Throw Anything feat with non-proficient weapon

Rules Questions

Okay munchkins, let's get this done.

1. What happens when I use the Throw Anything feat to start chucking actual weapons?
2a. Do they still do the same damage? 2b. What if I'm not proficient in them?
(I already realize that they gain a crit range and multiplier of 20/x2 regardless of the weapon's listing.)


You just use the penalties for non proficiency, it's a weapon, not "anything".

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

1. If they have a ranged increment, then you use the non-proficiency rules (And the damage rules within their statblock). If they do not, they are an improvised weapon.

2a. The damage is whatever your GM determines, but my suggestion would be that a weapon not designed to be thrown would do less damage than it's melee counterpart.

2b. It'd still use the improvised weapon part. You are not proficient with a dresser, yet you don't take a -8. Just a -4.

Unasked question: They have a range increment of 10ft and a max of 5 range increments.

My general HOUSERULE of thumb is that I treat the weapon as one size smaller if you are using it improperly and each misuse of it. So, say you have a longsword (1d8 normally) and throw it. The longsword would do 1d6 damage. If you wanted it to also do Bludgeoning (still thrown), I'd make it 1d4 damage.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

TrinitysEnd is right on
2a) I’d add that use the improvised by size suggestions in the improvised rules.

So, no hard and fast rules, is what I'm hearing. :-)

#1: "It is possible to throw a weapon that isn't designed to be thrown (that is, a melee weapon that doesn't have a numeric entry in the Range column on Table: Weapons), and a character who does so takes a –4 penalty on the attack roll." Core rules under thrown weapons.

#2a Same damage, as nothing in thrown weapons says to do otherwise.

#2b take an extra -4 to hit.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
graystone wrote:

#1: "It is possible to throw a weapon that isn't designed to be thrown (that is, a melee weapon that doesn't have a numeric entry in the Range column on Table: Weapons), and a character who does so takes a –4 penalty on the attack roll." Core rules under thrown weapons.

#2a Same damage, as nothing in thrown weapons says to do otherwise.

#2b take an extra -4 to hit.

Fair point. This is actually correct. My mistake. Improvised rules are for objects not intended to be weapons. Though I think I will likely keep my house rules as what I said above (as they make more logical sense to me). But that said, the answers are what Graystone put and not I.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Um. Ok, fair.

+1 to what graystone said.

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So, as a sorcerer, if I pick up a sharp piece of slag roughly the size of a long sword and throw it using Throw Anything, it does damage as a long sword, scores a critical hit on a natural 20, and will do x2 damage on a critical hit.
But if I pick up an actual long sword and throw it using Throw Anything, I suffer a -4 penalty to the attack?
That seems very odd. Or am I missing some nuance?

o00obiffo00o wrote:
So, as a sorcerer, if I pick up a sharp piece of slag roughly the size of a long sword and throw it using Throw Anything, it does damage as a long sword, scores a critical hit on a natural 20, and will do x2 damage on a critical hit.

Right except for the damage part. The it's Dm fiat what damage it does, so they might say it's 1d6, 1d4 or something else.

o00obiffo00o wrote:

But if I pick up an actual long sword and throw it using Throw Anything, I suffer a -4 penalty to the attack?

That seems very odd. Or am I missing some nuance?

One mistake is that you are NOT using Throw Anything, you're just using the normal rules: the weapons aren't improvised. Secondly, because of that you use the exact damage, crit, magic, ect of the weapon: this means a +4 flaming bane greatsword has all it's effects if it hits. Or you can 'play darts' with a rapier and keep it's crit of 18-20.

graystone: You're illuminating a whole can of worms, here.

I thought the Throw Anything feat would allow you to throw non-ranged weapons as if they were ranged, but with the below restrictions.

You mention the weapon being thrown keeping all its qualities. However, it does lose it's threat range and multiplier.

"Thrown Weapons: The wielder applies his Strength modifier to damage dealt by thrown weapons (except for splash weapons). It is possible to throw a weapon that isn’t designed to be thrown (that is, a melee weapon that doesn’t have a numeric entry in the Range column on Table: Weapons), and a character who does so takes a –4 penalty on the attack roll. Throwing a light or one-handed weapon is a standard action, while throwing a two-handed weapon is a full-round action. Regardless of the type of weapon, such an attack scores a threat only on a natural 20 and deals double damage on a critical hit. Such a weapon has a range increment of 10 feet."

See also this discussion: vised-weapon/112982#112982

o00obiffo00o: Ah, you are correct on crits. I was thinking they kept them and missed it on a quick glance. Nothing suggests that it doesn't keep it's enhancement bonuses to hit or other magic properties though.

As to the link debate, the FAQ points out that you can use part of a weapon as an improvised weapon: in the case of the spear, you're using the haft as a 1 handed weapon. Nothing points to being able to use the whole weapon as a improvised weapon though. For instance, using a weapon in an improvised way, like throwing and non-lethal just results in "a –4 penalty on your attack roll" that's not called out as improvised.

AS such, I'd stick with my initial thoughts. You can't do what you wanted to: throw weapons as improvised weapons. If that's what you want, look at adventurer's armory 2 and the improvised weapon section. There is an improvised weapon quality called "Weapon-Like". These are wall hanger swords, replicas, training weapons, ect. So you can LOOK like you're throwing longswords if that's what you want.

EDIT: adventurer's armory 2 also gave guidelines for weapon damage die and handedness.

In general [for medium]:
improvised light, 1d4
improvised one-handed, 1d6
improvised two-handed weapons, 1d8

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Well, what I WANT is to throw greatswords, greataxes, and greatclubs.

But as was stated in the other debate (I believe), having the Throw Anything feat grant you proficiency in every weapon just as long as you throw it seems absurd.

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o00obiffo00o wrote:

Well, what I WANT is to throw greatswords, greataxes, and greatclubs.

But as was stated in the other debate (I believe), having the Throw Anything feat grant you proficiency in every weapon just as long as you throw it seems absurd.

You most likely missed my edit, but improvised two handed weapons generally do 1d8 damage and is a FULL round action... That's not really a great strategy.

PS: All 2 handed thrown weapons are full-round action throws without the Two-Handed Thrower feat.

I did miss that; apologies.

I had assumed such damage due to the increase in damage from Improvised Weapon Mastery feat.

So my next post is apparently, "How to throw a two-handed weapon?"

o00obiffo00o wrote:

I did miss that; apologies.

I had assumed such damage due to the increase in damage from Improvised Weapon Mastery feat.

So my next post is apparently, "How to throw a two-handed weapon?"

Quick draw + Two-Handed Thrower feat + 15 str allow throwing throwing at your full normal rate of attacks.

If your question is how to throw actual greatswords, greataxes, and greatclubs... There really isn't a good way. My best suggestion is still to have improvised weapons that LOOK like those weapons (i.e. "Weapon-Like").

Yeah, I'm thinking of arguing with the DM that I'm using the 3 as improvised weapons (i.e. at a lesser damage).

But I still feel there must be a way to do it without the penalty. This IS a fantasy RPG, after all. :-)

o00obiffo00o wrote:

Yeah, I'm thinking of arguing with the DM that I'm using the 3 as improvised weapons (i.e. at a lesser damage).

But I still feel there must be a way to do it without the penalty. This IS a fantasy RPG, after all. :-)

Well, there IS... You just have to enchant each and every weapon you want to throw with the throwing enchant. ;)

I must admit, I'm unsure WHY you want to throw actual weapons is you aren't worried about using them as improvised weapons: why not JUST use improvised weapons in that case? What is it about actual weapons that changes things for you?

PS: I'm also curious how you plan to make it viable to carry multiple two handed weapons to throw around, as they are both heavy and cumbersome, especially if you're planning to toss multiple ones per round.

I'm one of those annoying people who often put fluff above crunch*. ;-)
(I realize the hypocrisy of this statement when considering the below use of the oft-considered overpowered Godling classes by Super Genius Games.)

I'm making a barbaric caster.
The character is using the Eldritch Godling class, and has chosen Str as their primary casting stat.
They have taken the Giant Bloodline from In One's Blood by Spes Magna Games. As a bonus, this bloodline grants enhanced throwing abilities (lessening range penalties and upping damage), so I thought I'd try to get the most out of it.
I'd like to chuck around the biggest weapons I can. I'd like to chuck around the weapons that his mundane clansfolk wield in melee. 'Cause I like the idea of him seeming very savage/barbaric, carrying around big melee weapons, and then surprising everyone when he starts spell-slinging and tossing cabers and headsman's axes.

I've come (back) to the idea of him just using improvised items that very, VERY strongly resemble the weapons I want him to appear to be using.
However, while I realize it isn't the most efficient build, I'd still like it to scale with level. Tossing slag steel and tree trunks is fine for the early levels, but eventually he's going to need some magic.
I realize I could just use my eldritch might to scare the items into becoming temporarily magical (i.e. magic weapon), but my spells are limited. And I'm really trying to go for a CASTER, not a buffer.

The 'sharding' weapon enchantment has been mentioned, as well. Fun and flavourful, but even starting at 8th level, I can't even afford one +1 sharding greataxe at 18k, as I've a 16.5k item max.

As for encumbrance, I'm not wearing any armour, and am walking around with a natural Str 21 at 8th level (17, +2 Human, +1 4th, +1 8th), and will of course have a Belt of Mighty Hurling (+2 Str), for a constant 23. 25 at 11th due to Fitness Mystery. 26 at 12th due to +1 at 12th.
Also, as a caster, my BAB isn't going to let me toss too many around...a round. This is more of a better-than-acid-splash per round fallback.

So, again, tossing big jeezily weapons is purely to satisfy my mind's eye.
Maybe I'll just have to bite it and cast magic weapon. Maybe I'll just get a wand for it. But that's so...clunky (pun not intended). Maybe I'll just have to have fun asking the local crafter to enchant my scrap of well-folded metal and fancy tree branch. (I know, I know. Hard to make a masterwork improvised weapon.)

I still feel there should be away for characters to toss around weapons. Agreed, a feat that effectively allows you to do that with any proficient weapon is ludicrous. But, maybe a feat that allows you to do it with one? Or maybe one weapon group?

I'm still not sure why 'weapon like' improvised weapons and Gloves of improvised might doesn't satisfy the "idea of him just using improvised items that very, VERY strongly resemble the weapons I want him to appear to be using" and getting you the "magic" you need...

The gloves give magic enhancement bonuses to the weapons and the 'weapon like' weapons allow the look you want while allowing throw anything to work. Sounds like a win/win.

graystone: You hadn't mentioned the gloves before...! They are awesomely awesome. Perfect. Just what a muscle mage needs. I flex my muscles appreciatively in your specific direction. Thank you.

Glad I could help and sorry I didn't mention the gloves earlier: I thought I had but it must have been a different thread. Happy gaming!

Liberty's Edge

You may want to look at using Sledge (hammers). The ultimate equipment says to treat them as improvised earth breakers in combat, so it is an improvised weapon with rules behind it. Makes it easier to on the GM when you can point to a spot for damage.

Oooh, I second that. Hammer time!

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