So What's the Plan, Stan?

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Ouch, I hope your knee heals quickly, Cal.

We slept in the tent last night, and it wasn't too bad, but I woke up multiple times. When the kids woke up around 6:15 (as kids below a certain age do) for their Saturday morning screen time (I equate it to Saturday morning cartoons), I felt free to go upstairs to my bed, where I had another couple hours of comfortable sleep.

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When my son was at that early-rising stage, we taught him how to use the VCR. We would record his favorite kids' shows, "Little Bear" and "Blues Clues" (we still have hundreds of hours of them stored away). We'd tell him to put in a tape (he knew which ones were his) and watch two episodes then come back and get us. That extra few minutes were life-savers, let me tell ya.

I'm a bit earlier asking than usual, but it's been a weird day. What plans does everyone have for this upcoming weekend? My group isn't going to get together again until October 23rd because everyone has different things going on between now and then.

That will be the night I run my annual Halloween game. I wanted to run it on the 30th but again, some folks had already made other plans. But that's fine. This last mini-arc of my current game should have been over and done with by now, but for various reasons it's not. So I'm going to flesh it out a bit and make it the Halloween game. And a former player (former only in that his job doesn't give him time anymore) and I do discuss game ideas together frequently and he tossed an idea at me that I would never have thought of and it will be perfect.

So, you all?

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My wife's and my anniversary is tomorrow, so on Saturday my mom watched the kids while my wife and I went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. I had bacon-wrapped quail, a mezcal old-fashioned, and a glass of wine. We had a great night out.

On Sunday, a couple friends of ours we don't get to spend much time with drove over to visit, so we all got lunch together and had a great time catching up with them, too.

What's a mezcal old-fashioned?

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An old-fashioned made with mezcal instead of whisky.

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Andostre wrote:

My wife's and my anniversary is tomorrow, so on Saturday my mom watched the kids while my wife and I went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. I had bacon-wrapped quail, a mezcal old-fashioned, and a glass of wine. We had a great night out.

On Sunday, a couple friends of ours we don't get to spend much time with drove over to visit, so we all got lunch together and had a great time catching up with them, too.

I rarely drink anymore but occasionally I'll see something like your post and think "Hmm, I gotta get me one of those."

Andostre wrote:
An old-fashioned made with mezcal instead of whisky.


You treat "old fashioned" like a name instead of a descriptor, a thing made with alcohol it seems. I still have no idea what that is. And why would it's name be a pure adjective that makes it sound like you mispoke?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Because it's a cocktail.

Hey gamer people. Anyone involved in any dicey endeavors this weekend? My bunch doesn't reconvene until the 23rd so I've been working on this year's Halloween game (not as hard as I could or should be but it'll be ready).

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I got my Paizo mega order yesterday and Far Cry 6 last weekend so I'll probably OD on Pathfinder and rampaging.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Actually looking like a quiet weekend for me. I might need to change that.

captain yesterday wrote:
I got my Paizo mega order yesterday and Far Cry 6 last weekend so I'll probably OD on Pathfinder and rampaging.


Nothing much going on for me, this weekend. The weather in Houston is supposed to cool to the 70s, tomorrow, so I should probably find something to do outside to enjoy that.

Andostre wrote:
The weather in Houston is supposed to cool to the 70s, tomorrow, so I should probably find something to do outside to enjoy that.

The lows are supposed to fall into the 40s tonight and for the next several evenings. I'm very excited about this (truth, not irony. I hate hot).

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Andostre wrote:

What phase is the ballistae?

Looks great!

Now it's ready for the ballistae.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Andostre wrote:

What phase is the ballistae?

Looks great!

Now it's ready for the ballistae.

The trees to the left have been cleared away for firing at range. I'd worry about attacks from the right.

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Andostre wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Andostre wrote:

What phase is the ballistae?

Looks great!

Now it's ready for the ballistae.
The trees to the left have been cleared away for firing at range. I'd worry about attacks from the right.

There is a smoker about 30 feet to the right to distract any possible flanking forces.

Anybody up to anything this weekend? Barring an extinction level event of some sort I'm going to run my Halloween game on Saturday. And as I predicted, I had three weeks to put it together and I didn't start to last night! Actually, I did have a lot of ideas that I hashed around with a former member of my group. I just hadn't gotten down to the nuts and bolts of everything until yesterday. I've had an insomnia night so I laid in bed and figured out a couple of things that had been sticking points and I can finish it up today.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

We've got Shattered Star on the docket for Sunday night. Beyond that, not much else.

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Rebellion on Monday?

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

*checks calendar* OH YEAH!

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Welp, game is ready to go (I'm pretty sure). I can't wait to see their reactions when the pumpkin golems attack.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Welp, game is ready to go (I'm pretty sure). I can't wait to see their reactions when the pumpkin golems attack.

Puree them and bake them as pie of course. Just needs a good martial and someone with some ranks in Profession (cook) :)

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We have a karate event, I'm going grocery shopping on account that our car won't start for some mysterious reason (I have ideas I'll test out today or tomorrow) so I'm driving a truck from work (because I'm essential) until I can figure out what's up with the car or we get a new car.

Eventually this weekend I hope to trick everyone into playing Pathfinder 2.

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Pf2? Bah, I'll be brainstorming ideas to trick people into playing [insert name of custom system that is wackier than an angry drunk at the whack-a-mole].

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

So yeah, CR18 devils are terrifying. Not to a 14th level paladin, of course. But still.

Silver Crusade

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
So yeah, CR18 devils are terrifying. Not to a 14th level paladin, of course. But still.

"They were DARN TOOTING TERRIFYING to my Rebel paladin dimensional twin. Heck, I wasn't there and I feel a strong urge to get drunk for a week!"

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Naturally, I expect you took advantage of that urge.

Liberty's Edge

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"I could hear the screams across the dimensional wall!"

It's my group's "off" weekend here at Sweet Home Calabama. How about everyone else? Gaming or just groovin' with the Autumn weather?

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber


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It's a pagan holiday this weekend, and I have young children. I wonder how the two will mix and if it will affect my weekend?

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Andostre wrote:
It's a pagan holiday this weekend, and I have young children. I wonder how the two will mix and if it will affect my weekend?

Energetically is my bet.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Due to my career my kids who are 9 and 7 now, I finally get to go with em on trick or treating (tho I went local in 2019 then Covid etc happened) then off to a house party tonight. Looks like no games other than my EC game (in a few mins) which I am a player for the next couple weeks, so I can get stuff done round the house that needs doing (pulling up carpet and finishing the flooring in my he-cave back here.

Lathiira wrote:
Andostre wrote:
It's a pagan holiday this weekend, and I have young children. I wonder how the two will mix and if it will affect my weekend?
Energetically is my bet.

It turns out you were correct!

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Hi, folks. After the successful unionization efforts of the United Paizo Workers, I've re-subscribed to the Lost Omens line and I'm poking my head back into the forums.

How's everyone been?

Welcome back, Haladir!

Out of curiosity, why have you resubscribed to a Paizo product if you are getting out of Pathfinder? Just for the lore? To support the union? Just curious. Happy to have you back here.

Things are more or less the same for me. Holidays are coming up, which is also a heavy birthday season, so things are going to get busy on the weekends for a while. I also have a camping trip with friends coming up to get ready for. And I've been working from home for the past few months due to the Delta surge, but now I'm back in the office.

Everybody around the office (more like 70%, honestly) is still sad that the Astros lost the World Series. I try to be sympathetic, but I really couldn't care less, and there's also a small part of me that's glad I didn't have to deal with an evening of honking horns and trashed streets the next morning.

Welcome back!!

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Andostre wrote:

Welcome back, Haladir!

Out of curiosity, why have you resubscribed to a Paizo product if you are getting out of Pathfinder? Just for the lore? To support the union? Just curious. Happy to have you back here.


It's the Lost Omens line, which is the least-focused on the game rules. I'm there for the lore: I've run a number of other RPGs set in Golarion, and I still love the setting.

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I have the day off so I think I'll go floss on some train tracks.

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Or maybe I'll harass some MMA fighters.

Why not both?

I have a game scheduled for tomorrow, and while my COVID test came back negative I was hit with a stomach flu thing yesterday and it's not over yet. I used to work as a roadie for a small town honky tonk band long, long ago and the drummer/lead singer had quite a way with words. When something like a stomach bug happened he called it a "heinous anus". That's what I got. So there might not be a game tomorrow.

Gonna lie down while I can. Carry on, my wayward children.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Have a birthday party to go to tonight. Wasn't gonna go because I wasn't feeling well yesterday. Turns out it was a gum infection which has now cleared up, so I'm going. :-)

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Ed Reppert wrote:
Have a birthday party to go to tonight. Wasn't gonna go because I wasn't feeling well yesterday. Turns out it was a gum infection which has now cleared up, so I'm going. :-)

Wrigley's or Big Red?

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Captain Oblivious wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
Have a birthday party to go to tonight. Wasn't gonna go because I wasn't feeling well yesterday. Turns out it was a gum infection which has now cleared up, so I'm going. :-)
Wrigley's or Big Red?


(I hope you feel better, Cal; I'm glad you're feeling better, Ed; you better feel, Cap.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Haladir wrote:
Andostre wrote:

Welcome back, Haladir!

Out of curiosity, why have you resubscribed to a Paizo product if you are getting out of Pathfinder? Just for the lore? To support the union? Just curious. Happy to have you back here.


It's the Lost Omens line, which is the least-focused on the game rules. I'm there for the lore: I've run a number of other RPGs set in Golarion, and I still love the setting.

Understandable. Glad you're back, and that I'll still get to hear about other rules systems from you.

Welp, it's official. No game tomorrow night. So everybody have fun this weekend. Everybody Wang Chung this weekend.

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I will be spending the weekend trimming some fruit trees in the yard - a month or more after I should have been able to do it (thanks, global warming). Then some emergency tile patching in the bathroom - it just has to hold until summer - then a proper cleaning of the bathroom.

I just love being an adult.

Actually I will not be pruning the plums. I thought it was OK to prune in autumn but luckily I double checked and the correct time is spring before flowering.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Actually I will not be pruning the plums. I thought it was OK to prune in autumn but luckily I double checked and the correct time is spring before flowering.

I meant to let you know that myself when I read your post but my sister dropped by unannounced and I forgot about doing it after she left.

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