Nordholm is in need of heroes!


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This is a recruitment for an existing game that's going through a soft-reboot. If you want to give it a read, go here: Gameplay thread. We'll be picking up a few months after the events currently being played out in the gameplay thread, so enough time that your characters could have heard about some things that have happened in the gameplay thread, namely the orcs from the Rise raiding the lowlands.

I'm looking to recruit two more players to replace people that have dropped. The existing players are also making new characters (hence why it's a soft reboot.) The bad news is that I can't tell you what we need yet. The good news is that everything's an option on the table, so long as it meets the rules below.

Character Creation
- Attributes: 25 Point-buy
- HP: Max at 1st level, Half max +1 after that. (d6 => 4, d8 => 5, d10 => 6, d12 => 7)
- Starting Level: 4th
- Starting Gold: 3000 gp.
- Races: Aasimars, Changelings, Dwarves, Elves, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Humans, Ifrit, Orcs, Oreads, Skinwalkers, Sylphs, Tieflings, and Undine.
- Allowed Material: All Paizo and Spheres of Power with the following exceptions:
-- Spheres of Power replaces Pathfinder's normal magic system. This means that all casters are now spherecasters and will need to use their spherecasting archetype. You are free to pick a casting tradition if you want, and even encouraged to make one of your own if you feel like getting creative.
-- No Occult
-- No Firearms, Gunslinger, Tech items, or related archetypes and classes
-- No Summoner, Ninja, or Samurai
-- No Evil
- Using the Background Skills system, including Artistry and Lore
- Using Automatic Bonus Progression

Submission Requirements
- Read the document here: Nordholm Setting Document
- Character Stats
- Character's Background. The more this fleshes out your character the better. I love it when Player's give me some hooks to hang adventures off of, so if you're looking to improve your chances, that's how.
- Character's Personality
- Character's Appearance, including how tall they are.

Things to note
-The setting document is written in broad strokes for a reason. Don't be afraid to add things into your background that aren't in the setting document.
- Elves reach adulthood at 25 years of age.
- Changelings reach adulthood as per their father's race.
- Aasimars, Ifrits, Oreads, Sylphs, Tieflings, and Undines reach adulthood as whatever race they would have been if they hadn't been plane-touched.
- Elves that are from Nordholm (Arctic Elves, Dusk Elves, and Savage Elves) can elect to use the following attribute modifiers: +2 CON, +2 DEX, -2 INT. If you are using Hero Lab, just go to the personal tab and add two ability score (starting) adjustments under permanent adjustments. Use one to increase CON by 4 and the other to decrease INT by 4.
- The common tongue for Nordholm is Nordic. Characters from one of the families that stayed behind after the last Imperial Expedition fifty years ago start with the Imperial common tongue as a bonus language.
- If you see something here you have a question about, please ask. I probably have forgotten something despite my best efforts, however, if I say no, then please don't pester me about it. All it will do is annoy me and hurt your chances.

I hope this covers everything, if not, then I guess I'll be answering some questions. Speaking of questions, if you have them, feel free to ask me and I'll do my best to answer.

Sounds interesting. I've been meaning to learn spheres of power for a while now, maybe this'll be the kick I need to do it. Thinking of some sort of Undine ice/water mage, maybe.


Dot, going for a shifter from SoP, not sure about much else

Can we use aasimar variant hermitages and or roll on the variant spell like abilities chart?

Yes to the heritages, but no to the chart.

I'm intrigued. I like skinwalkers, so I'll probably do something there--steering clear of casting since I'm not as familiar with Spheres of Power.

Are we allowed to use the 3k gold to buy magic items and potions? Also, do you have a map of nordholm?

Grand Lodge

"No occult" is iffy. Do you mean the occult class?

Yas392 wrote:
"No occult" is iffy. Do you mean the occult class?

Im pretty sure he means no classes from occult adventures, such as mesmerist, kinetisicst, psychic, etc.

BeastMaster here presenting Jorvin Tarvikson, Oread Shifter. I may have made a few errors here and there, please tell me if there is anything you would like to know, and if there is anything wrong with my background. Also, if anyone who wants to submit a character or is already in the campaign would like to link backstories, i am happy to do so, I like having a character with ties to other members of the party. Also DM Salsa, would i be allowed to attune my natural weapons with automatic bonus progression?

This may no longer be the case since it was not mentioned in the opening post of this recruitment thread, but in one of the GM's posts in the original thread he did mention that Fractional Base Bonuses (from Pathfinder Unchained) are also used.

I would wait for confirmation by his Salsiness though just in case.

BeastMasterFTW wrote:
Yas392 wrote:
"No occult" is iffy. Do you mean the occult class?
Im pretty sure he means no classes from occult adventures, such as mesmerist, kinetisicst, psychic, etc.

Yes, that's what I meant. Sorry for being unclear.

@BeastMaster: We are using the Automatic Bonus Progression, so you don't get to buy items that just add an enhancement bonus to abilities or attack rolls. Everything else is still fair game. And yes, you can attune your natural weapons with the ABP.

I don't have a map of Nordholm, so I need to spend some time to make one I guess.

F. Castor wrote:

This may no longer be the case since it was not mentioned in the opening post of this recruitment thread, but in one of the GM's posts in the original thread he did mention that Fractional Base Bonuses (from Pathfinder Unchained) are also used.

I would wait for confirmation by his Salsiness though just in case.

Yes, that is still the case! It's one of those things that would have made so much sense in the core rules that I wonder why it wasn't in there to begin with.

Sorry, it probably wasn't clear, i did use automatic bonus progression up to level 4, that's why i put attuned next to my longspear and leather armor, as you get the +1 enhancement bonus when you attune certain items. I didn't buy a magic weapon either, i bought a wondrous item, Boots of the winterlands, which provide mobility on ice and constant endure elements for 2.5k. the rest of my gold was spent on weapons and potions. Also when i asked about natural attacks, my character doesn't have them normally, only when shifted, which is why i asked.

Ah, I understand now. Sorry I hadn't even looked at your sheet when I posted that. I was just clarifying what could and couldn't be bought. As for the natural weapons, it's the same as any other weapon. You attune them following the same rules, so I don't think it'd be a problem. I just need to double check them to see what the rules for attuning different weapons are.

One of the existing players posting to let eveyone know what the existing party members are likely to be.

Yngvild is a double axe fighting ranger. Built for a solid blend of melee and skills.

Another one of the existing players here. As a heads up I am currently trying to build an Armorist with the Soaring Blade archetype, probably a half-elf or a human. Basically a damage dealer via telekinetically-wielded summoned greatsword(s) with a couple of Warp talents for movement (not sure about other Spheres) and more than a few skills (face-ish, knowledge, etc).

Current party:
- Schandra, Ifrit Sorcerer
- Yngvild, Human Ranger
- ???, ??? Armorist

- BeastMasterFTW: Jorvin Tarvikson, Oread Shifter
- alexgndl: Undine ???
- Loup Blanc: Skinwalker ???

Hopefully this will help clear things up a bit. Let me know if I missed you.

Btw, i was looking at the gameplay thread DM-salsa, and checked the discussion thread, and thought i should mention that constant endure elements items already exist, in the form of these, Boots of the winterlands. i got them for my character.

I know, it's just that the boots also have other functions and I was asked about something that just does endure elements.

I would like to propose an elven utility character based on the setting material you linked.

He would start off with two levels of ranger, one barbarian and one rogue. Is the human ranger a missile or weapon build?

Karthan wrote:

I would like to propose an elven utility character based on the setting material you linked.

He would start off with two levels of ranger, one barbarian and one rogue. Is the human ranger a missile or weapon build?

Dual axe build if I'm not mistaken.

Yeah dual axe fighter, but decent with a bow though not heavily invested in archery feat wise.

F. Castor wrote:
Another one of the existing players here. As a heads up I am currently trying to build an Armorist with the Soaring Blade archetype, probably a half-elf or a human. Basically a damage dealer via telekinetically-wielded summoned greatsword(s) with a couple of Warp talents for movement (not sure about other Spheres) and more than a few skills (face-ish, knowledge, etc).

You probably already know about this but I figured it was worth meantioning anyways. Have you looked at the Enhancing Telekinesis feat?

If I have got this right, you should be able to summon a greatsword as a move action then lift/enchant/attack with it as a standard action, lifting then Enhancing then attacking with it, granting it something like +2 to hit/damage, Keen, energy damage or something when you enhance it. It should be a very efficent use of your actions :)
Also, the Armorist (and specifically the Whitesmith) is a favorite class of mine :) I have built a few and I have noticed a few things with them, first off, they only get +2 skill ranks per level, even if you are a human with +1 Skill FCB you will not have very many skills and you will be hard pressed to make them stretch. Secondly, you are a Low-Caster and that means you only get four talents total. that gets eaten up very, very quickly, especially with the Telekinesis Sphere since it is one of the most Talent Intensive Spheres. It is still very much doable and Drawbacks will be your best friend but you will quickly find you don't have much room for much else...
Thirdly, if you DO have room for another Sphere then be aware that you are a Low-Caster for everything non-Telekinetically-weaponized, so if you do grab another Sphere then it will have a reduced duration, reduced DC, reduced range, ect.

That aside, GM-Salsa, there happens to be another Northlands Recruitment going on right now (and I read that one first) but that one has a VERY large Magic-Phobia. Magic in ~80% of the time is likely to get you ostracized, kicked out or outright killed :P
Is that a thing that is His-campaign-specific or a general mentality of the Northlands. Is that normal for your campaign as well?

I ask because my idea involves going for a power-hungry Incanter.
In combat he would focus on buffing/enabling other party members and possibly battlefield control.
I am also debating on giving him a few of the "Divided Mind" Talents and the Easy Focus boon to give him a real talent for multi-tasking :)

Does automatic bonus progression work on animal companions too, Or do I have to use my own attunement's too get their gear and natural attacks up to snuff? I ask because I am working on a pure support Incanter (life and warp spheres, positioning is key and defense is such a bothersome thing for hero's too focus on), and took sphere specialization Nature (giving up all my bonus feats) too get a War bull animal companion.

@Loup Blanc: To that extent? No. It honestly depends on the circumstances surrounding your powers. Shamans are revered, hags are feared, and southern wizards are constantly looked at with wary eyes, but a Norden won't leave even his worst enemy in the cold, so unless someone has the clout to make charges of witchcraft stick, then at the worst, you'll be asked to leave.

Consorting with fell demons or hideous hags is a good way to get yourself into trouble though. That will bring out the torches and pitchforks. I know it's a little complicated, but that's how real societies are.

derpdidruid wrote:
Does automatic bonus progression work on animal companions too, Or do I have to use my own attunement's too get their gear and natural attacks up to snuff? I ask because I am working on a pure support Incanter (life and warp spheres, positioning is key and defense is such a bothersome thing for hero's too focus on), and took sphere specialization Nature (giving up all my bonus feats) too get a War bull animal companion.

I'm going to rule it does.

Okay, so I believe that I've done most everything right with the crunchy parts of this ol'guy. His backround is going to have something to do with a mortal demigod that has taken the shape of a tree and his family Having been tasked with taking care of this tree. Something along the lines of him being the last worshiper of this obscure god and deciding to leave the tree for a time in order to find another to take care of it after he passes.

I will write something a bit more verbose tomorrow, but for now, I sleep... maybe.

Gobo Horde wrote:
F. Castor wrote:
Another one of the existing players here. As a heads up I am currently trying to build an Armorist with the Soaring Blade archetype, probably a half-elf or a human. Basically a damage dealer via telekinetically-wielded summoned greatsword(s) with a couple of Warp talents for movement (not sure about other Spheres) and more than a few skills (face-ish, knowledge, etc).

You probably already know about this but I figured it was worth meantioning anyways. Have you looked at the Enhancing Telekinesis feat?

If I have got this right, you should be able to summon a greatsword as a move action then lift/enchant/attack with it as a standard action, lifting then Enhancing then attacking with it, granting it something like +2 to hit/damage, Keen, energy damage or something when you enhance it. It should be a very efficent use of your actions :)
Also, the Armorist (and specifically the Whitesmith) is a favorite class of mine :) I have built a few and I have noticed a few things with them, first off, they only get +2 skill ranks per level, even if you are a human with +1 Skill FCB you will not have very many skills and you will be hard pressed to make them stretch. Secondly, you are a Low-Caster and that means you only get four talents total. that gets eaten up very, very quickly, especially with the Telekinesis Sphere since it is one of the most Talent Intensive Spheres. It is still very much doable and Drawbacks will be your best friend but you will quickly find you don't have much room for much else...
Thirdly, if you DO have room for another Sphere then be aware that you are a Low-Caster for everything non-Telekinetically-weaponized, so if you do grab another Sphere then it will have a reduced duration, reduced DC, reduced range, ect.

Some interesting points, I will grant you that. :-)

I did check out the feat you mention, but I am not sure how useful I would find it, as summoning a weapon is already a move action and, unless I am mistaken of course, the Armorist does kinda sorta have enchantments on demand like the Magus. Plus I am not all that interested in using a talent on the Enhancement Sphere, which the feat has as a prerequisite. I am mostly going for a somewhat straightforward -albeit sophisticated, mind you- "beat stick" sort of guy, even if he is going to use floating greatswords to do his thing.

As far as skills are concerned, Unorthodox Casting (the Magic trait) makes it so I can make Intelligence my casting stat instead of Wisdom (and checking the Armorist's and Soaring Blade's features, they mention casting ability in general rather than Wisdom specifically). So that helps a bit, especially when it is combined with Background Skills, the Intelligence - increasing potential of Automatic Bonus Progression and grabbing a few class skills via traits and the Fey Thoughts alternate racial trait. He will actually not have the +1 skill point per level, either because it will be replaced by Fey Thoughts if human or he will be a half-elf.

Talents-wise, I am assuming you mean four talents total at 4th level (in my case probably Forceful Telekinesis, Increased Range, Powerful Telekinesis and probably the Warp Sphere). Telekinesis does have a lot of nice and juicy talents I grant you, but the Soaring Blade's drawback actually makes decisions quite a bit easier, as the Soaring Blade uses his Armorist level as his caster level for Telekinesis and can only use his Telekinesis talents on his bound and summoned weapons (I could buy that drawback off, but only in a partial way if you see the Spheres of Power wiki, but I do not actually intend to because "straightforward beat stick" sorta kinda, i.e. I just want to focus on his swords... ;-P). Also the archetype itself basically grants via arsenal tricks Dancing Weapon, Divided Mind, Orbit and Flight, if memory serves.

The Low-Caster thing is a bit of a problem, but I am seeing him as primarily a fighter. The Warp Sphere for example seems interesting for its in-combat and short range mobility applications, rather than traveling long distances.

Hmm... Think Archer or Gilgamesh from Fate/Stay Night or Noctis from Final Fantasy XV.

The following is more or less what I am going for. It probably needs a bit of tuning and tweaking still and I have not yet finished with his equipment, magical and otherwise, but it should give a good enough idea of what I am making, at least mechanically.

Fluff-wise, he is the son of an Imperial elven man and a Norden human woman, but unlike the usual way these things go in Nordholm, this was actually a consensual union born of mutual attraction even if it did not result in a marriage and all. Details and such to follow once I actually have them down myself.

Armorist (Soaring Blade):
Male Half-Elf Armorist (Soaring Blade) 4
CG Medium Humanoid (Elf, Human)
Init +4; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +11
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17. . (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 36 (4d10+8)
Fort +7*, Ref +4*, Will +6*
Defensive Abilities Dual Minded
Weaknesses Weapon Specialist
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Bound +1 greatsword +9 (3d6+5/19-20/x2/slashing) or
. . Unarmed strike +4 (1d3/20/x2/bludgeoning, nonlethal)
Ranged None
Special Attacks None
Spheres of Power (Spell Pool 8; MSB +4, MSD 15, concentration +8)
. Telekinesis (CL 4th, DC 16; bound and summoned equipment only)
. . Basic - Bludgeon, Catch, Hostile Lift, Sustained Force
. . Talents - Dancing Weapon, Forceful Telekinesis, Increased Range, Powerful Telekinesis
. Warp (CL 2nd, DC 15)
. . Basic - Bend Space, Teleport
. . Talents - None
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Force Shield, Telekinetic Exoskeleton
Traits Bastard, Elven Reflexes, Unorthodox Casting
Drawbacks Attached (Wayfinder)
Skills (Trained) Acrobatics +6, Climb +5, Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Knowledge (Geography) +6, Knowledge (History) +8, Knowledge (Local) +8, Knowledge (Nobility) +9, Linguistics +6, Perception +11, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +11, Swim +5; Modifiers Keen Senses, Sophisticate
Skills (Untrained) Appraise +4, Bluff +1, Craft +4, Disguise +1, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Heal +2, Perform +1, Ride +2, Stealth +2, Survival +2 (+4 to avoid getting lost); Modifiers Keen Senses, Sophisticate
Languages Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Imperial, Nordic, Orc, Sylvan
SQ Arsenal Tricks (Flying Daggers, Imbued Arsenal), Bound Equipment (+1 greatsword), Elf Blood, Fey Thoughts, Steel Sentries, Summon Equipment (+1), The Soaring Blade
Automatic Bonus Progression Armor Attunement +1, Resistance +1, Weapon Attunement +1
Combat Gear +1 mithral shirt, spring loaded wrist sheath (1 lb: +1 cold iron dagger); Other Gear Traveler's outfit, masterwork backpack (37.5 lbs: bedroll, cold weather outfit, furs, mess kit, silk rope (50 ft.), soap, trail rations x7, waterskin, winter blanket), belt pouch (0 lbs: flint and steel), belt pouch (? lbs: money)
Magic Items Wayfinder (empty)
Oils None; Potions None; Scrolls None
Money 0 platinum pieces, 1302 gold pieces, 6 silver pieces, 9 copper pieces; Other Wealth None

Can anyone see anything wrong here? Anything need clarifying? First time building a sphere caster.

Race Stoic negotiator Dwarf
Gender Male
Age 430
Alignment Neutral Good
Class Incanter 4
Init -2; Senses Darkvision 60ft +9 perception
AC +9, touch +8, flat-footed +9
Hp 46
Temp Hp 9
Fort +7, Ref +0, Will +10
Speed 20ft
Melee Dagger +1 1d4-1
Ranged Teleported bull
Str 7, Dex 7, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 5
Base Atk +2 CMB +0; CMD 8
Feats Toughness, Quicken spell
Skills Knowledge (Local) +9, Spellcraft +9, Perception +9, Diplomacy +11
Background Skills Handle animal +1, Artistry (Nordic poem) +9
Languages Nordic, Dwarven, Sylvan, Imperial
Sphere specialization (Nature)
(Animal companion, Wild empathy)

Zeal inquisition

Conversion inquisition
Spell points: 9 (spends 2 at the start of most outings on Healthy invigorate)

Nature(all at +1 caster level)
Bury (concentration, requires sand): You shift the sands, swallowing targets within a 5 ft. + 5 ft. per 5 caster levels radius area centered within range. This functions as entangle from the plantlife package, but on a failure targets cannot move but do not become entangled. Each subsequent round they do not escape, the Strength and Escape Artist DC increases by 1. If a target is knocked prone within this area and fails their save, they begin to suffocate until they escape.

Tremor (instantaneous, requires dirt or stone): You may spend a spell point to send a tremor through the ground, affecting a 5 ft. + 5 ft. per 5 caster levels radius area centered within range. This makes a trip combat maneuver check against every target within the area, using your caster level plus your casting ability modifier as your CMB. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity (except as usual for using sphere effects) and you cannot be tripped in return for failing this check.

Dust Storm (concentration, requires sand or loose dirt): You kick up sand or dirt within a 10 ft. + 5 ft. per 5 caster levels radius area centered within range. All creatures fully within this area gain concealment (attacks against them have a 20% miss chance). If creatures within this area attack creatures outside this area, the targets also have concealment.


You can twist space to your whim.

Teleport: You can spend a standard action to teleport yourself and up to a heavy load to any place within Close range. Alternately, you may teleport a touched willing creature and their carried equipment instead of yourself. You may spend a spell point to increase your teleport range to Medium instead of Close. You must have line of sight to your destination.

Bend Space: Talents marked (space) grant you ways of bending and folding space. Bending space requires a standard action, and you must be touching the target or location to be affected.

Emergency Teleport:You may spend a spell point to perform a teleport as an immediate action. The range is decreased to 5 ft. per 2 caster levels (minimum: 5 ft). If used to avoid an attack or area effect, this grants the target evasion and a dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves equal to half your caster level (minimum 1). You cannot make a touch attack as part of this teleport, but you may affect another creature if you are already touching them.

Ranged Teleport:You no longer need to be touching another creature in order to teleport them, although the creature must still be within Close range to be affected in this manner.


You wield the powers of life.

Invigorate: As a standard action, you may invigorate a touched creature, granting them temporary hit points equal to your caster level (minimum: 1). Unlike normal temporary hit points, this ability can only be used on an injured target and cannot raise a target’s current hit points plus their temporary hit points to be higher than their total hit points. This benefit lasts for 1 hour. Temporary hit points, even from different sources, do not stack; only the highest bonus applies.

Cure: As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to touch a target and heal it an amount of damage equal to 1d8 + your caster level. This is a positive energy effect, and as such may be used to harm undead (Will half).

Restore: As a standard action, you may touch a target and spend a spell point to restore their physical and mental health. This accomplishes all of the following:

Heals 1d4 points of ability damage to one ability score of your choice.
Removes the fatigued condition or lessens exhaustion to fatigued.
Removes the sickened condition or lessens nauseated to sickened.
Removes the shaken condition or lessens frightened to shaken, or panicked to frightened.
Removes the staggered condition.
Removes the dazzled condition.
If the condition targeted is part of an on-going effect, this suppresses the effect for a number of round equal to your caster level. This cannot be used to remove curses or instantaneous effects.

Healthy Invigorate:

You may spend a spell point when using invigorate to allow your invigorate to increase a target’s effective hit point total to reach beyond their usual hit point total, as is normal with temporary hit points. This means you may use this talent to grant an invigorate to a creature already at its maximum hit points.

Greater Invigorate:

When placing an invigorate on a target, add your casting ability modifier to the amount of temporary hit points granted, and increase the duration to 1 hour per caster level.

War bull:

Temp HP: 9

FF: 23
CMD: 21


Speed: 40ft
+1 Gore +10 2d6+14

CMB +10

Stats: STR 24, DEX 13, CON 17, INT 3, WIS 11, CHA 4
Feats: Power attack, Light armor proficiency
Tricks: Attack, Protect

Low-light vision

Attuned Large bull chain shirt(400gp), Attuned robes(Free), Robe of infinite twine(1000gp), Shawl of life keeping(1000gp), Attuned Curved dagger, Animal training harness(10gp), Pack saddle(25gp), 10Lb jar of honey(10gp), 10Lb powdered milk(1gp), 20Lb travel cake mix(1gp), 10Lb cheese(1gp), 10Lb bread(1gp), Frying pan(1sp), 4 chickens(4gp), 4 Tiny cages(12gp), Flint and steel(1gp), Kettle(1gp), Pot(1gp), 20Lb Bird feed(10gp)
Height 4'4
Weight 80lbs
Eye Color Grey
Hair Color White

- Read the document: Done
- Character Stats: Done
- Character's Background: Bottom of alias. Though not extremely detailed it gives a goal for Kresh, a long running one with no real direction. Just that he is going to go out and... well... look for his successor. I can elaborate on some of his family, or I can leave them up to you too characterize.

- Character's Personality:

Polite, considerate and very assertive. Kresh is probably the opposite of what you would expect from a dwarf, while he still enjoys dwarven comforts (in fact he is probably more voracious in his consumption of ale than would normally be safe for someone of his age) he goes against the grain with his massive sweet tooth, and his lack of any martial prowess.

- Character's Appearance, including how tall they are:

Thin, hunched and shaky. Kresh looks exactly like a dwarf of at least one hundred years older than himself. His long white beard reaching well past his waist, though he lacks a mustache and spends lots of time each morning tightly braiding his facial hair. His head is bald except for a long cluster near his neck, that he braids much like his beard. Though weak and slow, Kresh is SUPERNATURALLY tough, he rarely gets ill, and despite looking feeble he has managed too walk from his home to a town for resupply in the middle of a snowstorm. Not to say it wasn't hard, but he did manage it, very impressive for a geezer.

Hello all, I'm the Ifrit Sorceress that was mentioned. I've got the character in the alias already so you can see what I'll be like at least.

@derpdidurid: Two things:
1) I can't find your feats on the sheet.
2) Can you break down how you figured how many spheres you have and what spheres you took? I count 7, but I want to be sure I'm counting right.

Would Spheres of Might happen to be on the table? I've got an idea for a Brute sphere CMB monster, bashing people and things together with repositions and bull rushes and such. That, or a Dual-Sphere magus, perhaps? It wouldn't be unreasonable to allow the change; The sphere casting Archetype for magus really only affects Spell Combat (allowing it to be used with talents) , if I remember correctly, aside from spells.

Yngvild wrote:

One of the existing players posting to let eveyone know what the existing party members are likely to be.

Yngvild is a double axe fighting ranger. Built for a solid blend of melee and skills.

Darn. This was the exact character idea I was excited to submit when I opened this thread.

AdamWarnock wrote:

@derpdidurid: Two things:

1) I can't find your feats on the sheet.
2) Can you break down how you figured how many spheres you have and what spheres you took? I count 7, but I want to be sure I'm counting right.

1) Right at the bottom of statistics.

2) 6 base magic talants, 1 free from Incanter specialization. Gave up all my bonus feats for the nature sphere with some extra stuff and some cleric domanins. Other than that I have warp and life, both with two Magic talents to their name.

derpdidruid wrote:

1) Right at the bottom of statistics.

2) 6 base magic talants, 1 free from Incanter specialization. Gave up all my bonus feats for the nature sphere with some extra stuff and some cleric domanins. Other than that I have warp and life, both with two Magic talents to their name.

1) To borrow a phrase from my nana, if that was a snake, it would have bit me. Thanks for pointing that out, and sorry for being such a dummy.

2)Okay, Just double-checked and Incanters get bonus talents every odd level, so you should have 8 talents/spheres plus the Nature sphere from your specialization.

@Joseph Soltz: I am sad to say that I will not be allowing Spheres of Might until it is released. Sorry.

@The Pale King: You could always go with a healer type character. There's not many who are specializing in it.

Ah, missed the initial +2 talents.

DM-Salsa wrote:

@Joseph Soltz: I am sad to say that I will not be allowing Spheres of Might until it is released. Sorry.

Oh well! Time to think of something else.

Perhaps a Kinetic Scourge Mageknight, tripping and such and generally being a nuisance. I'll look into some things and see if anything strikes my fancy!

@F. Castor; well I'm glad you got alot of your character figured out :) that's an excelent use of the Unorthodox trait btw, I forgot that one existed. As for the Enhancement bonuses, well your Bonded Item gets +1 every odd level after 1st (so +1 at this level) but your normal summoned weapons dont get any. But you can grant non-Enhancement bonuses as well, and those would stack! But anyways :)
I like the image you have going, what with a greatsword zipping around all over the place.

As for my idea (well I actually have 2. But just the one for now), I am going over how best to make an Incanter generalist. The bare bones idea is that of a powerful Incanter, "do everything with magic" kind of caster, but one who spends a fair bit of his magic enabling and buffing allies.
He will also be quite power hungry :)
The main question I have to answer for myself is whether it is better to go pure Incanter or to take a 1 level dip in Whitesmith Armorist.
The Whitesmith dip would cost me a CL in most spheres, a talent and a feat but it would enable me to do some neat tricks with the Enhancement Sphere.

The other idea I had was to make a 4th level Whitesmith Armorist and turn him into a swordsmith (axesmith?), someone who is intent on crafting the most keen blades that he can.
Note on overlap with F. Castor. this will be an important point so I want to highlight just how different the archetypes are. The Whitesmith does not get a Bonded item, nor can he Summon Equipment. The Whitesmith can only affect a real item he has in his hand, but he can affect that item greatly as long as it remains in his hands. The Soaring Blade conjures a blade from thin air, then throws it at people, levitating it in the air with Telekinesis. The Soaring Blade is strong with Telekinesis but weak with Enhancements. Heck, the Whitesmith cant even use 2/3 of the Arsenal Tricks because they only affect the Bonded Item or Summoned Equipment :P
The only real similarities is that they are both Full BAB and use swords (heck, I could maintain F. Castors sword if he wanted me two :p)

Anyways, the idea is all about him creating the perfect sword but so far he can only create magically sharp swords that can only hold their edge for a short time. He has yet to crack the magic to create permenantly magical swords (I'll be taking Craft Magical Arms and Armor next level)


Regarding summoned equipment, unless I am missing something, they do gain enhancement bonuses. All that the Soaring Blade changes is that instead of appearing in your hands, they appear within your telekinesis range.

Spheres of Power Wiki wrote:

Summon Equipment (Su)

An armorist may spend a spell point as a move action to conjure a weapon or shield into her hands, which stays for 1 minute per level before disappearing.

The armorist must be proficient with the weapon or type of shield to summon it, and in the case of exotic weapons, she must have studied a pre-existing version of the weapon for at least 1 week. This weapon or shield is masterwork quality, and while antimagic barriers may prevent the armorist from summoning these items, the items themselves are not considered magical creations and so may not be dispelled. Ranged weapons come with 50 pieces of basic ammunition.

At 5th level, the armorist may conjure any type of armor she is proficient with, either on her own body as a move action or on a touched willing target’s body as a standard action. This causes any armor the target is wearing to disappear in favor of the new armor until the duration is over and the old armor returns. Dismissing summoned equipment is a free action.

Summoned equipment gains a +1 enhancement bonus for every 3 armorist levels the creator possesses, to a maximum of +6 at 18th level. These bonuses may be traded for special qualities according to Table: Bound Equipment. A piece of summoned equipment cannot have higher than a +5 enhancement bonus; enhancement bonuses beyond this amount must be traded for special qualities.

And if it all goes well and I understand things correctly, I am probably going for bound greatswords (plural) rather than bound greatsword (singular). Heh heh heh...

Dotting for interest.

I'm working on a Oracle/Paladin healer that follows Albia, The White Dawn.

How are Traits handled?
I'm assuming two traits based on Yngvild and Schandra.

Yap. And optionally you may also pick a Drawback for a third Trait.

Brain_in_a_Jar wrote:

Dotting for interest.

I'm working on a Oracle/Paladin healer that follows Albia, The White Dawn.

How are Traits handled?
I'm assuming two traits based on Yngvild and Schandra.

Yup and as F. Castor says, you get a third one if you take a drawback.

Completed Applications
-Jorvin Tarvikson, Oread Slayer
-Kresh Oalnear, Dwarf Incanter

@Jorvin: Your background has some good hooks, and I like that. There is one thing that I'd like to point out. The Rise is where a good many of the more savage orc tribes live. Smithhold is the only major settlement in the entire range and it is there that only particularly foolhardy orcs, goblins, and gnolls go near.

@Kresh: Like Jorvin, your background has some good hooks. I would like to know if the tree he's supposed to protect is located? Is it closer to the northern coast, the Rise, or the western coast?

Also, as a heads-up, I'd like to wrap this up this coming Friday so we can get rolling next Monday.

DM-salsa, Yes, i understand that. The intent was that most of the things involving orcs, gnolls, and goblins happened a decent ways from smithhold, but it is the closest settlement to where those events happen, except maybe black keep.

Okay, it's just that the way you worded things made it seem to me that there were no goblins, orcs, or gnolls in the Rise.

Loup Blanc here with a mechanical submission in the alias. Backstory is to come, but while working on this I came up with another concept for a spear-wielding Norden elf hunter. If you think that may be a better fit, or you're willing to entertain two submissions, I'd be happy to write that up alongside or instead of this one. (I also know some people aren't a fan of characters with multiple companions, and I could see how it might get out of hand with ABP--just a concept I've had for some time and thought it could fit for this game.)

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