It is my interpretation that injury poisons made with Quick Alchemy are potent until the beginning of your next turn, i.e. they are potent until the beginning of your next turn if not applied to a weapon. When an injury poison (normally not from Quick Alchemy) is applied to a weapon it is activated to apply its effects until (the duration) the weapon bearing poison hits and does piercing/slashing damage or until the weapon bearing the poison critically misses (at which time the poison affliction begins or does not). Thus the duration of the poison starts when it is applied (i.e. the Interact actions are taken to apply it). With Quick Alchemy, that duration (starting after the Interact action), would be 10 minutes not the open ended duration described above. So, Action #1 to use Quick Alchemy to make, let's say, Giant Scorpion Venom (which is now potent until the beginning of your next turn), Action #2/3 to apply (i.e. 2 action interact) the Giant Scorpion Venom (Infused/Quick Alchemy) to a weapon (which now will last on the weapon for 10 minutes). If you were a toxicologist, you could Action #1 Quick Alchemy the poison, Action #2 Apply the poison with interact to the weapon (which will now last for 10 minutes on the weapon), and Action #3 attack with the weapons.
Does that sound kosher?
302 and 303 appear in my digital content but only show files that are 22bytes in size and cannot be downloaded. Is there an issue?
Does a boon exist that gives PFS2 characters access to this feature from the Lost Omens Character Guide? I cannot find it.

Tonya Woldridge wrote: Quote:
I am confused about this... Is that what this is for?
http://www.organizedplayfoundation.org/encyclopedia/pathfinder-2-0-characte r-options/ Kinda, but not exactly.
One of the difficulties over the past few years has been delineating the difference between the Organized Play Foundation, which handles volunteers and has a license with Paizo, and Paizo's Organized Play, which handles Society management.
As I mentioned, we lost our web content manager in June. This threw a huge wrench into our works. We needed to get all of the Pathfinder (second edition) information into players hands for the launch and there wasn't enough time/capacity to revert to the traditional pdf method. To solve our dilemma, we located that guide on the community/volunteer website, as that was something we had capacity to do. It worked in the sort term, but is not a long term solution.
Why not? Well, that is part of the separation issue. The guides are used by the community to provide the organized play experience to the players. The content of the guide is formed by Paizo and presented to the volunteers, but the actual execution is in the hands of the community organizers. There are several layers of volunteer oversight to the program. If communities don't use the guidelines as intended, the leadership may request removal from the community. This is the layer of oversight provided by the Venture-Corps. If the community feels something about the program isn't working, they can submit requests (usually via Venture-Officer or forum post) and the team looks into what the request is and if it would aid/hinder the Org Play program.
Sanctioning Paizo published content for use by the community is a task of the Org Play team, with input from some members of the community. We have a task force of community members who read over the material and make recommendations to the Paizo team about what works... Tonya, thanks for the heads up on everything. Sorry to have set off the community with a simple question.
Any updates on when this will be legal for Pathfindere Society/Guild play?
I was going through the steps for a paladin and mounted combat.
I noticed the wording for the Mount animal companion/Support Benefit on page 216 of the Core Rulebook.
I also noticed the wording of Jousting on page 283 of the Core Rulebook.
My interpretation is that on a mount (not the companion) the base lance damage would be 1d8/1d6+1+Strength.
Whereas, on a Horse Companion (with the Support Benefit) the base lance damage would be 1d8/1d6+3+Strength.
Does that seem correct to you all?
Why make a Legendary level if there is really no path to Legendary.
How does one increase these things? Particularly Perception and Saving Throws. Or Armor to Legendary.
Can one apply a skill increase to advancing weapon/armor/perception/saving throw proficiencies? I don’t really see that defined clearly in the Sill Increase description.
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As always, here is my honest and refreshingly candid opinion. Resonance needs a great deal of work, I.e. it down right sucks. My main reasoning for that is this, several items , like Slippers of Spider Climb, must be invested and then only ever give a benefit after another totally separate RP is spent; no primary benefit. IMHO, these items are not worth much and seem like the Pathfinder developers were nerfing for the sake of nerfing. Lastly, the Alchemist should be completely severed from dependency on RP. Another nerf for the sake of nerfing.
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We will be running a full Pathfinder Society Convention on 5-6 November 2016 with 20 Table/Events. All events are free (courtesy of the Historic Haven; thanks Gene and Steve). The big highlight of this Con is that we will be running 6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords, a convention special, as well as, many exclusive 4/5 Star/VO run scenarios.
Sign up in Meetup for the slots available on 5 and 6 November 2016. Slots are going fast so sign up early.
Any questions, please contact me at my Meetup.com account (via the messenger). Also see the following link: http://www.meetup.com/Frederick-RPG-Consortium/events/233665082/ or http://paizo.com/events/v5748mkg0bmc6#newPost
I have a 9th Level wizard/conjurer. Can you say Cloudkill at the bottom of the Hungry Pit?
Players die, it is a part of the game. Players die for various reasons. The number one reason that I have found is nothing but pure luck, dice rolls/aka critical hits. I roll all dice that the players are aware of in front of everyone (I have recently asked players to roll dice for me in front of all players). The chips fall where they fall and X3 Critical Hit weapons will usually kill on a confirmed critical hit. The second reason, that I have found, as to why players die is that they separate from the party for whatever reason and run into a second encounter. Bad move that usually results in death.
thistledown wrote: My last game was me and 3 other level 6's, a level 2 and a level 1. Played the subtier 6-7 on a tier 1-7. Everything went fine, and the 1st level still proved useful. It helped that two of the 6th level characters were focused on bodyguarding, and the mission was a fairly easy one, but there's nothing wrong with playing up. Thistle, I don't think that was quite legal. I don't think a 1st or 2nd Level can play a 6-7 subtier in a >2 tiered scenario as per below:
"Some scenarios or special events offer more than two subtiers. In these cases, no PC can play at a subtier more than 1 step away from her
character level." Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play page 32.
You might want to talk with your GM a bit as those players could have problems later on if their Chronicle sheets are examined. Just trying to save you some later on drama.
Michael Brock wrote: To clear up any confusion, from page 35, since people are quoting certain lines, don't forget this one:
"Scenarios are meant to be run as written, with no addition or subtraction to number of monsters (unless indicated in the scenario), or changes to armor, feats, items, skills, spells, stats, traits, or weapons."
As always, Mike B., your input is greatly appreciated. Thanks for the info.
I have one of the players donate a d20 to me (everyone rolls a d20 and highest is asked to donate) for the game. Then I have everyone roll another d20 and the highest gets to roll for me for rolls that the players are aware of in full view of the table. I am never accused of cheating and get to enjoy the sad look on the PCs faces when their buddy rolls 2-3 crits in a row in full view of everyone (for some reason it works out that way). one of the bad guys (aka a PC rolling for me) scored 4 crits in a row once. Nasty.

Squirrel King wrote: nosig wrote: pro·ceed·ing (pr-sdng, pr-)
1. A course of action; a procedure.
2. proceedings A sequence of events occurring at a particular place or occasion: hectic proceedings in the kitchen.
3. proceedings A record of business carried on by a society or other organization; minutes.
4. Law
a. Legal action; litigation. Often used in the plural.
b. The instituting or conducting of legal action.
"everything before"??
Well then... I guess it's a product of bad lessons on my part!
I'd always been taught that you can swap "succeeding" and "proceeding" to convey information that follows, hence my earlier statement. Searching about online tells me I've been wrong. Sorry to ruffle feathers. :) http://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/20080330115046_727.pdf
"Notice the reciprocal relationship between the topic sentence and the rest of the paragraph. The first sentence forecasts the content of the proceeding sentences and the proceeding sentences develop the content of the topic sentence."
I think that when we are arguing grammar (where nosig is clearly wrong) instead of the original subject then it is time to retire.

Jiggy wrote: Yurius Papers wrote: These 2 statements seem to contradict each other:
Page 34 1st Column: "As a Pathfinder Society GM, you have the right and responsibility to make whatever calls you feel are necessary at your table to ensure that everyone has a fair and fun experience."
Page 34 2nd Column: "Scenarios are to be run as written, with no addition or subtraction to number of monsters, or changes to stats, feats, spells, skills or any other mechanics of the scenario. GMs may use other Pathfinder RPG sources to add flavor to the scenario, but may not change the mechanics of encounters."
The first statement has been pulled away from its context. The immediately-preceding paragraph introduces the section on Table Variation by opening the topic of dealing with the unexpected. The two statements you cite are both from the second paragraph, and the sentence in between them reads: "This does not mean you can contradict rules or restrictions outlined in this document, a published Pathfinder Roleplaying Game source, errata document, or official FAQ on paizo.com, but only you can judge what is right at your table for cases not covered in these sources."
The clear idea is that when the unexpected happens and you have to keep things moving, you make the best call you can, with a goal of a fun and fair experience. But you do that within, not instead of, the rules as best you understand them.
When you read that section of the Guide as a whole, it's very easy to understand that the sentences you cited are not contradictory, and both deal with the same main idea. This sentence, "As a Pathfinder Society GM, you have the right and responsibility to make whatever calls you feel are necessary at your table to ensure that everyone has a fair and fun experience.
also contradicts this sentence,"This does not mean you can contradict rules or restrictions outlined in this document, a published Pathfinder Roleplaying Game source, errata document, or official FAQ on paizo.com, but only you can judge what is right at your table for cases not covered in these sources."
Not out of context. The first sentence contradicts all the proceeding text.
Yurius Papers wrote: These 2 statements seem to contradict each other:
Page 34 1st Column: "As a Pathfinder Society GM, you have the right and responsibility to make whatever calls you feel are necessary at your table to ensure that everyone has a fair and fun experience."
Page 34 2nd Column: "Scenarios are to be run as written, with no addition or subtraction to number of monsters, or changes to stats, feats, spells, skills or any other mechanics of the scenario. GMs may use other Pathfinder RPG sources to add flavor to the scenario, but may not change the mechanics of encounters."
I agree with the second statement with regards to CON play. I agree with the first statement when playing with a table of regular players at our weekly game.
These 2 statements seem to contradict each other:
Page 34 1st Column: "As a Pathfinder Society GM, you have the right and responsibility to make whatever calls you feel are necessary at your table to ensure that everyone has a fair and fun experience."
Page 34 2nd Column: "Scenarios are to be run as written, with no addition or subtraction to number of monsters, or changes to stats, feats, spells, skills or any other mechanics of the scenario. GMs may use other Pathfinder RPG sources to add flavor to the scenario, but may not change the mechanics of encounters."
What about year 0-3 scenarios that were made for 5 players, but you have 6-7 at the table?
Aqueous Orb has been great. Lots of scenarios take place on ships. Place BBEG is Orb and launch over the side of the ship (holding him there so you can get his stuff), kill his pals, kill him and fish him out. The Pit spells are also quite effective. They are quite hard to get out of.
We have a cleric in our group who constantly readies silence spells for nasty spellcasters (casting it at their feet; no save and ruining the spell they were getting ready to cast).
As conjurer at 5thlevel I am more inclined to cast Aqueous Orb or Create Spiked Pit.
Here is my 2 cents:
Class: Gunslinger/Musket Master (Level 5 a reflection to build up to)
Race: Human
Str: 10, Dex: 21/23, Con: 12, Int: 10, Wis: 14, Chr: 7
Feats: Rapid Shot (from Musket Master), Extra Grit, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Deadly Aim
Skill Training: Acrobatics (5 Ranks), Craft Alchemy (1 Rank), Heal (4 Ranks), Perception (5 Ranks), Sleight of Hand (5 Ranks), Stealth (5 Ranks), Survival (5 Ranks).
Items: +1 Musket, +1 Leather, +2 Belt of Incredible Dexterity, Alchemical Cartridge (paper)(as many as you can carry).
Future Feats: Vital Strike.
Overall the Musket Master can out DPR most of the other firearm builds and by 3rd level he can reload as a swift action with alchemical cartridges.

Dragnmoon wrote: Kurt Schaecher wrote: Actually, the text on Pg. 23 states, "When playing YOUR OWN character (I.e. not a pre-gen) all conditions (including death) not resolved within the scenario or module carry beyond the end of the adventure."
Thus the confusion pertaining to a pre-gen remains as it is clearly not YOUR OWN character. This does not clear up this conundrum. The question still remains, Shall a pre-gen resolve death at the time and date of play or does the player resolve the death upon the point of applying the chronicle to THEIR OWN character?
The only person that can resolve this issue is Mr. Brock. And the guide clearly needs to be changed to make all this more clear.
Kurt, this has been cleared up in the FAQ...
If my PC or pregenerated character dies permanently, what happens?
Player characters and pregenerated characters who do not return to the realm of the living receive 0 XP, 0 PP, 0 gold, and no items or boons. This is marked on their Chronicle sheet along with a note that the character is permanently dead. If a player was planning to hold the Chronicle from a pregenerated character and apply it to a lower level PC once the PC reached the level of the pregenerated character, they must either apply the Chronicle sheet immediately and report the PC as dead or assign the Chronicle sheet to a new level 1 PC (ie a new PC number) and report that character as dead.
Of course this only applies if the character dies permanently and is in contradiction to what the Guide says (which was published after this part of the FAQ was written). Which is correct the most recent Guide (published after that portion of the FAQ) or the FAQ?
So your PC is immediately reported as dead weather it is a new pc or a played PC that you were planning to hold the credit for. There is no waiting to report the death, it happens immediately.
Actually, the text on Pg. 23 states, "When playing YOUR OWN character (I.e. not a pre-gen) all conditions (including death) not resolved within the scenario or module carry beyond the end of the adventure."
Thus the confusion pertaining to a pre-gen remains as it is clearly not YOUR OWN character. This does not clear up this conundrum. The question still remains, Shall a pre-gen resolve death at the time and date of play or does the player resolve the death upon the point of applying the chronicle to THEIR OWN character?
The only person that can resolve this issue is Mr. Brock. And the guide clearly needs to be changed to make all this more clear.

Let me start off this diatribe with a reference to 3 different rules from the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play (GtPSOP):
1) When playing your own character, all conditions (including death) not resolved within the scenario or module carry beyond the end of the adventure. Pg. 23.
2) If you play a non-1st-level pregenerated character, you may apply the credit to your character as soon as she reaches the level of the pregenerated character played. Equipment listed on the pregenerated character sheet may only be sold to clear conditions, such as death, during the play of the module and any remaining gold does not carry over at the end of the module. Pg. 29
3) A player who uses a pregenerated character must apply the Chronicle sheet to a newly created 1st-level character or hold the Chronicle sheet until his character reaches the level of the pregenerated character. Pg. 29
What does this all mean? 1) You should (during games in which I DM, a player shall) designate the character that the Chronicle is going to be applied to (i.e. either the pre-gen or a character that is not the level of the pre-gen and is not legal for the current Mod/Scenario). 2) All conditions acquired during the Mod/Scenario are included in this Chronicle Sheet and shall be resolved, as if your actual Character had played the mod. 3) If the pre-gen died, then the death condition is applied to the Chronicle Sheet and shall be resolved. Two options exist at this point in accordance with #3 (Pg. 29 GtPSOP), you can apply the Chronicle to a newly created 1st Level character who immediately gains the death condition and, for all purposes, is permanently dead because said 1st level character does not have the resources to be raised. Or, you can apply the Chronicle to a designated character who will gain the death condition when they reach the level of the pre-gen and receive the Chronicle Sheet. At that point, a raise dead (or equivalent) must be paid for (with either gold or PP) to eliminate said condition. For example, a player makes use of a 4th level pre-gen who dies in the Midnight Mirror Sanctioned Module. Pretty much the only option is to apply the Chronicle sheet to a designated character of 1st or 2nd level character (since a 3rd+ level character would have had to play in the mod since they were legal). When the 1st or 2nd level character reaches 4th level (the level of the pre-gen), said character would have to "pay" for a raise dead and would note so on the Chronicle sheet. Hopefully, this clears things up.
Kurt Schaecher wrote: Erosthenes wrote: At our PFS events we have a turnout of about 12-21 players. It is hard to plan how many GM's to have. Generally someone will step forward to run an extra table (new players are always welcome), but my OCD wants a method of being better prepared.
I was wondering what various groups do to address this issue - do you have a sign up sheet at your FLGS, or e-mail RSVP, or whatever. We use MeetUp, which allows us to plan out events on a calender, schedule DMs in advance, and limit attendance to match the number of DMs that we have scheduled (the big rate limiting factor). Here is the link to my website we use for scheduling.
Erosthenes wrote: At our PFS events we have a turnout of about 12-21 players. It is hard to plan how many GM's to have. Generally someone will step forward to run an extra table (new players are always welcome), but my OCD wants a method of being better prepared.
I was wondering what various groups do to address this issue - do you have a sign up sheet at your FLGS, or e-mail RSVP, or whatever.
We use MeetUp, which allows us to plan out events on a calender, schedule DMs in advance, and limit attendance to match the number of DMs that we have scheduled (the big rate limiting factor).
MacGurcules wrote: There is no general rule for consuming an action to make a saving throw. Unless otherwise stated (such as with Hold Person) attempting a saving throw when prompted consumes no action. Yes, yes, yes, I get that. Why do they use the word "MAY"? Sorry, but this is the rules lawyer and military officer in me that find words and their use very important. The use of this word is very troubling and probably should be changed to shall (meaning something you must do; and, yes, I get that you can choose to fail a save, but that is after you have to attempt one. You just choose to fail the attempt.).
hello, my name is ninja wrote: Well, even if you did have to make the save you can choose to fails saves voluntarily, so it's somewhat of a moot point. that is not the point here. The point is does the words MAY ATTEMPT mean that a save is attempted with the use of an action. Very important, someone who is trapped can still take actions within the sphere (albeit very impaired).
The spell Aqueous Orb (APG) states: "Creatures within the orb MAY attempt a new Reflex save each round to escape into a random square adjacent to the aqueous orb."
The use of the word MAY implies a choice or perhaps an action to be taken. Is this true or should the wording be changed to "Creatures within the orb shall attempt a new Reflex save each round..."

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Imper1um wrote: I've seen it plenty of times:
- The Gunslinger that touches at +Bajillion (don't roll a 1) with OmgLots HP of damage a round.
- The Mo-ight-eric-iza-uid that seems to have so many class levels, its difficult to tell what he/she is going to throw at me each round.
- The Class that just seems to have so much AC that you can only hit on a Natural 20
- The person who seems to have their primary stats at 20, and their dumps at 5.
- The person who sits there silently through the entire thing, either reading a PF Book for a new thing to exploit, or his/her phone, then immediately jumps up and is the most animate creature you've seen as soon as you hear "Roll for Initiative."
How do you deal with these people? These are the kind of people who would have the best time if, after every combat (and possibly healing), the next words out of your mouth were "Roll for Initiative," instead of "talk to the guy remaining."
I'm not talking about the animate people during combat, more specifically the people that care more about how much damage they did in a module, than if they even accomplished their goal during the module. The person who seem to want to be fully animate in how they are being awesome for the battlefield, and saving the party's collective arse by themselves. These people ruin other people's day, and its annoying to a lot of people.
Personally, I do a few things:
** spoiler omitted **...
You do realize that this is a living campaign with specific rules for character creation and administration. If its legal, its legal and there is really nothing you can do about it. Not sure why you feel you need to "deal" with them. Some people like the combat aspect of the game more than the roleplaying aspect. What is wrong with that? Some people like ketchup on pizza, is that wrong because you might not like it? If you don't like running for these people or playing with them, then stop playing a living campaign and start a home game with ultra restrictive character creation and administration rules.
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that we are running games at the Historic Haven in Frederick, MD, usually 3 Sundays/month. So far, we have run 8 games in the last 2 months (not bad for beginning) with full tables for every game. We are always looking for new folks to join in from around the area. We get players from PA, Baltimore, Frederick, DC Metro area, and VA. Here is a link to our website:
Any questions, get in contact with me.
How many XPs are the Sanctioned Mods worth? When I download the additional rules, all I get is the chronicle sheet.
I see that there are a few 12+ mods. Are there any plans for more? IMHO the sweet spot for PCs is 12-16th level.
I am fairly new to Paizo and PFS, having tried the whole 4E LFR experiment (Arghhhhh) (but was a veteran LG gamer). I have but one question, why was 12th level chosen for character retirement?