Savage Tide AP recruitment (start in Magnimar, pathfinder conversion)


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This campaign will be the savage tide adventure path. This will be set in Magnimar. Those that have not played this before there are strong sailing elements, the gods most used are Gozreh, Nethys, Asmodous, Rovagug; in this iteration. I will be trying to use info from the shatterstar players guide if you need any ideas, and Magnimar- city of monuments supplemental guide. I will try to tie your characters into the elements in this AP based upon the characters chosen . This will be a interest check/Recruitment thread. However to be up front, if I don't have at least 12-15 submissions I will not be starting the campaign. This recruitment thread will go roughly 2 weeks and looking for 5-6 players. everyone will be either pathfinder lodge members from out of town or from Magnimar. (depending on your traits)

- Characters are level 1
- starting wealth 350 gp
- All Classes allowed; and unchained classes, core races only
- NO third party publishing sources allowed!
- All other Paizo books will be allowed
- any two traits- (can take a campaign trait from shattered star, but not any others) can take drawback for additional.
- 20 point buy with no stat above 18 or below 8
- Recruitment will be based more on RP than class preferences
- We will be using background skills.
- Hit Points max first level, 3/4th all subsequent levels.
- Please pay more attention to your background than your build. I am far more interested in who you are than what you are.
- evil characters will even be considered but only in terms of evil greed, lust, power, etc. not betrayal to your group. your character must be loyal to the lodge.
- Will be using escalated Fear rules in Horror adventures.
- everyone will be pathfinder lodge members that is the opening hook (either from out of town or a local).

1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas.
5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.
6) Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Line Developer

Oooh! Awesome! I'd love to play in Savage Tide.

I'll give this some thought and have a submission in a day or so.

Glad to see you recruiting again, Darkwing. I'll get something together for this.

Saying that you won’t run it without 12-15 submissions is going to hurt this recruitment. Making a character takes time, and nobody wants to put effort in with a good chance of it going to waste.

I'm dotting for interest! I've never even heard of savage tide.

I'm thinking a boxer/palooka from out of town. Works as a sailor, but the money to be made for gladiators and fighters kept him in Magnimar a bit too long. The sczarni wanted him to take a fall.

Sounds interesting. I'll see what I can come up with. :)

I like being up front with people to help build the trust , if it hurts it so be it, but I think setting a expectation is better. I’m hoping no one takes offense.

This sounds great! I will probably be submitting a magnimar native, just need to find the right character.

Silver Crusade

I'm confused. You reference the Shattered Star players guide, you're starting in Magnimar, we're Pathfinders. All of which makes it seem like you're running Shattered Star.

But you say its Savage Tide which (at least according to Wikipedia) is an old 3.5 Adventure Path set in Greyhawk.

I've never played either of these but they seem from the brief blurbs to be totally different adventures.

He's converting the old 3.5 adventure.

@pauljathome- the shattered star player guide fit the Savage tide setting the closest. I'm not doing the shattered star I'm just using references in it and Magnimar city books to add the savage tide adventure path in Galorian. Its just a simple conversion using some of the same hooks.

Count me interested! Never played or read Savage Tide, so I'm intrigued!

Quick question: what's the verdict on pre-game crafting? I'm thinking an alchemist rogue or fighter and this would help determine starting equipment.

Very interested. One of the original Paizo AP's.

I'm thinking either Druid or Cleric, I'll try a few builds and see what works best for me?

Dotting for interest. I'd love to go with this.

However... I have played the Savage Tide adventure path (all the way through to level 20, though I missed some parts of it due to summer vacations). Would that present a problem? I think I'm pretty good at not meta-gaming, but I understand if the DM would prefer differently.

there will be a little changing. Most people are pretty good about not meta-gaming, so I don't care if you played before.

I wanted to give a little bit more info. because I know some people like having more background to work with for their characters to find more motivation.

a very high level summery of some of what will happen. This might not be 100% cannon from pathfinder, but who is to say what really happened. everything in the history books could be rumors.

The thessilonian's civilization ended quite abruptly. no one knows exactly why. It is believed that the Emperor Xin was Immolated by his own magics. Others believed that the Runelords turned against and killed him. Yet still other history books believed that Xin created a great artifact that turned against him. The Pathfinder society doesn't know, do they? or will they know soon. The story of the heroes will begin in the city of Magnimar helping a fellow pathfinder member. the story will take the heroes from the city after finding out about a prophecy of Rovagug. that tells of the end of all things. enemy's aplenty they meet along the way. Assassins, and Scarzani become involved. they heroes learn of a secret Island that a hidden monument to the Thessilonains was found. Found a town, weather storms along the way and also travel to the Crimson citadel; home to the Red mantis assassins. Throughout it all you will meet steadfast friends. Opportunistic merchants and scum that belong in the deepest Abyss. a avatar of Asmodeon "the Demogorgon" makes a appearance. The heroes also hear of the famous island of dread. A island that no one knows where it is, but is rumored to be inhabited by Dinosaurs.

I have a character statted and ready for consideration, but I still need to complete the Background questions. I will get those completed, but I wanted to go ahead and post my character for your initial perusal.

Bennevy is an archaeologist bard. Let me know if you have any questions about him so far.

I’ve had an idea kicking around for a while for an Apocalypse Oracle (wrecker curse) tainted by Groetus, who was taken in by a cult that believed she was an omen that the end times had begun, and that she would naturally play an important part in it. Her shtick is that she wants nothing to do with it, and tries to avoid/ignore the whole thing at all costs, and generally feels more like a bad-luck charm than anything else.

It’s just an idea so far, and I could definitely alter the idea to fit the campaign, like switching from Groetus to Rovagug. I’d love to give it a shot, but would someone like this be a good fit for the campaign?

Zaboom! wrote:

I’ve had an idea kicking around for a while for an Apocalypse Oracle (wrecker curse) tainted by Groetus, who was taken in by a cult that believed she was an omen that the end times had begun, and that she would naturally play an important part in it. Her shtick is that she wants nothing to do with it, and tries to avoid/ignore the whole thing at all costs, and generally feels more like a bad-luck charm than anything else.

It’s just an idea so far, and I could definitely alter the idea to fit the campaign, like switching from Groetus to Rovagug. I’d love to give it a shot, but would someone like this be a good fit for the campaign?

As someone who has run the campaign multiple times, albeit in Greyhawk, that concept could be both hilarious and interesting.

I don't know all the changes DarkWingD is making to convert it to Golarion, but I have a feeling that a character like that could have an interesting connection to the story. Especially if you play up her taking the blame for any random bad stuff that happens.

I think it's a good idea. Stick with Groetus in my opinion.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Groetus is the freakiest! Love that deity.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Autocorrect turned "dreamiest" into freakiest, because I guess it knows.


I wonder if some of the Skull and Shackles traits would be of help.

@Zaboom!- sure that character could fit, maybe wanting to "stick it to the gods type because they ruined her life by choosing her. Could also be relevant that way she seems less of a victim." that could still be a Oracle of Groetus or Rovagug.

@Gnomezrule- I thought about it, but was afraid that it would confuse people giving more options. I'm not against anyone choosing a skull and shackle campaign trait as long as it fits with the overall concept of the character.

I will apply with a Shoanti Slayer.

Digger Chandler's submission here!

I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.:

The Popescus have always been fishermen and sailors. They just never sailed very far. Victor would like to change that.
He got into performance combat because what he really wants to do is *act.* (He’s just way better at fighting.)
His reputation is more about his durability than his talent or strength.
Self-loathingly down on Magnimar and Varisia/Varisians in general.
Looks like an ugly brute, but has the heart of a (bad) poet.

Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.:

Visit faraway lands
Acquire “fans.”

Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.:

He quit the fights and won small notoriety by NOT taking a fall when he was supposed to ...but he actually won by accident and had decided to take the fall.
His brother is still alive.

3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas.:

Mama: Popescu’s mother still lives in their old hut near the sea. She is rather elderly but hasn’t fallen prey to age ...yet.
Petar: Popescu’s intelligent, artistic younger brother, who he mistreated out of jealousy but defended from any other mistreatment, thought dead, but secretly given away when they didn’t think he could earn his keep.
Teodora: Pupescu’s sister, Petar’s intellect mixed with Victor’s athletic ability. Takes care of Mama but has her own kids as well.
Moussa Kaba: A Mwangi fisherman Popescu enjoys a quiet friendship with

Well, the Sczarni aren’t too pleased with him right now. Specifically a local lieutenant named Ionescu, who oversaw most of the bookies for the fights and got demoted when Popescu won. His lead enforcer, a pale Ustalavian named Niculescu, is rumored to not be quite human. A Chelish woman named Giovata Scipio took Ionescu’s place and may have had something to do with the accidental win.
“Big” Brutus Taurus, the fighter he was supposed to lose to lost more than his dignity that night.

Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission. [/spoiler:

Memory One:
Long time past. I was working under Papa already, Petar still at home doing ...whatever it was he did. Readin or writin or some such, no doubt. Waters was rough on that day, as they sometimes are. Ropes bit hard, and like a true fool I’d forgot my gloves so by time we got back, m’hands were stung with blood and salt. We come in and Petar up and runs right at me, like he did, back in such times. I ain’t even got to wash up yet and he’s shovin some fool scribblin in my face. I snatch it away and look at it. It’s a drawin, and I can actually tell what it is about. It’s me and Petar, holdin hands with a big heart-shape (not how a man’s heart looks for real, I found out). I’m just starin at it and how he even got my big ugly nose right, but not like he was teasin me. And I guess it’s the day out and the waters and the hands and all such, whatever, I start shakin a bit. I look down where my hands is holdin the picture and I see my stupid bloody hands got blood all over it. My face got hot and I ripped up the picture. “Useless s*!#!” I said. I got punished for sayin the cuss, but not the rest. All that night in the closet I tried to draw us but my hands ain’t no good for such.

Memory 2
Earlier that day some jackass called Petar a name and spat at him. He broke my nose but I broke his arm. Petar said this time the nosebreak might put it back where it was originally, but truth is, even then I couldn’t remember what that looked like. “Take me sailing,” he said. I figured he was just tryin to make me feel better and that made me feel ashamed. I called him the same stupid name and pushed him away. “Where are you going?” he asked, still not mad, gods damn him. I said some more choice words what I won’t repeat here and he stayed there near the boats. Never saw him again.

Memory 3
I’d always wondered what it’d be like, how hard it would be, how hard I’d fight: gettin asked to take a fall. You fight in these pits, it’s more of a “when” than an “if.” You hear the stories of the guys that refuse with a mix of admiration and contempt. But I’ll be damned if I’ve met anyone who actually knows one. I was relieved a bit when it ended up bein’ easy. I needed the money, Mama deserved her money, and it ain’t like this ugly mug can get much attention from women without payin. Didn’t need no time to consider, yeah, I’ll take the fall, yes sir, sure.

And I was gonna, I really was. I even got to do some pretendin Petar and me used to back then when makin up who you were was what you did for fun. I was a guy who drank too much before a big fight, got scared, you know, needed that liquid courage. Walked all wobbly, dumb(er) look on my mug, you can picture it.

I was fighting “Big” Brutus Taurus, and even if you never seen him fight, I bet you got a picture in your head pretty damn close to reality. I honestly wasn’t sure I’d even have to throw it, guy was so big. Well, I’m pretendin--supposed to call it actin but that don’t feel right--and throwin bad punches and such but I guess I’m thinkin more about the pretendin than the fightin and next thing I know Big Brutus is down at my feet, sleepin better’n I ever have. The crowd lost their minds, and it was one of the best things I ever felt, to tell it true. But that feelin got interrupted by the growin feelin of “I done f!~~ed up bad this time.” It was time for a new line of work, and, if possible, to get far as hell away from the damned Sczarni.

Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic.:

Victor is incredibly terrified of injury to eyes (especially his own).

Bringing up Valerie Victrix, an exile from Hermea, an island not too far from Magnimar (originally created for a Rise of the Runelords game, but she fits here too with minimal background tweaks).


Hermea, island of mysteries. Home of the new and improved humanity, the perfect society. Under the protection of a golden dragon who wishes to guide humanity into a new age of enlightenment and perfection.

But no one inherits a place there. Even the children must be tested when they reach adulthood, to see if they are fit to enter the new world.

Valerie failed the tests. It was the worst day of her life, and she doesn't know why. (No one is ever told why; it keeps outsiders from trying to game the tests.) She had to leave in the spring. The Council gave her gear and clothing and weapons from the common treasury, and a voucher for passage across the Steaming Sea. Her mother wished her well. Her father, born in Magnimar, told her that some Hermean children in the past had gone out into the world and come back home as heroes, having earned a place.

The first night on the ship, she vowed that she would be a hero, and return one day to the Golden Isle and the beaches where she grew up. She would join her parents as a disciple of Mengkare.

When the ship docked in Varisia, she disembarked, got down on shore, and stood there wondering what to do. Everything in Hermea had been planned and organized; this city was chaos.

"It's not so bad," said a bird perched on the dock railing beside her. "There's always a need for heroes."

"I didn't think birds usually talked," Valerie said dubiously. They certainly hadn't at home.

"Well, most of us don't", the bird said, "but there was a nice lady somewhere who thinks you could be beautiful, Silverhair. Really beautiful, soul as well as body. Follow me, and see!" It fluttered off.

And Valerie followed.

She found a (temporary) job exhibiting feats of arms and a certain amount of (non-lethal) combat at Magnimar's hippodrome, but sees the Pathfinder lodge as perhaps a more useful and heroic thing to do.

[spoiler=Five points that capture the concept]
1 - Physically well-trained, mentally unprepared
2 - Wants to be a hero without really knowing what heroism is
3 - Exile from her homeland
4 - Very interested in art and beauty
5 - Serious self-doubt

Two goals:

1 - Find a romantic relationship
2 - Earn an invitation to return to Hermea (by end of campaign)

Two secrets:

1 - Valerie saw a mermaid on the coast of Hermea and fell in love
2 - (unknown to Valerie) She has a silver dragon bloodline, not a gold (which is common on Hermea, because Mengkare the gold dragon is in charge)

People tied to your PC:

Valerie just doesn't know a lot of people around here; there are more she knows on Hermea but they're unlikely to show up, so 3:
1 - Sashi, a mermaid last seen on a Hermean beach (they never got to last names). Valerie's in love. Do mermaids have hearts?
2 - Rufus Norric, an elven swordsman at Magnimar's Hippodrome, who is a serious rival of Valerie's for the crowd's affection (and apparently wants to defeat her and bed her, not necessarily in that order)
3 - Liran Tillerman, a sailor on the ship that brought Valerie to Magnimar, who gave her some basic lessons on how most of the world isn't like Hermea. She sees him as a friend and owes him a considerable debt for (among other things) explaining the whole concept of "money".

Three key memories:

1 - "You have failed the citizenship tests for Hermea. You are not fit to be part of the perfect society we are creating."
2 - Her first sight of Magnimar and its buildings rising from the sea, backlit by dawn. This, too, is beautiful...
3 - Night at a tavern on the docks in Magnimar, her third day in town. Um.... WHAT???? Dance outside a festival? Drink WHAT??? He's wearing THAT???? (The rest of the night's memory is a confused blur but Rufus was probably involved somehow. She doesn't want to think about her first time getting drunk.)

One fear:

1 - Storms at sea. (Sure, Hermea has storms. Scheduled ones. Mengkare controls the weather to make sure it's ideal. Running into a really nasty bit of high seas with lightning, waves crashing over the decks, and a natural 1 on the Fort save against seasickness - well, it left an impression.)

Still working on equipment and so forth

DarkWingD wrote:
@Gnomezrule- I thought about it, but was afraid that it would confuse people giving more options. I'm not against anyone choosing a skull and shackle campaign trait as long as it fits with the overall concept of the character.

I used lots of the first chapters of Savage Tide when I ran Skull and Shackles for my table group. If I remember correctly they have several that give bonuses to skills that would be helpful to any seafaring campaign. Other than the last paragraph of each trait explaining how they end up unconscious they might be very helpful. Changing Bezmara's Blessing to one of the gods you would like to use might help. And change Ancient Explorer to a lost language that might come up later.

Are you envisioning this as a more or less good/heroic group or predominantly pirates?

Hello this is Gnomezrule's submission. It was originally intended for Skulls and Shackles but Savage Tide is in a very similar vein. I reworked some of the details for the new campaign.

@gnomezule- It can really be any alignment because everyone are Pathfidners to bind them together. I would prefer good but I'm open anything If there is a more pirate flavor.

Races should be Core only.

5 questions:
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five.
Son of a very poor Shoanti Family that distanced themselves from their old Quah, the Shriikirri-Quah (The Hawk Clan)
Feels rootless and overcompensates
Has competed in the serpent runner`s trial for seven times now. Has never won, but was not without fans. Competed as a heel.
He used traditional Shoanti weapons and armor.
Also he competed as a heel, he is in truth a good person, and has often shared his prize money with his family and community.

2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.
He would like to get accepted or found a new Quah.
Master the Ancient fighting Style of Thunder and Fang and become a well known Fighter.
3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling.
He has a non shoanti Girlfriend and they have a secret affair for many moons now.
The Girlfriend is in truth Leanora Scarnetti, one of the noble families in Magnimar. Her family clashes often with Shoanti and they have a deep hatred of them. This can only intensify if they find out that their youngest member is pregnant. From a Shoanti.

4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas.
His parents. Lallo and Doya Dogtamer. They live in the Ordellia quarter and have a small hut and three dog kenels.
Host Parson, Cleric of Cayden Callian. He had a few matches and as a good guy always beat the young man handily. But they had hellofa good time.
Leanora Buonasera (Scarnetti). She is deeply in love with the Shoanti and secretly has her child under her heart.
Gradon Scarnetti, father of Leanora Scarnetti. He has heard a faint rumor that his daughter is seeing someone. If he found out that his daughter has a shoanti bastard he would go absolutely ballistic. And he is a man ready to hire experts to take care of this problem.
Sheila Heidemarch, leader of the Magnimar Lodge. She somehow took the young shoanti under her tutelage.

5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.
The winter 10 years ago. The family had to butcher two of their dogs to keep from starving. And then the rats came. Since then he is afraid of them them, deathly afraid.
The first time time he saw Leanora. It was as if he was shocked by lightning, his heart missed a beat.
The mugging. Seven years ago Xango was attacked by four members of a Scerni gang. It was just a case of wrong place at the wrong time. Xango was nearly beaten to death. But a woman stepped in and drove them off. She introduced herself as Sheila Heidemarch. Thanks to her help he was introduced to someone who could help him defend himself.

6) Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic.
Xango is really afraid of rats. In the worst winters they sometimes even came to their shack. One morning, Xango was about 10 winters, his parents were gone and they came and attacked him.
They nibbled and screeched and gnawed.

@xango - I assume you will drop the level And that basically your turning in character with the acknowledgment that you will update if chosen , right?

I had major problems updating the character.
Whenever I tried yesterday, I got a "You backtracked to far."
Xango is a Slayer 1. I have now updated the mainpage.

No crunch yet, but here’s everything else:

Aurela Grouix
CG Human (Chelaxian) Oracle (Dual-Cursed)
Mystery: Apocalypse
Curses: Wrecker, Tongues (Aklo or whichever language makes the most sense for Groetus)

Background (brief):
Aurela lived her early life in the shadows of society, yet in the spotlight of the hidden world that raised her. Hers was an auspicious birth; her parents were cultists of Groetus, and when she was born with a birthmark resembling the skull-faced moon of their deity, the High Priest declared it an omen of the End Times. Her ‘gifts’ showed quickly as a child, nearly everything she handled became broken so long as she held it, and her first words came early -- and in a dark tongue she could not have learned on her own.

The cult became her extended family. She was well cared for, protected and revered. They moved around a lot, usually only at night, and there was an every-revolving number of cult members at any given time. Madness claimed some, but many others left for supplies and never returned. They dwelled in ruins, and in abandoned husks of temples originally meant for other gods. When they had to move on it was usually with little warning. Aurela knew very little about the outside world, only that there were people who would destroy her and her family, and they needed to be avoided at all cost.

With little contact outside the family, she got used to being protected and fawned over. She always had food even when stores were low, people brought her gifts and toys (which rarely survived for long in her hands), and when she spoke everyone listened. Even so, there was little freedom or privacy.

When she was a little older, a great tragedy befell the cult. People called Hellknights came to rout them, to wipe them out entirely. Only the high priest, herself, and a handful of other cult members made it out alive, and they began a long trek to a place called Varisia -- eventually to the city of Magnimar. Aurela was a young adult by then, and smart enough to realize their life was far from normal; that there was an entirely different world out there, often just a few steps away. Magnimar was more open and accepting, but her family was too protective to let her see much of it. One night she managed to sneak away and see the city for herself; by morning she had decided that she was never going back.

After a few short months living as best she could, trying to find friends and avoid her family, Aurela joined the Pathfinder Society. They were open minded, and not judgemental of those like her...and as beautiful and vast as Magnimar was, membership offered her the chance to travel, to see more sights -- and a chance to put some distance between herself and her ‘family’.

5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character.:

-Ruin and bad luck seems to follow her and she worries it affects those around her.

-She despises the source of her powers, and hates being a pawn in whatever games the gods are playing. She’s not intolerant, but tends to roll her eyes at any religious ceremony and dislikes anyone trying to prosthelytize.

-Deep down she strives to help others, hates seeing anyone in distress, and genuinely wants to do good in the world -- though greatly fears she’s destined to only make things worse.

-She’s not an anti-hero, but more of an anti-villain. She rejects her supposed destiny and tries not to abuse her powers, avoids positions of power and leadership, and doesn't want to use or deceive others for her own advantage.

-Strong themes of rebellion, doom, hope, inevitability, and trying to deny one’s fate or even turn it on its head by making the world a better place.

Two goals:

-To make something, either a useful item or work of art.
-To use her destructive gifts to prevent a disaster.

Two secrets:

-She still prays to Groetus. Not out of reverence, but out of habit.

-Her parents were not her parents; she was born to a respected family (but not nobility) from Cheliax, who fell under scrutiny due to her birthmark. When the cult heard about her, they abducted her and fled the area.

3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc.:

-Gosbert Draeger, the high priest and leader of the Groetus cult. He was neither evil or mean, protected her and groomed her to lead the cult, herself, but he was still a fanatic and probably still searching for her. He may or may not suspect she ran away, and might assume she was taken. Getting away from the cult is her primary reason for joining the Pathfinder Society, hoping they would transfer her to a lodge outside of Magnimar.

-Amadeus Amélineau, a former member of the cult who went missing while out on an errand. He betrayed them to the Chelaxian authorities and has since become an inquisitor of Asmodeus. He has been tasked with finding Aurela, though why is unknown; likely to either eliminate her or return her to her real family.

-Otilia, the closest thing Aurela had to a childhood friend. She was part of a Varisian caravan they had traveled with for the better part of a year, and one of the few non-cult members Aurela got to interact with. She sometimes wonders what ever happened to her friend.

-Yllaria de Cormeilles. Before joining the Pathfinder Society, Aurela did have some adventures in Magnimar, and made many friends. One was Yllaria de Cormeilles, an adventurer and talented swordswoman. Aurela accidentally caused the loss of Yllaria’s heirloom rapier, promptly ending their friendship on a sour note. Though not an enemy in any sense, her memories of their friendship is a harsh reminder of Aurela’s nature.

-Sandre Szemere. More an acquaintance than a friend, they never had any adventures together but did frequent the same taverns and locales. He was rakish and bold, a former Sczarni gang member, and part of the Pathfinder Society. Aurela developed a soft crush on him, but never acted on it. She didn’t join the Society because of him, but does hope to work with him someday...though she fears she’d bring misfortune to him, like she did to Yllaria.

Three key memories:

-While she has a lot of memories of the cult’s time in Cheliax, the most prominent one is the night the Hellknights came to wipe them out. She had always been warned that the outside world wished her harm, but that night was the first time she saw proof of that.

-Traveling with the cult. On their way to Varisia she saw more of the outside world than ever. Sometimes they met those outside the cult in amicable encounters, securing passage or supplies, or even temporary lodgings and travel companions. These are some of her fondest memories.

-Her first night out in Magnimar. She snuck away with the intent to look around and then go back, but that night was full of so many beautiful sights, colorful people, and genuine fun that she couldn’t bear to return to her family.

Fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic:

-Being alone. Even though she may seem like she should be a loner or hard to be friends with, she is actually warm and quick to make friends, and she needs other people around to feel anchored. When alone for too long she feels adrift and lost. She has seen people go mad worshipping Groetus, and fears the same will happen to her eventually. Being around others, particularly among friends, makes her feel happy and safe.

-The full moon. Not hide-under-the-bed terror, but it makes her edgy and paranoid when she can see the full moon.

Grand Lodge

I loved this Adventure. I didn't get to do the lower levels but I did run the last few.

Thinking a Cleric of Shelyn as I connect with the deity and her themes.

Xango... I get that backtracked message all the time. Just copy the whole thing before you submit, and then you can paste it back in if it messes up... or work on it in a text editor instead. I just use the screen to edit since I have that up all the time for work-related stuff anyway.

This sounds very intriguing....I have a Mesmerist that I would like to see go boating.

DarkWingD wrote:

@gnomezule- It can really be any alignment because everyone are Pathfidners to bind them together. I would prefer good but I'm open anything If there is a more pirate flavor.

Races should be Core only.

How did I miss that. I read it few times. I will withdraw Terz from submission. I will consider some other options with in Core.

If I was to enter a different submission is there any other note you would give that you would critique. I know Terz had a fanciful story and that might be not the tone you hunting.

With an Oracle & a Cleric offered I'll switch to a skill based character, which is good. I wasn't connecting with any divine casters I made.

I’m happy to critique anyone’s and message anyone on how I feel about your character and how I can use it , everyone still can’t be chosen but happy to help if you ask. I’ll also in a few days do a class list along with if I find any errors on the characters.

Critique away, by all means. (Still working on crunch... Btw, how strict are you on trait categories?)

Please feel free to critique Valerie .

Paizo Employee Organized Play Line Developer

As I have recently been offered a place in tow other APs, I won't be submitting a character for this one. Thank you for the opportunity, and best of the luck to the other applicants. This campaign seems like it will be a blast!

Any feedback would be welcome here, too.

This would be Dorian's potential submission. I need to rework him per your specs, but you will have a good idea.

Thank you for running.

Dotting for interest.

Silver Crusade

I realized that I'm already in too many games so I'm not going to apply for this game. Just so you don't wait for my application :-)

Ok. Any questions please let me know...

Grand Lodge

Abelard “The Peacock” Verou
Neutral Good
Cleric of Shelyn

Abelard grew up the son of effluent Varisians who would wander Varisia with all the flare their people were known for. In doing so the lad learned a variety of skills becoming something of a jack of all trades. He was doing quite well until he turned 10 when his father's’ caravan was attacked by skilled Dark Elves at night. Fighting was fierce and young Abelard fell to the wayside which made him safe from the most disastrous part of the raid.

In the end, the 10-year-old and a few others managed to limp to the City of Magnimar. Here he plied the trade of music, singing was he could. He was a homeless child who ended up eventually becoming the student of acclaimed minstrel Kestrel Black, A Chelaxian Opera Star turned traveling Preacher to Shelyn. Under her tutelage, he learned a lot about Shelyn and the art of music. He excelled and learned not only about Shelyn but the reason why she was in Varisia. His master was prosecuted and almost flogged for her open worship of Shelyn opposed to Asmodeus. Her tale was a harrowing one if asked she would spin a tale of fighting bearded devils and osyluths. Unlike the tales, in reality, he learned she was snuck out of her Opera house via the Pathfinder society.

Kestrel made Abelard strong, teaching him techniques of not only being a great singer, but also a warrior of Shelyn. He was blessed with learning the various prayers and intricate movements to the spells, even the dance of defense, Shelyns’ martial art concerning the Glaive. He excelled becoming a very grateful and forceful lad. As he grew he began to summon enough energies to cast orisons, followed by the eventual low-level spells. On that note, Kestrel took Abelard to the Lodge. There he was inducted into the Pathfinder Lodge there. With his abilities emboldened he has become a powerful force for love and acceptance. His sermons free for a song or at least a gold piece he has become a better street priest than most.

As he spoke of love and acceptance, as well as praised the beauty that was life, he eventually grew more powerful. So much that he began to commune daily and see that his work was bearing fruit. However, as he looked for his old mentor he found she had left Magnimar for Cheliax for it was her duty to see into some new dangerous plot uncovered by her people regarding Asmodeus and Ravagug. Spellbound by this he asked the lodge about Kestrel and her mission, They declined to go into too much detail but did give him some of the woman's’ old missions to read.

Once again his former teacher inspired him in these tales. Her obvious embellishments aside Abelard saw the truth and smiled. After that, he began to do small jobs for the lodge about Magnimar. Already somewhat of a street celebrity, it was not hard for him to roam easily about mostly unmolested by the locals who knew him to be fair and kind. It was due to this talent he began to overhear various rumors and fact and report them back to the lodge. Which alongside his small but welcomed divine abilities awarded him a decent status there. Recently he was asked to come in and receive a special assignment. One that would give him a better chance to experience what it was to really be a member of the Pathfinder Society as well as give him the chance to talk to many more people about his faith! Not one to shy away from such a monumental opportunity he jumped at the chance and agreed to the meeting. From there his life would change dramatically.

5+ concepts that capture the character.:

Abelard is a jovial spirit who loves to hum and sing. Even before his devotion to the Everblooming Rose Abelard learned to sing from his mother and the rest of the Varisians in his caravan. This love of music and his passion allowed him to earn enough money to keep him feed and eventually lead him to the life he has now
Abelard unfortunately has learned that even though peace with a rose is the ultimate goal of his faith Magnimar and his past experiences has shaped him to focus a bit more on the martial side of his faith, learning to sacrifice some of his Divine gifts for the ability to defend himself and others by glaive point if necessary!
Known as the Peacock, Abelard has earned other adjectives like Preening or Posturing do to his flamboyant attire! This was originally the concept of Kestrel who loved to wear black with hints of color. It suited her well, but for young Abelard, he needed more and thus “Abelard the Peacock” was born. At first, he hated it but now he wears it as a symbol of honor.
Music is life, for the child who lost everything, only music and its wellspring of hope has kept him going. For Abelard, Shelyn embodies that, which shows in his prayers and spells as he sings them with all the passion he has, damning the consequences, exceptions have been made on occasion.
Last and most important is his eagerness to help. Despite his hardships, the young Abelard helps those he can, even if it is just a simple prayer or a short song he has a heart eager to help. Which Kestrel helped grow, thanks to her own gratitude of being smuggled out of Cheliax alive!!

Two Goals in Game::

Always a tough question.

Gonna say that Abelard wants to build a thriving temple/school to Shelyn and the arts. Here in the school and temple art can be nurtured and allowed to grow and be saved.

The second would be to start a group of warrior poets or singers who seek to preach, teach and defend the words and principles of Shelyn throughout Varisia and the wider world. Or if that doesn’t work maybe a fluffy kitten, cause who doesn’t love a fluffy kitten!

Two Secrets, One the Character keeps, The Other he doesn’t know:

Abelard keeps the fact that he and Kestrel once slept together while drunk. She doesn’t seem to know they did it and Abelard barely remembers some of it. He does keep this to himself as he would hate to sour the relationship with his mentor.

Abelard doesn’t know that his Mother is alive and betrayed the caravan to the Drow. She spared him as she didn’t want him to be sacrificed. Her whereabouts are unknown but she was a powerful Bard and Cleric of some unknown god!

5 characters that are tied to your character. At least one Rival:

-Kestrel Black. Once a powerhouse Opera Diva in Cheliax, Kestrel was a secret missionary of Shelyn and a member of the Pathfinder society. At least in the beginning just doing cursory work for them. Until she was discovered trying to recover some art from an Asmodean priest. After a series of near discovery, she became a more powerful and well-known member of the Society in Varisia. To Abelard, Kestrel is a strong and fierce woman with raven black hair and amber eyes. Her apparent tainted bloodline not only shows in her eyes but also her teeth and slightly pointed ears. The human woman is a teacher, confidant, and friend. Despite the one drunken night of passion, the two have amicably worked together supporting another here and there when need. Currently, he worries about her mission for the Lodge wondering if he will ever see his first love again!
- Illucian Ivaldi is a street performer and informant for a variety of shady fellows throughout Magnimar. Illucian has a beautiful voice but was disfigured. He has to wear masks to hide his face and often seeks magical aid to alter his appearance. Illucian like Abelard grew up on the streets earning money singing. Illucian and Abelard started as friends until Kestrel took him away instead of Illucian. Illucian was offered a different master, one that scarred and marred his face for obedience. Instead of blaming just his captors he blames Abelard and has gone out of his way to hinder the young priest. Unfortunately, the singer has found his methods only boost the popularity of the young singing priest.
- Abelard's’ best bud is the drinking Skald known as Bors! Bors is a loud and boisterous fellow who works at the Lousy Linnorm! An Ulfen bar built out of the broken hull of an old Ulfen ship. It was reinforced with stone brick and bones of a dragon. Bors the rowdy Redhead with the Earthbreaker was once an adventuring Skald with other Ulfen powerhouses call the Hammers of Helfast Hall. Bors once a follower of Erastil, until he met Abelard. Abelard converted the powerhouse fighting singer after he won the appraise of the bar, via a singer's duel. Then and there the towering red-haired Skald has added to Abelard's’ book of tricks teaching him more than just how to sing. Abelard learned who to better fight using strange tactics, and learning the basics of how to manipulate a crowd with words. Still, any time he comes into the Lousy Linnorm he can get free food and drinks on Bors. Often Bors will try to hook the cleric up with Ulfen women who come in, thinking Abelard needs too have a really strong woman in his life!
- Amelia Vought is a rich debutante known for her wicked ways. A follower of Calistria the woman would cultivate a large house of secrets she held dear to her heart. A frequent staple on the streets The cunning Calistrite sought many a secret and worked her way through many. The Half-Elven beauty, however, found herself seeking the secrets to Kestrel and her past. Knowing that Abelard was her pupil she sought to seduce him. The pair had a few dates and she thought she had him. What she didn’t know was the fact that Abelard had pieced together the fact that Amelia was after his secrets, instead, he found out where she kept her precious secrets and stole it. This began the playful game of cat and mouse the two do together. Which in the end has to lead to Abelard watching his back around the beautiful and striking Amelia. Amelia herself a strawberry blonde is often keeping tabs on the man, seeking to figure out the secrets he is seeking. If she catches wind she will try and beat him to the punch.
-Last but not least is the humble and strange Emagin. Emagin is not a normal race but a Tiefling. The young Tiefling was born to a very good and lawful Paladin who had come to Magnimar to set up a small chapter of devout Paladins to Iomedae. Unfortunately for Emagin, her father did not take kindly to her. He ejected her after his wife died. Emagin was raised on the streets after that by a pair of female thieves known for their skills and cunning. The Sisters of the Shadow managed to pull off fantastic heists one that they included the young Emagin. Emagin learned much from the Sisters before they disappeared. However, Emagin basically continued her skills living off others via fast hands, while working at a variety of taverns. Which is what led her to become Abelard's’ lover. After trying to steal his money(but was just a few harmless gifts). Abelard caught her and instead of trying to strike her or take her to the police he handed her a gold in exchange for the stolen goods. This began to grow as Emagin found the young cleric sincere and honest with her. He even didn’t care that she looked odd. Over time the pair began to share more and more when they passed each other by. Eventually, The two formalized their relationship as they grew to love and respect each other. Abelard and her even began to think of finding someplace to share together as he loved her for her beauty and she loved him for his compassion. In the end, Emagin has become less of a cutpurse and more of a skilled cooperative rogue. Despite it all the midnight black-skinned woman with bright red hair and goat-like horns worries about her Devilishly handsome Cleric and his many escapades. Especially the most recent endeavor that has made him fixated with his teachers’ mission.

3 memories that define your character:

-The first and foremost encounter that defines Abelard’s existence is the frightful night his father and family were slaughtered in the night. It was a cool and crisp night he was rousted by his mother. Not sure how to react he managed to do as his mother had instructed, he ran and hid in a tight little space beneath a tree. There in the spot he watched the dark armored figures leaping about with blades, bolts and spells. Flashes from the magic and the fires showed Abelard the cruelty of the elven form, blood flew and bodies burned. The sights sounds and smells filled him as he watched unblinking a child as those he knew died. Since that night he has fought the fear and imagery of this night. The night the ebony skinned demons slew his family and friends.
- On the streets of the Magnimar, Abelard had to sing for his supper, many nights he could barely afford a few dried pieces of fruit. It wasn’t until a raven-haired woman with strange golden eyes came towards him. At first he was afraid that she would snatch him up for some fiendish sacrifice. On that day the woman, Kestrel as he would come to know her as, looked at him and smiled. She stood listening to him sing, her eyes intensely focusing on him as if he were some sort of oddity in the scenery. After a few tunes the woman approached him and held out a pair of shiny coins, one platinum and one gold. Amazed at her generosity he asked what she was wanting from him. Her reply was not what he expected. All she wanted to do was reward him for his musical talent. This began to have the pair talk about music and theory. After that Kestrel began to spin the conversation into the beauty of Shelyn. This conversation lead to Kestrel and Abelard agreeing to him learning the ways of Shelyn and increasing his ability to sing. This very instance began his journey to become a Cleric.
- Abelard now know as the Peacock, thanks to Kestrel and his singing escapades combined with his garish clothing had begun not only earning more money but also began to preach the word of Shelyn to the masses. While doing so one morning he began his morning prayers. While doing so he began to get a small crowd, It was a simple morning nothing extraordinary. Until after his morning set a woman with straw-like hair and tawny skin came to him. This woman Elba was a simple woman, who could not carry a tune or dance to music, however she did know her way around a needle. In finding that she began to craft and create things her employers did not know about. Beautiful pieces that she hid from the world in fear of her employers wrath. Abelard asked the woman why she was speaking of such things, and then he learned that she wished to devote herself to the works of Shelyn. So she could continue to create her pieces and in doing so get the courage to become the artist she always knew she could be! Abelard nodded and prayed with her. The moment though brief was affirmation that he had chosen the right path in life. Elba though his first was not his last convert. She however would remain in his heart and mind as the first person he lead to the passionate and nurturing embrace of Shelyn!

What makes my character paranoid or afraid:

-Ever since that fateful night, Abelard has found himself constantly fighting the nightmares of shadowy dark-skinned elves who slaught and maim with spell and blade. These nightmares make him wake up screaming with sweat rolling down his skin. Abelard has mastered some parts of the fear, the more irrational parts like those of the ebony skin tone and Elvish. Heck, he has even learned to love the devilish in Emagin! However, he still is fighting the traumatic terrors he viewed as a child! In such a manner he is not able to really face Drow!

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