6 - Rise of New Thassilon (GM Reference)

Return of the Runelords

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This is a spoiler-filled resource thread for GMs running the Return of the Runelords Adventure Path, specifically for the sixth adventure, "Rise of New Thassilon."

Dark Archive

Ridiculously excited about this adventure. There's so much I'm curious to see (I would say tomorrow can't come soon enough, but I have deadlines to deal with).

A personal hope that I have about this adventure is that we'll get to meet Xin before he went off his rocker and became the secluded and unstable maniac he is in Shattered Star.

Also, I've heard from a lot of devs that a tremendous amount of content has had to be cut from this adventure for space reasons. Are we gonna see a "Runelord Apocrypha" or "Even MORE magic of Thassilon" blog post at some point that covers what couldn't make it in?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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CoeusFreeze wrote:

Ridiculously excited about this adventure. There's so much I'm curious to see (I would say tomorrow can't come soon enough, but I have deadlines to deal with).

A personal hope that I have about this adventure is that we'll get to meet Xin before he went off his rocker and became the secluded and unstable maniac he is in Shattered Star.

Also, I've heard from a lot of devs that a tremendous amount of content has had to be cut from this adventure for space reasons. Are we gonna see a "Runelord Apocrypha" or "Even MORE magic of Thassilon" blog post at some point that covers what couldn't make it in?

Nothing significant was cut from this Adventure Path. I knew going in that doing an Adventure Path that reached 20th level would require longer adventures than normal, and so I cut the forewords and at least one (and in some cases two) support articles to make room for the oversized adventures. No content was created and then cut, in other words. I knew going in I needed the room, and built the outline to support that decision.

Could there be expansions to the adventures that presents more material? Of course, but that's the same with ANY adventure or campaign. There's not any "cut content" that didn't make it into print, with the sole exception being the stat block of Runelord Xanderghul I built at full power in order to backwards-engineer the less powerful version of him that actually does appear in print.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:

Nothing significant was cut from this Adventure Path. I knew going in that doing an Adventure Path that reached 20th level would require longer adventures than normal, and so I cut the forewords and at least one (and in some cases two) support articles to make room for the oversized adventures. No content was created and then cut, in other words. I knew going in I needed the room, and built the outline to support that decision.

Could there be expansions to the adventures that presents more material? Of course, but that's the same with ANY adventure or campaign. There's not any "cut content" that didn't make it into print, with the sole exception being the stat block of Runelord Xanderghul I built at full power in order to backwards-engineer the less powerful version of him that actually does appear in print.

My mistake. My reason for thinking this was conversations with a few authors a while back about a Stethelos article that didn't come to be (there may have been other things mentioned but Stethelos was the big one I remember).

If there are any future adventures that deal with the Dimension of Time, I would love to see a full Stethelos gazetteer similar to the one Kaer Maga got in Shattered Star.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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CoeusFreeze wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Nothing significant was cut from this Adventure Path. I knew going in that doing an Adventure Path that reached 20th level would require longer adventures than normal, and so I cut the forewords and at least one (and in some cases two) support articles to make room for the oversized adventures. No content was created and then cut, in other words. I knew going in I needed the room, and built the outline to support that decision.

Could there be expansions to the adventures that presents more material? Of course, but that's the same with ANY adventure or campaign. There's not any "cut content" that didn't make it into print, with the sole exception being the stat block of Runelord Xanderghul I built at full power in order to backwards-engineer the less powerful version of him that actually does appear in print.

My mistake. My reason for thinking this was conversations with a few authors a while back about a Stethelos article that didn't come to be (there may have been other things mentioned but Stethelos was the big one I remember).

If there are any future adventures that deal with the Dimension of Time, I would love to see a full Stethelos gazetteer similar to the one Kaer Maga got in Shattered Star.

Stethelos is a HUGE part of the adventure—so integral to its structure that all of the information about it ended up being contained within the adventure itself. I could have moved all that information out of the adventure and into its own gazetteer, but that would have made the flow of the adventure itself awkward to read. I abandoned the idea of separating that information out into its own article and instead expanded the adventure by several pages so that it would be able to contain all the info needed, in other words, which allowed Greg to build the adventure much more efficiently and excellently than if I'd had a different author create the content (which would have created a sort of chicken and the egg thing with both articles requiring the other in order to be written).

I doubt we'll do much more with Stethelos and the Dimension of Time in the future, though—this is pretty much it, as far as I think, for time travel in Pathfinder. There's plenty of room in there for GMs to take this as a starting point and then expand as they see fit, but too much time travel means making different versions of the same campaign setting, and we've got our hands full with one timeline already.

EDIT: And as an aside, this is one of the reasons I tend to be pretty close-mouthed about adventure paths when they're early in the outline process. Until the outline is done and I have a full grasp of the needs of each part, I don't want to set false expectations on the contents of the campaign or get potential authors excited about writing something that might end up being unneeded or better penned by the writer of the adventure itself. Sometimes though, I just get too excited and can't help letting some leaks happen here and there when I start asking authors about their availability.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:

Stethelos is a HUGE part of the adventure—so integral to its structure that all of the information about it ended up being contained within the adventure itself. I could have moved all that information out of the adventure and into its own gazetteer, but that would have made the flow of the adventure itself awkward to read. I abandoned the idea of separating that information out into its own article and instead expanded the adventure by several pages so that it would be able to contain all the info needed, in other words, which allowed Greg to build the adventure much more efficiently and excellently than if I'd had a different author create the content (which would have created a sort of chicken and the egg thing with both articles...

Aaaaand my hype level just escalated even further.

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James Jacobs wrote:

Could there be expansions to the adventures that presents more material? Of course, but that's the same with ANY adventure or campaign. There's not any "cut content" that didn't make it into print, with the sole exception being the stat block of Runelord Xanderghul I built at full power in order to backwards-engineer the less powerful version of him that actually does appear in print.

I don't expect we'll get the full power stat block, but I have two questions about it:

1) How many Mythic Tiers does Xanderghul have, and are they Archmage?

2) Does Xanderghul have the Sanctum Archmage Path Ability, and was that his hiding place outside of time and space he went into hibernation in?

If you can answer the questions, great. If not, that's okay, too, but I'm really curious.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Phntm888 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Could there be expansions to the adventures that presents more material? Of course, but that's the same with ANY adventure or campaign. There's not any "cut content" that didn't make it into print, with the sole exception being the stat block of Runelord Xanderghul I built at full power in order to backwards-engineer the less powerful version of him that actually does appear in print.

I don't expect we'll get the full power stat block, but I have two questions about it:

1) How many Mythic Tiers does Xanderghul have, and are they Archmage?

2) Does Xanderghul have the Sanctum Archmage Path Ability, and was that his hiding place outside of time and space he went into hibernation in?

If you can answer the questions, great. If not, that's okay, too, but I'm really curious.

1) 10 tiers of archmage.

2) Yes.

James Jacobs wrote:
Phntm888 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Could there be expansions to the adventures that presents more material? Of course, but that's the same with ANY adventure or campaign. There's not any "cut content" that didn't make it into print, with the sole exception being the stat block of Runelord Xanderghul I built at full power in order to backwards-engineer the less powerful version of him that actually does appear in print.

I don't expect we'll get the full power stat block, but I have two questions about it:

1) How many Mythic Tiers does Xanderghul have, and are they Archmage?

2) Does Xanderghul have the Sanctum Archmage Path Ability, and was that his hiding place outside of time and space he went into hibernation in?

If you can answer the questions, great. If not, that's okay, too, but I'm really curious.

1) 10 tiers of archmage.

2) Yes.

Thank you very much! One of many reasons why Paizo is so great!

Huh? Xanderghul's hiding place outside of time and space was created with the Sanctum Archmage Path Ability? But I thought no one can enter an archmage's sanctum without his permission, just like Mage's Magnificent Mansion. How can Alaznist enter Xanderghul's sanctum so easily?

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Aenigma wrote:
Huh? Xanderghul's hiding place outside of time and space was created with the Sanctum Archmage Path Ability? But I thought no one can enter an archmage's sanctum without his permission, just like Mage's Magnificent Mansion. How can Alaznist enter Xanderghul's sanctum so easily?

Return of the Runelords:
The adventure states that she used the Scepter of Ages. Artifacts (major and minor) can ignore the rules in cases where deemed appropriate. Plus it probably helped that Xanderghul made it a time-sealed extraplanar area when he hid from Earthfall.

At least from what I recall, the above is true. Also getting an artifact is never easy, she probably had to work hard to get it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Aenigma wrote:
Huh? Xanderghul's hiding place outside of time and space was created with the Sanctum Archmage Path Ability? But I thought no one can enter an archmage's sanctum without his permission, just like Mage's Magnificent Mansion. How can Alaznist enter Xanderghul's sanctum so easily?

She couldn't easily, but she could because she's an NPC and gets to do things against the rules to progress the off-screen story. The recovery of the Scepter helped for sure, but so did her own mythic stunts and special accomplishments.

AKA: What the dryad said more or less too.

Dark Archive

What are the odds of seeing full-power Xanderghul? I homebrewed my own version in case my campaign does go down that route but I'm curious to know if there ever will be a release of the official version.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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CoeusFreeze wrote:
What are the odds of seeing full-power Xanderghul? I homebrewed my own version in case my campaign does go down that route but I'm curious to know if there ever will be a release of the official version.

There are no plans to publish the full power Xanderghul ever.

Those stats exist, and I'm debating on whether or not to put them online as a blog post or not, but kinda trepidatious about doing so this soon, because I want the Adventure Path to stand on its own as presented, with Xanderghul as NOT the most powerful foe. Maybe later in the late spring or early summer I'll put his stats up for folks to see, but for now I'm not comfortable making them public.

If you want Xanderghul at full power to play a significant role in your game, this is a GREAT homebrew opportunity for a GM, but it's not the intent of the Adventure Path and so I don't want to confuse folks by having someone post "official" stats for him until the Return of the Runelords Adventure Path has had at least a few months to exist whole in the world.

If you're just curious to see how I built his stats, I'll ask you to be patient and understanding, and hopefully you'll still be curious later in the year.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Great news that you are (very probably) are going to publish his full stat block later in the year, James. I am very much looking forward to it.

BTW, did you also create a full tier ten stat block for Alaznist or was the version presented in the last module the only one made?

Sovereign Court

While I would like to see the stats for Xanderghul and Zurtha I'm kinda more interested in whether or not we're ever going to see these rings Zurtha had that we've heard so much about.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

magnuskn wrote:

Great news that you are (very probably) are going to publish his full stat block later in the year, James. I am very much looking forward to it.

BTW, did you also create a full tier ten stat block for Alaznist or was the version presented in the last module the only one made?

By "publish" I basically mean "Maybe post on a blog if I can work up the courage to withstand the stat block math scrutiny of a million eyes." It won't be published in print.

I did not create a full tier ten stat block for Alaznist. There was no need. All of the stuff she does at tier ten happens oof-screen, and it's only the non-augmented but still dangerous one that I built.

I'm glad to hear that you have Xanderghul's full stat block and may reveal it someday. Do you have Zutha's full stat block too? I really wish to see how powerful he is. Can you at least tell me how many levels and mythic tiers does he have? I'm not sure whether he was mythic or not, though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aenigma wrote:
I'm glad to hear that you have Xanderghul's full stat block and may reveal it someday. Do you have Zutha's full stat block too? I really wish to see how powerful he is. Can you at least tell me how many levels and mythic tiers does he have? I'm not sure whether he was mythic or not, though.

Nope; there was no need to build Zutha's stats so I didn't. He's not mythic at all though. If I remember correctly, he's intended to be an 18th or 19th level lich.

Unless Sorshan has a Base strength of 3, I believe her stats are calculated Wrong?

14 - 6 (+6 belt of Physical perfection) - 5 (+5 Inherent Bonuses) = total of 3?

Assuming thats all, are we going to get a correction to this? or have her just be super frail

But you made the full stat block of Xanderghul because it was needed to create the weaker version of him. Thus I thought you would have made the full stat block of Zutha too because it was needed to create the weaker version of Zutha. Yet you didn't make his full stat block? I'm confused.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
magnuskn wrote:

Great news that you are (very probably) are going to publish his full stat block later in the year, James. I am very much looking forward to it.

BTW, did you also create a full tier ten stat block for Alaznist or was the version presented in the last module the only one made?

By "publish" I basically mean "Maybe post on a blog if I can work up the courage to withstand the stat block math scrutiny of a million eyes." It won't be published in print.

Don't worry, I got that from your posts about it from the last weeks. :) And I don't think anybody will make a big fuss if there is an error or two in that complicated stat block, we'll just be happy to have it.

James Jacobs wrote:
I did not create a full tier ten stat block for Alaznist. There was no need. All of the stuff she does at tier ten happens oof-screen, and it's only the non-augmented but still dangerous one that I built.

Alright, I just wanted to ask. :) Thank you for the answers!

The Inheritor wrote:

Unless Sorshan has a Base strength of 3, I believe her stats are calculated Wrong?

14 - 6 (+6 belt of Physical perfection) - 5 (+5 Inherent Bonuses) = total of 3?

Assuming thats all, are we going to get a correction to this? or have her just be super frail

It's possible...

14 = 7 + 2 (Azlanti) + 5 (Inherent) + 6 (Enhancement) - 6 (Age)

Though, true it does seem low and one would think that she isn't affected by the age physical ability reductions... since Karzoug wasn't.

The following question is what the rest of her ability scores are since that would allow for reverse engineering of how they got to that final score overall and whether it's a mistake or not.

Based on the stats of the simulacrum from Runeplague, Sorshen's base ability scores (before leveling, racial bonuses, mythic tiers, inherent bonuses, enhancement bonuses and age) are probably:
Str 7 Dex 15 Con 15 Int 16 Wis 8 Cha 15

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The most probable thing is that there is a minor mistake in the write-up and it should say that she did not enhance her strength.

Quite possible, though I couldn't say since I'm don't have access to a pdf of the adventure and thus can't see her statblock

Edit: Though I'm also making an assumption based on them stating belt of physical perfection rather than belt of physical might

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Dryad Knotwood wrote:
Quite possible, though I couldn't say since I'm don't have access to a pdf of the adventure and thus can't see her statblock

It says that she enhanced all her ability scores. I'd say that this sentence should end with "except her strength score". Because, may I dare suggest this, she probably would not like to look like female Conan the Barbarian as the runelord of lust. ^^

I know Hollywood has trained us to expect that you can be super strong as a female and still have the slim look of a super model, but if we expect a male barbarian with a strength of 18 to look like, y'know, Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, then even a female runelord with a strength of 19 would look a lot more musclebound than how Sorshen is depicted in this book and past publications.

BTW, some exquisite images of Sorshen in this volume, I really must commend the artist who did those drawings on pages 75 and 82.

magnuskn wrote:
Dryad Knotwood wrote:
Quite possible, though I couldn't say since I'm don't have access to a pdf of the adventure and thus can't see her statblock

It says that she enhanced all her ability scores. I'd say that this sentence should end with "except her strength score". Because, may I dare suggest this, she probably would not like to look like female Conan the Barbarian as the runelord of lust. ^^

I know Hollywood has trained us to expect that you can be super strong as a female and still have the slim look of a super model, but if we expect a male barbarian with a strength of 18 to look like, y'know, Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, then even a female runelord with a strength of 19 would look a lot more musclebound than how Sorshen is depicted in this book and past publications.

BTW, some exquisite images of Sorshen in this volume, I really must commend the artist who did those drawings on pages 75 and 82.

Actually, now that I think about it, the better explanation is that the person who I initially quoted didn't check the gear section of the statblock and assumed that Sorshen has a belt of physical perfection +6. Chances are she doesn't and that's what causes her to have strength 14 (7 base + 2 azlanti + 5 inherent).

This also allows her to have the build that she has without being built like Schwarzenegger while still having a +5 inherent bonus... she just simply doesn't have the inherent bonus, but also doesn't take the aging penalties.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Nope, she has a Belt of Physical Perfection +6. Sorry, I didn't think to mention it.

Huh, 'cause then her strength score is taking the penalty for aging and brings to question what the rest of her ability scores are which would then allow for figuring out what went weird if anything.

Either way the statblock is still lovely I'm sure.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's really pretty tremendous. I especially loved that Sorshen and Nocticula would tie in a beauty contest (i.e. comparing their charisma scores). :p

That would be a beauty contest I'd love to see... sadly I don't think Earth has anyone anywhere near close to being as charismatic as either of them.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So "empowered maximized mythic fireball"

How did augmenting mythic spells rule work again? Because if she can augment that, that would be 300 unavoidable aoe fire damage on failed save :D

Augmented mythic spells require the caster to be of the listed mythic tier... so sadly not possible

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah, it's 20d10 in a 40 foot radius, resistances and immunities don't apply. That will put any group on its backfoot. Luckily for the PC's, as Dryad pointed out, Alaznist cannot cast the spell like that.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Aww, so that is only possible if gm would bump up her mythic tiers by 2 because they allowed PCs become mythic as suggested on background page when they enter Stethalos? :D

From rereading the mythic magic rules, yes.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Gotta say I do love it how there are multiple aps that allow optionally making PCs mythic. I know Hell's Rebels is another one and I think our Ironfang gm mentioned it might have been possible(though I don't remember if he said "in post campaign game" or in final book or what)

It says in her write up that she doesnt suffer age penalties

Then they probably made a minor mathematical mistake since:

7 + 2azlanti + 6enhancement + 5inherent = 20

Assuming maximum inherent bonus due to wishes and that the rest of the ability scores are consistent with old/venerable age (ignoring penalties).

Assumed Ability Scores:

Dex: 28 (15+2azlanti+5inherent+6enhancement)
Con: 28 (15+2azlanti+5inherent+6enhancement)
Int: 27 (16+2azlanti+5inherent+3venerable+1lvl)
Wis: 18 (8+2azlanti+5inherent+3venerable)
Cha: 40 (15+2azlanti+5inherent+3venerable+1lvl+8lvl/mythic+6enhancement)

Note: only 10 ability scores increases were used out of the guaranteed 15 total from mythic and leveling and only a +6 enhancement to Str/Dex/Con/Cha were assumed. Also base ability scores were derived from the statblock of the simulacrum in Runeplague

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah, not quite. Her stat block, as presented, is as follows:

STR 14, DEX 24, CON 22, INT 40, WIS 24, CHA 40. She has both +6 enhancers to all attributes and gets age bonuses to her mental stats. She also has +5 inherent bonuses to all her ability scores (sans STR, I'd presume from our prior conversation).

She also gets her charisma modifier instead of her constitution modifier on hitpoints, I'd presume that is from her studies with the Everdawn Pool.

magnuskn wrote:

Yeah, not quite. Her stat block, as presented, is as follows:

** spoiler omitted **

Ok ... Let's see...


Str 14 (7+2a+5i)
Dex 24 (15+2a+5i+2(lvl/mythic))
Con 22 (15+2a+5i)
Int 40 (16+2a+5i+3v+6e+8(lvl/mythic))
Wis 24 (8+2a+5i+3v+6e)
Cha 40 (15+2a+5i+3v+6e+9(lvl/mythic))

a=azlanti racials
v=venerable age

Appears to have 19 ability score increases across her levels and mythic tiers which means that the enhanced ability mythic path ability was taken twice, probably once for Cha and once for Int. I also achieved the spread without using the belt... Which probably means that it actually was omitted from the stats or the aging penalties were added in on accident. Interesting how that actually plays out when broken down.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I fear she hasn't taken Enhanced Ability even once.

Honestly, it really doesn't matter very much if her stat block is perfect. I fear all this number crunching for nothing may scare James off from publishing Xanderghul's full stat block later in the year on the blog, so I'd really appreciate it if we didn't pick this one apart so much.

magnuskn wrote:

I fear she hasn't taken Enhanced Ability even once.

Honestly, it really doesn't matter very much if her stat block is perfect. I fear all this number crunching for nothing may scare James off from publishing Xanderghul's full stat block later in the year on the blog, so I'd really appreciate it if we didn't pick this one apart so much.

I honestly am not trying to scare him off because I'd like to see the actual stats as well.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Plus Sorshen is kind of meant to be background npc, there is only one encounter where her stats might be relevant and even then its completely optional.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aenigma wrote:
But you made the full stat block of Xanderghul because it was needed to create the weaker version of him. Thus I thought you would have made the full stat block of Zutha too because it was needed to create the weaker version of Zutha. Yet you didn't make his full stat block? I'm confused.

The weaker version of Zutha wasn't based on simulacrum, which kinda requires you to know the source before you make the simulacrum version; the weakened Zutha was hand-built for what it was and thus there was no need to reverse engineer him from a more powerful incarnation.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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The Inheritor wrote:

Unless Sorshan has a Base strength of 3, I believe her stats are calculated Wrong?

14 - 6 (+6 belt of Physical perfection) - 5 (+5 Inherent Bonuses) = total of 3?

Assuming thats all, are we going to get a correction to this? or have her just be super frail

Oops; I suspect that the bonuses got dropped off. Her starting strength is 14, so her actual should be 25. Fortunately, the fact that she doesn't directly get into a fight really in the AP plus the fact that she probably won't be doing much that depends on her Strength even if she did means I'm less annoyed about that typo.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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And I do get it that there's some folks who enjoy reverse engineering stat blocks to either check our math or to learn how we built an NPC or both, but in most cases, the difference in values (be they errors or simply different choices you make as opposed to the ones we make), when combined with the organic errors that pop up in play, should all sort of gloss over. Especially if you have a GM running the game who's keeping track of things, maybe fudging rolls, and adjusting things as they go to maintain that always delicate balance between "Running by the rules" and "Making sure we all have fun."

If I DO post Xanderghul's full stats... I'll probably just do so either in a blog somewhere or on the forums here, and again that won't happen for several months, and if I do, I suspect I'll back away and not take further part in the thread because, yes, while I do like knowing when we make errors in print so we can potentially correct them in future incarnations... the fact that we're switching editions AND that I'm 99.994% sure we'll not be doing anything more with Xanderghul again means that I'd rather not subject myself to that extra stress of defending his stat block choices or enduring the public shame of forgetting his favored class bonus hp or whatever. I'll be getting enough of that soon enough once the new edition comes out, just like back in Council of Thieves, when I developed an adventure path that I didn't have the advantage of years of system mastery to make sure things went smooth...

...and to regrow a thicker skin, of course!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

We love your work, James. I hope things work out for you all with PF2E, even if I myself won't be participating much with them. Thanks for your hard work!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I have to say that I'm really looking forward to Xanderghul stats because knowing my players, they might actually end up with forcing Xanderghul to alliance :D They tend to allow every enemy surrendering so knowing what Xanderghul's stats are like when Alaznist is defeated would be useful to determine whether being humbled sticks for him or not

(either way, I guess he pulls off similar stuff to what Belimarius does in epilogue if he survives somehow)

Cheers for the clarification James Jacobs! We all appreciate all the hard work you put in!

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