StratoNexus |
How does one increase these things? Particularly Perception and Saving Throws. Or Armor to Legendary.
Generally, your class might advance some of these automatically as you level (Fighter's Weapon Proficiency improves as they level, Paladins get improved Armor proficiency, Monks can increase a saving throw to Master, etc.)
There are few General Feats that can improve some proficiencies as well. Alertness can increase Perception to Expert if it is only Trained, there is a feat for each save that can also bump them to Expert if it is only Trained. Armor Proficiency can get you Trained in an armor type you do not already have. Weapon Proficiency can get you Trained in Simple weapons if you are not already, if you were you get Trained in all Martial Weapons, if you had Marital as well, you can pick one Exotic Weapon to be Trained in.

Bardarok |

Why make a Legendary level if there is really no path to Legendary.
Because they wanted a universal proficiency system. Not everything has a path to legendary for all characters but since they wanted some things to have legendary and for everything to work the same that means there are some unused ranks. It also leaves room for future classes/feats/etc. to access that design space.

Tholomyes |

I'm fine if not everyone could be legendary in something. Having the fighter be the only one who can reach peak skill in weapons is fine with me. I do wish there was a little more granularity (maybe, trained, expert, master, supreme, legendary, though Paizo could probably find a better word), and I wish there were more easy ways to get to expert, or even master, but I'm fine if you gate a little, in terms of who can be legendary.

iNickedYerKnickers |

Because they wanted a universal proficiency system. Not everything has a path to legendary for all characters...
Well, that's poop!
That prevents player driven character development. "Choose this class or else never be Legendary in X" is garbage. Sure, make it have trade-offs. Perhaps my Rogue being Legendary in two Goblin Weapons means he'll never Master Stealth, but I should have the means if that is the Vision of my character. Otherwise, talk of customization is more poop.

Lady Melo |
iNickedYerKnickers wrote:There ought to be a way, for instance, for my Goblin Rogue to be able to become Legendary w/ Goblin Weapons and/or Legendary in light armor.Yes, gated behind paladin (and fighter) is very 4th Ed-like. I would like an unarmoured paladin archetype/option (and barbarian).
hmmm unless you mean "Can't use light armor because i have more important stats to raise then dex" I don't see the 4e connection. You could put any class in any armor, weapon or implement(weapon for casters), and get it's expertise/specialization feats usually by just spending the feat to get proficiency, in the exception of armor requiring a few feats to climb the ladder if you didn't take any shortcuts.