November 2017 New Releases & Subscription Shipping Thread

Customer Service

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Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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To accommodate U.S. fall and winter postal holidays, the September, October, November and December new release schedules have shifted slightly from our standard shipping cycle dates.

The following information, including dates and expected products, is what we currently estimate and may change.

New Physical Product Releases in November
•Paizo Subscription Products•

Pathfinder Products
•Pathfinder Adventure Path: #124: City in the Deep (Ruins of Azlant 4 of 6)
•Pathfinder Campaign Setting: —
•Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Wastes
•Pathfinder Maps: Flip-Mat: Sunken City
•Pathfinder Maps: Map Pack: —
•Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Wilderness
•Pathfinder Modules: —
•Pathfinder Pawns: Ironfang Invasion Pawn Collection
•Adventure Card Game: —
•Adventure Card Game Class Decks: Hell's Vengeance Character Deck 2

Starfinder Products
•Starfinder Adventure Path: —
•Starfinder Roleplaying Game: —
•Starfinder Accessories: Alien Archive Pawn Box
•Starfinder Maps: Flip-Mat: —

•Subscription Product by other Publishers•
Comics: —
Battles Miniatures: Maze of Death if you had Hold for Monthly shipment set
Legends: —

•Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: Thursday, October 26th
•Begin Shipping Estimate: Monday, October, 30th
•End Shipping Estimate: Friday, November 15th
•Street Date for Paizo Products: November 15th

Order advice:
↬If you need to make changes to the subscription details after the auth/order creation date, double check the changes applied to both the pending order and the subscription.
↬ If you have a licensed subscription you can choose to have it shipped as soon as possible, or with your monthly subscription shipment. This setting is available on a per subscription basis on your My Subscription page.
↬If you have questions about your individual order or subscriptions, please start a new thread.

Silver Crusade


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This is the one I'm waiting for. Since I'm impatient, I'll naturally assume the lack of dates means IT WILL NEVER BE SHIPPED! Arrgh! j/k

Authorizations start on October 26th with shipping beginning the following Monday.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
taks wrote:
This is the one I'm waiting for. Since I'm impatient, I'll naturally assume the lack of dates means IT WILL NEVER BE SHIPPED! Arrgh! j/k

You drew the wrong conclusion. The version of the top posting with no dates also had no products. That tells us that they will never ship nothing, or in other words that they will always ship something each month. ;)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Dude, did you not see the j/k?

Did you not see his winky smile, signifying he was merely building on your joke. ;)

So looks like we get a nice Halloween treat this year. ;)

Considering Alien Archives is travelling across the plains to my house, anything other than that will be a happy and bonus. :-)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I don't know. It was pretty serious for a simple winky override. Maybe if there was a /sarc tag or something.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This thread doesn't seem to be stickied. Flagged this post to draw attention to that fact.

Customer Service Representative

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Thanks for the heads up. It should be stickied now.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Bummer. No traps and treasures again.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I know. I'm a sad panda. I don't really need it till we start back up with our APs, so I guess I'll find a way to push on.

If we have Starfinder AP #1 back-ordered would it show up in this list? Was really hoping to see it in the November releases.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

Pravus wrote:
If we have Starfinder AP #1 back-ordered would it show up in this list? Was really hoping to see it in the November releases.

I don't have a confirmed date on when those hit the warehouse dock so I am not sure if it will be in this shipment or not. As soon as I do find out either way, I will post in this thread, but it could come down to the very last minute on whether they make it to our dock on time to be included.

So I know this includes my alien archive pawn box plus I think one of the flip mats, but fingers crossed my backordered stuff makes it in too!

You mean I could be getting my PDFs (Ultimate Wilderness!!!!!!!! People of the Wastes!!!) next week?! Oh Happy Day!

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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I've moved the auth until tomorrow. We're still tying to figure out some stuff with the organized play subscriptions and there is a possibility we may be able to include Starfinder AP#1 backorders with the November order generation (stay tuned tomorrow for more details).

Grand Lodge

I have to admit I was looking forward to seeing that charge on my card yesterday. (The only time I like to see that warning pop up.)

Herald wrote:
I have to admit I was looking forward to seeing that charge on my card yesterday. (The only time I like to see that warning pop up.)

Me too! I love to see my cc charged to Paizo! And my wife never questions it! She loves me true, she do! :)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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Good news and bad news.

Good news: the Starfinder Corerulebook Reprint has arrived and if you've got a pending copy of that in your sidecart/order it should be shipping out with November new releases.

Bad news: the Starfinder AP#1 is not going to make it here on time to be included with November new releases order generation/shipping.

The tech team is looking to make some updates to the site today to assist with the logging out issue and I am aiming to begin the order spawning this afternoon/evening. It may bleed into tomorrow before it wraps up (I did find a method to make it run a bit faster though so I'm hoping it will be able to finish up by tonight).

Customer service has two of our three representatives out, likely for the rest of the day. The focus right now is on canceling subs that would otherwise be generated by this order spawning cycle and other high priority/time sensitive changes to orders.

sara marie

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Ooooh! A new method? Possibly with...bugs? :D

Sovereign Court

My Nov order vanished entirely it is not pending nor listed in my subscription page nor are the items on my download page.
The Dec and on are listed and I saw my Nov order earlier today, not sure where it went?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Master Pugwampi wrote:
Ooooh! A new method? Possibly with...bugs? :D

Theoretically no.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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Order spawning has begun.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

Because this may very well run over into tomorrow, your My Subscriptions pages might look a little odd or confusing as our system is not set up to have a order spawning date range go over 1 day and ends up causing display issues.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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So, its been running for about 45 minutes-ish at this point and I've had it stop itself 4 times for the same error. Unfortunately I am at the point I have to head out for the evening. I will be back tomorrow to ensure it finishes up. In the meantime, if your generated order looks broken, please let us know. If your My Subscription page looks weird, you can probably wait until tomorrow Sunday to see if its corrected.

No worries! Have a great evening!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
So, its been running for about 45 minutes-ish at this point and I've had it stop itself 4 times for the same error. Unfortunately I am at the point I have to head out for the evening. I will be back tomorrow to ensure it finishes up. In the meantime, if your generated order looks broken, please let us know. If your My Subscription page looks weird, you can probably wait until tomorrow to see if its corrected.



Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The majority of subscribers have had their orders generated. There's still one section that the order generation is still processing. I've got to head out for the evening, but I will check back in again tomorrow.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Of course, mine is in that section...*sigh*

Is there a way to add further items with the shipment of my adventure path?

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
justaworm wrote:
Is there a way to add further items with the shipment of my adventure path?

Oooooo, what are you buying me? You know I had a birthday a couple weeks back. :D

-Your GM

Dark Archive

Probably the old paranoia setting in but dont seem to have had my order spawned yet.

Kevin Mack wrote:
Probably the old paranoia setting in but dont seem to have had my order spawned yet.

Yeah, me too. It's a weird kind of stress when you get pushed to the back of the shipping queue. :(

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am pretty sure that the shipping order is independent of the auth order.

Since my order hasn't been spawned either, it looks like the biggest orders are at the end of the auth queue.

And we should really thank Sara Marie for pulling an all-weekender to get the auths done. I don't recall anyone having to do that before.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I ain't even worried, bro.


Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Orders should all be generated at this point. If you were expecting an order generated and you don't have one, please let us know!

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you for checking in even on the weekend!

The Exchange

Hi my order has not been spawned for my subscriptions.

The Exchange

Hi my subscription order for the RPG rules line hasn't been spawned.

Liberty's Edge

David knott 242 wrote:
Since my order hasn't been spawned either, it looks like the biggest orders are at the end of the auth queue.

Incorrect extrapolation from limited dataset. I only had Azlant 4 in my order and was spawned on that last run, so small orders were at the end of the queue too.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.
David knott 242 wrote:

I am pretty sure that the shipping order is independent of the auth order.

Since my order hasn't been spawned either, it looks like the biggest orders are at the end of the auth queue.

And we should really thank Sara Marie for pulling an all-weekender to get the auths done. I don't recall anyone having to do that before.

Auth order uses data from accounts that is not customer facing. It is much more straight forward than shipping, but I'm not sure what part of this process I can describe so that will remain have to remain a mystery.

Babysitting the order generation like this all weekend used to happen more frequently than it does now. I recall having a similar problem to what I'm dealing with now a while ago so I'm hoping this can be resolved by next month.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Kayos. and Paul T, your orders have been generated now.

The Exchange

Thank you

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:

Kayos. and Paul T, your orders have been generated now.

I wish you a great sunday evening, Sara Marie! :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you Sara for doing this over the weekend.

Sovereign Court

Cylerist wrote:

My Nov order vanished entirely it is not pending nor listed in my subscription page nor are the items on my download page.

The Dec and on are listed and I saw my Nov order earlier today, not sure where it went?

Showed up later on Sat all is good, thanks for your help and working on the weekend.

Silver Crusade

I don't believe I got an order spawn for my subscriptions this time around. Sorry to be late about reporting the issue.

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