Rian Johnson to helm a "Skywalker Free" STAR WARS trilogy


Scarab Sages

Starwars.com link


Interesting development. It will be apart from the Skywalker Saga, so no real details on when/where it will occur. Here's hoping for The Old Republic: Episode 1 - Bastilla Makes Hard Choices.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am legitimately excited about this. Rather than filling in all the backstories of existing characters we're going to see a wider universe. That's fantastic.

I really never wanted to see the Kessel Run on screen, it will always be bigger in my imagination than what the Han Solo movie is going to do.

But new characters, dealing with new threats in a different part of the galaxy, that's what I'm about. It's like a Star Wars Tabletop RPG brought to the big screen.

Fingers crossed we're getting that Old Republic goodness, but either way I'm excited to see what the future of Star Wars brings that doesn't focus on the most dysfunctional family in the galaxy.

Dark Archive

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Variety Magazine

I’m happier than a Wookiee who owns two combs.

And with the acquisition of Fox on the horizon, the Empire of the Mouse is making some moves.

I just want a movie about the Imperial Officer who says "You rebel scum" on Endor. If only all bit characters said their one line with such intensity.

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I'm pretty excited about this! Looking forward to what they can dream up for us!

I wouldn't hold my breath for a live action version of any EU stuff though. I think we may see more of what Clone Wars and Rebels has done in nods to certain things, or revisions to old characters, but I think something like KotOR the TV Show! is unlikely.

littlediegito wrote:

I'm pretty excited about this! Looking forward to what they can dream up for us!

I wouldn't hold my breath for a live action version of any EU stuff though. I think we may see more of what Clone Wars and Rebels has done in nods to certain things, or revisions to old characters, but I think something like KotOR the TV Show! is unlikely.

Probably for the best. New stories. Things that stand on their own, rather than retreading old storylines from other media that always just draw comparison.

While Old Republic stuff might be cool, current timeline stories would be good too.

Edit: These could also be a post Ep 9 story arc as well. Especially if, as seems likely, they don't come out until after it's done.

I'm holding my reaction until after I see TLJ. How I feel about that movie will likely strongly color how I feel about this.

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I just want awesome light sabre battles. :p

So that's Episode VIII this year, SOLO in 2018, Episode IX in 2019, an untitled anthology movie (but probably the Obi-Wan movie) in 2020 and then I suspect it'll be this new trilogy in 2021, 23 and 25. They've also said there'll be more films, but not necessarily numbered "saga" films, exploring the characters of the new trilogy (VII-IX).

It does sound like the anthology idea of movies has been pushed to the backburner a bit, though, with the proposed Boba Fett film sounding like it's been dropped.

And of course the new live-action TV series as well has been formally confirmed for 2019, to help launch the new Disney streaming service.

Great time to be a Star Wars fan. Hopefully they can keep the quality level up.

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Aw... I WANTED Boba Fett to live again!

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Very, very excited to hear this news! I am excited to see a new group of characters from the Star Wars universe.

I love me some lightsaber battles as well, but Rogue One easily competes with Empire on my favorite Star Wars films.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
Aw... I WANTED Boba Fett to live again!

I still hope that if/when they do a Boba Fett movie it isn't a prequel/young Boba Fett story. I'd much rather a movie that starts with his escape from the Sarlaac and goes from there post RoTJ.

Dark Archive

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JoelF847 wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Aw... I WANTED Boba Fett to live again!
I still hope that if/when they do a Boba Fett movie it isn't a prequel/young Boba Fett story. I'd much rather a movie that starts with his escape from the Sarlaac and goes from there post RoTJ.

I just wanted two hours time-lapse of the incompetent boob slowly being digested by the Sarlacc over the period of a thousand years.

Sovereign Court

I stopped caring about Star Wars almost completely after I finished watching Force Awakens and lost all interest after seeing the trailer for Tha Last Jedi.

Lawrence Kasdan was really keen on doing the Boba Fett movie. Apparently he was going to have the Boba Fett from Episode II doing stuff...and then getting killed by a taciturn, unknown badass dude who then stole his armour and pretended to be Boba Fett (and is the guy we met in the original trilogy). He really hated the backstory for Fett given by Geogre Lucas in Episode II and wanted to restore what he considered to be Fett's true backstory.

Alas (?) he's decided to retire from film-making after SOLO, so we won't get that story.

Werthead wrote:

Lawrence Kasdan was really keen on doing the Boba Fett movie. Apparently he was going to have the Boba Fett from Episode II doing stuff...and then getting killed by a taciturn, unknown badass dude who then stole his armour and pretended to be Boba Fett (and is the guy we met in the original trilogy). He really hated the backstory for Fett given by Geogre Lucas in Episode II and wanted to restore what he considered to be Fett's true backstory.

Alas (?) he's decided to retire from film-making after SOLO, so we won't get that story.

Probably for the best. In any media, creators feuding and rewriting other's backstory is rarely a good thing.

And "true backstory"? He was a bounty hunter. That's all there was before Lucas gave him one in the prequels. I never really understood why he became such a fan favorite in the first place.

Because some scifi fans like cool armour with inbuilt weapons, and nobody in Star Wars pulls it off like a Mandalorian.

Indeed. Mandalorian armor is still the best space armor I know.

Liberty's Edge

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Hama wrote:
I stopped caring about Star Wars almost completely after I finished watching Force Awakens and lost all interest after seeing the trailer for Tha Last Jedi.

That's too bad - I think the Force Awakens was excellent, and early word is that The Last Jedi is fantastic. I'm still very excited about Star Wars!

Liberty's Edge

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The speculation I'm hearing is that the new movie trilogy will most likely be an Old Republic story, while the live-action TV series will focus on the under-world (this would include bounty hunters, and would allow them to utilize many of those unused scripts for a similar type of TV Star Wars TV series Lucas Film was planning a few years ago)

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Marc Radle wrote:
Hama wrote:
I stopped caring about Star Wars almost completely after I finished watching Force Awakens and lost all interest after seeing the trailer for Tha Last Jedi.
That's too bad - I think the Force Awakens was excellent, and early word is that The Last Jedi is fantastic. I'm still very excited about Star Wars!

There were a surprising amount of people who hated TFA. I couldn't disagree more, but they exist and at the time it came out were extremely vocal about it.

I had issues with TFA, but I still enjoyed it.

While I enjoyed it, it really felt more like a spinoff than a full continuation. This could be because I'm a lore nut familiar with the EU.

I never really got into the EU, myself. Not that there was anything wrong with (though some of the novels were horrible). I just stuck with the canon things.

I read almost all the EU novels until the Yuuzhan Vong series. I read the first one and lost pretty all interest after that train wreck.

I'm with the folks that enjoyed TFA for what it was and was disappointed in what it wasn't.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I never really got into the EU, myself. Not that there was anything wrong with (though some of the novels were horrible). I just stuck with the canon things.

As I recall, the EU was considered canon until The Force Awakens went into production.

Scarab Sages

EU was considered one Canon. I'd have to pull the old wookiepedia article but I think in pre story group days there were A B and G canons. EU books were in one, games in another, and films and official tie ins (I think shadows of the empire was there too) were in A.

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Faelyn wrote:

I read almost all the EU novels until the Yuuzhan Vong series. I read the first one and lost pretty all interest after that train wreck.

I'm with the folks that enjoyed TFA for what it was and was disappointed in what it wasn't.

Same here. I enjoyed watching TFA, but I felt it tried a bit too hard for the nostalgia at the cost of being a more original movie. Also I admit to uh...not being the biggest fan of J.J. Abrams (I was not pleased to hear he was doing the finale of this trilogy).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Considering that not even Rogue One managed to be totally Skywalker free, I look forward to seeing what they can do... 'cause that flick satisfied.

MMCJawa wrote:
Faelyn wrote:

I read almost all the EU novels until the Yuuzhan Vong series. I read the first one and lost pretty all interest after that train wreck.

I'm with the folks that enjoyed TFA for what it was and was disappointed in what it wasn't.

Same here. I enjoyed watching TFA, but I felt it tried a bit too hard for the nostalgia at the cost of being a more original movie. Also I admit to uh...not being the biggest fan of J.J. Abrams (I was not pleased to hear he was doing the finale of this trilogy).

Wait really? I thought the plan was a different director for each of the three. Why are they bringing him back instead?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
archmagi1 wrote:
EU was considered one Canon. I'd have to pull the old wookiepedia article but I think in pre story group days there were A B and G canons. EU books were in one, games in another, and films and official tie ins (I think shadows of the empire was there too) were in A.

There was a database that set canonicity levels for various Star Wars material, but is is of little use to us since the general public has never been allowed to get a good look at it. The highest level of canonicity (G-canon) was reserved for the latest (not original) versions of the movies plus direct statements from George Lucas. At the other extreme, any material that contradicted current G-canon was non-canonical.

That means that many scenes in the original movies that I recall seeing in a theater are now non-canonical.

Orthos wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
Faelyn wrote:

I read almost all the EU novels until the Yuuzhan Vong series. I read the first one and lost pretty all interest after that train wreck.

I'm with the folks that enjoyed TFA for what it was and was disappointed in what it wasn't.

Same here. I enjoyed watching TFA, but I felt it tried a bit too hard for the nostalgia at the cost of being a more original movie. Also I admit to uh...not being the biggest fan of J.J. Abrams (I was not pleased to hear he was doing the finale of this trilogy).
Wait really? I thought the plan was a different director for each of the three. Why are they bringing him back instead?

Colin Trevorrow (sp?) was suppose to do the third one, but Lucasfilm and him parted ways at the last minute, so they brought in Abrams.

Scarab Sages

MMCJawa wrote:
Orthos wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
Faelyn wrote:

I read almost all the EU novels until the Yuuzhan Vong series. I read the first one and lost pretty all interest after that train wreck.

I'm with the folks that enjoyed TFA for what it was and was disappointed in what it wasn't.

Same here. I enjoyed watching TFA, but I felt it tried a bit too hard for the nostalgia at the cost of being a more original movie. Also I admit to uh...not being the biggest fan of J.J. Abrams (I was not pleased to hear he was doing the finale of this trilogy).
Wait really? I thought the plan was a different director for each of the three. Why are they bringing him back instead?
Colin Trevorrow (sp?) was suppose to do the third one, but Lucasfilm and him parted ways at the last minute, so they brought in Abrams.

The popular theory is that someone at Disney finally got around to watching Jurassic World rather than just looking at its gross earnings.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

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archmagi1 wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
Orthos wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
Faelyn wrote:

I read almost all the EU novels until the Yuuzhan Vong series. I read the first one and lost pretty all interest after that train wreck.

I'm with the folks that enjoyed TFA for what it was and was disappointed in what it wasn't.

Same here. I enjoyed watching TFA, but I felt it tried a bit too hard for the nostalgia at the cost of being a more original movie. Also I admit to uh...not being the biggest fan of J.J. Abrams (I was not pleased to hear he was doing the finale of this trilogy).
Wait really? I thought the plan was a different director for each of the three. Why are they bringing him back instead?
Colin Trevorrow (sp?) was suppose to do the third one, but Lucasfilm and him parted ways at the last minute, so they brought in Abrams.
The popular theory is that someone at Disney finally got around to watching Jurassic World rather than just looking at its gross earnings.

Or Book of Henry. Depends on the source. Yea, I'm not super happy about that even though I really, really enjoyed Force Awakens. But better him than Trevorrow.

Book of Henry more likely...Jurassic World made money, whereas Book of Henry was a box office bomb

Liberty's Edge

Book of Henry is definitely what is typically pointed to as the biggest reason Disney / Lucas Film decided to pull the plug on Trevorrow ...


TFA was ok, it steered to close to the script of ANH to be great. I understand they had to play things safe with the first new movie, but it was a little too safe. Rogue One was awesome.

TFA made little sense and felt like most of the story had been left on the cutting room floor. The characters were paper-thin and too much of it was just silly.

Rogue One was vastly better. It was much more coherent all the way through and the characters seemed real. My only complaint about it was that whilst it had a female heroine, not one of the other rebels (Leia and Mon Mothma aside) seemed to be a woman. An odd omission.

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archmagi1 wrote:

Starwars.com link


Interesting development. It will be apart from the Skywalker Saga, so no real details on when/where it will occur. Here's hoping for The Old Republic: Episode 1 - Bastilla Makes Hard Choices.

I have lost all faith in Star Wars ever producing something good, again. And I await the day when California falls into the sea, taking the Disney copyright lawyers with it.

EU was considered one Canon. I'd have to pull the old wookiepedia article but I think in pre story group days there were A B and G canons. EU books were in one, games in another, and films and official tie ins (I think shadows of the empire was there too) were in A.

The EU was actually considered canon on a par with the films, from roughly 1991 (when HEIR TO THE EMPIRE was heavily marketed as the canonical continuation of the film story) to 2005, when REVENGE OF THE SITH was released. It was then that the differing "canon levels" was introduced and that remained the case until the EU was nuked in 2012.

Now, of course, we have the Actual Canon (the films, possibly the live-action TV series) and What Disney Say Is Canon So People Will Buy It But Will Contradict It In A Heartbeat In A Movie And Not Care (everything else). Possibly with the animated series inbetween.

Sovereign Court

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Disney has completely lost any trust as far as I am concerned. The really bad Force Awakens followed by the utter travesty that is The Last Jedi...never seeing another new SW film ever. For god's sake I prefer the prequels to this horror.

Werthead wrote:
EU was considered one Canon. I'd have to pull the old wookiepedia article but I think in pre story group days there were A B and G canons. EU books were in one, games in another, and films and official tie ins (I think shadows of the empire was there too) were in A.

The EU was actually considered canon on a par with the films, from roughly 1991 (when HEIR TO THE EMPIRE was heavily marketed as the canonical continuation of the film story) to 2005, when REVENGE OF THE SITH was released. It was then that the differing "canon levels" was introduced and that remained the case until the EU was nuked in 2012.

Now, of course, we have the Actual Canon (the films, possibly the live-action TV series) and What Disney Say Is Canon So People Will Buy It But Will Contradict It In A Heartbeat In A Movie And Not Care (everything else). Possibly with the animated series inbetween.

Not really a surprise, no matter what they pretended at some points.

It doesn't matter what the property is, people making multi-million dollar blockbuster movies aren't going to consider themselves bound by books or comics or anything else that a comparatively tiny fraction of people know anything about. If they're doing them in parallel, they can keep the other material canon by making sure it doesn't conflict, but if something in a book conflicts with something they want to do later in the movies, the movie wins out. Every time.

Dark Archive

thejeff wrote:
And "true backstory"? He was a bounty hunter. That's all there was before Lucas gave him one in the prequels. I never really understood why he became such a fan favorite in the first place.

Because you could only get his toy figure by saving up tons of proof of purchase from other figures.

Dark Archive

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
Indeed. Mandalorian armor is still the best space armor I know.

Samus Aran's Power Suit disagrees. And there's actually someone competent in it. Fett might be popular, but his on-screen history is nothing but a string of abject failures.

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