GM Greaek's Shattered Star Recruitment


In gleeful anticipation for return of the Runelords, I'm looking for 4 players to play the sequel to Rise of the Runelord, the first game I ever ran and one I hold near and dear to my heart. The only problem about running the sequel to The game is it comes with an awkward prerequisite:
>You Must have played/ran rise of the Runelord before.
Character Creation Will start at first level, with
-25 point buy
-PHB races only
-All class
-Archetypes are allowed
-Hero points activated
-Background skills activated
-2 Traits, One must be a campaign trait from the shattered Star players guide (which I recommend you read)
-Applications are due on the 21st (possibly earlier), as I have the prerequisite and am not sure how many people will fulfil it.
Look forward to seeing your amazing apps

Dotting in. I have run Rise of the Runelords before, both face to face and (currently) a PbP (though they're only in Thistletop right now).

How are we handling starting wealth? Max, average, rolling?

Grand Lodge

Is having played Rise using the organized play versions acceptable? Some bits are skipped but I believe most of the content is covered.

Is it necessary to have finished RotRL?

Can we do the core version?

Dark Archive

Goign to introduce a Varisian (Tattooed Sorcerer) Sorcerer. Just need some time to work out all the kinks.

Started this with a Varisian Pilgrim Cleric -- would certainly love to see how it ends, though.

Actually, going to focus on my Giantslayer app instead -- partially to avoid having the Runelords campaign I just started get spoiled.

Dark Archive

I ran Rise of the Runelords several years ago. Great campaign. I am interested.

I took a look at your current Runelords pbp campaign. It looks like you take a "theater of the mind" approach to combat and don't use maps. Is that correct?

Dotting while I try to figure something up for this.

Dark Archive

Here is the young assistant to Shila Heidmarch and third child of a Noble family in Magnimar.

I like playing support characters so I'm hoping I can find a place for an evangelist cleric with strong ties to Magnamar and the history of the region.

Q. How are we handling starting wealth? Max, average, rolling?
A. Max wealth per level
Q. Is having played Rise using the organized play versions acceptable? Some bits are skipped but I believe most of the content is covered.
A. Yes that's acceptable
Q. Is it necessary to have finished RotRL?
A. Yes
Q.Can we do the core version?
A. Core version?
Q. It looks like you take a "theater of the mind" approach to combat and don't use maps. Is that correct?
A. I'm trying to use maps more often in my games, and I will use them a lot more often when I have my computer.
I accidentally created this thread (which is why I have not responded to this thread), so I would prefer if everyone would move their stuff too This , same with all new applicants

DM Greaek, bouncing it off my GM for okay, but I doubt that he will have an issue.

Intention is for me to stat up a Dwarven Samurai or Warpriest and call him a knight.
(I really could care less about the Katana and Wakashashi
Currently got a computer issue that prevents me from posting at home.
(Hoping to change that in the near future)

Right now I can only post for 4 days, then I cannot for 4, then I can and so on.

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