How do you use the Climbing Bolt?

Magic Items

With RAW there doesn't seem to be any way to use the Climbing Bolt. Strike only works on creatures. There is no maneuver that lets you target an object including a wall. So how are we even suppose to use the Climbing Bolts if there is no way to attack a wall with them?

I guess you can shoot it at your enemies in the usual way. They then have a 50 foot rope attached to them, which may or may not be useful to you, or indeed to them. The effect of such a rope in combat is not clear.

There's no rules currently for how to throw a rope and grapnel either, which is the most logical way for getting over a wall.

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Dasrak wrote:
There's no rules currently for how to throw a rope and grapnel either, which is the most logical way for getting over a wall.

I thought the most logical way was to toss the halfling over the wall. Maybe with a catapult...

graystone wrote:
I thought the most logical way was to toss the halfling over the wall. Maybe with a catapult...

Well, obviously that's the preferred course of action, but Paizo didn't include rules for siege weapons or a halfling-chucking feat in the playtest so I presume they want us to test other approaches rather than falling back on the tried and true.

Dasrak wrote:
graystone wrote:
I thought the most logical way was to toss the halfling over the wall. Maybe with a catapult...
Well, obviously that's the preferred course of action, but Paizo didn't include rules for siege weapons or a halfling-chucking feat in the playtest so I presume they want us to test other approaches rather than falling back on the tried and true.

Now your going to tell me they don't have rules for attaching fireworks to a goblin and firing them over the wall too! ;)

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