What do negative levels feel like?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Do you just feel tired or what?

Liberty's Edge

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Student Loans & Medical Bills

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Cheap whiskey and a brick to the face.

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Mononucleosis with a hangover.

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You swing your sword and it just goes over your foe's head. You try to remember what's so special about spectres, you know you know it, it's just not coming to you. That fireball catches you when you know you should've just dodged it. It's a whole lot of things you should've been able to do but now just can't quite manage.

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The make you feel negative.

They bring you down.

Grand Lodge

a kick to the nuts, while constipated, after watching the Star Wars trilogy in spanish with no subtitles

I like Lathiira's answer best

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That final exam you forgot to study for...

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Themetricsystem wrote:
Student Loans & Medical Bills

Get out of my head!

They don't feel so good. *laughs and runs*

thelivingmonkey wrote:
That final exam you forgot to study for...

Get out of my head!

Ow, my soul!


Getting caught while cheating on your spouse.
Being grounded at 28 years old by your parents.
Being told to grow up/act more mature by your 14 year old.
A burn/insult from a 4 year old (kids know you and find the one thing you are sensitive about)

Dark Archive

It is kind of like being in Canada.

negative levels are parts of your soul being torn out so I would imagine it would feel like how ever it feels to have part of your soul torn out

Dajur wrote:
It is kind of like being in Canada.

Actually, more like being in the United States. I know, because I live in the United States.

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I remember an old Forgotten Realms novel where one of the characters had been hit with some level draining stuff (this was back in the old days of actually losing *levels*), and it was described as her having been shocked into a loss of confidence. She was nervous, suffering from the jitters when she tried to do something, because her experience had so shaken her to her very core.

It wasn't a bad way of looking at it.

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