to do so afterward, they only gain a +1 bonus. Using adaptive luck in this way is not an action.
Keen Senses: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Driven Worker: Many halfling families have developed techniques to accomplish work faster and more efficiently, whether to contribute to the community or to please overbearing masters. These halflings gain a +4 racial bonus on checks with one Craft, Perform, or Profession skill.
Weapon Familiarity: Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word "halfling" in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Halflings begin play speaking Common and Halfling. Halflings with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Goblin.


Geisha Bard

Geisha Knowledge: A geisha adds half her class level (minimum 1) on Craft (calligraphy) checks, Diplomacy checks, Knowledge (nobility) checks, and one type of Perform check (act, dance, oratory, percussion, string instruments, or sing); she may make checks with these skills untrained. This replaces bardic knowledge.
Oracle Ancestor Mystery

Legalistic Curse: The shackles of Hell impose savage consequences should you violate a covenant, but also imbue you with remarkable guile. Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your obligation, whichever comes first. However, once per day, you can make a vow to yourself that grants a +4 morale bonus on any one roll you make while trying to fulfill a promise made to another individual.

Revelation: Sacred Council (Su): As a move action, you can call upon your ancestors to provide council. This advice grants you a +2 bonus on any one d20 roll. This effect lasts for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma bonus.


Str: 8
Dex: 13
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 20


[PFS Legal] Aspect of the Nightingale
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 228, Pathfinder #50: Night of Frozen Shadows pg. 75
School transmutation (polymorph); Level bard 1, cleric 1, druid 1, hunter 1, inquisitor 1, oracle 1, paladin 1, ranger 1, shaman 1, skald 1, warpriest 1 (Shelyn)
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 minute/level
You take on an aspect of a nightingale. Your voice becomes clear and pleasant. You gain a +2 competence bonus on Perform (sing) checks and a +2 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks. Once per minute, if you are subject to a charm effect that allows a saving throw, you may roll twice and take the more favorable result.
[PFS Legal] Tap Inner Beauty
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 243, Faiths of Purity pg. 29
School divination; Level bard 1, cleric 1, oracle 1, skald 1, warpriest 1, witch 1 (Shelyn)
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, M (a tiny mirror)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 minute/level
This spell allows you to tap into the natural beauty of your soul and let it shine from your eyes and your speech. While the spell is active, you gain a +2 insight bonus on all Charisma ability checks and Charisma-based skill checks.
[PFS Legal] Moment of Greatness
Source Ultimate Combat pg. 1
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level arcanist 1, bard 1, cleric 1, oracle 1, psychic 1, skald 1, sorcerer 1, warpriest 1, wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (rabbit fur)
Range 50 ft.
Target The caster and allies within a 50-ft. burst centered on the caster
Duration 1 minute/level or until discharged
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Each creature affected by this spell is given the potential for greater success and glory. If the affected creature is benefiting from a morale bonus of any type, it can double that morale bonus on one roll or check, before making the roll. Once an affected creature uses this spell’s effect, the spell is discharged for that subject.


[PFS Legal] Inner Beauty [Link]
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 220, Faiths of Purity pg. 15
Requirement(s) Shelyn
Once per day when you manifest your faith in your goddess, you gain a +4 trait bonus on a single Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, or Perform skill check. You must choose to use this trait immediately after rolling the skill check but before the result is revealed by the GM.
[PFS Legal] Fate's Favored [Link]
Source Ultimate Campaign pg. 55
The fates watch over you. Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.

Skill Focus (Perform: Sing)

If you get to level 3 pick up Deific Obedience for Shelyn's Obedience:

Shelyn Obedience:
Paint a small picture, compose a short poem or song, dance a scene from a ballet, or create another work of art, whispering praise to Shelyn’s beauty and grace as you do so. The art piece need be neither large nor complex, but heartfelt and made to the best of your ability. Gift the piece of art to a stranger and pay her a sincere compliment as you do so. If there are no suitable individuals around to receive the gift, leave it in an obvious place with a note praising Shelyn and asking whoever finds it to take it with your warmest wishes. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Craft and Perform checks.

Also sorry if it's cluttered, tried to clean it up a bit before posting.

I'm building this... thing I made now I hope you know... +41 bonus for one Perform (Sing) check... I'm fairly certain you could kill someone at level 2 with that kind of musical ability

Perform wrote:
DC 30 Extraordinary performance. In a prosperous city, you can earn 3d6 gp/day. In time, you may draw attention from distant patrons, or even from extraplanar beings.

I'm fairly certain a level 2 PC would attract literal gods to listen to him belt out some tunes at a minimum of +42 on the final result.

Can an Oracle of Shelyn be Nature mystery?

If so, then from Alphavoltario's build, you can leave out the Bard level. Lose 1 skill rank and +3 for class skill and the +1 from Geisha archtype. Total reduction -5.

Take Natural Divination as the 1st revelation for a +10 competence bonus to one skill roll.

Don't cast Aspect of Nightingale but Karmic Blessing instead. Lose the +2 competence but turns one skill into a class skill, gaining the +3 back.

Cast Songbird for a +3 untyped bonus on a Perform check.

Net bonus on top of what Alphavoltario calculated + 7.(Edited because i forgot to drop the +2 from Sacred Council.)

Spells n stuff:

Natural Divination (Ex): You can read the entrails of a freshly killed animal or humanoid to gain an insight bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on one saving throw. Alternatively, by observing and interpreting the flights of birds, you may apply a +10 competence bonus on any one skill check. Finally, by charting marks in dirt or stone, or observing the behavior of sand when thrown into the wind, you gain a +4 insight bonus on one initiative check. These bonuses must be used during the next 24 hours and you must declare you are using the bonus before the check or save is made. Making a natural divination takes 10 minutes. You may use natural divination (in any combination) once per day plus one additional time per day for every four oracle levels you have attained.

Songbird(from Planar Adventures)
You conjure uplifting music from the wilds of Elysium, Heaven, or Nirvana to bolster other musical activities.
If you cast songbird during the same round in which you attempt a Perform check, songbird acts as accompaniment and grants a +3 bonus on that Perform check.
If you cast songbird in the same round in which you activate a bardic performance, that round of bardic performance does not count against your total rounds of bardic performance available for the day.
If you cast songbird in the same round in which you cast a spell with the sonic descriptor, that spell’s save DC increases by 1.

Karmic Blessing(from Advanced Race Guide)
The target treats one skill of your choice as a class skill.

Can someone check my math?

Really you just need an entire chorus using aid another on the lead singer to get the desired bonus. Could be done with 20-40 commoners.

Natan Linggod 327 wrote:

Take Natural Divination as the 1st revelation for a +10 competence bonus to one skill roll.

Don't cast Aspect of Nightingale but Karmic Blessing instead. Lose the +2 competence but turns one skill into a class skill, gaining the +3 back.

Cast Songbird for a +3 untyped bonus on a Perform check.

-Meh... Natural Divination requires there to be birds to actually observe (can't use it if there's no wildlife around). A little too situational. But if there are some go for it.

-If you do go nature Oracle, you don't need Karmic Blessing, pick up <Fey Thoughts> alternate racial trait for Halflings and nab Perform as a class skill (less buff time).

-Strait up just adding Songbird to the build.

Actually if you only did the one level of Oracle you wouldn't have enough spells known to get Tap Inner Beauty, Songbird and Moment of Greatness. So yet another (-2) - (-4) from lost bonus from losing one of these spells to Natan's amendment to my build.

Well, I did a similar calculation several months ago to see just how high I could actually push a Perform check. Unfortunately I ended up settling for Perform (string instruments) because there were just more items between D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder to use.

Using Dragon Magazine we can also increase the amount of money that we get for everything above a DC 30 performance:


Routine performance (10) 1d10 Copper pieces
Enjoyable performance (15) 1d10 Silver pieces
Great performance (20) 3d10 Silver pieces
Memorable performance (25) 1d6 Gold pieces
Extraordinary performance (30) 3d6 Gold pieces
Incredible performance (40) [DR330, p.76] 1d6 Platinum pieces
Legendary performance (50) [DR330, p.76] 3d6 Platinum pieces

Keep in mind that I only used a Commoner with a 13, 12, 11, 10, 9 ability score build. So make sure you adjust accordingly.

Make sure that you remember that Cohorts and Companions allows you to draw enthusiasts.


We can begin amassing enthusiasts in any size of community by succeeding at a Perform check of DC 30 or higher per character level. Divide the results of your final public Perform check by 3 to determine an effective Leadership score in that community, providing a number "followers" as enthusiasts. Unfortunately, we don't get cohorts from that, we don't control the followers and we can't ask favors of our enthusiasts until the settlement is at least a small town. HOWEVER, these favors refer to the ones mentioned in pages 88–89 of the Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide and not to the ones in the Diplomacy section. Alas, we can't actually use the Dynasty Founder feat to gain followers early, because it requires a city.

The nice thing is that enthusiasts have helpful starting attitudes toward you, which means they have a Diplomacy DC 0. That allows us a DC 5 Diplomacy check for lengthy/complicated aid and a DC 10 for dangerous aid, with every additional request at a +5 DC increase. However, if they are mistreated, placed at risk, or taken advantage of, their attitudes can change as dramatically as a woman on her period. If you roll a natural 1 (the d20 shows a 1) on a Charisma check or on a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check to ask an enthusiast for special favors, the enthusiast feels rejected and disillusioned. Not only does the ex-enthusiast refuse to grant the favor, his attitude immediately becomes hostile and you take a –6 penalty on Diplomacy and Perform checks against former enthusiasts as long as they remain hostile. Also, since you don't control your enthusiasts, it's also possible for your celebrity status to grow out of hand. YOU GAIN A STALKER! YOU GAIN A STALKER. HA-HA! Hilarity can also ensue as your fans perform other disruptive activities in a misguided attempt to win your favor.

That said here are the calculations:


One skill point at maximum ability score (15) and a common musical instrument (5 gp; 3 lbs.) gives us a +6 modifier (+3 class skill + 2 Cha + 1 rank). Fey Magic Humans can take the Additional Traits feat (Love Lost: Orphaned and Inner Beauty) to gain a +6 modifier to Perform, for a total of +12. However, even with Skill Focus we can only get up to a +15 Perform mod. Therefore, with a Take 10 we would only get up to a +25, so we won't even try. We will take the story feat Magnum Opus instead. The prerequisite for Perform is easily met, because performing for 50 or more people at least five times while achieving a great performance result or better is always achievable for us. The result is that when we Take 10 we actually Take 15, and we gain a +5 bonus to our Perform check. Consequently, we can get up to a +32 by doing that and would have no problems to get our batch of 5 enthusiasts. The other nice thing is that when you constantly make a DC 30 or higher check on a regular basis, in time, you may draw attention from distant patrons, or even from extraplanar beings.

Gigs today last usually between 2 and 3 hours. With a 3d6 roll we make an average of 10 gp a night (or in a day, if the GM feels that you have to suffer first to make a name for yourself). So, the first night we "can" make a 4 gp profit and with every other night at 10 gp this gives us a monthly income of 254 gp on average. At worst you'll make a 1 gp loss the first day, and 3 gp a night thereafter for a total of 74 gp. If you're "really lucky" you'll make 463 gp a month. So, we now have our baseline for future expenditures. If we start of with a Poor lifestyle (3 gp/month) we effectively say that the Commoner is living in tavern common rooms, while working the bars or otherwise street performing.

If we had a bad month we can get a Song Collar (15 gp; 2 lb.; Races of Stone, p.160). Since we use a stringed instrument (lute, violin, etc.) we can use a Song Collar for 1 hour a day on seven consecutive days, to gain a +2 bonus on Perform checks involving that particular instrument and composition. But let's say that we had an average month so that we can buy the previous item and can already afford to buy a Masterwork instrument (100 gp; 3 lbs.), too. Thus we gain another +2 circumstance bonus. An expensive, but necessary upgrade. We are now at a daily +36 performance modifer and can also move up to an Average livestyle (10 gp/month) due to our monthly earnings. So, we still have 136 gp left after subtracting our expenses.

For the second month we'll make another 254 gp and end up with 380 gp after subtracting our sunk costs of living an Average lifestyle. We can now acquire a cracked pink and green sphere ioun stone (200 gp), which gives us a +1 competence bonus on one Charisma-based skill. We are now left with 180 gp and perform at a +37 modifier.

For the third month we'll make another 254 gp and end up with 424 gp after subtracting our Average lifestyle costs. We can now afford a Masterwork Portable Altar to Shelyn (400 gp; 40 lbs.), which will grant us another +2 circumstance bonus to Perform for 20 days. To restock a Masterwork Portable Altar costs 50 gp. Since we're only up to a +39 modifier now we need to wait another month, because we're down to 24 gp. We can also start purchasing 10 days of Shackles Rum Ration (2 sp each) to provide us with a daily 50/50 chance for an additional +1 or +2 boost (it provides us a +1d4 alchemical bonus to our Charisma). In exchange we take 1d3 CON damage and will pass out for 8 hours of drunken stupor each time we go on a bender. That's a 33% chance that we take 3 CON damage in order to reach a +40 or +41 modifier. We are now down to 23 gp.

For the fourth month we'll make another 254 gp and end up with 277. So let's deduct our Average lifestyle (10 gp), 50 gp for an additional 20 days of sanctified materials (we now have 40 days of that), and an additional 10 days of Shackles Rum Rations (20 sp). We now have 20 days of rum. That leaves us with 215 gp for the next month.

Based on the previous paragraph, we are now going to try to go for an average performance month with drinking while using the Masterwork Portable Altar. The plan will be accordingly: a. Drink day + 2 days recovery; b. Drink day + 3 days recovery; c. Drink day + 2 days recovery; d. Drink day + 3 days recovery; e. Drink day + 2 days recovery; f. Drink day + 3 days recovery; g. Drink day + 2 days recovery; h. Drink day + 3 days recovery; i. Drink day + 1 day recovery. A Perform check of 40 gives us 1d6 platinum pieces, which is a 16.67% chance of getting anything from a 1 to 6. But let's say we have a 50% chance to get a 3, so that's 30 gp. So that's 270 gp on drink nights and 170 gp on recovery nights for a total of 440 gp for the fifth month. We deduct our Lifestyle cost and purchase another 50 gp worth of sanctified materials to end up with 595 gp in our pocket. We now have 11 days of rum and 34 days of sanctified materials.

Being frugal with our expenditures we'll go and do the same for the sixth month, because now that we have 1035 gp we deduct our living expense of 10 gp, acquire 40 days of sanctified materials (100 gp) [48 total] and buy 10 more Shackles Rum Rations [12 total] to have 923 gp. That's a pretty large amount of money. At this point we're commissioning the construction of a ballroom (760 gp) which takes 40 days to be constructed. So we are now down to 163 gp.

Since we have 12 Rum Rations we'll say for argument's sake that the body was not taking the alcohol abuse too well and with each binge we need 3 days of recovery. So we make 210 gp on drinking nights and 190 on recovery nights for a total of 400 gp in the sixth month. So let's prepare for the next month. We purchase another 50 gp worth of sanctified materials, and 5 vials of Oil of the Masters (50 gp; 0.5 lbs.; Advanced Class Guide, p.207) to gain a +2 alchemical bonus to the Perform: String instruments check for each of the 5 recovery days. This will cost 300 gp and leaves us 118 gp in the bank.

For the seventh month, our first 10 days will be like this. Rum Ration, Oil (1st day of recovery), break day (2nd day of recovery), Rum Ration, Oil (1st day of recovery), Oil (2nd day of recovery), Oil (3rd day of recovery), Rum Ration, Oil (1st day of recovery), break day (2nd day of recovery). At this point the ballroom will be completed. We now have a steady +41 Perform modifier for the remaining 18 days of the month and thereafter. We now make 780 gp a month on average. At worst we make 260 gp a month, and if we rig the dice we make 1,560 gp a month. If we make this by Level 2 we can then increase our enthusiast number from 5 to 17. So, let's say that we had an average month and have 898 gp.

The real problem is now being able to hit that DC 50 check. There are a lot of Patthfinder one-use consumable items to accomplish that on the fly, but we would need to spend 1,160 gp and 2 sp for a maximum daily income of 180 gp and that is a rip off. It would be a far more efficient use of money to get permanent magic items, but it's still not going to be any cheaper. We can get some Mithral Bells (MIC 111) for 3,700 gp for a +2 circumstance bonus to all Perform checks. A Cloak of Charisma +2 provides us with an enhancement bonus which costs 4,000 gp as well, thus giving us another +1 to the die roll. Luthier's Rapier (5,020 gp; Second Darkness Player's Guide, p.25) grants a +4 sacred bonus to Charisma for 10 minutes a day (that's another +2 bonus to the roll). Bracers of the Glib Entertainer provide a +5 competence bonus on Perform checks for 7,900 gp (so that's a +4 bonus because of that ioun stone we have). So let's get cracking.

Let's say that for the eigth month we have an average income subsidized through the use of santified material (so we're down to 22), so we make 780 gp, deduct 10 gp for Lifestyle and 50 gp for 20 more days of sanctified materials (42 total). This gives us a total of 1,618 gp. For the ninth month we'll do the same and end up with 2,338 gp and 36 days of sanctified materials. For the tenth month we'll do the same and end up with 3,058 gp and 30 days of sanctified materials. For the eleventh month we have another repeat and now have 3,778 gp and 24 days of sanctified materials. But we need more for the next month so we'll spend an additional 50 gp on sanctified materials to have 44 days of that. We can now purchase the Mithral Bells and are down to 78 gp. We are now at a +43 modifier.

At twelve months we now have 798 gp and 38 days of sanctified materials. At 13 months we now have 1,518 gp and 32 days of sanctified materials. At 14 months we now have 2,238 gp and 26 days of sanctified materials. At 15 months we now have 3,008 gp. We now need to spend 100 gp to have 40 days of sanctified materials, and are down to 2,908 gp. At 16 months we now have 3,728 gp and have 34 days of sanctified materials. At 17 months we now have 4,448 gp and have 28 days of sanctified materials. We can now acquire our Cloak of Charisma +2. We are down to 448 gp but operate at a +44 modifier.

At 18 months we now have 1,218 gp and are down to 2 days of sanctified materials. So we spend another 100 gp to have 42 days of sanctified materials again and our sum is 1,118 gp. At 19 months we now have 1,838 gp and have 36 days of sanctified materials. At 20 months we now have 2,558 gp and have 30 days of sanctified materials. At 21 months we now have 3,328 gp and have 4 days of sanctified materials. So we spend an additional 100 gp to have 44 days of sanctified materials. At 22 months we now have 4,048 gp and 38 days of sanctified materials. At 23 months we now have 4,768 gp and 32 days of sanctified materials. At 24 months we now have 5,488 gp and 26 days of sanctified materials. We can now purchase Luthier's Rapier and operate at a +46 modifier. The difference is 468 gp.

At 25 months we now have 1,238 gp. We now need to spend an additional 100 gp for 40 days of sanctified materials. We still have 1,138 gp to use. At 26 months we now have 1,958 gp and 34 days of sanctified materials. At 27 months we now have 2,678 gp and 28 days of sanctified materials. At 28 months we now have 3,398 gp. So we need to spend 100 gp for 40 days of sanctified materials (42 total). We now have 3,298 gp. At 29 months we now have 4,018 gp and 36 days of sanctified materials. At 30 months we now have 4,738 gp and 30 days of sanctified materials. At 31 months we now have 5,458 gp and 24 days of sanctified materials. So we need 50 gp for 20 additional days of sanctified materials for 44 days total, and have 5,408 gp. At 32 months we now have 6,128 gp and 38 days. At 33 months we now have 6,848 gp and have 32 days of sanctified materials again. At 34 months we now have 7,568 gp and have 26 days of sanctified materials. At 35 months we now have 8,338 gp. We can now afford the Bracers of the Glib Performer and operate at +50. We still have 438 gp left over after all that.

Congratulations, we have acquired all these items and have reached the epitome of the DC 50 Perform check.The lowest amount of money per month we will now make is 780 gp, 2,600 gp on average and 4,680 gp at its maximum. If we can achieve that by Level 3 we would have 25 Level 1, 2 Level 2, and 1 Level 3 enthusiasts.

Our next step is reaching the epic-level scale by reaching a DC 70 check. Since we can't get any additional money through our performances anymore, we don't really need to push ourselves to that level on a daily basis. However, this is still not going to be a cheap endeavor. We can upgrade our cloak to a Cloak of Charisma +4, which will cost 12,000 gp. A Stone of Good Luck provides us with a +1 luck bonus on saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks but costs us a hefty 20,000 gp. A Tome of Leadership and Influence will be a whopping 55,000 gp for a +2 inherent bonus to Charisma (so that's another +1). By taking a Hero's Brew (1,400 gp; Second Darkness Player's Guide, p.25) we can gain a +2 morale bonus to skill checks for an hour at a -2 WIS penalty. If we take an Elixir of Luck (3,600 gp) we acquire 3 hero points. We can spend one of those hero points for a +8 luck bonus. We would need Elven Absinthe (500 gp; GameMastery Guide, p.237) to give us an additional +1d4 CHA bonus for an hour (so that's a 50/50 chance to get a +2 bonus, otherwise it's a +1), which causes 1d4 CON damage. We could take Harlot Sweets on top of that (60 gp; Rival Guide, p.53) for a 50/50 chance to gain an additional +2 to our roll rather than a +1 (due to a +1d4 CHA boost), at a cost of 1d2 INT damage. We could then take a Shackles Rum Ration which is another 50/50 chance for a +2 bonus to our roll rather than a +1 (a +1d4 alchemical boost to CHA) but causes an additional 1d3 CON damage and having to sleep it off for 8 hours afterwards. We can also buy a Candle of Invocation (8,400 gp) of our alignment and get a +2 morale bonus on our Perform check while we remain within 30 feet of it, plus the shenanigans that we can do by gating in an outsider. If we're lucky enough we're now at a +71. If we're not so lucky we would also need to take Daemon Seed (1,000 gp) to gain an additional +1d4 profane bonus to skills for one hour (so that's a +2 on average).

Either way this gives us a +20 or +21 total bonus to achieving a +70 Perform modifier. According to the Epic Level Handbook, we can now turn our helpful enthusiasts into fanatics. Our fanatics now gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, +1 morale bonus on Will saves, but a -1 AC while fighting. Your fans will now be willing to give their life to serve you, and this behavior will remain for one day plus one day per point of Charisma bonus (so that's between 6 and 8 days). At that point they revert back to helpful again (Epic Level Handbook, p.42). That means we only need to abuse ourselves twice a month to keep our quasi-followers constantly and completely riled up for a month (we can live with 2 or 3 days of helpful). Also, lest we forget, we now have an effective Leadership score of 23, which means that if we leveled up and performed at such a high level we now have ninety Level 1, nine Level 2, five Level 3, three Level 4, two Level 5 and one Level 6 fans. In the words of Michael Jackson, "Thank you, my fans. I love you all!"

Various items I found:


Ring of Eloquence (3,500 gp): +2 competence Perform (oratory) checks; +2 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate.

According to the rules: Permanent bonuses from equipment, feats, racial bonuses, and traits affect your Day Job check as they would any check for the rolled skill, but temporary bonuses such as those granted by spell effects, other than crafter’s fortune, do not contribute, as the duration over which the Day Job check is made is undefined and represents a longer amount of time than a spell’s duration would permit the bonus to remain.

This creates a bit of a problem. Eventhough we're not using the Day Job rules, it could be interpreted that only permanent items would go towards our Perform checks as well. Naturally this would change our progression and what items we would have to acquire. However, it wouldn't change the fact that we could use consumable items in order to boost our Perform skill high enough to attract enthusiasts, or to affect their behavior.

Flawed Pale Green Prism Ioun Stone (Seekers of Secrets, p.49; 28,000 gp): +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks, and ability checks.

Oldies but goodies:

Greater Skill Shard (300 gp; +5 Competence bonus)

Harpy's Cap (Dragon 340, p.69; 3,000 gp): Black velvet tricorn hat with 6 Harpy feathers. A feather may be pulled out to gain one of the following bonuses:
a) +5 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, & Perform checks for 5 minutes.
b) +10 bonus on the wearer’s next Intimidate or Diplomacy check within 1 minute.
c) if the wearer has the Bardic Music class ability, he/she gains an additional use, to be used immediately.

Scepter of Obedience (Miniatures Handbook): +5 competence bonus to all Cha skills.

Orange ioun stone (DMG): +1 to all skill checks, attacks and saves.

Admiral's Bicorne (Stormwrack; 51,000 gp): +5 Profession (sailor) and Cha-based skills, magnifies voice like an Inspire Courage effect, +2 morale bonus attacks, save, and skill allies within sound of voice.

Mantle of Second Chances (MiC 115, 12,000 gp): Reroll as an immediate action, before knowing the result, once per day.

Regalia of the Hero (MiC ; 3,200 gp): When wearing a Badge of Valor (1,200 gp) and Helm of Tactics (2,000 gp) you can grant a single ally within 30 feet (other than yourself) a +5 insight bonus on a single attack, save, or skill check as an immediate (command) action. This ability functions once per day. The Badge of Valor allows you to give allies a +2 on saves against charm/fear 3/day, or increase your inspire courage bonus by 1. The Helm of Tactics allows your allies to deal +2 damage against flanked foes 3/day.

Harper Token (Champions of Valor, p.66; 300 gp): A Harper token provides a +2 competence bonus on a single skill, such as Climb, Diplomacy, Hide, Knowledge (arcana), or Perform (sing). The particular skill of each Harper token is usually chosen based on the needs of the person wearing it.

Choker of Eloquence [Complete Adventurer] (lesser: 6,000 gp; greater:24,000 gp): There are two versions of these chokers. A lesser choker of eloquence grants a +5 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Bluff, and Perform (sing) checks. A greater choker of eloquence increases the bonus to +10.

Songblade (CAdv 130; 6,400 gp): Every move made with this +1 rapier fills the air with sweet sounds. While holding a songblade unsheathed, the sword’s wielder gains a +2 enhancement bonus on Perform checks. A bard wielding a songblade can use her bardic music abilities one additional time per day. The blade is scored in a beautiful, intricate pattern, and air moving across this magical etching generates the music of a songblade. The blade’s musical qualities do not function underwater, in a vacuum, or in other environments where air cannot freely pass over the blade.

Vest of Legends (16,000 gp; DMG 2, p.272): +5 competence bonus to Diplomacy and Perform, +5 bard levels inspire courage, fascinate, inspire greatness, and inspire heroics abilities.

Favored Benefits (Performers Guilds) [Cityscape]
In any city wherein the guild maintains a guildhouse, the member can substitute Perform or Profession check for a Diplomacy or Gather Information check by offering her services for free. In addition, she earns twice the normal income when using her Perform or Profession skill to earn money. These uses of Perform or Profession must match those with which the character has earned guild membership. For example, a character who joined the guild as an actor cannot apply this benefit to Profession (blacksmith) checks.

Hope this helps.

Oh and for all the people out there who aren't reading the full thing for Reksew_Trebla's question.

This is about the idea of controlling Mogaru with song, so there isn't even a possible consideration for 'aid another' or hirelings to help you. You're on your own for this check.

In Susceptible to Song (Ex):

Mogaru wrote:
...In order to influence Mogaru, the singer must make a DC 35 Perform (sing) check (this check cannot be bolstered by the aid another action, and the singer cannot take 10 or 20 on the check)...

Edit: Oh and as it notes: No instruments. So not masterwork bonus for masterwork instrument.

I got it down to level 3 where you make the check on a 1, while keeping in mind the character's resources. It's not fair to say you can do it at level 3 when it requires an item no level 3 character could reasonably afford. So the total cost of the magic items used is below the character wealth by level for a 3rd level character.

Race: Human
Trait: Savant
Familiar: Butterfly
Familiar Archetype: Figment
Class: Bard(1), Wizard(2)
Archetype: Geisha(Bard)
Key Feats: Evolved familiar(1st), Defiant Luck(1st), Inexplicable Luck(3rd)
Gear: Cracked Ioun stone (Magenta Prism)[800gp], Lozenge of the songbird[50gp], cracked Ioun Stone (pink and green sphere)[200gp] Total Cost:1,050gp
Spells: Tap Inner Beauty, Song Bird
Bonus Breakdown: +4 (cha), +2 Savant (trait), +8 Evolved familiar[skilled]&Figment[shared evo] (racial), +3 Familiar(untyped), +8 Inexplicable Luck (untyped), +1 Geisha Class Bonus (untyped), +3 ranks, +3 prof bonus, +2 Cracked Ioun (competence), +1 Cracked Ioun (untyped), +2 Lozenge (alchemical), +2 spell (insight), +3 spell (untyped), = Total of +42

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