Cleric fighting a demilich


How would you fight this creature with a bad touch cleric.

The domain powers I have won't do anything since Spell resistance does apply to them. We fought one today and will be fighting one again the GM said. A knowledge check of 49 (rolled a 20) revealed everything about the character by the GM. How can I prepare myself for this baddie.

Repeatedly cast Shatter?

Buff yourself and/or someone else until DR 20/- isn't a big problem, and don't forget to cast death ward.

What are you expecting Death Ward to do in this case? It's always been a bit ambiguous what it works on...

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The two negative levels that you get on a successful save vs. Devour Soul? Death ward is pretty explicit that it stops negative levels.

Good idea, I need to prepare that.

Walk away. A Demilich will never chase after you.

Get yourself a Scarab of Protection. That should protect you against Devour Souls. So should Antimagic Field. So would a Cube of Force.

What are your Domains?

Ohh didn't know that. It is pricey though Scott and we are trapped in this mega dungeon. My domains are Madness and Chaos.

I noticed the construction requirements say Death Ward, which is right in line with what avr said.


Craft Wondrous Item, death ward, spell resistance; Cost 19,000 gp

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Great thing about being a prepared caster is that while you might specialize in one role (bad touch) all you need to do to perform quite well at another is prepare different spells. As others said, focusing on buffing would be pretty good.

Summoning might be useful as well.

Bloodrealm wrote:
Walk away. A Demilich will never chase after you.

Well, I think we might need some more information first. You are correct- the BEST option for dealing with a demilich is "don't". Just fill the place with cement, and try to encourage everyone to avoid it/build around it.

But I am going to assume that you don't get the BEST option, because of plot.

So, the lucky thing is that the demilich is built in with mechanical 'off' buttons. Under the assumption that you have protection from the wail of the banshee, that attack is actually a really useful 'you are failing at stealth' warning. Run away, and the demilich just doesn't care.

Of course... I might be misinterpreting the demilich. It still technically has an intelligence score- it just lacks much impulse to care. So it might retain enough sanity to decide 'no, I am going to kill you now' after it catches you the 5th time (that, and the lich's spirit might be just wandering, and you are setting off sooo many alarm spells... which can lead to an awakened lich).

...and that is why they give the demilich the 'devour soul' ability. It MAKES you rush, since you are trying to save a party member from permadeath.

I was more referring to this sentence:

Demilich wrote:
Fortunately for intruders, demiliches never pursue those wise enough flee.

Bloodrealm wrote:

I was more referring to this sentence:

Demilich wrote:
Fortunately for intruders, demiliches never pursue those wise enough flee.

Yeah, but after the 5th time the annoying adventurers come in that day, it might skip the pleasantries and go straight to spamming devour souls.

Even if it has an video game style aggro range, it still has over 20 mental stats across the board. It isn't stupid. No one sticks around the lair of a demilich unless they HAVE to steal something from in there. Heck, practically nothing even survives the 'warning signal' (wail of the banshee) unless they are specifically prepared to deal with the demilich (spells) or they are powerful enough to be a threat (high baseline saves, which usually means high level/cr/vague idea of powerful creatures in setting).

The first time, it might just be some idiots that wandered into the lair- the demilich can ignore that once they run in terror- they learned their lesson after experiencing the terror of facing a highly powerful undead. But if they keep on coming back... then they are obvious threats.

Atalius wrote:
My domains are Madness and Chaos.


I was thinking if you had the Law Domain, you could give yourself Touch of Law, making it so you automatically roll an 11 on every d20, including your Fort Saves. So then, if your Save Bonus were +13 or higher, achievable for a high level Cleric, you would be guaranteed to make your Saving Throw, then with Death Ward on top of that, you would also not get any negative levels. So a Cleric with a +13 Will Save and Touch of Law is immune to Devour Soul.

The Protection Domain and the Magic Domain I think give you Anti Magic Field, which also should squelch seemingly magical attacks such as Devour Soul.

Lots of Shatter and Dispel Evil, over and over. Bring holy water to make sure it stays dead.

What level is your Cleric?

Atalius wrote:
A knowledge check of 49 (rolled a 20)

Sounds like a high-level Cleric.

Devour Soul has a Range of 300 feet. If your Cleric were 10th level, Holy Smite would have a Range of 200 Feet. If you took the Extend Spell Feat, it would have a Range of 400 Feat. 400 is bigger than 300. The Demilich has a Base Move of 30. If yours is 30 or higher, you could just keep your distance and cast Extended Holy Smites, and the Demilich would never reach you!

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

What level is your Cleric?

Atalius wrote:
A knowledge check of 49 (rolled a 20)

Sounds like a high-level Cleric.

Devour Soul has a Range of 300 feet. If your Cleric were 10th level, Holy Smite would have a Range of 200 Feet. If you took the Extend Spell Feat, it would have a Range of 400 Feat. 400 is bigger than 300. The Demilich has a Base Move of 30. If yours is 30 or higher, you could just keep your distance and cast Extended Holy Smites, and the Demilich would never reach you!

He's a level 12 Cleric of Sivanah.

Atalius wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

What level is your Cleric?

Atalius wrote:
A knowledge check of 49 (rolled a 20)

Sounds like a high-level Cleric.

Devour Soul has a Range of 300 feet. If your Cleric were 10th level, Holy Smite would have a Range of 200 Feet. If you took the Extend Spell Feat, it would have a Range of 400 Feat. 400 is bigger than 300. The Demilich has a Base Move of 30. If yours is 30 or higher, you could just keep your distance and cast Extended Holy Smites, and the Demilich would never reach you!

He's a level 12 Cleric of Sivanah.
Atalius wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:

What level is your Cleric?

Atalius wrote:
A knowledge check of 49 (rolled a 20)

Sounds like a high-level Cleric.

Devour Soul has a Range of 300 feet. If your Cleric were 10th level, Holy Smite would have a Range of 200 Feet. If you took the Extend Spell Feat, it would have a Range of 400 Feat. 400 is bigger than 300. The Demilich has a Base Move of 30. If yours is 30 or higher, you could just keep your distance and cast Extended Holy Smites, and the Demilich would never reach you!

He's a level 12 Cleric of Sivanah.

So, your Holy Smite has a range of 240 feet. If you take Extend Spell, it will have a Range of 480 feet, and that puts you well-out of the Range of a Demi Lich's Devour Souls. If you can also outrun it, you can spam Extended Holy Smite until it's dead.

Holy Smite is a level 4 Spell, though, so Extended Holy Smite is a level 5 Spell. At level 12, you only get 3 + whatever your Wisdom gives you. Holy Smite will inflict, on average do 22.5 points of damage on a failed save, and so 11.25 on a successful save. The Demilich will have, on average 142hp. That means you should pack 142/11.5 = 28.4, so about 30 Holy Smites. I think you can use Extend Spell with a Wand of Holy Smite, but I'm not 100% on that.

Also, that all assumes the circustances will allow it. The archetecture of the demilich's vault might not allow you to exploit the longer range of your spell.

Oh well, just a thought.

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Unless you are fighting this thing in a Monty Python field of infinite distance, you aren't going to be able to use the longer range of extended holy smite. What dungeon ever allows you to be out of range of the bad guy's main weapon? Why would it stay in a place where it has no advantage?

Chances are that someone is probably going to end up as demilich jewelry, and the party should prepare for whatever method of reincarnating the soul out of the gem when the demilich is dead.

I die to this creature if I roll a 1 on my Fort save, anything else I survive. Same thing for Will saves. As avr mentioned Death Ward will prove quite valuable here, I could I guess repeatedly cast shatter while my barbarian ally who also has high for saves slowly chops through that DR 20? However he or I die on a natural 1. Would magic circle against evil or anything give us a reroll against this thing?

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Scroll of Nine Lives?

VoodistMonk wrote:

Unless you are fighting this thing in a Monty Python field of infinite distance, you aren't going to be able to use the longer range of extended holy smite. What dungeon ever allows you to be out of range of the bad guy's main weapon? Why would it stay in a place where it has no advantage?

Chances are that someone is probably going to end up as demilich jewelry, and the party should prepare for whatever method of reincarnating the soul out of the gem when the demilich is dead.

The only answer I can think of- the demilich has been there so long that the orignal location has long eroded/rotted away, leaving it exposed.

That is still highly unlikely. Demiliches form when a lich either leaves its body unattended to explore as a spirit, or when the lich coops itself up for too long. In either situation, the lich would likely choose a location for the long term. So a cave is the most natural choice.

Even if erosion is an issue, it would probably only collapse the lair in, which closes it off more. You need a fairly specific scenario for the lich to be exposed (maybe an underground water source burst out through the back of the cave and washed everything away? And a natural disaster doesn't get around the rules of Torpor?).

But those are vague hypotheticals that most GMs would not bother with. In reality, you are right- if the GM is planning to use a demilich, you are either going to have to steal a macguffin or save someone's soul- or save someone's soul after your first attempt to get the mcguffin failed.

Atalius wrote:
I die to this creature if I roll a 1 on my Fort save, anything else I survive. Same thing for Will saves. As avr mentioned Death Ward will prove quite valuable here, I could I guess repeatedly cast shatter while my barbarian ally who also has high for saves slowly chops through that DR 20? However he or I die on a natural 1. Would magic circle against evil or anything give us a reroll against this thing?

Sounds like you got this litch's number!

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Have you tried just talking your problems out? Try complimenting the demilich. Maybe buy it some flowers.

Demiliches love flowers.

one issue remains though, I tried casting Death watch as we traversed the dungeon, and the necromantic aura just dissipated. I tried casting another necromancy spell (Magic Jar) and it also failed, I had to roll a Will save or else I would have been sucked into the dungeon walls. So I may not be able to cast Deathward in this dungeon. Which is a problem.

That should mean the demilich is unable to use its Wail of the banshee ability as well. Test this theory by sending a summoned critter to fight it and see what happens.

ya he's never used the wail of the banshee, only casts greater bestow curse (spell like ability) and uses devour soul

Hmm, Bestow curse is also necromancy but that is not affected? The demilich can only store 10 souls at a time and can devour one after 24 hours. Summon a bunch of critters with holy smite as spell like ability or high damage attacks and after it has drained 10 souls you are safe to kill it yourselves. If it can not drain souls from summoned critters all the better, they are completely safe. Well, except form telekinesis but who cares about that.

That is what the creature is using so far,does not mean that it isnt getting ready to do worse things :)

Ya he said it was a unique demilich, he's able to use his SLA bestow curse and follows it up (after -8 to attack/saves) with devour souls.

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The obvious choice is bumrush him, Leroy Jenkins style. Get someone up in his face, hopefully someone capable of chipping away at/past that damage reduction.

Cast Shatter until he is dead. Then use Dispel Evil to grant him true death.

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Always remember that we're talking about a flying skull that should only be active if disturbed (unless Torpor was removed/modified by the GM). Scoop it into a bag of holding and poke the bag if you have to.

Hmm ya I was thinking Leroy Jenkins style also. My cleric has been slain by an Umbral Dragon which my allies managed to slay I was the sacrifice. Now back to the demilich issue. My man avr has constructed a new character for me who shall bypass the DR of this demilich like a knife through butter. The only way I don't hit it is if I roll a 1. If i can pounce it, it is dead in round 1.

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Nil'murr'shass- House Everhate wrote:
That is what the creature is using so far,does not mean that it isnt getting ready to do worse things :)

So Necromancy effects work fine for the demilich but do not work for anyone else?

Scroll of antimagic field, tiny familiar UMDs it and then sits on a raging barbarians shoulder, or in his pocket. Barbarian whacks the thing to death.

Serisan wrote:
Always remember that we're talking about a flying skull that should only be active if disturbed (unless Torpor was removed/modified by the GM). Scoop it into a bag of holding and poke the bag if you have to.

That was actually what my players did in the original Tomb of Horrors! They scooped Acerak up (don't remember how exactly), tossed him in the bag and threw the bag in the Green Demon mouth. Fun times.

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So, Atalius, how did the fight go?

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WagnerSika wrote:
So, Atalius, how did the fight go?

Well, we haven't head from him in 8 days, or eight 24 hour periods. As such, I can only assume it went poorly. Who is going to crack out the miracle/wish so we can ask him what happened?

Lol. Well my character the Cleric died vs an Umbral Dragon's breath weapon on the way to fight the demilich. So I had to remake, I ended up making a multiclass unchainedmonk/cavedruid and destroyed the demilich in one round like it was nothing. Cut through the DR like Moses through the red sea. As for killing it for good that was also taken care of. Holy water was poured over its remains within the area of a hallow spell and then dispel evil was cast via a scroll. My GM was utterly speechless how this multiclass just obliterated his baddie in 1 round.

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Carnivorous Crystal Dojo is no joke.

blahpers wrote:
Carnivorous Crystal Dojo is no joke.

Absolutely blahpers I cannot stress that enough. This was damage on an epic scale. We are talking one rounding a Balor would be easily do-able.

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