Mirrored Moon - timing problems

Doomsday Dawn Game Master Feedback

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So, after running the first session of Mirrored Moon, the time limit isn't looking that great for the PCs. And I thought I'd just check this because it seems harsher than intended.

Basing on the following assumptions:
- The PCs have horses and can cover 2 hexes a day, so half a day per hex.
- Searching a hex requires 1-2 days based on the skill check. The skill check was about evens for the group (or even slightly hard), so I'm averaging it to 1.5 days per hex.
- This means that entering a new hex typically takes 2 days. The PCs are likely to search every new hex because they have no guidelines telling them where there are or aren't encounters.
- The recommended score before taking on Moonmere is 4 points spread between Ally and Research. Ally points and 4 Research points.

There are only 2 encounters that give Research points: K and M. K gives 1, but it's somewhat pointless, as by the time the players have met Keleri and gone to M the point will be lost (per the rule that the PCs lose a research point each week). If the PCs go from K to M, the point will be lost on the journey, because of the searching time in these new hexes.

M gives 2 or 3 only on a critical success, one of which is sure to be lost because it will take the PCs 4 days to return to Keleri and then 5 days for the Order to move upstream. So at most the PCs will have 1-2 Research points available when they start the conflict at Moonmere. 4 research points is basically impossible unless the players somehow move the Order first and then rush from K directly to M and attack right then, and even then they have to roll a critical success scouting the camp.

That said, the Research benefit seems a bit confusing, since the PCs can just choose not to cast "preparatory spells" before the encounter but to let initiative time start but then not advance. This is the usual problem with the hard division between exploration and encounter modes.

Ally points are more available, but the fact they require side quests can be nasty. Even with GM knowledge I could only come up with the following optimal route:

Days 1-8: Go to G. Get quest from Dryad to deal with Cyclopses I.
Days 9-12: Go to I. Get quest from Cyclopses to deal with Dragon at L.
Days 13-20: Go to L. Fight dragon. 1 ally point.
Days 21-22: Return to I to report dead dragon. 2 ally points.
Day 23: Return to G to report deal with cyclopses. 2 ally points.
Days 24-25: Return to E to give the message to Keleri.
Days 25-30: The order move upriver.

So that's half the time limit, and no Research, on an absolutely optimum route. So far my PCs have taken asides to the lake, and also killed the cyclopses rather than allying with them, which means that nothing will send them to the dragon and they'll instead have to take the quest between H and J which is a full 12.5 day detour, not even allowing for the time spend to find it.

Is this really intended?

Silver Crusade

With horses you can go 3 hexes a day (along the rivers).

I think that there is currently a major flaw in the scenario caused by the new DC rules.

The increase of 4 on perception checks is fine in terms of successes. But it has a huge problem in that it basically makes crits happen only on a 20. With the old rules a totally maxed out character in Survival (4 stat, 9 levels, 2 master, 2 item) would be getting a crit on a 16. A more reasonable character might be getting crits on an 18, 16 with an aid.

On a crit I was giving significant clues to the closest actual encounter. By luck, this led them to a chain
Dryad - Cyclopes - Dragon

Don't they have 2 months, not 1?

Silver Crusade

Schadenfreude wrote:
Don't they have 2 months, not 1?

Yes. Precisely :-)

Sorry, misread the first post - I thought the complaint was that *all* the time was used up, not half the time.

As you were...

shortening the route:
hyphz wrote:

Days 1-8: Go to G. Get quest from Dryad to deal with Cyclopses I.
Days 9-12: Go to I. Get quest from Cyclopses to deal with Dragon at L.
Days 13-20: Go to L. Fight dragon. 1 ally point.
Days 21-22: Return to I to report dead dragon. 2 ally points.
Day 23: Return to G to report deal with cyclopses. 2 ally points.
Days 24-25: Return to E to give the message to Keleri.
Days 25-30: The order move upriver.

I'm not sure why it take you 8 days to go from E to G and only 2 days to return. No searching is necessary for the dryad. She confronts them when they move through her hex.

Same with I to L: the party know what hex to search this should just be a 3 day trip plus 1-2 day search for the dragon. I can see some DMs making that search optional too.

pauljathome wrote:
I think that there is currently a major flaw in the scenario caused by the new DC rules.

We played it before the update, i concur with this.

The only reason we had time leftover was because we only had someone with the expeditious search feat who the rest of the group was assisting. (Only 1 applied as per normal)

Without that feat, we probably would've been too late(2 months) with the old DC's already because we did everything but dragon/lake.

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There are few things that make it more reasonable:

1. Your party does not have to adventure as a group. The encounters aren't generally auto-aggroing, so a group probably should send their fastest people by themselves to cover more ground.
2. Expeditious Search is basically only for this scenario, but hopefully at least one person has it.
3. You aren't capped at 40'. In my campaign, we had an Elf Monk that was at 60' or 70' by this time, meaning they went somewhere between 48 and 56 miles per day. Needless to say, they covered a lot of ground quickly.
4. Critically succeeding on an empty square is supposed to lead to the closest non-empty square.

I do agree though, this probably should be a Medium difficulty Perception roll and an easy Survival role, as cannot be spammed and there is a consequence for failing (lost time).

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