Bard / Gunslinger advice for PFS


Silver Crusade

thinking about what sort of bard i'd like to play, and i settled on a Jon Shannow-alike who uses Perform: Oration to cite bible passages at people, but i've now got the idea in my head that he should *really* also shoot people with guns. he's going to be a PFS character, so any tips on how to best go about this? should i just dip 1 level in gunslinger? are there any completely different classes i should be looking at? is it worth going TWF later on when i can afford pepperboxes?
thanks! :)

I've been toying with a bard/gunslinger build using the juggler (bard) and mysterious stranger (gunslinger) archetypes and the leaping shot deed for some kind of ridiculous gun juggling and jumping bardgunner.

Why not investigator? Steel Hound is pretty formidable. You got alchemy without bombs, studied combat for big omph and noone beats your skills.

If you prefer gunslinger: Pistolero. 5 levels for dex to damage.

But don't underestimate studied combat. Half level to hit and to damage is hell.

One level of Mysterious Stranger is the way to go. Charisma to damage with a swift action. Grab a double barrel pistol and get 2D8+(Charisma X 2) on a standard action attack. This wouldn't be a primary attack, but sure makes for a fun backup option.

Dark Archive

Steel Hound isn't PFS legal.

Silver Crusade

i've decided to make him as a mysterious stranger with a dip in juggler, which'll allow me to shoot 2 pistols with TWF by level 3. thanks for the help everyone :)

As soon as content from Adventurer's Armory 2 becomes legal, keep an eye on the Dual-balanced weapon modification. Pistols still count as one-handed weapons, so you'll be eating the subsequent TWF penalties.

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