Using a tablet for Pathfinder

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

For those who use a tablet while playing Pathfinder, what programs do you use and what resources do you have? I'd like to be able to search for spells, class abilities, etc. and keep my character sheet on a tablet. Thanks.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I use HeroLab by Lone Wolf Development to track my characters. I know other people have just used regular spreadsheets and such.

Now that the rules in the Roleplaying Guild Guide have changed to make it allowable, I'm in the process of moving over to using scanned chronicles and spreadsheets for the ITS. This is very much a work in progress.

I use a PDF reader (Goodreader in my case) for viewing the PDFs of the rulebooks. Since HeroLab will tell me which book something comes out of, that works relatively well.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Bare in mind that Hero Lab doesn't work on Android products however.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Does it work for Kindle Fire? That is what I'm looking at buying.

I am very much not a tech person, so if I ask very stupid questions, please bear with me.

Liberty's Edge

I use Masterwork Tools: Pathfinder Open Reference for the rule books on my Kindle Fire.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

To my knowledge, neither Goodreader nor HeroLab are available for Kindle Fire.

LWD is producing an option called HeroLab Online that is supposed to allow you to use any device to access your characters. I have not used that product so I can not comment on how useful it is.

There should be other options for the Kindle Fire. I know that you can send PDFs for conversion to Kindle format so you shouldn't have any problems viewing your rulebooks.

Theconiel wrote:
I use Masterwork Tools: Pathfinder Open Reference for the rule books on my Kindle Fire.

Seconded. Pretty much my whole gaming group uses Masterwork Tools. I also use Pathbuilder and Spell Tracker.

I love having my rulebooks available on my tablet, particularly when I go to conventions. Not having to lug around a satchel of books is, by comparison, delightful.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I found an article that mentions, the Pathfinder SRD Wiki, and the Pathfinder Reference Document.

Also, what programs help you keep track of your character sheet? The Herolab one is unavailable for Kindle Fire.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Bill Dunn wrote:
I love having my rulebooks available on my tablet, particularly when I go to conventions. Not having to lug around a satchel of books is, by comparison, delightful.

That's my idea. I'm not getting any younger, and those rulebooks are getting heavier.

I use a spreadsheet for my charactersheet, and write most of my spells/extracts in there. If i dont, or I acquire a new ome in session, I'll use the PRD/d20PFSRD to look up the spell.

Apple Tablet, Polaris Office. The spreadsheet program was a lot cheaper than getting Hero Labs and from what I have read, more reliable.
I keep my spreadsheet at home up to date and update the charactersheet on the tablet regularly. I can even email the character sheet to the GM when they want the update after I level.

Silver Crusade

Actually, the Kindle Fire may not work with Herolab, but Herolab does have an option to save your character sheet as a pdf, which can then be added to the Kindle Fire, I've done that with both a basic kindle and a Nook, while keeping my books on the Nook, so I can look it up while keeping my character sheet open.

I used a Samsung NotePro 12.2" (Android) for a couple years, and it was... adequate. Full PDF library of my rulebooks... fine. Masterwork Tools as mentioned above... good. Tablet browser... okay.

When it died, I went back to a laptop, and won't look back. Having an actual keyboard is useful. Having a full multi-browser choice is useful. Having a fully-featured PDF viewer is useful. Sure, it's (much) more expensive than a tablet, but you get what you pay for.

the Pathbuilder App is great for quickly putting a character together and can generate a character sheet or stat block pdf. I have it on my android phone.

Other than some painting apps for sketching out battlemaps/dungeons, the internet for d20pfsrd, the Pathfinder PRD, and PathfinderWiki, the Google suite is pretty much all I need.

I own a PC and an iPad Air 2. I use Herolab for character creation. I use an app called Game Master (GM) for campaign creation and running the game (same developer that makes Fight Club). I also use Goodreader for storing, accessing, and searching my digital books (PDF).

I encourage my players to keep a digital character sheet (Myth-Weavers) so I don't have to borrow their physical copies to update my information in the Game Master app. I also use Herolab to store my players character data and ensure everything is legit.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
djdust wrote:

the Pathbuilder App is great for quickly putting a character together and can generate a character sheet or stat block pdf. I have it on my android phone.

Other than some painting apps for sketching out battlemaps/dungeons, the internet for d20pfsrd, the Pathfinder PRD, and PathfinderWiki, the Google suite is pretty much all I need.

Okay, now we're talking. What's Google suite?

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