JosMartigan |

So if I wanted an elven green knight who rides a stag or an elk, whats the best route?
Right now my thoughts are Druid (wild rider archetype, riding elk 3pp animal companion or stag companion)
Adding 2 levels of Cavalier (standard bearer) for the banner ability at first level, and getting the Order of the Green.
2 levels would give me the challenge ability and the favored terrain ability of the ranger gained through the order at 2nd level.
Limits are Druid armor and weapon choices which are not great but I'd probably go spear, scimitar, hide armor and wooden shield.
Spellcasting would be for buffs and utility needs mostly.
Wildshape would be for scouting and escape if needed, no combat shifting.
- Any ideas on feats?
- Any thoughts on a better way to accomplish this?

avr |

Druids can use dragonhide armor (or ironwood) which means they can wear a breastplate when they can afford double base cost & double masterwork. Also if they're proficient they can use other weapons just fine - elves add some and if/when you get a cavalier level that expands to all martial weapons.
If you're willing to give up wild shape entirely then the nature fang archetype repays you very well for that. You get studied target more or less as a slayer, and you get a slayer talent each 2 levels from 4th level. You can use slayer talents (up to 3) on a ranger combat style which would hep with the feat demands of mounted combat. I'm not sure I'd dip more than one level into cavalier, favored terrain just isn't that good.

JosMartigan |

Why not just go hunter? Granting your companion woodland stride too is pretty neat.
The only reason I'm avoiding hunter is I despise the animal affinity ability. I don't think a hunter should be able to pick any animal to gain a special ability, shouldn't mix them into some sort of unholy chimera, or be able to put other animal's abilities onto their animal companion.
Also I feel teamwork feats are a FOTM shtick (at least 3 classes all of a sudden had teamwork feat abilities. I feel like a drugee having their dealer pushing the newest garbage on them). Of course I also hate pool abilities for the same reason.I'm an old school player and it shows lol

JosMartigan |

Druids can use dragonhide armor (or ironwood) which means they can wear a breastplate when they can afford double base cost & double masterwork. Also if they're proficient they can use other weapons just fine - elves add some and if/when you get a cavalier level that expands to all martial weapons.
If you're willing to give up wild shape entirely then the nature fang archetype repays you very well for that. You get studied target more or less as a slayer, and you get a slayer talent each 2 levels from 4th level. You can use slayer talents (up to 3) on a ranger combat style which would hep with the feat demands of mounted combat. I'm not sure I'd dip more than one level into cavalier, favored terrain just isn't that good.
If I go 3pp riding elk I guess I can choose any druid or druid variant. If I go stag I have to choose wild rider just because of the size of the stag and the wild riders first ability allowing to ride it.
Also I'm not sure how PF rules it but if you were restricted by weapons due to ethos in 3rd ed, you cannot choose weapons outside of that list even their available from another class

avr |

Also I'm not sure how PF rules it but if you were restricted by weapons due to ethos in 3rd ed, you cannot choose weapons outside of that list even their available from another class
PF's restriction is "A druid who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited shield is unable to cast druid spells or use any of her supernatural or spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter." Nothing about weapons other than they only get proficiency in a restricted list.
Also, I think you may be misremembering - the core 3rd ed rules had the same text, and no other special text restricting them either. Maybe there was an option introduced somewhere outside the core, but I even remember a druid with a lance in-game.

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Druids of gorum have it slightly better but metal armor is still inadvisable.
A Sacred huntmaster with a dip in dragoon fighter makes a great mounted character while leaving room for the rage domain.
Divine favor/power + bane + rage/furious + power attack + Horn of the Criosphinx (+ Risky striker if you're a halfling) leads to great charge damage. I recommend small because it is easier for them to move around and get flying mounts.