About 'Kestrel'Statistics:
Female Half-Elf Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 2
NG Medium Female Humanoid (Half-Elf) Init +5; Senses Perception +6
hp 22 Fort +2, Ref +6 Will +5
Melee +1 (+4 w. Dervish Dance) Ranged +4
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Traits Looking For Your Idol (Shensen) +2 Perception, +2 Sense Motive During Protest Diva in Training +1 Perform (Sing), +1 DC to Language Dependent Spells/Effects Elven Reflexes: +2 Initiative Blade of Mercy: No Penalty for Non-Lethal Attacks, +1 Non-Lethal Damage Overwhelming Beauty: +1 DC for Mind Affecting Spells if Target Shares at least 1 Racial Subtype. Drawback Nervous: When taking 10 on check with penalty failure, 8 instead of 10. Feats Toughness
Dervish Dance
Skills (18 points; 12 class, 2 INT, 4 background)
Acrobatics* +7=DEX+3+1+3
*ACP applies to these skills
Languages Common, Kelish, Elven, Halfling Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Half-Elf: Elven Immunities:
Dual Minded:
Keen Senses:
Low-Light Vision:
Elf Blood:
Bard: Battle Dance:
Inspire Courage (Su):
Countersong (Su):
Distraction (Su):
Fascinate (Su):
Versatile Performance (Ex)
The types of Perform and their associated skills are: Act (Bluff, Disguise), Comedy (Bluff, Intimidate), Dance (Acrobatics, Fly), Keyboard Instruments (Diplomacy, Intimidate), Oratory (Diplomacy, Sense Motive), Percussion (Handle Animal, Intimidate), Sing (Bluff, Sense Motive), String (Bluff, Diplomacy), and Wind (Diplomacy, Handle Animal). Well-Versed (Ex)
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ 0th (at will) Ghost Sound
1st (3/day) Cure Light Wounds
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Chain Shirt +1 Ring of Protection Scimitar Dagger Sling Sling Stones (10) Bedroll (Home) Blanket (Home) Backpack Belt Pouch Flint & Steel Soap Mirror String (50') Candle (x2) Iron Holy Symbol (Sarenrae) (Hidden at Home) Holy Text ("The Birth of Light and Truth") (Hidden at Home) Journal Vial of Ink Pen Scroll Case Paper (5 Sheets) Sealing Wax Waterskin Tea Bottle of Wine Flask of Lamp Oil Carrying Capacity
Money 25 GP 9 SP 2 CP
Sholti was born in Kintargo to Khatijah, a Kelish woman originally from Absalom. Khatijah had relocated to Kintargo after receiving a newly purchased shipping business as her inheritance. During her first several years in Kintargo, Khatijah struggled mightily to turn her small business into a success. Being an outsider in the city made it all the more difficult to make inroads against some of the local noble families and their entrenched interests. Khatijah was successful in carving away business from the Vashnarstills in shipping, but failed in her attempts to gain entry into the silver trade against the Aulorian family. There are still some tensions between Sholti's family and these two noble families as a result of the wrangling that took place. The demands of work left little time for Khatijah to consider marriage in those early years, and Sholti was the result of a short affair with an Elven man during that time. When she was established later Khatijah did arrange to marry Ferran, a man from an allied family in Absalom. Khatijah and Ferran never produced any children of their own, and Sholti is quite close to her step-father. At the age of 14 Sholti left Kintargo to attend a private school in Absalom. Khatijah sent her to the far-away city for a number of reasons. Not only was the school a finer one than was available locally, and free of diabolic taint, but she wished for her daughter to connect with her larger family. As a junior branch of the Amalasand House, it was important for Sholti to establish personal connections with senior members of the family. A family connection alone would not guarantee influence, or the ability to access financial support for further business expansions in the future like personal connections would. Sholti duly got her education, made good impressions with the right family members, and beyond that connected with her Kelish roots. With so few Kelish residents in Kintargo, Sholti's earlier life had been very much a Chelaxian one outside her home. Sholti's interest in religion was bolstered by her experiences in Absalom, where the church is prominent. She trained in dance at the Sarenite Temple, and made a commitment to herself to work to expand Sarerae's influence back home when she returned. Upon reaching majority Sholti returned to Kintargo. Aside from seeing her family again after her long absence, she is very anxious to make the acquaintance of Shensen. Shensen is well known as a star performer even in Absalom. The fact the she is also a Half-Elf and a prominent worshipper of Sarenrae makes her even more intriguing to Sholti. Sholti arrived back home in Kintargo barely more than a week before the Night of Ashes. Appearance and Personality:
Height: 5'7 Weight: 135 Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Amber Brown Sholti is shorter than average for a Half-Elf, so while she is taller than many of the human women around her, she is not conspicuously so. Her dusky skin tone sets her apart from the majority of humans in Kintargo, where pale Chelaxian skin is the norm. Sholti has her hair cut short, a style much more in line with fashion in Absalom than Cheliax. Most of the time Sholti dresses in typical Chelaxian fashion. She usually wears trousers with boots and likes long, knee length coats or jackets in rich fabrics like velvet or brocade. She likes to add flair to the typically somber Chelaxian clothing palette with slashes of color, like a bright waistcoat or a waist sash in a Qadiran print. In bad weather Sholti wears a wide-brimmed felt hat to keep the rain off. Although Sholti doesn't favor dresses, she will wear them if the occasion requires it. Personality Sholti is very motivated to seek harmony in her relationships with others. She is willing to put the needs and desires of others before her own to a greater extent than most people. Her mother is a strong and determined personality. Growing up, Sholti (and for that matter her step-father Ferran) found that letting Khatijah have her way was the path of least resistance to peace in the house. Instead of being forceful and confrontational, Sholti learned to use reason and negotiation to find ways to satisfy everyone as much as possible. An example of this has been her approach to her own future. For Khatifa there has never been any question that Sholti will take her place when the time is right. Sholti has little interest in doing so, and wants to be a performer. But rather than argue one against the other, she has decided that she can show her mother it is possible to do both. In truth, Sholti isn't really cut out for a career in trade. She is too altruistic, lacking the cutthroat instincts needed to seek advantages at a cost to others. Compared to many Half-Elves she has been fortunate. Her mixed blood has never been an issue within her own family, and both Kintargo and Absalom are accepting enough for Sholti to not experience any real prejudice. She has been so firmly entrenched in human society that she rarely considers her Elven side in any depth. Sholti takes her worship of Sarenrae seriously but is no fanatic. She considers herself a dancer first and foremost, and has never really considered what she learned to be a weapon in any real sense. |