Wrath of the Righteous 2-player ???

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Hello -

I have played SaS for many years. I also played the first few scenerios of WotR multiple times using different characters to get a feel for the new box set and new characters.

Recently I downloaded every single character sheet from Paizo.com as well as all class deck sheets.

I would like to play through WotR myself using only two characters. I realize that 3 characters would be much more balanced but I decided I would really like to try it with only two. I also don't want to limit myself to characters from WotR. I want to open it up to any two characters from any set or class deck, and also possibly shuffle their class decks into the box as well.

My initial thought was that some sort of Oracle that also used heavy attack spells would be invaluable. My experience with PACG has been knowing what is coming next is more than half the battle. That said, I know that WotR is combat heavy so the oracle would need to be able to handle its own business in combat.

Here are my two questions:

which two characters from any set do you think would compliment each other well to conquer WotR?

Would shuffling class deck cards into the box be too powerful and break the game?


Hi there!

bluestacks wrote:
which two characters from any set do you think would compliment each other well to conquer WotR?

Can you be more specific about what you are trying to accomplish? Are you wanting an overpowered team, or just a team that won't get wiped out fairly quickly? Do you care if one character is the "MVP/Hero" while the other character is more support? Or would you rather they both be able to fight their own battles and no one outshines the other? Stuff like that.

Also, what kind of character do you enjoy playing the most? Perhaps you could pick one character you really want to play and we could suggest someone that would compliment that character well. As written this is really too broad of a question to answer. My initial response would be to just pick any two characters that don't overlap their skills and you'll probably be OK. Someone with the divine skill to heal or someone who can evade would certainly be useful.

bluestacks wrote:
Would shuffling class deck cards into the box be too powerful and break the game?

I wouldn't say it really breaks the game, but it certainly dilutes the thematic cards you'll find in the box set. This, in turn, can actually make the game harder in some circumstances. For instance in WotR you may be required to banish a corrupted card to close a location, but now corrupted cards will be harder to come across because you've diluted the boons with non-corrupted cards

All of redeux's points are entirely valid. The thing to consider is that literally any two characters could take you through the game, just some pairs will be easier or harder than others.

If you want to exploit some of the most powerful characters; just take Adowyn and Balazar, or Adowyn and Alain. If you want something a little fun, I recommend the 'knowledge-team' Enora and Sharda (Sharda has a role that allows people at her location to use Knowledge for all kinds of checks, and they can both support each other at the same location). Or if you have the promo cards and want something else a bit weird and silly, perhaps pure-healer Kyra with "I have no limit on how many cards I draw a turn" Ekki the Cutpurse.

Hi redeux and Yewstance -

Thank you very much for taking the time to addressing my questions. Not only that but for also asking thought provoking questions and willing to get more information about what I am looking for. I really appreciate it.

I will go ahead and respond below:

redeux wrote:

Can you be more specific about what you are trying to accomplish? Are you wanting an overpowered team, or just a team that won't get wiped out fairly quickly? Do you care if one character is the "MVP/Hero" while the other character is more support? Or would you rather they both be able to fight their own battles and no one outshines the other? Stuff like that.

I would say I am looking for two characters who compliment each other very well. I have some ideas based on the characters available in WotR (EDIT: but I would also be open to the idea of thinking outside of the box and bringing a character from another set or class deck. something about that intrigues me). I don't need them to be the most over-powered duo but I would like them to be good enough to not struggle and regret my chosen characters.

redeux wrote:

Also, what kind of character do you enjoy playing the most? Perhaps you could pick one character you really want to play and we could suggest someone that would compliment that character well. As written this is really too broad of a question to answer. My initial response would be to just pick any two characters that don't overlap their skills and you'll probably be OK. Someone with the divine skill to heal or someone who can evade would certainly be useful.

In SaS I absolutely love Damiel. Sure, he is overpowered, but I really like him because he is somewhat of a Swiss Army knife. No matter that the scenerios throw at you, Damiel can adapt and cover all bases. The other thing I like about him is he cycles through his deck so much. I enjoy large hand sizes and constant card rotation. Alahzara was also fun for this reason. I enjoyed mass scrying and constant deck cycling.

redeux wrote:

I wouldn't say it really breaks the game, but it certainly dilutes the thematic cards you'll find in the box set. This, in turn, can actually make the game harder in some circumstances. For instance in WotR you may be required to banish a corrupted card to close a location, but now corrupted cards will be harder to come across because you've diluted the boons with non-corrupted cards

Thanks for the example! Maybe if I did shuffle in a class deck I would swap out as many cards as I swap in, and be mindful of which cards I am swapping out to keep it more fair. For instance if neither of my characters used weapons, I wouldn't swap out all weapons from the base box. That would be unfair of course. I would try to replace a nice mix of everything.

Yewstance wrote:

All of redeux's points are entirely valid. The thing to consider is that literally any two characters could take you through the game, just some pairs will be easier or harder than others.

If you want to exploit some of the most powerful characters; just take Adowyn and Balazar, or Adowyn and Alain. If you want something a little fun, I recommend the 'knowledge-team' Enora and Sharda (Sharda has a role that allows people at her location to use Knowledge for all kinds of checks, and they can both support each other at the same location). Or if you have the promo cards and want something else a bit weird and silly, perhaps pure-healer Kyra with "I have no limit on how many cards I draw a turn" Ekki the Cutpurse.

I really enjoyed Adowyn when I played her for a couple scenerios. The scouting and cycling was very nice. I'll have to look into Enora/Sharda, sounds interesting!

Which promo cards would I need for Kyra/Ekki ? Is the promo a unique modification to the character card itself?

If I ever play through anything using the Wrath box again, I plan to play one of the Hell's Vengeance characters. They have great synergy with the Corrupted cards already available in the Wrath box, and I feel like they will shine more in that set than in any other set.

Ekkie can be found in the Paizo webstore here.

bluestacks wrote:

I would say I am looking for two characters who compliment each other very well. I have some ideas based on the characters available in WotR (EDIT: but I would also be open to the idea of thinking outside of the box and bringing a character from another set or class deck. something about that intrigues me). I don't need them to be the most over-powered duo but I would like them to be good enough to not struggle and regret my chosen characters.


In SaS I absolutely love Damiel. Sure, he is overpowered, but I really like him because he is somewhat of a Swiss Army knife. No matter that the scenerios throw at you, Damiel can adapt and cover all bases. The other thing I like about him is he cycles through his deck so much. I enjoy large hand sizes and constant card rotation. Alahzara was also fun for this reason. I enjoyed mass scrying and constant deck cycling.

I think there's enough options in Wrath of the Righteous alone, honestly, that you shouldn't really need to go out and buy a Class Deck as well.

It sounds like you're looking for cycle-heavy characters, though. Which is fair enough; those are my favorite to play as well, and they tend to be quite powerful. Note that Alahazra and Damiel, which you explicitly mentioned, are widely regarded as the most powerful Skull and Shackles characters (as in, "Makes the other ones look bad", sorry Seltyiel).

I think you'd enjoy playing as the Summoner Balazar, who is also quite strong and can certainly be built as a very cycle-heavy character, and can fill his myriad of deck slots with utility spells happily. Meanwhile, Adowyn is widely regarded as one of the premier characters in the set, with a phenomenal scouting-based ally, and who can cycle as much of her hand as she wants every turn, and even has a heal-over time or deck searching ability.

bluestacks wrote:
Thanks for the example! Maybe if I did shuffle in a class deck I would swap out as many cards as I swap in, and be mindful of which cards I am swapping out to keep it more fair. For instance if neither of my characters used weapons, I wouldn't swap out all weapons from the base box. That would be unfair of course. I would try to replace a nice mix of everything.

Just so you know; the general 'rule' is that if you want to add a Class Deck, you should add all of the boons from the Class deck (even the 'bad' ones you don't want), and you shouldn't remove anything from the base box. Otherwise you could just tweak the card layout to favor you.

In practice, do whatever is most fun. It's a co-operative game; change any of the rules that will make it more fun!

I don't think any Class Decks are necessary, personally... but if you want to add in Class decks that increase your boon variety, whilst keeping it thematic and not messing too much with the normal card selection, I highly recommend the Hell's Vengeance 1 and/or 2 Character Decks. They heavily feature Corrupted boons and the Redemption mechanic, as well as other subthemes (like drawing monsters into your hand) that are utilised in Wrath of the Righteous.

I'd consider the two-character party Enora + Shardra to not only be playing Wrath on Hard Mode, but on Wicked Hard Mode. When doing this, I'd definitely recommend attempting AD1 before B, and *not* mixing in the Character Add-On Deck.

Just my two cents.

Grand Lodge

I'd be interested to try Crowe and Grazzle. Grazzle's heal-from-anywhere ability, along with never needing to make recharge checks is insanely awesome. Adding in Crowe for both Muscle and Arcane support would, in my opinion, make a pretty exceptionally balanced pairing.

James McKendrew wrote:
I'd be interested to try Crowe and Grazzle. Grazzle's heal-from-anywhere ability, along with never needing to make recharge checks is insanely awesome. Adding in Crowe for both Muscle and Arcane support would, in my opinion, make a pretty exceptionally balanced pairing.

I'm not sure I'm convinced. Grazzle is one of the most impressive healers in the entire game, able to heal any other character from anywhere. But in a 2 person party that means he's only able to use his amazing ability to heal 1 person (Crowe, since Grazzle can't heal himself with his power), which is scaling his power to a low level compared to what he normally can do.

And Crowe doesn't discard many cards. He's a weapon user with few allies and relatively few blessings. On top of that, he wants to know what's on the bottom of his deck (which he can exploit) so deck shuffles are kind of bad for him. Also, he often buries cards, which a healer won't be able to touch. I don't think Crowe needs a dedicated backup healer; I'd suggest any of the other Oracles are better (though you're not going to get a good variety of stats, because both Crowe and Oracles are charisma-based casters).

Unless the idea is that Grazzle is just amazing on his own. His power level is high enough that I'm tempted to see the point, but I think it's kind of ignoring his main character role to pair him with a character who doesn't need or want much healing. All printings of Alahazra can do everything else Grazzle does better.

Grand Lodge

Actually, Grazzle with one other player is pretty potent, because he doesn't have to divvy up his healed cards. Grazzle is my fiancee's go-to healer. Basically, any time she gets a cure in her hand, she heals everyone the next turn. In a six-player game, the cards healed have to be shared among five other characters. With just one other, Grazzle can just pop one or two cards any time the other player wants a heal-and-shuffle.

I do, however, see your point about Crowe being a less-than-ideal partner. I was just figuring, if you've only got two players, and one's a rockin' Divine caster, the other should be combat, anti-barrier, and/or Arcane. Since Crowe is two of the three, I felt ok with that.

So, yeah. Just about anyone and Grazzle would be a decent pair.

I had a blast playing Darago (Wizard Class Deck) and Wrathack (Ranger) through Wrath. I wanted to run a "Suicide Squad"-style adventure -- send evil to fight evil -- and this was before the Hell's Vengeance decks came out, so these two were a couple of the baaaaddest muthas on the block.

With the Mythic Trickster Path and some useful stuff like Archer's Bracers, Darago became a pretty deadly ranged combatant, so he could focus his spells on support and scouting. Wrathack loved all the powerful two-handed melee weapons and enjoyed punishing Outsiders for their very existence (when they counted as Outsiders, anyways).

I absolutely and gleefully mixed in the Wizard and Ranger decks in their entirety. I liked the idea of these bad guys "cheating" by bringing along extra 2-handed weapons, scrying spells, healing sticks, blessings from strange foreign gods and whatnot.

At this point, it's probably not too spoilery to note that your duo might get the opportunity to become a trio later on...

Have fun storming the Worldwound!

Grand Lodge

Darago's not evil... Everyone's just jealous of his awesome skeletal armor of benevolent reanimation.

Oracle with combat potential? How has nobody mentioned Alahazra?


Scarab Sages

I am going to go on a limb here and say that Tarlin (Cleric class deck) is one of the best characters to take through Wrath.

Not only can he heal a ton, he's also a pretty good combatant (good with two-handed weapons, which you'll see a lot of in Wrath), AND he has powers that play well with cards that have the Iomedae trait - and you'll get a lot of these in your play-through of Wrath.

But I can't recommend Wrath as the best or even second-best or even third-best box set you could spend your time on. In my personal opinion (realize not everyone shares it), this is the worst set, the nadir of the entire series of games.

Wrath is a beast. I like it because it is difficult enough. Most other packs Are far too easy! IMHO. But that is the Beaty of it. If you want to have easy ride, pick Runelords, if you wan to have some challange, pick the wrath and the rest Are in the middle. It is good to have different settings, but Also different difficulty levels too!
Really waiting the oriental setting some time in the far future by my self :) and Hopefully we see easy, middle and hard expansions to the new modular base set!

But back to the topic. The Ramexes is Also a good pick for the oracle who can fight!
All in all the Oracle deck is one of my favorite because there Are so Many good characters!

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