Path of War Prestige Classes - Swap Maneuvers at even levels?

Advice and Rules Questions

Do the PoW prestige classes get to swap maneuvers at even levels or are they just gimped in terms of known maneuvers?

Shameless bump. Any Path of War experts around?

Try here, my man: 3rd Party Rules Board

No, they do not. When a class (or prestige class) is allowed to switch maneouvers known on certain levels, it is specified undes 'maneouvers' entry info of the class

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It was errata'd to be based on Initiator Level, at 4th Initiator Level and every even Initiator Level thereafter, as opposed to class levels. You should be able to get the errata of their site.

In case you wanted the exact wording, here it is:

PoW Errata wrote:

All initiating classes have the ability to swap maneuvers for newer ones as they level up. This is meant to work off of initiator level, rather than class level. In the Maneuvers section of each initiating class, replace

“Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on)” with

“Upon reaching initiator level 4th, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on)”. The bolded text has been changed.

Since prestige classes advance the initiator level of the previous class, this applies to them as well.

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