jollykobold |
Hi there. So i'm becoming involved in a 10 person campaign this weekend. I know 10 people playing in one session is a lot, but luckily there usually aren't more than 5 at a time there, due to clashings in schedules etc. Unfortunately for me however, I have been given the short straw, as I am picking my character last. We are currently at level 4 with a 20 point buy. The current party is as follows: Kitsune Geisha Bard, Dhampir Sorcerer, Human Fighter, Half-Elf Ranger, Orcish Bloodrager, Half Orcish Monk, Ratfolk Rogue, Human Paladin and a Tiefling Alchemist. Now this has seriously limited my options. I'm thinking about going for a medium cavalier, but am unsure and would love some other suggestions!
P.S I know medium cavalier isn't optimised, but i really would prefer ride a horse than a dog!

Thunderlord |
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uhum, only a class? No divine spellcaster in the party?
Oracle > Inquisitor > or warpriest.
The party has a ranger so that's at least a wand user but an Oracle would probably be best. I am, however, always a proponent of doubling up on Paladins. Whether they worship the same God or not, there can be friendly competition and if at least one of you is present, the party has a paladin.

jollykobold |
Psycho Mantys wrote:The party has a ranger so that's at least a wand user but an Oracle would probably be best. I am, however, always a proponent of doubling up on Paladins. Whether they worship the same God or not, there can be friendly competition and if at least one of you is present, the party has a paladin.uhum, only a class? No divine spellcaster in the party?
Oracle > Inquisitor > or warpriest.
That's interesting actually, as our paladin is actually the least likely one to turn up! Any recommendations on how to build an interesting one?

Thunderlord |

That's interesting actually, as our paladin is actually the least likely one to turn up! Any recommendations on how to build an interesting one?
Well you got your dragadins, oradins, swashadins, and full pallys. Being a not so Paladin will certainly distinguish you from your Paladin friend and could be an edge in the friendly competition that is, who is holiest?

Psycho Mantys |

Thunderlord wrote:That's interesting actually, as our paladin is actually the least likely one to turn up! Any recommendations on how to build an interesting one?Psycho Mantys wrote:The party has a ranger so that's at least a wand user but an Oracle would probably be best. I am, however, always a proponent of doubling up on Paladins. Whether they worship the same God or not, there can be friendly competition and if at least one of you is present, the party has a paladin.uhum, only a class? No divine spellcaster in the party?
Oracle > Inquisitor > or warpriest.
I recommend straight paladin, something like:
Human paladin 4 (God: Desna)
1) Noble Scion(War) and (fey Foundling or Alternate Racial Trait(Focused Study) or power attack or piiranha strike)
3) Divine Fighting Technique(Way of the Shooting Star)
Use a Starknife and a buckler.

Thunderlord |

I recommend straight paladin, something like:
Human paladin 4 (God: Desna)
1) Noble Scion(War) and (Fey Foundling or Alternate Racial Trait(Focused Study) or power attack or piranha strike)
3) Divine Fighting Technique(Way of the Shooting Star)Use a Starknife and a buckler.
Pyscho Mantys? How about a level in Scaled Fist Monk or Lore Oracle while we're at it?

Secret Wizard |

Medium Cavalier is perfectly fine.
One thing people don't realize is that you don't HAVE to use a Large mount. You can as easily use a Medium-sized mount as long as it can handle your weight. There's just an associated -5 penalty for using disproportionate mounts.
Check this build. It uses a Worg to have access to a Medium-sized mount, but you can have other ways to do that, since that build is pretty old.

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Desna is Chaotic: Paladin's can't worship her......
I recommend straight paladin, something like:Human paladin 4 (God: Desna)
1) Noble Scion(War) and (fey Foundling or Alternate Racial Trait(Focused Study) or power attack or piiranha strike)
3) Divine Fighting Technique(Way of the Shooting Star)Use a Starknife and a buckler.
Alignment: A gray paladin can be lawful good, lawful neutral, or neutral good, though she must still follow a lawful good, neutral good, or lawful neutral deity.

Nathanael Love |

jollykobold wrote:That's interesting actually, as our paladin is actually the least likely one to turn up! Any recommendations on how to build an interesting one?Well you got your dragadins, oradins, swashadins, and full pallys. Being a not so Paladin will certainly distinguish you from your Paladin friend and could be an edge in the friendly competition that is, who is holiest?
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **...
Did your Swashadin also go into Virtuous Bravo?

Soulgear |

Psycho Mantys wrote:Desna is Chaotic: Paladin's can't worship her......
I recommend straight paladin, something like:Human paladin 4 (God: Desna)
1) Noble Scion(War) and (fey Foundling or Alternate Racial Trait(Focused Study) or power attack or piiranha strike)
3) Divine Fighting Technique(Way of the Shooting Star)Use a Starknife and a buckler.
Gray Paladin wrote:Alignment: A gray paladin can be lawful good, lawful neutral, or neutral good, though she must still follow a lawful good, neutral good, or lawful neutral deity.
Maybe I'm confused (as I often am), but I can't find anything that requires paladins to even worship a deity, much less a LG one.
Can you site a rule?

Psycho Mantys |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Psycho Mantys wrote:Desna is Chaotic: Paladin's can't worship her......
I recommend straight paladin, something like:Human paladin 4 (God: Desna)
1) Noble Scion(War) and (fey Foundling or Alternate Racial Trait(Focused Study) or power attack or piiranha strike)
3) Divine Fighting Technique(Way of the Shooting Star)Use a Starknife and a buckler.
Gray Paladin wrote:Alignment: A gray paladin can be lawful good, lawful neutral, or neutral good, though she must still follow a lawful good, neutral good, or lawful neutral deity.
This is a pfs rule, not the general rule...

Psycho Mantys |

Psycho Mantys wrote:Pyscho Mantys? How about a level in Scaled Fist Monk or Lore Oracle while we're at it?I recommend straight paladin, something like:
Human paladin 4 (God: Desna)
1) Noble Scion(War) and (Fey Foundling or Alternate Racial Trait(Focused Study) or power attack or piranha strike)
3) Divine Fighting Technique(Way of the Shooting Star)Use a Starknife and a buckler.
This is nice, if he feel you ac is low. But i like to not delay the high level paladin class abilities... You can choose racial heritage+kobold confidence, but this is too much :p

Thunderlord |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Did your Swashadin also go into Virtuous Bravo?
I just needed Opportune Parry and Riposte so I didn't and Paladin is the class granting me Heavy Armor Proficiency. Virtuous Bravo also gives up spellcasting which isn't too bad but being cut off from wands hurts. Upon rereading the archetype, I was surprised to see that VB grants Parry and Riposte, I had thought the archetype had exempted that feature like the panache feat. Still not enough synergy for how multiclassed my build is but grabbing Swashbuckler earlier can help Virtuous Bravos. It is currently Paladin 2 / Fighter 2 / Swashbuckler 1 / Investigator 1 / Gunslinger 1 so VB wouldn't be much help until later levels.

Slim Jim |

Be a jack-of-all-trades that doesn't get in the GM's hair too much with weird gimmicks. The hardest thing you're going to encounter isn't the monsters, but how to amuse yourself on your turn when your allies are a shifting assemblage.
P.S I know medium cavalier isn't optimized, but i really would prefer ride a horse than a dog!
You don't have to ride a dog (or other medium-sized mount) if you're a small-sized character. I.e., a halfling can ride a full-sized horse.
dex+ 17 (bump 4th)
con+ 14
int: 14 (halfling 20pt 15,14,14,14,12,7 array)
wis: 7
cha+ 16 (all other bumps)
01 paladin1, Mounted Combat or Two Weapon Fighting
02 uRogue1 [Weapon Finesse]
03 paladin2 [divine grace], Quick Draw
Equipment: heavy horse (trained for war), lance, sling, rapier, light crossbow, light quickdraw shield
-- The tactic here is to always have something to do: You can ride, sneak, snipe, lance-charge, chuck rocks, wheedle information and haggle, disable traps, UMD arcane items and trigger most divine wands straight-up. Damage is initially low, but strength contribution to damage (or lack thereof) eventually disappears into white noise as Smite bonuses pile up (and eventually Agile is placed on a rapier).
Feats: don't take anything that won't be used constantly, or which doesn't provide the character with entirely new capacities or defenses. (I.e., damage-increasing feats such as Deadly Aim can wait until the damage gained and attack-bonus bled off have both piled up enough for it to be worth taking.)

Nathanael Love |

Nathanael Love wrote:I just needed Opportune Parry and Riposte so I didn't and Paladin is the class granting me Heavy Armor Proficiency. Virtuous Bravo also gives up spellcasting which isn't too bad but being cut off from wands hurts. Upon rereading the archetype, I was surprised to see that VB grants Parry and Riposte, I had thought the archetype had exempted that feature like the panache feat. Still not enough synergy for how multiclassed my build is but grabbing Swashbuckler earlier can help Virtuous Bravos. It is currently Paladin 2 / Fighter 2 / Swashbuckler 1 / Investigator 1 / Gunslinger 1 so VB wouldn't be much help until later levels.
Did your Swashadin also go into Virtuous Bravo?
My other favorite Paladin Archetype is Tempered Champion which can give you more feats and potentially a higher die size at later levels if you're using Rapier.
Alternately, taking the VB let's you then take a Swashbuckler Archetype that potentially trades Parry and Riposte, though the best of those aren't needed with the Gunslinger level either.

christian kramer |

With only 5 at a time, the party dynamic can shift drastically. But it appears that Ranger and Paladin are as far as it goes for divine powers, and at level 4 its effectively non-existent. Here is my suggestions in order.
1) Cleric: the reason? because you got to pick last lol. In all seriousness, the party will lack healing potential, the ability to cure ability damage at lower to mid range levels, and full access to a massive divine spell list.
2) Oracle: The sorcerer equivalent for divine magic.
3) Inquisitor/warpriest: Also divine casters, but typically somewhat selfish ones. Lost of self buffs and cool combat based judgments. Can be either ranged or melee focused builds.
4) Skald: I put this here simply on the case that sometimes you'll have more than 4 people show up. Group buffs effects get stronger and stronger with more party members.
5) Debuff witch: Cause landing spells and making enemies fail saves is fun.

Psycho Mantys |

With only 5 at a time, the party dynamic can shift drastically. But it appears that Ranger and Paladin are as far as it goes for divine powers, and at level 4 its effectively non-existent. Here is my suggestions in order.
1) Cleric: the reason? because you got to pick last lol. In all seriousness, the party will lack healing potential, the ability to cure ability damage at lower to mid range levels, and full access to a massive divine spell list.
2) Oracle: The sorcerer equivalent for divine magic.
3) Inquisitor/warpriest: Also divine casters, but typically somewhat selfish ones. Lost of self buffs and cool combat based judgments. Can be either ranged or melee focused builds.
4) Skald: I put this here simply on the case that sometimes you'll have more than 4 people show up. Group buffs effects get stronger and stronger with more party members.
5) Debuff witch: Cause landing spells and making enemies fail saves is fun.
Good suggestions!
But, from someone who play with a cleric, a advice: Don't play with a cleric...

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Good suggestions!
But, from someone who play with a cleric, a advice: Don't play with a cleric...
Bah! Clerics can be a lot of fun. They are flexible buffers (like the bard) who can still wear heavy armor. And their ability to leave prepared slots empty, to be filled in 15 minutes makes them even more flexible.
Try worshiping Cayden Cailen (sp?). Take the Travel domain for +10 movement & Fly at 5th level. Take the Chaos domain for Touch of Chaos; it's a melee touch attack that does no damage, but requires the unfortunate target to make two rolls & use the worst, every time he rolls a d20. Hilarious!