![]() Honestly level range 1-20 as I'm rather unsure when she'd see use. Most likely in oneshots or side-missions as I already have two primary characters for our big upcoming campaign (not both at once, we're doing a bit of a guild thing where we assemble a party for various missions). As I'd like her useful for oneshots I can't swear by a specific point buy, but we usually go pretty high, so I reckon I'd be able to get whatever scores I'd be needing, likely with a strength focus. Not exactly looking for a full build on here, just tips on feats or feat lines to keep the hooves relevant if possible. My only real issue with warpriest is that with two hooves I'd be chewing through the sacred weapon rounds very quickly. Other than that I reckon it'd be quite fun to try for once. ![]()
![]() Plotting a bit for character of a homebrew centaur race (no large size, +2 con, +2 cha, -2 int, so nothing crazy) and I was hoping to focus on using the hooves as her main form of attack. The hooves in question being primary weapons 'cause we figured why not. But well, as you've guessed, this doesn't really seem terribly viable as I'd rather focus solely on the hooves and not turn myself into eldritch horror McGee with every form of natural attack under the sun. Probably doesn't help that I want some magic for diversity's sake (Played a fighter once, non-caster isn't really for me) and am so far looking mostly at warpriest, ranger or druid... preferably without the wildshaping stuff. I'm not entirely opposed to picking up a flamberge, but I figured I'd give the advice forum a try before giving up completely on just kicking people around. ![]()
![]() I'm re-making one of my old 3.5 characters in preparation for an upcoming campaign, but the guides tend to be a few years old, and who knows what's come out since, so I figured I'd check if anyone have any fun tips on spells. I've played the game long enough to know about the basic utility spells, so no suggestions on things like dispel magic or haste please. For this thread I'd rather focus on wind, electricity and maybe some water spells for the purposes of blasting and battlefield control. ![]()
![]() Thanks for clearing it up for me, and especially to Shadowcat for clarifying that it'll matter when I take things. That means I won't have to focus solely on solar wind during my early levels before the multiclassing. Thought I'd have to do that to not run out of tempest gale maneuvers to take during the fighter levels. ![]()
![]() I'm planning my first character that will be making use of maneuvers, but while I've been able to make sense of most of the PoW classes so far, I've run into one part that's a bit confusing. I'm mainly going to go with a desperado warlord, so there's going to be a main focus on solar wind and tempest gale. The guide I was looking at recommended a few levels in Myrmidon fighter, and that looks kinda nice if I'm going to be honest. But I'm a bit confused on how the maneuvers gained from the fighter levels would work with the rest of the character. Like warlords working off of charisma while myrmidons keying their initiating off of wisdom. and how high level maneuvers I can get from the fighter depending on when I take levels in it? Basically I kinda need someone to break down multiclassing initiator classes on a very basic level for me. ![]()
![]() Psychic armory is originally from "Psionics augmented: Soulknives I" and got some changes/a bi of nerfs in "Psionics augmented - compilation 2" by Dreamscarred Press. The things i listed are things I appreciated from the class that I'd like the alternative to possess at least some degree of. versatility, magic/psionic flashiness with weapons and some decent mobility option. It'd be pretty great to conjure up weapons like the armory does, but that's more or less exclusive to soulknives from what I know. Especially as I don't wanna play an all out 6hp dice caster. ![]()
![]() I wrote up a psychic armory character recently after having fallen in love with the flavor of the class and the fact that it actually makes throwing builds work well for once. But unfortunately my DM isn't as fond of the archetype as I am, and thinks it's too powerful. So now I'm half-heartedly looking for an alternative, though from my searches so far my hopes are kinda low. But, well, does anyone happen to know a class that works similarly enough? And that isn't a magus, gods above and below don't turn me towards the magus. I never want to make one of those again. Things I liked about the psychic armory: * Due to the panoply re-appearing each round it made throwing much smoother than having to wait for a blinkback belt or ricochet toss, both which comes online kinda late when it's your preferred means of combat. * The versatility of the panoply was also really nice. Normally I don't bother much with special abilities since they're often so situational and having the multiple sets available just made it more fun to theorycraft with what one might apply. So... some means of similar versatility would be really great. * The mobility options. I grabbed the telekinetic athletisism and psychic platform blade skills and the up the walls feat for some silly running and jumping. * A bit of magic or psionic flair, I mixed with gifted blade in my previous build and combined with the versatility of the various weapon sets it gave a nice enough amount of magical feeling. If it wasn't for this I guess fighter might've been an option, but the warrior spirit way of enchanting weapons never gets a chance to come into play on the fighter I'm already playing. The duration's just too low and combat happens suddenly. So... yeah, I don''t really think there is anything that does thrown weapons in a way similar to the psychic armory. I tried to build a card caster before but that just felt like a mess, and pathfinder doesn't seem very fond of throwing builds. But maybe someone out there has any ideas? ![]()
![]() While I love the flavor of the crystalline creature form of a superior psicrystal, the text in the book (Psicrystals expanded) is rather brief on the subject and there's a few things I was wondering about. * As the psion levels up, they can choose animals from an expanded list, mfor example bigger ones. Does being able choose from large sized animal companions allow you to choose a "grown" creature that normally starts smaller or does it just refer to the base form? For example, a psionic character at lv 7 can pick "any large animal from the animal companion list" but the amount of animal companions that starts out large... well, there's 2 of them. Whereas many other creatures grow to large at varying levels. * How closely do they resemble animal companions in function? Is it just the stats or do they get the usual animal companion bonuses and stuff? There's probably a bunch of other odd things I haven't thought of either, as the entry crams a potentially rather big change into a very short description. But maybe someone has experience with this and can explain a bit? ![]()
![]() So this is a bit annoying, but I remember some time ago I was checking out psionics and I'm pretty sure I found a psionic power that functioned by creating a flash of light from the user's weapon to bestow some sort of negative effect on the enemy (I wanna say blinding or maybe dazzling but it's a very vague memory). There might've been a mention of crystal somewhere in the description too but... Well, I'm not 100% sure. It might even have been a blade skill. It's not a huge deal, but it's been bothering me for months that this is just out of reach and I can't find it again. ![]()
![]() I was planning on making a sorcerer with a giant dragonfly companion (yes, sylvan bloodline) and I've more or less figured out how to deal with the intelligence issue. What I was surprised to find though was the "curious companion" feat which allows you to choose a plant or vermin companion and well, I thought those were options allowed by default? The feat seems to be from wilderness origins and I could've sworn that vermin and especially plant companions were around before that, so I'm a bit confused about if I'll need to grab that feat too. Not a pathfinder society campaign by the way. ![]()
![]() I was planning on making a sorcerer with a giant dragonfly companion (yes, sylvan bloodline) and I've more or less figured out how to deal with the intelligence issue. What I was surprised to find though was the "curious companion" feat which allows you to choose a plant or vermin companion and well, I thought those were options allowed by default? The feat seems to be from wilderness origins and I could've sworn that vermin and especially plant companions were around before that, so I'm a bit confused about if I'll need to grab that feat too. ![]()
![]() That would admittedly work fairly well. It doesn't really change the fact that the cards are destroyed though, a magus's ability to enchant their weapons will only get me so far, so I'm worried that it would get quite pricey to enchant cards in the long run without the cartomancer's ability to not destroy them. ![]()
![]() To my knowledge the cartomancer is the only way to not have the cards be destroyed with the use of deadly dealer; and since I'm hoping to fit in ace disarm and ricochet toss for ranged steals I'll need weapons that don't simply disintegrate upon hit. As for why I'm so insistent on cards... well, I just really like the flavor of making a magical girl with a bit of card captor and a bit of the one from megatokyo whose power is being ridiculously good at stealing things. ![]()
![]() Trying to build a card throwing focused character and I'm having some issues deciding on class(es). I've been eyeing a 3 cartomancer/17 card caster combination, but the damage on regular attacks seems like it would be really low or leave me very MAD since I can't figure out how to use dex to damage or str to hit with thrown weapons. So I've started looking around a bit and was wondering if the cartomancer's share spells ability works with other spellcasting classes they might take? For example warpriest spells, which would make the regular attacks a bit more potent. ![]()
![]() I don't really see why it would matter if people wants to play a good drow. Our group is kind of fond of the race and we have several drow characters of varying alignments. The "lone rebel seeking redemption" sounds boring if you just boil it down to that, but it can be decorated with little quirks and character traits that the character itself isn't boring. Any character, whether they be drow, human, aasimar or whatever can be dull as cardboard depending on the player. Or they can be interesting too. Give the player a chance to show what they can do with their concept. I wouldn't even mind if someone brought a dual-wielding drow ranger to the party, maybe raise an eyebrow, but we'd definitely let the character speak for themselves in game. And even if it did turn out to be Drizz't with another name, who cares? chances are they'd still be able to contribute to the party in a meaningful way. I mean, they're not paladins!
![]() I don't really think it's a good idea to implement this because not only will it make combat take that much longer, but you pretty much end up awarding players for out of character actions. Not everyone is able to describe things in a flowery manner on the spot so you'd be rewarding more outgoing people and punishing introverts by denying them those bonuses. Personally I'd leave a table that ends up displaying favoritism on that level. ![]()
![]() I got all the essentials for my fighter sorted out and grabbed the item mastery option from advanced fighter training, figuring I'd have a bit of fun with the dimensional agility chain. However, the uses one can get out of teleportation mastery per day are... quite low. 2 times per day becoming 3 at level 20, and even though I have the feats to spare for "just fun" stuff I'm hoping that there's some way to get a few more daily uses. And before someone suggests the whole abundant tactics thing, that won't work. I also need teleportation mastery to be on the build at all times to qualify for dimensional agility feats. Alternately, is there an item that does the dimension door thing that would let me use the feats with it, since they're on my build already? ![]()
![]() I would not be okay playing in a campaign like the one OP described, there's too much that can go wrong with that kind of skewed "plotlight". It's nearly inevitable that the other players will eventually start to feel bothered by the fact that their characters are just side characters whose purpose is to help the plot important one to reach their goal. ![]()
![]() Unfortunately I haven't been able to make an account on dreamscarred.com, every time I try to get the confirmation email sent there seems to be some sort of error on their end. Which is kind of a pity, really, because I was also curious on if one can use the Alter blade and Emulate martial weapon blade skills together or if one is locked to the base forms mentioned in Alter blade. ![]()
![]() Sorry, there seems that a point I was trying to make has been lost somewhere. I realize that not every option is perfect, that's okay even if one of the prereqs is effectively dead weight with that particular path. Let's see if I can make this clear though. We're in agreement that text in the primarch indicates that a gifted blade would be able to take the class, yes? Here's the problem though. One of the feat prerequisites for entering Primarch is "Swift Imbuement." A feat that lets someone charge their psychic strike as a swift action. However, the feat has a prerequisite of being able to form a mindblade and having psychic strike +1D8. A gifted blade cannot get psychic strike. By extension they cannot take swift imbuement which is a feat prereq for entering the class. Yet the class has text that indicates that a gifted blade can enter it. Perhaps it's just because I am quite tired, but it looks really strange to me that the class has specifications for a gifted blade's progression when the gifted blade can't take the feat that is needed to enter the class. ![]()
![]() The Telekinetic edge requirement isn't really the part that I'm most bothered by. It's just kinda useless until the Primarch gets the psychic strike ability at 3rd Primarch level, it seems entirely possible to take it without actually having psychic strike, so it's just dormant for a while. Perhaps I should have clarified a bit about the manifester level progression though, it very specifically calls out gifted blade for that: "If the character possesses manifesting from being a gifted blade, then
This is why I'm so convinced that the archetype is compatible with the prestige class, or should be at least. So it's either an oversight on the developer's part or I'm missing a piece of the puzzle, and I'm fairly sure that it's the latter, but I'm not sure where to look for it and I'm also not sure on how I would go about asking the developer for clarification. ![]()
![]() I was kind of hoping that I wouldn't make myself look bad by making another thread about the mechanics of soul knives, but here we are... I'm still working a bit on my gifted blade that I intended to have go into the primarch prestige class, but the prereqs has me a bit confused. Now, in Primacy of the blade which the primarch gets at level 1 it mentions that gifted blade manifestation progresses as normal, so I'm pretty sure that that archetype is meant to work as base for this prestige class. But getting the metal awakening and progression requires the blade skill Telekinetic edge which is entirely useless when you don't have a psychic strike, but okay, the Primarch gets a small psychic strike ability a couple of levels in and I can accept a mostly useless kinda-sorta feat tax. But then one gets to the actual feat prereqs that are weapon focus (fair enough) and swift imbuement, which has psychic strike as a prereq, which the gifted blade doesn't get... Am I missing something here? or is it just impossible for a gifted blade to get into a prestige class that makes specific note about how their manifestation levels progresses? ![]()
![]() To be honest I'll probably be using a longsword and dirk (refluffing a shortsword) on him since his weapon selection is an homage to a different character, so his crit range won't be optimal. But, you know, still good when it does happen.
![]() Oh wow, okay. See, the reason I was curious about this is because I've been considering picking butterfly sting on one of my fighter characters and statting up his wife as a soul knife (probably going primarch), and I was wondering how much of a kick a scythe could get if I made that her weapon of choice. Unfortunately I'll probably never have both of them on the field at the same time, but it's fun to theorycraft a bit every once in a while. ![]()
![]() I'm rather new to psionics but I was wondering if someone could elaborate a little bit on how the emulate melee weapon blade skill works for soul knives? Am I right in assuming that the mindblade (normally 19-20 x2) can change its modifiers to be more like the chosen weapon or have I completely misunderstood it? And just in case I am correct, how does this work if you've picked Deadly blow, which raises a mind blade's critical multiplier by 1? ![]()
![]() I don't mean this to come across as doubting, but could you elaborate on other ways to get hide in plain sight? I have actually been looking for alternate means but aside from the rogue talent, shadowdancer class and the cryptic I haven't actually been having much luck, so it would be neat to know of other ways in general. ![]()
![]() Personally I don't think you should "bait" them into killing innocents at all.
But really, don't bait players into doing things that will make them feel like crap. There's a very real chance that it won't be an enjoyable experience, which defeats the purpose of the game. ![]()
![]() Air0r, I'll definitely keep that in mind. Some of the abilities mentioned in that entry aren't familiar to me so I'll probably look into getting a hold of those books some time before the hypothetical game starts. Quintain, Do you mean psychic warrior instead of soul knife or just straight up psychic warrior all the way through? I'm not terribly familiar with most of the psionic classes but this one seems more... well, warrior focused than rogue-ish. ![]()
![]() A friend of mine mentioned the possibility of a more psionic game (in a setting without spells)and I started wondering how I'd try to build one of my favorite characters for that kind of game. Of course, me being me, I ended up with the probably most inefficient class wishlist I could have thought up, and now I'm wondering if it's even possible to make it work. Basically, for that rogue-ish feel, I'd want to start off with the cutthroat soulknife archetype. So far so good, right?
I also wanna go elocater, the ability for gravity to be optional just seems like too much fun to pass up on. (Though I need to figure out how to get past that "ability to manifest 1st level powers" requirement). So that's Cutthroat, shadowdancer and elocater, and if possible I'd really like to do two-weapon fighting as well because the character has a history of that. This will of course leave me very feat starved and I'm not sure if what remains is enough to make it a viable build. Any tips? ![]()
![]() If it was six month's ago you should probably just leave it be, it's not going to look very good if you drag it up out of nowhere. If you feel that it really requires some sort of acknowledgement you could just mention it in the passing, for the sake of future reference. But I really wouldn't do it unless you find yourself in a similar situation again. ![]()
![]() Finally going to start playing my first fighter this upcoming saturday and I spent a few feats on getting improved/greater bullrush and Seize the opportunity (from path of war) that allows for an attack action like vital strike or a combat maneuver instead of the regular attack of opportunity. And I just thought I'd check if anyone has any ideas on items that enhances the ability to bullrush or gives it some sort of fun tricks? Before anyone starts suggesting shield bashes, my fighter is a two-handed one who favors the earth breaker. Bullrush isn't the primary objective of his build, but I figured it might be fun to occasionally send an opponent off towards my allies. We're a pretty melee heavy group so I'm sure they'll appreciate a round of baseball. ![]()
![]() We essentially goes with whoever has best use of it gets it, if no one has use of it then we put it in the fighter's hole (portable) and sell it later and divide up the riches. At only one point has a player forgoing the profits from selling things because they'd taken quite a few items from the latest pile of shinies but it hasn't been a common thing. None of us really wants to keep track of purchasing things from the pile, it seems a bit odd to me that a person might have to give up an item they would benefit from just because they can't buy it off. If it looks like one person is getting a bit left behind in terms of loot there's nothing wrong with dropping an item that would almost be tailored to their needs. ![]()
![]() Personally I'm looking forward to an opportunity to play a summoner with a skeleton stag eidolon. Gore, undead appearance whenever I can invest in it, making it large and possibly huge to serve as a mount... There's probably more one can add to it for flavor, but it's almost 5am so I'm not going to peruse the evolution list right now. ![]()
![]() Groping someone without them having openly agreed to the act is pretty much sexual assault right there. Sure, there's an off chance that they might appreciate the advances, but if the character does it without knowing then he pretty much does it without caring about consent. Which is definitely not a paladin thing to do. Alignment system aside, paladins are supposed to fight for the greater good, this can arguably involve underhanded tactics at times, maybe even teaming up with a lesser evil (depends a bit on how strict the DM is about it, but that's another can of worms). But sexually assaulting people is a thing that people do for their own satisfaction, it's not an evil that a paladin can justify. Even if you don't believe in the strict alignment scheme it's something that's definitely seen as wrong and evil even in our non-alignment society. If the paladin uses his lay on hands to assault someone like that then it's pretty much either that he doesn't care about consent or or makes sure that he gets sexual satisfaction in exchange for healing his comrades. Either way it's quite sickening and he should've fallen long ago. I'm also in favor of talking to the players away from the table, preferably separately or at least away from the paladin player so they can get a chance to voice any concerns they might harbor. Especially if some of the players are females. They shouldn't have to deal with that crap if it makes them even the slightest bit uncomfortable. ![]()
![]() I second those that have suggested that the players provide a short list of classes that they'd like to gain access to. Judging from what you've seen in the past might fail to account for opportunities and concepts that the players would want to try out if they were given the option. I also congratulate you on letting oyur players get this chance. I wish one of my GMs would be more open to gestalting, there's a lot of fun to be had with it.