[Interest Check] Strange Aeons Adventure Path


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Hiyo fellow Onliners! I'm putting my tentacles out there to see if there would be anyone interested in floating down through the Horrifyingly fascinating Strange Aeons AP. I currently am running it live with my best friends and it is quite super fun, and I thought it would be a good fit for me to venture into online GMing, since I already am familiar with the AP.

I would like to find players with the appropriate time commitment of at least 1x/day for the Aeons it will take to creep through the campaign, preferably Western hemisphere night-oriented folks, as I am a night shifter, and will be most active in the evenings. That said, I am sporadically available through all times of the day, long enough to reply, so daywalkers may also apply. Please post below if you are interested!

I'm interested. I plan on running this for my tabletop group in the next few months so it would be good to get some experience of how certain encounters play out - as well as it just seeming like a really fun theme!

That being said, I will give full disclosure in that I am actively reading through the books. I have no problem separating player/character knowledge but understand why that might put off some GMs.

It doesn't bother me. Because of some life happenings, my table has had a drop out and I actually rolled a character for it myself. I made sure that she is relatively simple, but still fun, and it works out fine!

Cool, ok. Let's see who else is interested.

I'm definitely interested. I have a character drawn up for a game that ceased about a third of the way through book 1, so I have no knowledge of the AP except for the opening sequences. I look forward to your recruitment :).

I am interested as well and was in the same game as Wicked mentioned with knowledge of perhaps the first third or quarter of the first book.

Game on!

I love strange aeons, have been meaning to either run or play it for ages. Definitely interested. I'd probably make some sort of investigator, I love the flavor of them in this campaign.

Possibly interested; I currently have active submissions to several games, but if they don't pan out I'd definitely consider a Strange Aeons recruitment.

Definitely interested

definite interest. i have a character i've wanted to run through it

Quite interested. I'm looking at reworking a new background for this character profile. Will put it up sometime soon.

I'll express interest for this. I've got a couple of character concepts I'd like to try for this.

I'm interested. I could come up with a good character for this.

In the basement of Briarstone Asylum, something inhuman stirs.

Dervak thought he had awoken with comrades and begun an escape. That reality soon evaporated as if it had never been. The Dark Whisper within his soul told him that freedom would never be his until he gave in to its power... But still he resists, thrashing against his chains in the asylum basement.

Perhaps this time he will be freed? Or perhaps a monstrosity like Dervak deserves to remain imprisoned forever...

Did the first encounter, before the GM just vanished.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber


Dervak wrote:

Did the first encounter, before the GM just vanished.

Maybe he was taken by that last amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the centre of all infinity — the boundless daemon-sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin, monotonous whine of accursed flutes.

Or some other Lovecraftian beastie.

Bump! Check the discussion page for character creation info!

Definitely interested. Dotting.

Ah. Hmm. Dot.

Dark Archive

Dipping a dot, brb

Submitting Dervak.

His bloodline is cursed and befouled. Not only by orcish blood (in an unusual way) but by something even worse. He tries to resist the corruption, full of self-loathing and a mix of respect and envy for those purer than he.

I have read a lot of this genre and would try to help convey the appropriate tone. He'd be shocked/horrified/revolted by things intended to provoke those reactions.

Depending on how things go, he'd either give in to his Aberrant bloodline, or refrain from using it as much as possible until some benevolent entity helps him to banish it (retraining into another bloodline or class).

Grand Lodge

I am interested, I have a Bloodrager of Zon-Kuthon, who was in a game that ended due to GM life issues

Should character submissions be made here or in Discussion thread?

EDIT - I see this question has been posed in the Discussion thread as well, but I'll leave up here as it remains unanswered.

I just replied but I don't mind doubling up. I knew I forgot something, I forgot to mention in the Discussion post that I want character submission/ideas here. I wish there was a way to edit posts, or at least sticky new posts to the top!

I would like to see your statted level one characters, with a basic description of your concept, where you envision yourself possibly going with it. Doubling up again, starting wealth is average for your class.

TheAndyman wrote:
...I wish there was a way to edit posts, or at least sticky new posts to the top!

You can edit your own posts as long as the edit is posted within 60 minutes of the original post, after that it's set in stone. So far as I know there's no way to sticky or invert the way new posts display.

The Tick in the Barrel wrote:
TheAndyman wrote:
...I wish there was a way to edit posts, or at least sticky new posts to the top!
You can edit your own posts as long as the edit is posted within 60 minutes of the original post, after that it's set in stone. So far as I know there's no way to sticky or invert the way new posts display.

I had a stroke of genius. I can edit the campaign info at will, so I can keep all of my instructions and such updated there. So as it says up at the very top above the tabs for this campaign, keep an eye out for changes. I will timestamp when I make some.

Same boat as Dervak up there.

Though my style was really s*$+ back then. Hope me an you can get in together again this time Dervak, if it takes off. I think we had some potential to play off each other really well.

Alexgndl here, presenting Julius Anderson. My character sheet should be linked on my profile page. He's starting as a Swashbuckler with the Inspired Blade archetype, but starting next level I'm planning on going Investigator (Empiricist) for the rest of the game.

As far as his role in the party is, in combat he's pretty much set right now-I've already got fencing grace, so as long as he has his rapier, he's set. Outside of poking holes in things, I'm hoping for a more supporting role, with infusions for the party and using the empiricist's "INT to pretty much freaking everything" to be the party face. The Investigator is also a fantastic skill monkey, and it has Trapfinding too, so if there's any traps, I can try to take care of them (once I get thieves' tools).

I know that Strange Aeons starts with us having amnesia, and Julius knows nothing about his past, save for the Lepidstadt scar on his face that marks him as a former student of the University of Lepidstadt. I'm playing him hopefully as a pretty stoic person-not much really phases him, for the better or worse. If you have any other questions/concerns, please feel free to let me know. Thanks for the opportunity!

Okay, here is my submission Torrel Vreen. He's an Ustalavic local of Varisian descent who doesn't know how he ended up being able to shoot electricity from his hands. In fact, it's rather worrying.

His combat role in the party is as a short-range to melee combatant, especially in the early levels, since has decent AC and good HP. His main weapon is Kinetic Blast, and other than some good light armor and the usual item boosters, doesn't need any specialized gear - especially since the Kineticist only has, like, 2 magic items that are specifically designed to work with its class features. Out of combat, his role is pretty much scout, the result of a past he doesn't remember of smacking people on the head and stealing their money.


Torrel Vreen
Male human (Varisian) aerokineticist 1
N humanoid (human)
Init +3; Perception +7
Favored Class: Kineticist
FCB: +1/6 Extra Wild Talent combat feat
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor+3 Dex)
HP 12 (1d8+1 Con+3 Toughness)
Nonlethal damage 0; Burn 0/6
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 30 ft
Melee kinetic blade +3 (1d6+1, x2, electricity, touch)
Melee dagger +3 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Ranged kinetic blast +3 (1d6+1, x2, 30 ft)
Ranged dagger +3 (1d4, 19-20/x2, 10 ft)
Infusions Known – kinetic blade
Kinetic Blasts – electric blast
Utility Wild Talents known – basic aerokinesis
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +0, CMB +0, CMD 13
Traits Armor Expert, Pragmatic Activator, Sensitive Mind (Sense Motive)
Feats AP (light), Toughness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills (ACP -0) Acrobatics +7, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +5
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ Burn, elemental focus (air), gather power
Other Gear dagger, studded leather armor, kineticist’s kit (a blanket, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin), explorer’s outfit

Torrel’s (Lack of) Memory:

Where am I? Who am I? I know a name…To…Tor..Torag…no, that’s something else…Tor…Torrel, that’s it! Is that me? I think so. Well, it’s the only name I remember, so let’s hope it’s mine. Okay, now, how to figure out where I…wait…is that…why are sparks coming off my hands? This is really HOLY CRAP! I just shot lightning! Shot! Lightning! How am I able to shoot lightning!? I gotta figure this out – fast!

I'll make an alias if he's accepted, or if the GM would like me to do so.

Rinn Laddel wrote:

Same boat as Dervak up there.

Though my style was really s~&@ back then. Hope me an you can get in together again this time Dervak, if it takes off. I think we had some potential to play off each other really well.

Actually, scratch Rinn from the running, I liked her a the time I made her but she's a little basic for me.

Mala however, is a man who's body isn't under his control. His hand and his eye have minds of their own, whatever inhabits them does work in his favor, but they seem to have ulterior motives most of the time.

My submission: Vindec Salviator, human lore oracle (please see linked profile.) A country doctor who was mind-swapped by the yith for exactly one year, an experience which somehow granted him his oracular abilities. He has the tongues curse, which I'd love to be tied to the yithian language if possible; as I think this was a sort of mandible clicking in the original fiction, I understand if you think it's infeasible.

Would go straight oracle, maybe picking up Eldritch Heritage along the way for something like the Impossible or Starsoul bloodline to represent further mutation/evolution/what-have-you due to his encounter with the yith. Plan on covering all the knowledges eventually, and focusing spell selections on healing, divinations, and anything suitably weird (or that I can re-flavor to be weird.)

I'm a big fan of Lovecraft's work and of horror rpgs; I've read the Player's Guide for the AP, but am otherwise unfamiliar with it.

Interested. Weird horror is always fun. I should be able to put together a character (I'm thinking an investigator of some kind) in the next day or two.

What captivates a mind consumed by darkness?

Meet Cerio, a spiritualist haunted by his twin brother.

Cerio's phantom's emotional focus is Despair, a debuff-focused emotion. The phantom has bonuses to intimidate and uses negative emotions in enemies to boost its attacks. It will also be able to deliver touch spells for Cerio. Cerio will, in addition to his "bad touch" spellcasting, focus on buff/support, wand use, and intimidating enemies to enhance his phantom's effectiveness as melee support.

The phantom can manifest in several forms, each with its own pros and cons. Trapped inside Cerio's mind as it currently is, it gives him Skill Focus in Intimidate and Stealth (which is why his Intimidate is currently +15!). I also gain +4 bonus on saves v. mind effects! Once it manifests in either incorporeal or ectoplasmic (physical) form, I'll lose those bonuses in exchange for other stuff.

I've gone with the Fractured Mind archetype, both because it is thematically cool and because it makes Cerio a Charisma-based caster, which boosts his intimidate even more. This also gives me a good UMD, though it trades out some interesting class features and hurts my will save.

Spiritualists are also a poor class, and their kits are 50g! I need to tinker with my shopping list. All I have now is light armor and a scythe...

Per creation the first time around, he has a backstory and a "10 minute background." You can make as much or as little of this story as you like.

Keep it up! I see some very interesting submissions! Stay tuned, I'm going to keep recruitment open for another couple of days.

Any occultists or mesmerist out there? I'm a big fan of the occultist class myself.

Liberty's Edge

I'm definitely interested. I'd like to submit this Goblin Alchemist. He's a semi crazy, semi genius Goblin that is fascinated with everything human and repulsed by most things Goblin. His ultimate goal is to create or find a potion to turn him human forever. Like I said, semi crazy. He also loves explosions, fire, kittens, and making new human friends. This is a rough concept and I could write a background/select Traits if you'd be willing to give him a shot at your AP.

TheAndyman wrote:

Keep it up! I see some very interesting submissions! Stay tuned, I'm going to keep recruitment open for another couple of days.

Any occultists or mesmerist out there? I'm a big fan of the occultist class myself.

Mesmerist right here! Eyebiter Archatype but still.

Interested as well (just saw your recruitment). I would be apping with an occultist (most likely a silksworn, should you allow the archetype).

Give me a bit of time (should be by tonight) and I'll have my character posted.

Shytzen - generally prefer core classes. A goblin would be hard to fit in this scenario. Could you reskin him as a gnome or Halfling?

Mala - fun

Silas Obensen III/The Darkness:

NG/TN Human Vigilante 1

DEX 18
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 12
CHA 14

HP 10
AC 18 (4 armor, 4 dex) Touch 14 Flat-Footed 14
Init +4

Fort +2
Ref +6
Will +3

Speed 30'

Mystic Bolt: +4 to hit; 1d6 damage; 20/x2 crit

Skills: Acrobatics r1 +8, Disguise r1 +6/26, Intimidate r1 +6, Perception r1 +6, Sense Motive r1 +5, Stealth r1 +9

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot

Traits: Foe of the Strange (Campaign), Eyes and Ears of The City (Social), Slippery (Combat)

Class Features: Archetype: Warlock, Dual Identity, Seamless Guise, Mystic Bolts

Spells Known: All 0 level Magus spells

Equipment: Blackened Chain Shirt, Vigilante Outfit, Masterwork Tool for Stealth, 25 gp


Silas was born the son of landed nobility in the nation of Cheliax, where the ruling class makes deals with devils to maintain their power.. Silas, being a good person, used his power to help those who he could, eventually joining the Bellflower network. It was during his time with the network that he came to realize that he was too exposed to magical divination, and with the help of one of their more eclectic members, learned to mask his identity even from the most potent magics. During this time, he also learned to wield his innate magic power as a lethal energy weapon, summoning bolts of electricity that proved useful when opposing the infernal threat that (as he sees it) plagues his land.

I see Silas as being the person kept in the sanitarium, while the Darkness is attempting to free him. I think it will make for interesting RP where he initially argues with himself and hallucinates his vigilante persona.

I was trying to decide between an Occultist and the Kineticist I submitted, but I felt the Occultist I was creating might be too similar to the Investigator submitted by Alexgndl. Variety makes for more interesting parties (and better chances of getting into the game).

Liberty's Edge

I could definitely make a Gnome work as well with the same concept. Fascinated with all things human. In search of a permanent enlarge person artifact, potion, or spell. I figured the goblin was a stretch :)

Definitely interested. I love the theme, but would like to try something a bit different. I'm building a mounted barbarian based off Native Americans. She will be a simpler warrior who has been dragged into a darkness far beyond things she ever wanted to imagine. A kind of fish out of water to play against the characters who all ready have some contact with that darkness. Even if mounts aren't a good fit for the campaign, I'm willing to play around that. I will have the character sheet up later today.

Phntm888 wrote:
I was trying to decide between an Occultist and the Kineticist I submitted, but I felt the Occultist I was creating might be too similar to the Investigator submitted by Alexgndl. Variety makes for more interesting parties (and better chances of getting into the game).

Ahh, sorry if I kind of stole your thunder. I always hate when someone submits a similar character concept before I'm able to do it.

No worries. I had two ideas, and was trying to decide. You just made the decision easier :).

Was looking over my submission and noticed a typo with my hit points. Reposting it here with the typo corrected.


Torrel Vreen
Male human (Varisian) aerokineticist 1
N humanoid (human)
Init +3; Perception +7
Favored Class: Kineticist
FCB: +1/6 Extra Wild Talent combat feat
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor+3 Dex)
HP 14 (1d8+3 Con+3 Toughness)
Nonlethal damage 0; Burn 0/6
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 30 ft
Melee kinetic blade +3 (1d6+1, x2, electricity, touch)
Melee dagger +3 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Ranged kinetic blast +3 (1d6+1, x2, 30 ft)
Ranged dagger +3 (1d4, 19-20/x2, 10 ft)
Infusions Known – kinetic blade
Kinetic Blasts – electric blast
Utility Wild Talents known – basic aerokinesis
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +0, CMB +0, CMD 13
Traits Armor Expert, Pragmatic Activator, Sensitive Mind (Sense Motive)
Feats AP (light), Toughness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills (ACP -0) Acrobatics +7, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +5
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ Burn, elemental focus (air), gather power
Other Gear dagger, studded leather armor, kineticist’s kit (a blanket, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin), explorer’s outfit

Torrel’s (Lack of) Memory:

Where am I? Who am I? I know a name…To…Tor..Torag…no, that’s something else…Tor…Torrel, that’s it! Is that me? I think so. Well, it’s the only name I remember, so let’s hope it’s mine. Okay, now, how to figure out where I…wait…is that…why are sparks coming off my hands? This is really HOLY CRAP! I just shot lightning! Shot! Lightning! How am I able to shoot lightning!? I gotta figure this out – fast!

Bump! Giving another day or two for submissions!

Matt here. Polikwaptiwa is my submission. As I said earlier, she is designed to be a mounted character, but I will be building her to be at least competent without her horse. I won't be getting my animal companion until level 5 anyway.


With recruitment supposedly closing today or tomorrow, I figured I'd make a list of all the applications:

(Player - Character Name - Race/Class (archetype))
Full BAB
Aldizog - Dervak - Half-orc aberrant bloodrager
Matt Adams 259 - Polikwaptiwa - Human barbarian (mounted fury)

3/4 BAB
Alexgndl - Julius Anderson - Half-elf swashbuckler (inspired blade), going Investigator (empiricist)
derpdidruid - Mala Malein - Human mesmerist (eyebiter)
Phntm888 - Torrel Vreen - Human aerokineticist
Something Wicked - Cerio Dreswitch - Human spiritualist (fractured mind)
Vrog Skyreaver - Silas Obenson III/The Darkness - Human vigilante (warlock)

9-level divine caster
The Tick in the Barrel - Vindec Salviator - Human lore oracle

9-level arcane caster
Chris Banks - Valtri Sonelle - Elven sorcerer (bloodline unknown)

Partially Finished
Tizen Nimrod - Shytzen - Gnome alchemist (needs to modify Goblin stat block)

Fabian Benavente
Fedora Ferret
Ammon Knight of Ragathiel
The Chelaxian
The Sesquipedalian Thaumaturge

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