Chuffy Lickwound

Grave Knight's page

82 posts. Alias of Mifune-Zero-Thirteen.


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I think my immediate problem with the Exemplar is the limitation on their weapon Ikons. It's slashing or piercing, sword or knife, hammer or club or axe, spear or polearm or stick, and ranged weapons. It'd been cool to see things like shield boss (though technically barrow's edge does let you use shield spikes) or brawling weapons. I do like the idea you could have an Exemplar with a gun, like some sort of Legend of the Mana Waste.

As for the Animist. I Hope we get more spirits that aren't nature spirits, like machine spirits, city spirits, or spirits of roads. If we're going animist lets go full Shinto and then some where everything has a spirit, even that hundred year old kettle that's kind of evil and wants to kill me, fortunately it's just an angry kettle (for now).

Huh. For some reason I thought Tian Xia World Guide would come out before Season of the Ghost.

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I hope they ultimately move away from the leveled weapons. Just give us Starfinder equivalent of Potency and Striking runes.

Oh, and give us good vehicle customization rules. Hell, such rules should be there from the start and each vehicle added into the game should be built from such rules. The only ones that should have vehicles that go beyond the norm should be those created by Mechanics.

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Sanityfaerie wrote:
That seems... overly silly.

I don't know, there is a lot of fiction where they have a character just standing on a big rock they move around with their powers.

If you really want silly there are some fictions where characters are just surfing on big swords.

Earth should be able to surf on a giant rock through the sky.

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I think the easiest fix is just remove the whole "turning your gathered element into the shield and" part (as well as all reference to being able to use it as gathering element). That way it's basically just a better version of the Shield spell, minus the ability to block magic missile.

Hm. The way I had interpreted Hand 1+ is that it requires one hand to wield but two hands to use a Strike with. Though, with how it's explain in the book it could be interpreted as being a 2 handed weapon that lets you use one hand for other actions.

That alone needs a rules clarification. It feels like all the limitations they put on Elemental Weapon makes it not worth picking up just so you don't have to deal with it. Might as well just pick up a mundane weapon.

YuriP wrote:
As for using Elemental Weapon ranged, what is this one-handed ranged weapon that has no reload to be better than a Blast?

Technically bows are one handed. But the rules on ammo are kind of confusing to me, like do you have to use gather element to reload?

If you choose a ranged weapon that uses ammunition, you must still reload the weapon using the normal number of actions, though the only type of ammunition you can use with the weapon is elemental ammunition forged in your inner gate.

Like what does forged in your inner gate even mean? Like are they trying to say you have to use Gather Element to forge a new piece of ammo? That sounds like you have to spend an action just to reload it and than another action to fire.

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The weapon is still the gathered element and can be used

for impulses, is expended for overflow impulses, and so on.
It can also be used for Elemental Blasts or standard Strikes
(provided they’re melee blasts or Strikes if you choose a melee
weapon or ranged blasts or Strikes if you choose a ranged

The whole part about Elemental Blasts seems needlessly restrictive, especially after saying the weapon can be used for Impulses.

I also question why you'd want to use the weapon for a melee blast when you can do a strike. In most cases the strike will deal more damage than the blast, furthermore the blast provokes while the strike doesn't. The only thing exception I can think of is maybe if you choose Air for the versality of damage and reach.

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Impulse shouldn't have the manipulate trait. It's like they want to make them as bad as spellcasters in melee but not give them the nearly the same versatility or damage output.

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I do wish we could pre-order the PDFs.

1. Does Swarm Strike get things like Thrown and Reach based on character level or Nanocyte level?

2. Where it says, "if you have both hands empty, you can add 2 x Level," did that mean 2 x Nanocyte levels? (The main root of my confusion.)

3. Assuming that question 2 means class levels (which I doubt) how does that interact with the Operative's Death Strike?

4. Does Aesthetic Warrior's special Weapon Specialization affect Swarm Strike?

I ask these question cause I had an idea of making an Operative dipping into Nanocyte 2 for Swarm Strike and Soldier 1 for Aesthetic Warrior.

Oh, yes, definitely Outlaw Star. They have so many similar tropes to Starfinder. There is even magic guns that use spell ammo that's basically acts like a spell gem, only you don't need to know how to cast the spell. Some of the more powerful spell ammo though can deal harm to the caster.

I recommend Fifth Element, Ice Pirates, Titan A.E., Treasure Planet, Arena (1989), Soldier (1998), Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (movie and series), Galaxy Express 999 (or pretty much any space opera by Leiji Matsumoto), Cowboy Bebop & Space Dandy, Voltron: Legendary Defender (that's the Netflix version), Samurai Jack, FarScape, etc. Like I could probably pull out a bunch of different movies and shows if I sit here long enough.

Oh, and these are just the sci-fi stuff.

So I was looking at Aesthetic Warrior and notice that you can deal lethal damage with. However, if you're a Vesk or some other similar species you instead get the Stun quality (as well as a few other), so for you to deal nonlethal damage you have to spend a move action to set your teeth to stun. This seems like a weird design choice. Why didn't they just say "you can deal lethal or nonlethal damage" instead? Wouldn't need to add the Stun quality at all.

Because beating someone to death with your fists is an aesthetic choice.

I just want to point out that it says in shields

SF:COM p.124 wrote:
Shields that allow you to use them to make unarmed attacks can have weapon fusions added to them, treating their item level as their weapon item level, and can be made of any special materials that can also be used to make melee weapons. The effects of these modifications are applied to unarmed attacks made with the shield.
and that Gather Qi says
SF:COM p.90 wrote:
You condense your body’s qi into a beam of superheated plasma, allowing you to make unarmed attacks at range, with a range increment of 30 feet.

Plasma Blast isn't a spell, it an enhancement to unarmed attack.

Honestly, it would have been so much cooler if you can channel the Plasma Blast through any melee weapon. Let me be the youxia I want to be!!

As for Bountiful Qi. Would be nice if they would just give us the enhanced version of each ability for free, or maybe give an ability that allows us to spend points to enhance one ability.

Oh, and one last thing. It's not anime inspired. It's based on Chinese fantasy. Anime inspired would have given us flash step instead.

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Wait, are there really no Kobold stats? Don't they specifically mention Kobolds in Pact Worlds under Triaxus?

So player in the group is picking up an Animal Companion, and I'm playing a Champion. I'm wondering does the animal have an alignment for the purpose of such Champion spells like Litany of Wrath. Does it go off the owner's alignment or is the animal considered neutral for all alignment effects?

Took me a moment to realize things. Okay, that's pretty awesome thanks.

So I'm wanting to play a Champion of Tsukiyo cause I have to be difficult like that (mostly difficult on myself). I've found some 1e stuff on him but missing certain stuff and it's not really a 1 for 1 translation.

Literally the only thing I'm sure of his his alignments (LG, NG, LN, though I could see CG being acceptable), having the heal font, most likely has Darkness and Moon in his domains (possibly Dream as well, not sure about the fourth), and longspear for his favored weapon. No idea what he'd have for Cleric spells (not that, that's important for my needs), or his Divine Skill (I'm think Occultism cause spirits). His Edict seems to be about an interpreter for spirits, those with madness, and to help people accept those not like them. I'm guessing his Anathema is xenophobia and forcing change on those who do not wish to change nor judge those who wish to change.

Anyone have suggestions?

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What is even the point of these feats if there are better ways to get the same thing and for it not to become obsolete after a few levels?

I just want to make a Rogue with a whip but I have to dip into Fighter just so the whip isn't trash.

Seriously, there are a number of cool effects by they only work if you're using them with quick alchemy. You're punished for preparing your academical items in advance. You can't use Deliberating Bomb in bombs you've prepared, you can't give potions use Merciful Elixir on your potions you've prepared.

Also, Smoke Bomb is still terrible and would be better as an actual bomb instead of an additive.

Not sure why this was necro'd but...yeah, it would make sense for robots to be able to eat. Eating food for resources, energy and building materials, is more convenient than plugging yourself in and shoving UPBs in some slot on your chest, especially if those things might not be immediately available.

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Honestly I hate presistent damage. Just makes the combat more muddled than it already is. It took us the longest time just to figure out what a flat check is, and the fact you can only reduce to DC 15. Oh and you have to take special action to do it, and bleeding requires a medicine check to do it. Potions don't remove any presistent damage, neither do any healing spells I've seen. Just gut it out of the system.

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They need a way for us to amass more than 3 points, and clearly definitive rules on how acquire them base on our ancestry, background, and/or class. My Bigbelly Goblin, Goblin Renegade, Rogue should be getting hero points for eating strange and exotic things (like a sea serpent, a red dragon, the eyeballs of our enemies, a bag full of twigs, etc) and successfully stealing stuff from NPCs (but not players cause we don't want to open up the mess that's player versus player).

It doesn't even give the Flat Footed condition. The only bomb that seems to do that at all is Bottled Lightning.

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Okay, so basically you have four turns to be revived the first time you get dying, two turns the second and third time you get dying, and you're dead the fourth time you gain dying. So basically good luck surviving low levels.

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I really don't understand why Strike can only target creatures and not objects. I was looking at Climbing Bolt and as far as I can tell you can't use them at all, unless there is a creature wearing plate armor on a wall you want to climb.

Universal Empowerment should have just been part of Empower Bombs. Cool, I can build these bombs and they're weaker than the ones I can just pull out of my bum for free.

Also why are there so many feats that require you to create a thing using Quick Alchemy?

With RAW there doesn't seem to be any way to use the Climbing Bolt. Strike only works on creatures. There is no maneuver that lets you target an object including a wall. So how are we even suppose to use the Climbing Bolts if there is no way to attack a wall with them?

Hm. Is there anything that says we can't apply Potency Runes to bombs? They are technically considered weapons. Just be a pretty expensive way to have a stockpile of powerful bombs.

You'd think they'd at least have a Finesse Striker feat under the Rogue Archetype. Or have Finesse Striker instead of the Sneak Attack die as part of Rogue Dedication.

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I don't understand why the Fighter is a better bowman than the Ranger.

Also, there should be an option that allows Rangers to be a half caster like the Paladin. Rangers should be to Druids that Paladins are to Clerics. (I also wish Rogues had a half-caster option to make them into Arcane Tricksters.)

I just wish they would change the restriction from Lawful Good only to any Lawful or Good. Cayden should have Paladins, Pharasma should have Paladins, Asmodeus should have Paladins (the Hell Knights should be considered Paladins).

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Do wish that Empowered Bomb could work on normally crafted bombs. I get they wanted to prevent people from kill the dragon by just throwing endless level 7 bombs at it or something, but would be nice to just have a stockpile of bombs in a bag of holding.

Well you could take the realistic approach to two weapon fighting. Each attack is made with a penalty to attack rolls, damage is divided in half, and the damage is not combined for purposes of bypassing damage reduction, but hey you only spend one action on it. The way fiction presents two weapon fighting is all fantasy, it's a super impractical way to fight with exception (weapon and shield, and sword and parrying dagger).

Honestly, the way double slice as presented it's very useful. Two actions to make two attacks with -2 (or no penalty if your off hand has agile) which if both hit you get to combine the total damage in order to by-pass damage reduction, and the attack shares all properties of both weapons for purposes of weakness and resistance. With weapon and light shield (or even a heavy shield if you don't mind the -2) you can spend your turn using double slice and raise shield.

Chess Pwn wrote:
The dedications say so. Fighter is now str or dex 16, rogue is dex 16, wizard int 16 and cleric wis 16

Right. Apparently my brain blanked every time I read it.

EDIT: Okay. So look through it, the prerequisite shouldn't be set up so high. Mostly basing this in the Pirate Dedication feat and the Grey Maiden Dedication feat. Seems like the requirement should be 12 if the Dedication feat is for level 2, while it should be 16 if the feat is level 6 (bet you Pirate and Grey Maiden were made after most of all the other archetypes).

I'm confused. Where does it say you need meet an attribute requirement. The only requirement I read is needing to be trained in a specific skill and you can't take a new dedication feat till you've taken two other feats from the archetype, and due to the removal of the Signature Skills mechanic that prerequisite is removed.

EDIT: Ignore this. I rarely looked at Dedication feats and apparently my brain blanked whenever I read the attribute requirement.

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You think that's bad? Sorcs can at least get something. Alchemists get nothing. It's the most empty pick you can pick from Alchemist's first level feats. Especially when you compare it to the two bomb feats you can pick up instead.

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Familiars in general feel like they were just tacked on. Like in one instance it says they are "tiny animals" and in another it says "if they are animals" which is kind of confusing. I'm guessing it should have been "tiny creatures" so you can have little quasits or a tiny slime. But it really just doesn't seem to benefit alchemists at all.

Starfinder Core wrote:
If you use a mnemonic editor, you can undo 2 character levels’ worth of decisions about which class levels you took, which feats you selected, how you applied any level-based increases to ability scores, how you assigned new skill ranks, and so on. All decisions you made as a result of advancing over the previous 2 character levels you gained are undone. You then make new selections, including new class levels, feats, skills, and the like, as if you had regained the 2 missing character levels. Go through the normal process of advancing your character through each of these 2 levels.

You UNDO DECISIONS, not levels. If you're level 5 and use the mnemonic editor you undo all the decisions of level 4 and 5, if you use it again you're still just undoing all the decisions of level 4 and 5.

I was more concerned if the spellshot would only work on targets carrying a technological device.

Ravingdork wrote:
Grave Knight wrote:
The problem with that is there is no 60 charge battery. It's 20, 40, 80, and 100.
I'm starting to see how a developer made the mistake in the first place. :P

Well there is some thought that weapon was made before Core came out and they added the Diasporan Rifle in without revisions. Apparently there is a similar rifle in Armory that have capacity of 20, 40, 40, 80 (they're levels are also 3, 7, 13, and 18). It feels like the Diasporan Rifle should have been more like that in terms of ammo, or it was suppose to use flashlight batteries with a sort of internal magazine (like some weird combination of a repeater rifle's magazine and a cylinder flashlight that takes two d batteries).

Not in the FAQ, so unless there is an update for the books that haven't been uploaded yet.

I did find a 10 charge battery, kind of. Flashlights apparently come with one, but doesn't seem like there is a way to purchase it separately.

It probably is a typo. The way "silencers" work is by venting the gas and reducing the velocity of a projectile so it doesn't make that loud cracking sound when fired. Makes more sense for it to be for Projectile weapon types and not Railed. Like how do you silence a tesla gun other than through magic? Better yet, silenced sonic weapons...

The problem with that is there is no 60 charge battery. It's 20, 40, 80, and 100.

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Is there a rule clarification for the Diasporan Rifles, specifically the Tactical, Ultra, and Imperial rifles? All three use batteries that don't exist, with the Tactical requiring a 10 charge battery and the Ultra and Imperial requiring a 30 charge battery.

It seems weird they're Organize Play legal but they have weird batteries.

This is more of a question of who has to have the "technological device" for Arcing Surge to work with Spellshot. Am I still the one required to have the device or does it have to be the target of the Spellshot who needs the device?

Yeah, for some reason Paizo seems to like the gear milling idea from Diablo. You even see it in their "Sci-Fi" fantasy setting (Starfinder). Meanwhile D&D is trying to move away gear milling and the over reliance in magical gear in general. And then we have 13th Age, another interpretation of d20, it's your class and level that determines your weapon's damage die.

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Part of the problem seems to be that people are confusing a pathfinder witch with a Wiccan witch. Sure they have the same name but unless something has changed in the past five years the Wiccan witch is really a priest with a different named attached to it at least from the reading I had done. The other part of the problem seems to be the preconception of deals with the devil and such which actually might be part of the class, however that also leads back towards a more religious view instead of a learning to harness and control power theme that most ttrpg spellcasters tend to have.

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I feel pretty much the same, however at this point I can work with what they have if it doesn’t happen. I still think it would be nice to get a weapon in place of a familiar but I have really been reading the Elric books and may just be hung up on Stormbringer.

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Really I just want to make sure that the Witch Patron dynamic really does not end up mimicking the cleric diety one. There are already too many sell your soul preconceptions about any class like this, and frankly in my opinion that is more in the realm of champions and clerics. I think that the playtest version just from a dead does manage to swell a mysterious patron rather decently. I mean it could be used to very much set up a Great Expectations sort of scenario where the Patron is thought to be Oz the great and powerful and instead turns out to be the Wicked Witch of the West.

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The way I tend to read it is as a patron more as an otherworldly teacher as opposed to a source of power unlike a diety which provides power at a cost to the user.

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Personally my only thing so far is that I was hoping for a weapon familiar, that would act along the lines of a black blade for a witch path but the rest seems to be alright.

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Okay from what I can make out, it looks like a sentinel type of alchemist archetype though since I am merely guessing based on a few root words i am probably wrong.