Hell's rebels group looking for GM.


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Hey all!

We're a group of five characters in a Hell's Rebels game that's been running since Jan 2016. I myself joined pretty late but it's a great group of characters, two of whom have been with the game since the start! Since we're only Level 2 I think we haven't progressed very far in Book 1 and our GM, the excellent StoryTeller-Shadow, had to step away from GMing the game.

So... I think we'd all like to continue! I think we all post pretty regularly and it'd be great if we were able to continue the story. Considering the game has been running for over a year I think we're a pretty committed bunch with interesting characters.

So there's

Zeldana - Level 2 Half elf witch
Sholti - Level 2 half elf Bard/Vigilante
Sera - Level 2 half orc Alchemist
Kadwyn - Level 2 Human Bard
And me
Stricia - Level 2 Human Monk.

All female. I think that was one of the conceits of the original recruitment.

Would love to have another GM step up and give the characters a home!

Jan 2016 and only at level two? That is two years. What was the posting rate? Got a link?

Knew I forgot something!

Here is the game

I think there were a lot of periods where people were waiting for someone else to post :).

Also Shadow tended to run slower games. I don't think many would complain if the posting rate went up!

Also hi I'm the witch if the group! XD

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This caught my eye. I've been thinking about getting back into PBP, was more inclined towards setting up my own, but... hm.

If I were to step in, I'd want to run things along quite a bit faster, ideally with everyone posting at least once per day. Would people be good with that?

(Also, dang, some of you have been in a lot of PbP campaigns.)


I wouldn't mind that. I know I could keep up the pase so long as there is something to reply to.

Also fair warning, I try not to be the soul voice. So if I feel like my character is taking the most posts I will step back a bit till others post.

Hello! I'm the party black sheep I guess, the vigilante bard.

Thanks for considering picking this game up. I may not be able to perfectly post daily, but I could come quite close.

Another thing to add, Storyteller Shadow has offered to correspond with a new GM to bring them up to speed on what's happening and where things are heading.

I certainly would like a daily post rate and that's what I aim for but wouldn't be able to do it on weekends. I'm also an advocate for judicious botting to keep the game moving :).

But yeah I'm in a lot of games, it's the only way to find the few good ones that can last a while!

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Okay crew. I reached out to Dennis and he said he'll send me some stuff by Sunday. So, we may be able to proceed. Let's make sure we're on the same page first.

1) Fast pace. I'll post every day, or nearly. I expect you to do the same. Taking weekends and holidays off is okay but if you're away for more than 24 hours, you may get botted. That's a risk you take.

2) Don't disappear. If you're going to be away for more than 72 hours, drop a line on the Discussion thread. I of course will do the same.

3) Peculiarities of DMDM. I like NGOs, so expect a lot of NGO interaction. I don't use maps a lot; some people don't mind that, others find it annoying. I like flavor text. I like dropping clues or hints in flavor text.

I don't run multiple campaigns at once; the most I've ever run at a time is two, and that was only for a few months.

Spelling and grammar errors make the DM unhappy. If I see a lot of posts that look like they were composed on a phone with one thumb while windsurfing I will become cranky and difficult. If that's an issue for you sometimes, please take five seconds to read your post before hitting "submit".

4) How to proceed. Everyone sign in by Sunday night, please. That means, post something on this thread right here saying "I'm good with this and ready to go". If you want to add some basic information about yourself and/or what you're looking for in this campaign, that would be fine too. (Your time zone would be nice. I'm in Europe, 7 hours ahead of US Eastern Standard Time.) This is also our check-each-other-out time. If you have questions about me, my expectations, or whatever, better to ask now so that nobody is surprised.

I think I'll want to start a new campaign thread, if there are no objections. I then propose we go for 30 days and see how its working out.


Doug M.

That doesn't seem like anything too problematic. Though I will give you a bit of warning now, often I post from my phone while at work to keep an rp moving. On top of that I am dyslexic, so it is hard for me to catch everything my stupid auto-correct changes even with a read over. I do try my best however and if I think a post is too long to do on a phone I will try to hold off till I get home unless I know I have a lot more to do that night and may not get around to it.

My time zone is Centrel Standard Time, which I believe means our GM is 8 hours ahead of me.

"I'm good with this and ready to go"

Zeldana Amaria wrote:
That doesn't seem like anything too problematic. Though I will give you a bit of warning now, often I post from my phone while at work to keep an rp moving. On top of that I am dyslexic, so it is hard for me to catch everything my stupid auto-correct changes even with a read over.

Meet me halfway: you do a quick readover and try to catch stuff, while I recognize that you're dyslexic and try not to grar at the occasional error that slips through.

Meanwhile: I haven't had time to read the gameplay thread, but I took a moment to read your charsheet.

Some Thoughts:

-- Good background. I see you took Harrowed -- are you using the daily card draw? And, are you thinking about building towards the Harrower prestige class?

-- Plain vanilla witch, no archetypes? I don't see a familiar listed.

-- "Naive" is one of those drawbacks you should RP, as the mechanical aspect is pretty minimal. (How often are you attacked with a makeshift weapon?) It does fit neatly with having a 7 Wis.

-- They took your mother away? Has anything happened with that?

-- The Hellknight who was stalking (?) you -- same question?

Reply thoughts:
--I haven't use it as much as I'd like. Honestly I think I've used it all of once, although that may have been the first time I used Zel, but I need to find the chart to use if you're rolling the dice and not pulling cards. Also yes I do plan for her to go into the Harrower prestige class!--

--She is actually the Cartomancer witch archetype. She gets a deck of harrow cards as her familiar.--

-- Oh yes and I do! There was actually a part where some mercenaries who where on the run enter her shop to ask where a tailor shop was and she just invited them in and said she'd give them new closes and some food in exchange for information! Not the brightest move Zel... That being said she isn't totally stupid. Just from time to time things go over her head, like when she couldn't notice one of their contacts trying to ask if she was okay... you'll get to that when you read it.--

--Her mother and father! Both where Desna worshipers, and she still has no idea where they are. It was her mother's idea to play Zel off as a Shelynite though, but both parents sold it to the Hellknights--

--Yes actually! Turns out he's a surviving member of the order of the Torrent and the two are, some what, dating. Though it is an... odd attraction. Dalth, as he has been named, cares a great deal about Zeldana to the point that when the salt works mission went south and our characters being good didn't want to kill people, he followed behind and killed each guard because they could identify Zeldana, and to the best of my knowledge he was not going to let that happen! She isn't really sure about how she feels about that yet... but I think her outlook is one of naivete.--

This all sounds good to me! I do have one question, what do you mean by NGO? I only know the acronym as "non-governmental organization" so I'm not sure I follow you there.

I'm on Pacific Standard Time, which puts me 10 hours behind you I think.

If you're going to be reading through the gameplay thread you'll probably get a good handle on the wherefores of Sholti's vigilante identity, which are connected to the Hellknight in question. I'd also worked out a system with Storyteller Shadow for keeping Sholti active in the group as the vigilante Kestrel, while not actually being in the group. I'll just send you a PM about that stuff.

Sholti Amalasand wrote:
This all sounds good to me! I do have one question, what do you mean by NGO? I only know the acronym as "non-governmental organization" so I'm not sure I follow you there.

I work a lot with NGOs and I wrote that fast and late at night. It's pretty much a Rule of Life that if you write a post about how you don't like other people's errors and typos, that post will have at least three errors or typos.


If you're going to be reading through the gameplay thread you'll probably get a good handle on the wherefores of Sholti's vigilante identity, which are connected to the Hellknight in question. I'd also worked out a system with Storyteller Shadow for keeping Sholti active in the group as the vigilante Kestrel, while not actually being in the group. I'll just send you a PM about that stuff.

Haven't run a Vigilante before, need to read up. Fortunately I have Ultimate Intrigue right here...

Ah, alright. I work with NGOs quite a bit too. Actually my dissertation research involved working with NGOs in Istanbul quite a lot. I assume you meant NPCs then.

I'll just recap the vigilante stuff here rather than by PM since it's only secret in-game.

Sholti and Zeldana have butted heads over Dalth the Hellknight a lot. Zeldana trusts him, Sholti doesn't, guy's a friggin' Hellknight after all. (You'd need to ask Dennis about him and what his agenda really is. My feeling is he is trustworthy, but the PCs don't really know, and Sholti's not buying it.)

The group as a whole swung in Zeldana's direction on the question, so Sholti delivered a "either he goes or I go" ultimatum. The group more or less said "alright, you can do what you want" so Sholti officially left. She did decide to continue helping Rexus translate the papers concerning the old Silver Ravens until the project was done.

Sholti didn't really intend to quit though. She wanted her identity protected from Dalth. So, she invented Kestrel in order to be able to to continue to work with the group. Rexus is aware of this and acts as her inside connection. He informs Sholti when the group will be going out to do something, and Kestrel can conveniently show up there too. She also borrowed a Victocora family signet ring from Rexus, which she wears backwards. It's a red herring. If anyone notices it, they would be trying to track Kestrel by linking her to a family that is extinct except for Rexus, who is in hiding. A family dead end means no retaliatory arrests, hostages, etc. can be used as leverage against her. Rexus seems to favor Sholti, they have a sort of mutual attraction simmering in the background.

Meanwhile, Sholti is now a completely social identify and will start involving herself non-politically in the arts, trying to revive public performances acceptable to Thrune rule.

Once the group gets used to Kestrel, all the round-about will probably no longer be necessary.

Sholti will only be taking a single level dip in vigilante so she can have the Seemless Guise ability and the Renown social talent. The rest of her levels will go back to Dawnflower Dervish Bard. You won't need to become very expert on the vigilante class to handle it.

I remember the great storyteller purge, those were dark days.

Thanks so much DM_DM.

I'm good with this and ready to go!

I'm on EST so 7 hours from you (most of the time.. I think? Daylight Hours mess with my head). I'm just looking for a fun game. Stricia is a pretty vanilla Strength Monk (Unchained) and is a newcomer to the city.

Edit: For a little bit more background, her hook into the setting is that she was dispatched by an Iroran monastery in Vudra to the Sacred Order of Archivists in Kintargo as an agent to help them as a bodyguard of sorts. In the game she just discovered that the Order was destroyed when Cheliax clamped down on the city before she even arrived. She's on a quest for justice now.

Zeldana and her cards!:
Okay, anything special about your deck of cards? Other than that you inherited it with your trait?

As to drawing cards, just roll a d6: 1= Str, 2= Con, 3= Dex, and so forth. If you want to narrow it down, hey, this system lets you roll a d9 as well. So you roll a d6 first and get a 4 (intelligence). Then roll a D9 where 1= LG, 2= NG, 3= CG, and so forth. Say you roll a 6; that would be CN. Boom, you drew the Vision, the Chaotic Neutral card of Intelligence. Rolling 5 and then 5 would give you the Owl, the Neutral card of Wisdom. 6 and 2 would be the Theater (NG Charisma). You get the idea. Determining the card is largely for flavor but could be interesting.

Also, note that you give up your second level hex for the Deadly Dealer feat. It looks like you have two hexes; is that correct?

In the Cards:
They where once her grandmother's but that is it.

Ooops! That's a my bad. For some reason I thought she didn't get that till 3rd level. I shall change that promptly when I return home. Also I will be having her take extra hex at 3rd level so I'm just going to cross out fortune on the hex list so that I can remove those at third! Thanks for catching that for me!


The shops:
Something I thought to bring up was the shops that Zel's parents ran. She's been running both till the group kinda moved into her place, now they help. But I've never rolled nor been asked to roll a profession skill, I believe it was just assumed she made enough to keep the places open, food on the table, but not enough to have much spending money. I'm fine with keeping it that way or changing it to rolling. Though if we're going to do that I would like to ask if I can move a skill point over into that.

Added an edit to my post on selecting cards; look again.

Your cards are made of a pale green... metal? It seems too light to be metal, and close examination shows a crystalline structure. They don't seem to tarnish or wear out. Your grandmother said they've been in the family a very long time.

Woot!! More for my cards! XD

Also I too edited mine but that can be seen. Your edit I shall write down and put a copy in my character's page so I'll always have it on tap.

Oh, I should mention, you'll want to look at Kestrel's character sheet. Sholti's is not fully updated.

EDIT: Or, more correctly since I looked again, Sholti's has everything except the 2nd level vigilante stuff. Kestrel's doesn't have background info and so forth. So I guess both sheets for everything.

I'll consolidate them when I get a chance.

Zeldana Amaria wrote:

Woot!! More for my cards! XD

...the backs of your cards have an odd design: a fountain rising above waters, a ship volant, and below that a rose. Around the borders are cartouche-like symbols. It's hard to say whether they're abstract or mean something. If they're some sort of writing, it's in a language you don't know.

They're a bit bigger, stiffer, and harder than ordinary cards, though quite light. The edges are sharpish; it's possible to cut yourself if you're careless. You store them in a box made of darkwood, wrapped in a lining of silk. The box is a masterwork item that would be worth some serious money, but you'd never sell it -- it's an inheritance, nearly as precious as the cards themselves.


'Kestrel' wrote:

Oh, I should mention, you'll want to look at Kestrel's character sheet. Sholti's is not fully updated.

Okay, let me see if I understand this correctly.

So you were playing a bard, but then left the party and became a vigilante. The bard identity is now entirely social. Okay, in principle that's fine. How does it work mechanically? Like, can you still cast bard spells?

Inspire Courage? If you level up, presumably you'll advance as a vigilante?

DM_DM is certainly a hard core DM. Only one group here has been able to take him on, the others were left in burning piles by the side of the road

Waiting on the bard (arcane duelist, I guess?) and the alchemist.

For the other three: feel free to fill me in on what's happened so far, both in general and with your PC particularly. Reading through 1300 posts over two years is no small thing, especially since a couple of players seem to have dropped out and been replaced, so summaries are very welcome.

Challenge accepted!

Edit: I should be leaving work in a few minutes and heading home, so I'll get to work on a summary of what I can then should no one else have filled you in yet.

MannyGoblin wrote:
DM_DM is certainly a hard core DM. Only one group here has been able to take him on, the others were left in burning piles by the side of the road

Aw, go on with your bad self.

I'm here, no issues with anything that you have mentioned.
I'm GMT +13 which means I'm probably ahead of everyone timezone wise.
I'm good with this and ready to go

Stricia wrote:

Edit: For a little bit more background, her hook into the setting is that she was dispatched by an Iroran monastery in Vudra to the Sacred Order of Archivists in Kintargo as an agent to help them as a bodyguard of sorts. In the game she just discovered that the Order was destroyed when Cheliax clamped down on the city before she even arrived. She's on a quest for justice now.

I see in your background that you serve an order that venerates Truth. The Vow of Truth is an option if you want to go that route. Also, your group may be fascinated by the idea of the Akashic Record -- the legendary repository of Ultimate Truth.

Also, it looks like you're the party tank? Lucky you.

Hey I'm a tank as well :/

It's the same as a multiclass really. Currently bard 1 / vigilante 1. Dawnflower Dervish archetype is self-buffing only. Bard spells as normal. All future levels are bard again so just a 1 level dip in vigilante for the social stuff to maintain a secret identity.

There are two posting identities though. Sholti is social and Kestral is vigilante.

It might be easier to just use the Masked Persona option if it's any trouble to figure out vigilante. It does the same thing for me as a class dip, and actually better maybe. The option didn't exist at the time, or I probably would have just used it to begin with. This route would be single class bard. Link is below.

Masked Personas

Another option would be to just rebuild as a single class vigilante. We're doubled up on the bard spell list in the party anyway.

Whatever is easiest for you.

Sera Vasara wrote:
I'm here, no issues with anything that you have mentioned.

Quick skim of your charsheet: you're a clone master / toxicant? I've seen the toxicant before (it's a lot of fun IMO) but you'll be my first clone master. Basically you're taking a big hit on bomb damage in return for being more or less unkillable starting at 8th level, correct?

Also, a CG half-orc who follows Calistria. Well, the goddess doesn't judge (though some of her followers may). Lust, revenge and trickery know no labels.


I'm GMT +13 which means I'm probably ahead of everyone timezone wise.

I'm good with this and ready to go

Not a lot of gamers in Kiribati, so I'm guessing New Zealand?

Sholti Amalasand wrote:

It's the same as a multiclass really. Currently bard 1 / vigilante 1. Dawnflower Dervish archetype is self-buffing only. Bard spells as normal. All future levels are bard again.

There are two posting identities though. Sholti is social and Kestral is vigilante.

It might be easier to just use the Masked Persona option if it's any trouble to figure out vigilante. It does the same thing for me as a class dip, and actually better maybe. The option didn't exist at the time, or I probably would have just used it to begin with. Link is below.

Mmkay. Give me a day or two to sort through -- this area of the rules is new to me.

Yup, NZ

I should probably relook at her deity - more tying into her revenge thing, although upon reflection its more of like an undying resistance / rage / persistence.

Sera is meant to kinda take a ton of hits. Technically, going Non Toxicant would have helped her more for this (since Mutagen) but there is no aggro mechanic in Pathfinder - at least with Toxicant if no-one hits her then she debuffs them.
Same story with the Clone Master thing. She isn't really a typical bomb throwing DPR machine, just kinda there to wade into a fight and be annoying / disruptive.

My experience with alchemists is that if you want to go that route, by midlevels you can autobuff yourself into untouchability. Does cut down on your dpr, party buffing and so forth.

In my headcanon, Calistria is the elf god who evolved as a frontliner against the drow, way back when, because wasps prey on spiders etc. etc. But fighting fire with fire, gaze not into the Abyss, yadda yadda; she's become kinda drow-like herself, the slinky sexy Mean Girl of the elvish pantheon.

I don't mind that interpretation, but worth noting that Sera isn't especially religious, just opportunistically worships a god(ess) that supports her ideals.

I don't mind much about her DBR since she should be "hopefully" debuffing and tanking. We will see though.

DM_DM wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:
DM_DM is certainly a hard core DM. Only one group here has been able to take him on, the others were left in burning piles by the side of the road

Aw, go on with your bad self.

Prepare for Divine Chainsaw Princess Elizabeth! In the name of Love and Justice, I will Rip and tear!

Okay so I have updated Zel's character sheet and I will start working on the summary now.

Also is there any ruling on the shops GM?

DM_DM wrote:
Sholti Amalasand wrote:

It's the same as a multiclass really. Currently bard 1 / vigilante 1. Dawnflower Dervish archetype is self-buffing only. Bard spells as normal. All future levels are bard again.

There are two posting identities though. Sholti is social and Kestral is vigilante.

It might be easier to just use the Masked Persona option if it's any trouble to figure out vigilante. It does the same thing for me as a class dip, and actually better maybe. The option didn't exist at the time, or I probably would have just used it to begin with. Link is below.

Mmkay. Give me a day or two to sort through -- this area of the rules is new to me.

No problem.

Zeldana Amaria wrote:
Also is there any ruling on the shops GM?

Not at this time -- thinking about it. I gather this campaign has a fair amount of down-time? In game, I mean. Weeks at a time?

Actually no. Days haven't been tracked very carefully, but events have come at a pretty rapid pace without much time in between. I'd be guessing but I'd say no more than a month has passed in game since the beginning.

That's very much a rough estimate though. Anyone have a better idea of how long it's been?

Reading / skimming your gameplay thread over the weekend. Still waiting on (1) someone writing some brief summaries (doesn't have to be Zel, everyone can pitch in); (2) the bard showing up (anyone want to PM her?) and (3) hearing from your current DM (he said he'll get back to me today or Monday).

If all those things come together, we could start actual play in the next day or two.

I am over half way done with the summary. Just man... there is a lot! I understand why you don't want to read it all! XD

I've been kidnapped to babysit for the rest of today so I will try to work on it when I get off work tomorrow. Should be able to finish it then.

Thanks for doing all that heavy lifting Zeldana!

I've sent a pm to Kadwyn's player. No new posts on any alias for a week, so they may not know yet.

Okay, I've heard from your DM,. I will now contact Customer Service about transferring control of the thread. We can bot Kadwyn for the time being; if she doesn't show up in a few days, we'll do a fast recruit.

I occasionally do spotlight / sidebar episodes for individual PCs, running in parallel with the main plot on the gameplay thread. If Zel finishes the summary, then her PC will get the first one: working title, "The She-Wolf And The Wolf". Zel, if you're good with this, be aware it will work best if you can check in and post often over the next few days.

Well I just clocked in at Work, so in about 9 hours, with good traffic, I'll be home and working on the summary once more!

Zeldana Amaria wrote:
Well I just clocked in at Work, so in about 9 hours, with good traffic, I'll be home and working on the summary once more!

[steeples fingers] Ehhhxcellent. -- Thank you.

As noted above, try to keep an eye on the gameplay and be ready to post over the next few days. Not necessarily long and detailed posts. Just, your character may have the opportunity to make one or more interesting life choices.

Haha! Not a problem. I'll put it that in the run down when I do replies.

I did kinda a, once over, before starting the summary and from what I can tell we've done a week and four days in game, give or take, and the shop has come into play as an actual shop three times. There maybe more as I didn't do an in-depth read, but I think that's about it... I'll correct myself if I find more while finishing the summary tonight.

Thanks for all the hard work Zel! Truly appreciated.

As for Stricia. I really did consider a Vow of Truth (Could always use more Ki and it's a great thematic fit) but I'm not sure if that will cause issues with an Intrigue kind of game like Hell's Rebels. If the rest of the group is fine with Stricia going stone cold silent at inopportune times then I wouldn't mind going that route. It'd make for great roleplay fodder and Stricia's Bluff is always going to be terrible anyway.

The Akashic record sounds good. Stricia isn't high Int though and Wise enough to know that her purpose is to be the muscle :). So I don't know how much she herself would interact with the concept!

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