Corset of Delicate Moves, Coordinated Charge, Immediate Action

Rules Questions

Corset of Delicate Moves wrote:
This tight-fitting garment of fine silk has thin bone ribbing sewn into it. Once per day as a move action, the wearer can take an additional swift action. This swift action can’t be used to cast a spell or spell-like ability. The shirt must be worn for 24 hours before this ability can be used.
Coordinated Charge wrote:
When an ally with this feat charges a creature that is no further away from you than your speed, you can, as an immediate action, charge that creature. You must be able to follow all of the normal charge rules.
Immediate Action wrote:
Using an immediate action on your turn is the same as using a swift action and counts as your swift action for that turn. You cannot use another immediate action or a swift action until after your next turn if you have used an immediate action when it is not currently your turn (effectively, using an immediate action before your turn is equivalent to using your swift action for the coming turn).

Q. What RAW rule (not suffering a "specific trumps general" quandary), if any, precludes this combination from being exploited to secure two pounces in the same round by the same character?

Slim Jim wrote:
Corset of Delicate Moves wrote:
This tight-fitting garment of fine silk has thin bone ribbing sewn into it. Once per day as a move action, the wearer can take an additional swift action. This swift action can’t be used to cast a spell or spell-like ability. The shirt must be worn for 24 hours before this ability can be used.
Coordinated Charge wrote:
When an ally with this feat charges a creature that is no further away from you than your speed, you can, as an immediate action, charge that creature. You must be able to follow all of the normal charge rules.
Immediate Action wrote:
Using an immediate action on your turn is the same as using a swift action and counts as your swift action for that turn. You cannot use another immediate action or a swift action until after your next turn if you have used an immediate action when it is not currently your turn (effectively, using an immediate action before your turn is equivalent to using your swift action for the coming turn).
Q. What RAW rule (not suffering a "specific trumps general" quandary), if any, precludes this combination from being exploited to secure two pounces in the same round by the same character?

You can't use it's ability when it's not your turn.

No, if it's all on the same PCs turn and they have pounce to make it worthwhile, that works.

Q. What RAW rule (not suffering a "specific trumps general" quandary), if any, precludes this combination from being exploited to secure two pounces in the same round by the same character?

I'm not sure I like that tone, mister!

Q. What RAW rule (not suffering a "specific trumps general" quandary), if any, precludes this combination from synergizing to secure two pounces in the same round by the same character?

Coordinated Charge and Pounce has good synergy.

There's no exploits going on here at all! Such a filthy Word.

Those have good synergy.

The use of the corset to do it twice is a (possible) exploit.

I'm having a slow mental day, can someone lay out the timeline for how this allows 2 pounces in a turn? I just can't see it.

Java Man wrote:
I'm having a slow mental day, can someone lay out the timeline for how this allows 2 pounces in a turn? I just can't see it.

The build in question was a mounted one, Where the mount acts on your turn.

Add in Wheeled Charge and you can charge the same foe over and over again.

Otherwise, assume you have allies with Rhino Charge who ready charges to aid you/allies who use Coordinated Charge on your turn.

The tactic that started the controversy.

Tactic #1:
A character with Wheeling Charge (pre-req Ride-By Attack) is mounted and starts their turn adjacent to an enemy.

1. The mount moves away with a move action and readies a charge on the command of the character. (Escape Route+Rhino Charge) End of the Mount's Turn

2. The character starts their turn by using up their standard action to ready the dismount action (to trigger after they've charged twice). Then they activate the readied charge, and uses their Corset (move->Swift) to trigger Coordinated Charge.

During this charge, Wheeling Charge allows the character and mount to end up in a square they can charge from.

3. Coordinated Charge triggers for both the Character and Mount, using their Swift and Immediate actions respectively. End of Character's Turn

Wheeling charge is used to yet again place them in an eligible charge-square.

4. Character's readied dismount triggers, and they are now on the ground in position to charge the opponent. They use their Immediate action to trigger Coordinated Charge, while the mount stays behind.


But since mounted combat is hella weird, I'm not sure if the character can rely on their mount to start the charge, or if the mount and character needs to both take the Charge action at the same time.

So other ideas I had were to make the mount take Sharp Veer (equipment trick) and Charging Stag Style to allow it to turn three times per charge. Which would allow you to charge an adjacent opponent.

Full-Attack charge -> Swift action charge -> Immediate action charge
(no dismount needed)

Or just make the mount drink a potion of Contingent Action, to make it move away from the opponent at the start of the round. Which also allows for three charges.


So the more relevant question (to the DPR thread) is if there's anything preventing a player from charging several times in a turn.

I've seen no rule hinting at such a restriction, but I meet some resistance when I tried to pounce more than once.

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Since a pounce is a type of charge, you'd theoretically be able to do so multiple time in a round if you were capable of charging multiple times.

Wonderstell wrote:
Q. What RAW rule (not suffering a "specific trumps general" quandary), if any, precludes this combination from being exploited to secure two pounces in the same round by the same character?
I'm not sure I like that tone, mister!

I call my own gimmicks "exploits"; don't be offended.

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