Draconic Malice


Is there any way to increase the effect radius of this spell? This spell seems amazing for a Witch who sometimes engages enemies who are immune to mind-affecting spells and hexes. Is this spell the real deal?

I don't think there is a way technically, though you might be able to make an argument for widen spell. It's hardly worth it considering the +3 level cost anyway. You could use share spells to cast it on your familiar; I think it'd still benefit you.

Remember it doesn't affect creatures which aren't living so constructs and undead are still a pain for your witch.

oh ya just noticed that it works on only "living creatures" hmm. Still I guess it could be good vs bosses that are immune to mind-affecting effects.

Looking into it more seems great vs Dragons, krakens and some other high level baddies

Odd question concerning Draconic Malice: If a character is affected by Draconic Malice, does that character still get a Will save? Does the user of the spell still have to make an intimidate check?

I would personally think that these things would need to happen. My thought is that the character making the will save is no longer immune, but that doesn't mean that they cannot resist it. The spell does not mention removing saves, only immunities.

Any thoughts?

This affects living targets, so who is that? Dragons, plants, oozes, vermin, swarms, and a few extra-planar types: aeons, kytons, inevitables (I'm likely missing something). Oh, and paladins past 3rd level (aura of courage).

Note that this is only for purposes of applying fear or intimidation. That is, this won't allow you to apply slumber to an elf.

Looking first at fear we only have a handful of good options for a witch.

Delicious fright -- imposes shaken

1st, Cause Fear
1st (Dark Sister archetype), Doom
2nd, Mortal Terror
2nd, Scare
3rd (Nightmares patron), Oneiric horror
4th, Fear
5th (Nightmares patron), Nightmare
4th, Phantasmal Killer
6th, Eyebite
9th (Insanity patron), Overwhelming Presence

Of those, I think Fear and Overwhelming Presence are the standouts.

When we consider intimidation, a witch can be very effective.

Bruising Intellect

Dazzling Display (with Prehensile Hair and Weapon Focus: hair)
Spirit Talker --> Intimidating Display (only 1 hour/day, but does not require prehensile hair & weapon focus: hair)

Cackling Hag's Blouse
Witching Gown

So, if you're leaning into one of the above then this is a reasonable pre-buff.

The spell targets the caster of the spell and creates an aura that is centered on the caster. The saving throw is listed as will negates (harmless) and does not allow spell resistance. That means the only one who can make a save vs the spell is the caster. A harmless flag in a saving throw means that the spell usually has beneficial effects, but if the target of the spell wishes they can attempt a saving throw to resist it. In some cases, a character may be required to make a saving throw even vs a harmless spell. For Example, a barbarian using the Superstition rage power has to make a saving throw vs all spells.

This spell duplicates an Anti-paladin’s Aura of Cowardice and functions similarly. Aura of Cowardice does not allow those within its radius a save and neither does the spell.

All the spell does is remove immunity to fear. It does not create a fear effect; The caster of the spell still has to create any fear effect in the normal manner. If you are using intimidate you still have to make a successful check. If you are casting a fear spell the target of the fear spell still gets any saves the spell allows.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
The spell targets the caster of the spell and creates an aura that is centered on the caster. The saving throw is listed as will negates (harmless) and does not allow spell resistance. That means the only one who can make a save vs the spell is the caster. A harmless flag in a saving throw means that the spell usually has beneficial effects, but if the target of the spell wishes they can attempt a saving throw to resist it. In some cases, a character may be required to make a saving throw even vs a harmless spell. For Example, a barbarian using the Superstition rage power has to make a saving throw vs all spells.

Except the spell is a Personal spell, meaning there shouldn't even be a saving throw listed which makes it very confusing.

I don't know if the spell meant to give enemies a Will save to avoid the effects of the aura taking away their immunity or if the spell was meant to not be a Personal spell and was meant to be a Touch spell?

These designers never seem to double or triple check their work.

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