The choice.

Play-by-Post Discussion

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The cube’s cold touch radiates darkness throughout your entire soul. Despair, anger, and pain fill the thoughts that once was heavily focused on the object. You feel your eyes close involuntarily under the strain of the blight as you struggle to resist the cube’s control. Soon the anguish begins to subside. The dark damp cave that once held your interest so fiercely, has now faded into what feels very much like a dream. Slightly confused by what just happened, you begin to reorient yourself and realize that your surroundings have changed. After taking stock of your new environment, you find yourself standing in the middle of a warm room, surrounded by a number of intriguing items. The room itself, being distinctly different from the damp cave, feels much more inviting. The candles that make up most of the rooms lighting sit in rows of three upon oddly shaped sconces. Each sconce depicts a different image of a metallic face frozen in time with a permanent display of emotion. Riddled throughout the room are tools, books, weapons, and oddities belonging to different professions and scholarly pursuits.

Glancing through the room you make note of a few specific items that seem to be displayed more prominently than the rest. In the fare corner of the room you spot a powerful looking longbow, which appears to be strung so tight that you doubt anyone could draw it. The bow displays a uniquely carved green vine that runs up and down its dark wood base.

Close by, a thick leather bound book sits on top of a small wooden table. Its heavy leather bindings show signs of extreme wear, yet the book appears to be sturdy enough to handle. Unusual glyphs and symbols are carved deeply into its thick cover, which gives it a mysterious appearance. Slowly, you run your hand over the books cover and get a sense that it holds great power. The symbols seem foreign to you, yet you feel somehow connected.

On the other side of the room, a large two-handed sword hangs from two mounted skulls. The blade is the likes of which you have never seen before. It displays a tightly woven design of dark striations that make their way down the entirety of the blade. The sword’s hilt, guard, and pommel are of a single design that most likely was not crafted with skill alone. The blade’s majesty leaves little doubt that it was likely owned by royalty at some point in time.

Two the left of the sword stands a heavy set of plate armor. The helmet’s beveled dome, along with its narrow eyelets, indicate that the gear was designed for jousting. Although the armor seems too heavy to walk around in, its bulky design suggests that it would serve quite well for its original purpose. Intrigued by the gears weight you lift one of its arms and find that it weighs substantially less than you originally thought. A heater shaped shield, with displays of divine imagery, leans up against the armors left leg. The shield’s images match the armors padded gambeson and are periodically worked into the armor itself.

Laying close to the feet of the displayed armor, sits an old worn-out satchel. The satchel’s long shoulder-length strap rests curled up next to it. A closer inspection reveals that the satchel is full of coins, gems, and other valuable items. Although you are not sure about the exact value of the contents, there is little doubt that it would set a person up for life.

Lastly, a crate full of weird odds and ends sits pushed up against a red colored smoking chair. The old crate looks similar to one that would be used to deliver milk. After taking a moment to consider the simplicity of the crate, and its surroundings, you decide to examine its contents. An old door knob, a metal fork, a hand full of springs, a small hand spade, an empty glass vial, and a large marble door jam, make up but a few of the oddities that fill the common crate. Surprising enough, although the objects seem to be worthless, they hold your attention for quite some time before you decide to return the crate back to its original location.

As you step back and consider each item and its significance, you come to realize that one of them draws your attention more than the rest. Its presence calls to you in a way that only you are able understand. In that moment you realize that destiny has laid a forked road before you. A choice of paths that winds somewhere between free will and determinism.

The bow calls out to me about unclaimed exploration! (Reserved)

The power of the book is more than I can bare. I must have it!

I will surrender myself to the might and majesty of the sword!

I will fortify myself with the armor, for as long as I stand, so shall my ally’s!

I cannot pass up the overwhelming wealth that fills the satchel!

I know it’s weird, but I feel drawn to the crate!

So, about these metal faces showing emotion... what emotions do they depict?

Maps | Hero Points
GM DarkLightHitomi wrote:
So, about these metal faces showing emotion... what emotions do they depict?

After taking note, you count six. Anger, fear, surprise, disgust, happiness and sadness.

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