Looking for Advice on Character Builds for Mummys Mask


As the title says I am looking for ideas on 2 builds for my son and I. He wants to play a Samauri while I am leaning towards an undead killing Cleric or divine caster.

Are there any Samauri archetypes that swap out the mount feature and are perhaps somewhat thematic for the sand?

Ideas on undead slayer?

Thanks for your suggestions.

Sovereign Blade archetype can be that, if you squint. Avoid Sword Saint archetype at all cost, though. There'd be a lot more to say about a cavalier desert build, but samurai are ok too.

Grand Lodge

I second the sovereign blade archetype for the samurai, as it'll probably be the more fun archetype for your son. That said, I'm partial to the yojimbo archetype, but I like builds with armor training and protecting others.

If you've already got a cleric in the party, then an inquisitor or warpriest can be a lot of fun. Otherwise I'd look at a life oracle. Lots of channels, and depending on the curse you take there's a lot of offensive spells that can be added for your disposal. Take Selective Channel as soon as possible then take the Purifying Channel feat. This way you can harm undead with positive energy or select out living creatures and set them on fire. Later on you can get Quick Channel to do it as a move action.

I'm currently running Mummy's Mask and the life oracle is pretty much all that stands in the way of the party constantly getting taken down.

Cleric of keltheald, sun domain and travel. Sun is great for undead, travel is great for everything.

Clerics are great.

Throw on blossoming light archetype and you can channel more and get daylight more...but you can fall like a paladin...

I was hoping for the Sun and Fire domain for the blast spells, but the Blossoming Light archetype looks almost perfect for my concept. Since I would not get the bonus spells/spell slots the blast spells are no longer an issue and Sun and Fire domains make the most sense.

Are there any traits or feats or abilities that allow + damage to channeling to Harm Undead? I know the Sun Domain does, but anything else?

Regarding the Samurai I agree the Sovereign Blade looks best, but I will gently encourage him to look at the Cavalier as there seem to be many more options with that class. Is there a desert themed Cavalier?

Grand Lodge

Krell44 wrote:

Are there any traits or feats or abilities that allow + damage to channeling to Harm Undead? I know the Sun Domain does, but anything else?

Regarding the Samurai I agree the Sovereign Blade looks best, but I will gently encourage him to look at the Cavalier as there seem to be many more options with that class. Is there a desert themed Cavalier?

You'll probably want to have a look at the Regional trait, Child of the Necropolis from the Undead Slayer's Handbook. It grants +1d6 damage when channeling positive energy to harm undead. There's also the Religion trait, Cleansing Light, which lets you re-roll 1's on channel dice when harming undead. It's from Inner Sea Gods.

As for the cavalier, you're probably looking for the dune drifter archetype from Inner Sea Combat. You keep the mount though, and you use guns, so I'm not sure if you'd actually want that or not.

I've just finished running Mummy's Mask and one of my players played a very effective cleric of Horus. Had the Sun and Nobility domains, was great against undead, served as an excellent party face, and provided pretty much all the healing/condition removal you could ever want.

Along with preparations for undead, keep swarms and constructs (hardness/DR) in mind as well.

Qadiran horselord from inner sea combat would be thematically be appropriate. It keeps mount and adds desert abilities. I personally think sovereign blade is a weaker class than base samurai.

My vote for an Undead Slayer is to work in the Osirian deity Sekhmet. Sun goddess, Destruction domain, lions; I can't help but think there is a lot of fun to be had there.

I'm in a Mummy's mask game right now. Our cleric is one of Pharasma with the Healing and repose domains, and makes a very effective undead killer. Neither increases his channel damage against undead, but repose lets you stagger lock undead with no save.

There is also a lot of Pharasma going on in the AP so it works well thematically.

If you wanted to be real gamy, Shizuru the Tian god has repose and sun domains.

My son has decided against the Samurai (for now) and is intent on building a Catfolk Rogue of some type. Catfolk is his favored race and it seems it might fit (at least somewhat) thematically. The guide lists the Trapsmith and Burglar archetypes as solid choice, but he is leaning towards the Cat Burglar racial archetype.

We plan to tinker with this a bit to discover good ways to:

Increase Perception (Wisdom Penalty on Catfolks hurts)
Increase To-Hit
Leaning on a way to use a two-handed weapon as dual wielding as a rogue can compromise his ability to hit things consistently.

You may want to look at using claws. Catfolk have a rogue talent (vicious claws) that give d8 sneak attack with claws.

If he takes the alternate racial trait cat's claws and the adopted orc trait tusked, he can have 3 natural attacks at level 1.

Yup, the Natural Attacks is the other option he was looking into. But you trade out the bonus to Perception for it...and if he is our Trap Spotter we are hoping he can actually spot them.

But along the lines of claw/claw/bite or tusk, there is also a catfolk item that they wear on the claws which can be enchanted and I'm sure fashioned from adamantine/silver/cold iron.

Lots to think about.

Silver Crusade

Sun domain for an undead-killer cleric is amazing, because not only do you get the damage bonus, but also you ignore channel resistance.

If you don't want to trade out natural hunter, you can burn a feat in catfolk exemplar to get claws. It wouldn't be my choice, but it's an option.

A bigger problem with catfolk rogue is going to be saves; especially will saves. I always think about a dip into paladin when considering these type of builds for that reason. Otherwise, at least consider the trait irrepressible to get CHA to mind affecting will saves.

Advise him such an archetype as Vexing Dodger

Grand Lodge

We have a catfolk in our party, but she's a fighter. She does alright for herself. Iron Will is very much a staple feat for her due to the low Wisdom. Your son might want to consider Indomitable Faith as a trait.

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