
Dendromecion's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


Silver Crusade

What's the advantage of a solarian's solar weapon over normal advanced melee weapons, besides being free?
at level 1 i can buy a longsword or flame doshko, be doing 1 die step higher damage (or THREE with a tactical doshko at d12) and have the option to use fusions before level 4. and even once you're able to start using crystals there's not really much you can do that's not available to you through other weapons
thanks! :)

Silver Crusade

another advantage! :D

you increase the amount of fusions you have access to. so at level 1 (after getting some more cash) i could have a longsword with a lvl 1 fusion and either another longsword with another lvl 1 fusion, or a dueling sword with a lvl 2 fusion

Silver Crusade

The dual wielding rules being so weak. Getting a situational +1 to hit from spending double on your weapons doesn't seem worth it, and not getting any advantage from using 2 non operative weapons crushed my hopes of making a character based on an awesome model with 2 cyber katanas :)

Silver Crusade

So i got all excited about using an awesome miniature as the basis of a character for starfinder, but his 2 swords wont work (in any believable/satisfying way) with multi-weapon fighting. I have another miniature i'm basing a character around who has 2 pistols, who i'm going to be using MWF with, but; i really want to try and squeeze as much usefulness as possible out of the fact that i'm holding 2 weapons both in order to optimize my 2 pistol dude and to see if there's any way to build a 2 sword character who actually has some appreciable benefits to dishing out the creds for 2 weapons.
So far i've got the following as pluses:
- having 2 different damage types allows you to swap between them without having to draw/sheathe
- double the ammo (including melee, as some have charges) and have an immediate backup if you're disarmed

what other advantages can people think of?

thanks! :)

Silver Crusade

unfortunately gun twirling comes at the end of a pretty long feat chain to get the actual effect you need to make TWF work with pistols. the juggler archetype is PFS legal, and i've not read anything that wouldn't allow what i'm trying to do.
picaroon looks good, and up until now i thought all the firearm based archetypes weren't PFS legal but according to AoN this one, at least, is! more to think about, thanks :)

Silver Crusade

2 levels in juggler means you count as having a free hand when you're holding 2 light or 1 handed weapons

Silver Crusade

how hard does mysterious stranger suck?
i'm building a gunslinger for PFS and dipping 2 levels of juggler (bard) so i can TWF with pistols, and also thinking i might dip a level of swashbuckler later on so i can go sword + pistol if i want to. i'm also planning on making him an intimidate build, and with all this in mind i was going to go mysterious stranger for the cha based grit, but it looks like it sucks preeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty hard. you lose the fix-your-gun deed, which i'd use a lot firing 2 pistols every turn with cartridges, and you also lose the +dex to damage at lvl 5 which seems like a huge blow.
should i stick with the normal gunslinger (or maybe go pistolero?) and just try to finagle a cha of 12-14? i'm still relatively new to PF and completely new to gunslingers, so any advice welcome
thanks! :)

Silver Crusade

lots of good tips here, thanks everyone :)

Silver Crusade

I'm trying to build a small-sized fighter (so can either be halfling or gnome, but going with halfling for now) who "tanks" (like in an MMO), mainly for the spectacle of it :)

he's for PFS so 20 point buy. currently looks like this:

Strength 12
Dexterity 18
Constitution 14
Intelligence 7
Wisdom 11
Charisma 15

1)Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Shield Bash
3)Iron Will
4)Step Up
5)Combat Reflexes
6)level in Mouser Swashbuckler
7)Following Step, Step Up And Strike
9)Cautious Fighter
10)Desperate Swing
11)Shield Mastery

so he's a basic TWF up until level 6, when he gets Underfoot Assault (and +dex to his short sword and light shield), which should allow him to really stayed glued to people with the step up feats.
any tips welcome, but remember that i'm sticking *at the very least* to a small sized melee fighter with sword + shield.
thanks! :D

Silver Crusade

unfortunately it looks like Aldori Caution isn't PFS legal (at least according to archives of nethys [dont forget to remove the space, if there is one])
the build looks great though, thanks! :)
i think i'll bit the bullet and go hobbit, the only reason i was going with gnome is because i was basing him around my WoW gnome warrior ^^

Silver Crusade

i tend to start putting a character together when i find art or a miniature i like, and in this instance i've found a cool gnome miniature with a sword and shield :)

my first thought was to either go TWF and be a mix of DPR and defense, or just going all out defense and protecting team mates. with the -2 str and +2 con, i'm leaning towards the latter.
so what do you think would be the most optimal, or useful? he's going to be PFS, so 20 point build.
thanks! :)

Silver Crusade

ok, that makes sense. thanks for the help Nefreet, i'll just go with buying them :)

Silver Crusade

i'm putting together a gunslinger/bard build for PFS and was hoping to use abundant ammunition on paper cartridges, but haven't been able to find a solid ruling on what "alchemical attributes", one of the things added to the list of ammo AA can't affect in a 2015 errata, actually means. i've searched through the forums and found multiple instances from 2016 and later of people talking about using the above combo, in both normal and PFS games, and no one's corrected them apart from in one thread (so far). can anyone help me out?
thanks! :)

Silver Crusade

Ferious Thune wrote:

Why don't you want to go with Alchemical Cartridges? It's much simpler. Is it the cost or the misfire chance?

If it's the cost, Abundant Ammunition is a 1st level spell that's on the bard list and works great as a wand.

apologies for the thread necromancy, but i've been trying to find a clarification for this: does abundant ammunition work on cartridges after the 2015 errata that added "alchemical attributes" to the list of things it can't affect?

Silver Crusade

i've decided to make him as a mysterious stranger with a dip in juggler, which'll allow me to shoot 2 pistols with TWF by level 3. thanks for the help everyone :)

Silver Crusade

thinking about what sort of bard i'd like to play, and i settled on a Jon Shannow-alike who uses Perform: Oration to cite bible passages at people, but i've now got the idea in my head that he should *really* also shoot people with guns. he's going to be a PFS character, so any tips on how to best go about this? should i just dip 1 level in gunslinger? are there any completely different classes i should be looking at? is it worth going TWF later on when i can afford pepperboxes?
thanks! :)

Silver Crusade

Apologies for the thread necromancy, just thought i'd let you know that i wrote up all the races in the OP as they'd be presented in a pathfinder book. You can find them in a google doc here: 5WM0/edit?usp=sharing
I've a PF noob so i thought it'd be helpful to see all the traits written out :)
Thanks for the work Diodric, for the most part i think these are spot on apart from the odd tweak i've made here and there

Edit: looks like the link's not working, and i've no idea why :/ i'm using the same one on Facebook and it's working fine from there.
If you want to have a look at it, search for "Warcraft based Pathfinder system" in the Facebook Pathfinder RPG group.