Universal Empowerment Question

General Discussion

So, universal empowerment makes it so all your bombs are invested, but the section on bombs says you don't need to activate them. Which leads me to believe they don't require resonance, seeing as from what I can tell investment just means don't use resonance, I can tell what the first half of this ability does?

1) Bombs cost resonance?

2) It needs an errata?

It makes so all your bombs are infused, not invested there's a big difference. This allows you to use the empowered bombs ability with bombs that you didn't make using advanced alchemy or quick alchemy.

For mutagens this allows fast onset, extend elixir, eternal elixir or persistent mutagen to work for mutagens you didn't make using advanced alchemy or quick alchemy.

John Ryan 783 wrote:

So, universal empowerment makes it so all your bombs are invested, but the section on bombs says you don't need to activate them. Which leads me to believe they don't require resonance, seeing as from what I can tell investment just means don't use resonance, I can tell what the first half of this ability does?

1) Bombs cost resonance?

2) It needs an errata?

Neither. Universal Empowerment makes any bomb or mutagen the alchemist picks up count as Infused, not Invested. They're different things.

Normally bombs and mutagens only count as Infused if the Alchemist creates them with Advanced Alchemy or Quick Alchemy. But the 20th level Feat changes things.

For example, Empower Bombs only works with Infused bombs. If an Alchemist buys bombs from a shop, they're not Infused, so Empower Bombs doesn't work with them. But with Universal Empowerment, they do, so an Alchemist can stock up on bombs they crafted/bought and they'll be just as powerful as those they make with Advanced Alchemy/Quick Alchemy.

Similarly, as willuwontu pointed out, certain feats only work on Infused versions of certain items, which means they wouldn't work on stuff you buy or craft normally. But with Universal Empowerment, they do.

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